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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I was invited," he answered with a simple shrug, smiling at Rune. "Surely you wouldn't displace a guest of your son's wedding, would you?" It was a stupid question because of course Rune Lin would, but that wasn't the point, either.

Calder was a bit more calm. He had his cooking to keep him busy and his mind off of the insane goings on in his home. Relic was running around like a madman, Rune was...upset about something, Viktor was so nervous he looked like he was about to puke... And then there was Tanner who simply slipped into the kitchen and began to help in whatever way he could. He knew the man was his best friend for a reason!
Rune narrowed his eyes at the man, easily reading just why he was here and he growled a little bit more. "Never knew you were one to go pedophile." He hissed before he perked up. "OI! IS JADE HERE?!" he asked, turning to look around with curiosity. He really wondered just where those two had gone off to... Speaking of pedos.

Jade came running when he heard his name, skidding to a halt in front of his mama, staring up at him before he looked at the man on the couch then back to the other. "Yes, Mama?"

"Oh. nothing. Just ... not sure if you arrived yet."

Trevor, in the meantime, slid into the kitchen, helping Calder greatly with everything. He easily moved through the kitchen fluidly, despite not being there much. He moved around gracefully and took out the things currently in the oven, using his powers so that his hands could continue stirring the dressing that they were. The pan was set onto the counter, the new food that had to go in then being placed inside, door shut and then turned to Calder. "Papa... Is this how you wanted it?" he questioned, mood neutral and unscathed as ever while he held out the bowl to be tasted.

Sebastian moved into the living room, seeing Rune and he groaned. "You know him too?" he asked, sighing heavily and rubbing at his temples. "Suppose the man who fucked Hades would know him..." he moved, finally escaping his mother really, and flopped onto the couch, knees pulled to his chest and he looked up at the two, eyes traveling from one to the other before they closed. "At least I don't have to do introductions."
Calder moved over when he could and kissed Trevor's temple in greeting...and thanks. His powers were a great help, as were the blond's hands. He tasted the dressing and nodded. "Perfect, like always." Smiling, Calder went back to icing the cake while Tanner mashed potatoes. They made a great team, and it made Calder wonder about opening a catering business together. Well. That was for another day.

Laughing, Jupiter shook his head. "I have not slept with him so therefore I cannot be classified as such." He stuck his tongue out at Rune, though he had to laugh at Sebastian's surprise. "If you know one, you know them all," he explained with a little shrug. It was hard to not know the entire family once you were close with one of them.

Moving in after Jade, Murasaki wrapped his arms around the male from behind and pressed a kiss to his head. "He's over eighteen so therefore I'm no longer a pedophile." The purple haired man stuck his tongue out at Rune and lead Jade off through the house.
Rune narrowed his eyes at the purple-haired man that was there. "You still fucked him when he was thirteen." he hissed, grumbling and then turning back to Jupiter, rolling his eyes. "Of course not. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole." he stated, sticking his tongue out at the man before he heard his name being called by his brother, sighing heavily. He turned on his heel and moved off to the room where the cross-dressing male was currently spazzing about.

Sebastian sighed heavily, resting his head into his lap and he shrugged. "That's reassuring." he mumbled and then flopped to the side, away from Jupiter and into the pillows. "how much longer now? Forty-five minutes?"
He lead Jade into one of the back rooms that was empty, smiling a little as he did. The professor kissed the other man softly, nuzzling along his neck a little bit as he did so. He was still standing behind Jade and as he kissed him, Murasaki pulled out a box, which contained a ring and held it in front of his love. "Will you marry me?" was whispered to him, their cheeks pressed together as he waited. Murasaki was sure that Jade could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but tried to ignore that thought until he answered.
Jade arched a brow as he was led into a random room. He looked up at his love, kissing him back happily, smiling warmly. Mm. He always loved his affections. He smiled happily before he pulled back to look down at the ring held before him, his words slowly sinking into his mind. he grinned and nodded, pressing a firm kiss to his lips. "Yes!" He said happily, giggling as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, gripping him tightly and nuzzling into his cheeks, smiling even more. He pulled back with a giggle, holding out his hand so that the other could put the ring onto his finger.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Murasaki slipped the sapphire and amethyst ring onto his love's finger, kissing him passionately. He didn't think that Jade would ever say 'no', but he'd been struck with nerves, anyway. They stood like that for many minutes before he slowly pulled back to look at his new fiance. "We'll wait to tell everyone, hmm?" he suggested, kissing Jade's forehead. "Today's Viktor's and Devon's day."
Jade groaned. He really, really wanted to go tell everyone, but he nodded. He lent up and kissed his lips, relaxing once more. He wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him and giggling happily. "Okay." he agreed softly, leaning up once more to kiss him. He was taller, but Murasaki was still taller than him. He was only five nine, so he still had to lean up to kiss him. He took his hand, lacing their fingers and leading the way out of the room to go investigate his cousin. He moved, releasing Murasaki once closer, hopping onto the couch, wiggling between him and the god and giggling all the more. "Sebastian! how have you been?" he asked, arm wrapped around his cousin's waist and he nuzzled into his shoulder absently.

Sebastian arched a brow, looking at the man beside him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. Stuck with him for the past six some-odd weeks ... It's lovely.' he said, tone showing he was not thrilled, but well, at least things could be worse.
"You enjoyed yourself," Jupiter challenged, poking his tongue out at the male. "And it's better than having been stuck with Sin or Satan." That was a given, but he had to point out the worst situations. "Or in the hospital." He rose, ruffling Sebastian's hair a little bit before moving into the kitchen to see who needed help with what.

As he entered, Calder directed him to making the salad. Jupiter did so happily, chatting away with the three men, telling embarrassing stories of Tomias, and a couple that he had of Rune, too.
Soon enough, the beautiful ceremony commenced and the reception was taking place. The small little get-together was great. Of course ... with one too many stories, Rune easily made his way to his older brother's table. He sat beside him, turning to look at the man with quite the murderous intent in his eyes. "We could throw him into the water with a twenty-five pound weight to each ankle." He offered, really not liking the stories being told.

Tomias turned to look at him, having the ever-so-innocent look to his features. "i was thinking superglue in his food." he admitted, arms crossed over his lower torso and he pouted. "he told the octopus story!" he whined before looking back over to the god. "Or we could just tie him up, lock him in a closet, and castrate him ... the latter for Sebastian's sake, mind you. Poor boy." he shook his head and then turned to look at the man beside him once more.
Jupiter was enjoying his torturing Rune and Tomias. So much so that he even convinced Nikkos to allow him to dance with his husband. As they moved around the dance floor, he looked up to his old friend laughing. "I missed you, Mias," he confessed smiling a bit. "You give me great material for story time!"
Tomias sighed heavily, his arms wrapped around the other's slender frame while they moved across the dance floor. He looked down at him and shook his head a bit more. "You're lucky my children are ... mostly grown up." he glanced over to Alexander who, of course, was sitting side-by-side to Adamair. He then moved his eyes back to the man in front of him. "Must you tell so many stories?" he sighed heavily, eyes closing and he groaned a bit more. "Next, you'll tell them about me and Shakespeare!" he stopped a bit, looking down at him with a horrified look. "Oh god... You did, didn't you?!"
"Only once!" he confessed. "And only Nikkos!" He stuck his tongue out. "You knew I was a story teller when you met me and yet you still chose to be my friend. What does that say about you?" They chatted a bit more, Jupiter promising to keep his stories (about Tomias) to a minimum. The dance ended and the brunette made his way back to Sebastian's side. "Okay?" he asked, unsure if the teen was uncomfortable or not.
At the moment, Sebastian was contenting himself with doodling on the piece of paper his uncle Calder happily gave to him. His legs were crossed beneath him and his eyes kept focused to the paper. Of course, he had not realized until he was snapped out of his little world that, on the page, was a very in-depth picture of Danny. He blinked a few times, looking over at Jupiter and then the page, blushing faintly as he turned the paper over and set the pencil down. "I'm fine. Thanks."
Reaching forward, Jupiter took the paper to look at it, curious. Sebastian was quite talented, really. He placed the paper back down in front of the male, face up. "It's okay to think about him," he offered, patting the male's hand. "It's okay to talk to him, and to wish he was still here, too." Perhaps he hadn't told Sebastian that enough over the past few weeks, but he needed to hear it, it seemed.
Sebastian blushed even more when he took the paper up. His knees moved against his chest and he buried his face, nose down, into his knees and lap. He then peeked out over his knees to see the drawing in front of him. He stared at it, feeling his eyes water with tears and he took in a deep breath before standing up. "Excuse me ... I have to use the restroom." he whispered, turning on his heel, he began to walk off, not really wanting to spoil the fun just because he suddenly had a crying-fit. He kept it together fairly well, too. at least until he was inside of the house. That was when he just crumbled. Sliding down the wall, knees to his chest, arms around his legs, and his face buried into his thighs while he sobbed.
Jupiter let him go off for a minute before following him. He knew that Sebastian was hurting and didn't want to allow him to wallow in his own self pity for too long. The man sighed when he found the other, bending down and lifting him up easily. Jupiter moved them to the living room, sitting Sebastian on one end of the sofa before sitting next to him. Really, he'd have preferred to hold the teen in his lap, but didn't know how Sebastian would take that.
Sebastian crumbled, even more, when they were on the couch. He fell to the side, his head resting on the other's lap and he curled up even more. He let the tears flow, not being able to stop them even if he wanted to. His arms tightened around his legs and he cried even more now. Now, he was torn. He loved Danny so, so, so much. He did. And, yes, he was starting to come to terms with everything but then ... there was Jupiter. Who, apparently, was his soulmate. What was he supposed to do with that?
He wrapped an arm around Sebastian's waist and carded his fingers through his hair, trying desperately to comfort the other male. Jupiter read the thoughts, but didn't want to talk about them-Sebastian was too upset to hear him anyway. Of course, if the teen asked that would be a different story, but for the moment he sat in silence with him, offering whatever comfort he could.
"What am I s-supposed to do?" He whispered, still sniffling and crying a little bit. He kept his eyes closed for a moment before he slowly turned onto his back, his head on the other's thigh and his eyes looked up and into Jupiter's. His ice blue pools were will filled with tears, but at least now they were tamed. "What if I ... I don't feel anything for you? Or ... or what if i can't get over him?" he asked, waiting for the answer that the other man would give to him. He really did not know anymore. He just felt so, so very broken. And now, he was broken and confused.
"You will always wonder, Sebastian. It's a part of human nature." Reaching forward, Jupiter wiped away the stray tears that were falling down the male's cheeks. "So what if you don't come to care for me?" he asked with a little shrug. "That doesn't mean that I can't still care for you, or love you, or whatever may come to pass." The god shook his head a little bit. "I didn't tell you that so that you would become confused. I told you because you needed to know that there is someone out there-who is not a family member-who truly cares about you."
Sebastian closed his eyes when he felt the other brush away the tears. "And ... what if I ... do ... like you?" he asked, keeping it as simple as that for the moment, despite the lovely red tinting to his cheeks and the fact he was positive that the other man knew what he was thinking. That really was annoying. He thought he was lucky not having Rune as a parent to constantly prod into his mind and spoil his fun. Uncle Mias stopped doing those things but ... he avoided all those, only to be soul-mated to a god with the same ability? Lovely.
"I don't understand," he answered softly, trying very hard not to read the thoughts. He didn't like to invade Sebastian's privacy. "Why are you worried about whether you like me or not, Sebastian?"
Sebastian turned a beet red from the neck up and he just wanted to melt away, or run away, neither of which he could do at the moment. so, he kept his eyes closed, took in a few breaths, and began to calm himself a little bit more. "Be ... Because I ... think I am beginning to ... to like you. and ... and I know it's not betraying him or anything ... He is d-dead bu.. but I ... I don't know how to function! That. .. That's the only way I can think to explain it! I ... I don't know what to do."
Jupiter smiled softly, the red in Sebastian's cheeks making him want to kiss him. But he didn't. Instead, he got himself under control and continued to run his fingers through his hair, trying to come up with something to help him. "It's okay, Sebastian," he offered softly. "Everything is very new to you. I think that, in time, your heart will tell you what to do, and you will begin to feel more comfortable." Jupiter looked down at the other. "In the mean time, focus on you-on making yourself happy again. The rest will fall into place. I promise."
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