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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian turned to look at the man and his arms crossed over his lower torso, leg swinging up and draping over his leg as he just stared at the man in front of him. He grumbled a little, taking the smoothie with a simple 'thank you' before he sunk back against the couch. "Yes ... I suppose I did." He admitted, sipping the smoothie a little bit more, eyes closed and he remained where he was, unmoving.

Tomias turned to Nikkos, his eyes pathetic as he did so. "He told you stories ... Didn't he? Oh God! he did the octopus story, didn't he!?"
"Come now, Tomias!" he answered for Nikkos. "When have I ever met one of your lovers and not told that story!" Jupiter laughed and sat down in one of the chairs while Nikkos took a seat on his husband's lap.

"You have no idea!" The brunette grinned at the other man, obviously amused.
Tomias turned to look at Sebastian with a dead-serious look to his features. "You won't have to worry about him becoming a lover. I'm going to kill him tonight while he sleeps." he stated, smiling cheerfully before he leaned over and sipped at the smoothie his nephew had before he set back.

The four were together for a good hour, chatting and actually, Sebastian felt better. The smoothie made him relax, and the confirmation that the man was not a crackpot was reassuring, yet confusing. When the two left, Nikkos gave him another smoothie 'for the road' and he was currently chewing on the straw. He stared in front of him for a while and then turned to look at the man that was beside him. "He ... said that you really do not lie and that most of your visions come true." he admitted, chewing his bottom lip and then sipping some of the smoothie once more, eyes in front of him again. "But ... If you knew ... Why didn't you say anything? Or ... I don't know. I don't know what to say."
It was a nice visit, and Jupiter promised to not disappear for very long periods of time again on Tomias. He dearly loved their friendship and he had missed it considerably. As they strolled across the courtyard, Jupiter listened to the question. "Because you weren't ready," he answered quite simply. "You weren't ready to hear that there was someone else there for you, you weren't ready to have another relationship, you weren't ready to focus on anyone other than yourself..." He'd have thought that the answer would be obvious.
"And why now?" he turned to look at him, forcing himself to stop biting the straw - it was making things difficult to sip. "Were you impatient? Or was it because 'it was time' or ... Just what? Why now? Why would you not want to wait until later on when I could have possibly just fallen for you. Now ... Now I feel obligated!" he admitted, blushing horribly and turning back to his smoothie, sipping the drink, not wanting to look at the man at the moment.
He skipped the first bit of questions. "But you're not obligated," he answered softly, leaning against one of the tables that were in the courtyard. "You talk about me not being able to listen well, but you don't either." Jupiter shook his head, teasing the boy a little bit. "Your uncle told you that most of my visions come true."
He turned to look at the man, staring up at him and pouting pathetically as he did so. "Yes. And you have also said that you know you will be with the one. If I'm the one, then that would be me. And if I deny you, what? does that not make me your soulmate anymore? Or does that mean that I'll wind up with someone who isn't my soulmate? And ... who says you are my soulmate anyway? how do you know that we're 'meant to be'? I ... just need clarification."
"It means that our lives will go on, but on different paths than what should be. It does not mean that you will not find someone who makes you happy, or that will love you completely, it means that he will not love you in the same and special way that a soulmate would." Jupiter shrugged a little bit. He couldn't really explain it any better than that, despite his wanting to.

The question of how he knew was a little easier. "I'm a God, Sebastian. I know many things."
Sebastian groaned and flopped onto the ground, knees to his chest and he sipped at the smoothie a little bit more, merely as a distraction right now. "So ... Why the hell is a god soulmated with ... me?" He asked, eyes pathetic as he looked up at the man in front of him. He blushed faintly and then buried his face into his lap once more. "I'm nothing special. I'm boring and average ... Surely a god would have someone better, right?"
He shook his head and moved to sit on the ground next to Sebastian. He was facing the teen, mimicking his position. "First," he answered, lifting Sebastian's head with his index finger, "we don't pick our soulmate. Second, if you really think that you're not special, or that you're boring, then no amount of time at Avalon can save you."
Sebastian stared up at the man, pouting pathetically as he looked at the man in front of him. "So ... what? You just ... see us together? Or ... What are your visions like?" He asked, eyes staring up at him and he looked so very pathetic as he did so. He wanted to know. He needed to know. What were they like? Were they truly happy? Kids? Move? He ... wanted to know.
"It's...not like that." Jupiter leaned back on his hands, his legs stretching out in front of him and crossing at the ankles. "It's sort of like that little voice that everyone hears at first, you know? But mine is much stronger than most. And sometimes there are flashes of images-I saw your face when they called in the emergency to the hospital that day. I'm not...psychic the way the media makes them out to be. I see. I feel. I hear." He looked at Sebastian. "Does that disappoint you?"
"it annoys me." he stated, sipping a little bit more of the smoothie before he set it to the side and fell forward, plopping his head on the other's stomach, burying his face into his chest. "You couldn't have told me after the wedding? Now it's going to be awkward." he mumbled, growling into his stomach and then pushing his form up from him, setting back and resting his rump on his heels, looking down at the god in front of him. "So ... What are we going to do?"
"It wouldn't have been just as awkward after the wedding?" he questioned, looking down at the head that was on his stomach with a bit of amusement. He found Sebastian to be charming and adorable, though Jupiter tried very hard to hide his feelings. He didn't want to influence the teen in anyway. Though, with the moonlight hitting his face in just that way... The brunette shuddered a little bit. He leaned up and brushed a very soft kiss over Sebastian's lips. "I'm going to bed," he answered as he got up and moved to the house, wondering how awkward sharing a bed would be now.
Sebastian stared at the man, brow arched and he nodded. "Yes. I wouldn't have to have you as my date and really think you're my date." he stated, eyes staying with the man and his lips pouted before the other man brushed his lips against his. He went beet red and pulled back, staring at the man as he left and his hand lifted, resting upon his lips while the man rushed off and to the house. "JERK!" He yelled, remaining where he was and continuing to trail his fingers along his lips. Ugh. He did not like him right now. Not at all.
Jupiter got ready for bed and slipped into the bed. He was tired. Really, he didn't want to admit to Relic or Tanner what was going on, nor did he want to face the awkwardness of sharing a bed with Sebastian.
Slowly, Sebastian made his way up and back to the room. He changed into his pajama pants and a tee shirt, turning to look at the man in the bed and he sighed heavily. He moved to the bed, pulling back the covers and crawling into the bed, tilting his head back to look up at the man with a curious look to his eyes. "When I came into your room that one time ... What were you thinking?"
So much for avoiding awkwardness. If sharing a bed wasn't awkward enough, that question in this situation topped the cake. Jupiter shifted his weight and thought for a minute before answering. "At first I was wondering who else was on the island with us. And then... Well it was a shock, Sebastian. I didn't know at first that you were sleeping and... And it was very hard to not allow you to were...doing."
Sebastian listened to him, grinning happily and he nodded, hoping his amusement could not be seen in the dim light of the moon. "Okay." was all he said, turning so his back was to the other. He nuzzled into the pillow, biting the corner of his bottom lip and smiling all the more. Yes, that definitely made him feel better. It was a little confidence booster of sort that made him feel all the more attractive. "Good night." he said, biting his lip a little more, this time to stop from laughing, giggling, chuckling -- anything to show he found the situation to be quite amusing.
He knew the thoughts, but didn't comment on them. There was no point in embarrassing Sebastian any further.

The wedding came up rather quickly, and Jupiter wasn't really bothered by it. There was no reason for him to be nervous, nor really excited. He slipped into his suit and adjusted his tie leisurely, not really paying attention to the time. He was sure that he had plenty of it. Once ready to go, he lounged back on the bed, contemplating a half hour nap.
"MOM! Relax!" Sebastian yelled, taking the suit and quickly changing into it. He groaned while he made his way back into the bedroom, seeing Jupiter on the bed and he arched a brow. "What are you doing?" he asked, walking over to him and taking his wrist, yanking him out of the bed. "Mom wants to go. Yes, it's an hour early ... but are you really going to argue? No. Just ... move." He stated, pushing at the other's lower back, leading - pushing - him out of the room.
He was amused, really. Relic was adorable and in turn that made Sebastian adorable. Jupiter chuckled as he was forced out of the room, the brunette allowing the other male to do the work of pushing him as he yawned a little bit, teasing. "An hour to go six hundred yards is entirely too much," he commented, attempting to stop dead and then turn around to go back to the room. Playing games with Sebastian was quite fun!
Sebastian stopped, turning and now taking a hold of the back of his pants "No shit!" he commented, still tugging the other man away from the bedroom. "You try telling Mom that! See how far it gets you." he grumbled and continued to try and pull him down the hallway. "He wants to be sure that Viktor and Devon's outfits are all okay and ... just ... Come on!" He pouted while he continued to move down the hall, refusing to let him just show up. If he was being tortured by being an hour early, so was he.
He laughed a little and unhooked Sebastian's hand from his pants, following obediently down stairs. Jupiter felt like a puppy. It didn't matter much, though. They all trooped over to the house and Jupiter made himself at home. He knew Rune. Not as well as Tomias-they weren't friends, nor had they ever dated, but he enjoyed torturing the man quite a bit.
Rune was currently brooding. The wedding was taking place at their house. It was lovely! It just ... was annoying. He grumbled, moving through the living room and stopped instantly, turning to see Jupiter and he narrowed his eyes at the man. "Why are you in my living room? Better yet -- why are you in my house?" he asked, arms crossed over his lower torso as he growled faintly under his breath. Really... Jupiter was almost as bad as Aphrodite! Almost. Very big almost ... He could at least stand Jupiter and, well, it was a mutual torture thing.
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