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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian remained quiet for a while, just thinking at the moment. Slowly, he pushed his form up from lying on the other man's lap. He turned to look at the man, eyes traveling along his form and he lent forward, softly pressing his lips to his. Once more, his eyes slipped closed and his lips began to kiss his a bit more passionately. He was just trying to sort everything out, see if there really was a spark and well -- there was. There was a lovely spark, and that was the reason the broken boy changed to straddling the other man's hips, hands resting on his torso and his lips continuing to caress along his.
Watching with interest as Sebastian sat up, Jupiter's eyes went a little first. They then slipped closed, the brunette not able to help himself from returning the kiss. His hands fell to Sebastian's hips, and then wound around his waist as the kiss deepened, pulling the teen more closely to him. They continued for several moments before Jupiter pulled away, his eyes staying closed for an extra minute before he was able to open them and look up at the other male.
Sebastian looked at the man in front of him, blushing horribly before he took in a deep breath and pulled away even more. Yep. Definite butterflies. He blushed a little more and slid off his lap, brushing down the front of his suit a little bit, more out of a distraction than anything else. "W-well um... that was ... um ... yeah .... okay... I think I'm hungry." He turned and began to make his way back toward the courtyard where everyone else was, mind whirling around a mile a minute.
Amused by the reaction, Jupiter followed the other out to the courtyard, taking his place for dinner. He was hungry, too, though his mind was definitely somewhere else. They would have to talk about that when they got back to the house. And whether or not Avalon was a good idea once more. Jupiter didn't think it was-Sebastian seemed to be thriving in the social environments-but he would listen to the teen's thoughts and concerns as best he could.
Sebastian was bombarded once he stepped foot onto the courtyard ground. Adamair pounced the male, squealing happily with a cheerful "DANCE WITH ME" before dragging the protesting male onto the dancefloor. He tugged his sibling close to his form, beginning to move to the music with him, despite the other not really into it, at least it contented his older brother, what more could he ask for? Other than ... not dancing.
Watching him be whisked away, Jupiter laughed a little. He waited a minute or so before abandoning his plate and moving over to the two siblings. He tapped Adamair on the shoulder. "May I cut in?" he asked, smiling innocently at them both. Neither could read his thoughts but it was hard for him to remember that sometimes.
Adamair perked up, looking at the man that interrupted them and pouting. He glanced from his brother then to the man and grumbled. "Fine." he murmrued, turning and rushing off toward Alexander, leaping on the man, straddling his hips and grinding into him playfully. "Wanna ... disappear for a while?" he asked softly, nose trailing along his neck gently.

Sebastian looked up at the man, chewing his bottom lip and sihging heavily. "Here to force me to dance? Great."
"You think that little of me?" he asked shaking his head at both the question and Adamair's behavior. Jupiter offered his hand to Sebastian, intending to lead him back to the table so that the male could eat and stay out of the spotlight. "I would never force you into anything you do not wish to do," he answered. "Unless it truly and really was for your own good."
he stared up at him and sighed heavily while he was moved off and to the table once more. He sat down, taking the piece of paper from before and gently folding it up - being sure to not crease the face - and he slipped it into the side of the boots he wore. His attention then went to the food in front of him before slowly to the god beside him. "Why ... do you want me? I know I'm supposed to love myself, work on myself first but ... it's part of my process. Just ... why?"
They ate for a few minutes before the question was asked. Jupiter didn't really have to think at all. "Because you're charming," he answered, keeping his voice soft so that their conversation remained somewhat private. "Because you have a good heart and a good soul. You're engaging. You blush a lovely shade of red when teased, and you allow me to torture you much like your uncle does. I expect when you're feeling better you'll return the torturing, given your genetics." He looked at the teen for a moment. "I find you funny and engaging, and I like taking care of you."
"Damn." he whispered, turning a bright little red while he chomped on the food absently. Chewing into the meat prepared by his cousin and uncle, just distracting himself right now. How could he ... deny him anything with that answer? Sheesh. How dare he be alluring in those lovely words. He sipped his shirley temple, still not wanting to look at the man. Not yet anyway. the butterflies combined with the fact with what he spoke? Yea. He stood no chance at even looking at him without turning beet red.
He understood the words that weren't said and left the conversation at that. Jupiter loved to embarrass Tomias and Rune. That wasn't his goal for Sebastian. Not yet, anyway.

The night progressed along well and it wasn't long after the happy couple left for their honeymoon that Jupiter was ready to go. He was tired and disliked social settings a bit. He preferred intimate settings with only five or ten people to pay attention to. "Are you ready to go?" he asked. If Sebastian wasn't, then Jupiter had no qualms about walking home.
Sebastian perked up when the man came to him. He looked around, seeing his mother and father still talking with the others and then everyone else cleaning up and the like. He then turned to the man beside him, nodding to his question. "mhm." He stated, walking to his mother, kissing his cheek and letting him know they were walking, and then he returned to Jupiter. "Let's ... go." he then began to make his way out of the courtyard and toward the sidewalk, knowing a lovely nighttime walk would be very welcomed.
Smiling, Jupiter said his goodbyes and then made his way out to the front of the house with the other male. They strolled rather slowly, the god in no real rush, just not wanting to be surrounded by people anymore. "So?" he asked as they walked. "Do you think going back to Avalon would help you any more than it has?"
Sebastian stared in front of him for a while, silently thinking while they strolled down the sidewalk. "I'm ... not sure." he admitted, stretching his arms above his head and groaning a little bit at the sensation of his back cracking. "I love Avalon, but I also don't mind being here." He waited a few moments then turned to look at the man beside him, a bit of a pleading look to his features. "You'd still stay with me, right?" That was his main thing. If he was to stay here without him, he knew that he would only go back to wanting to end it all, but if he stayed, then he had someone who indefinitely had time for him and wanted to be around him and, well, it would just be all around better if he stayed.
He thought for a moment, choosing to answer the question of staying very last. "I think that Avalon has done what it can for you, Sebastian. It has allowed your physical wounds to heal without any stress to them, and your stay there allowed the very worst of your emotional wounds to begin their healing process. I think now it will be good to start being around people again, as well as working towards entering your bedroom, going back to school..." In short, Jupiter wanted the teen to begin to be a normal teenaged boy again.

"Yes, I will stay," he finally answered after another couple of feet. "Not in your parents home, mind you, but my home is not far away and is open to you as you please."
Sebastian nodded before he stopped instantly when the man said that he would not be staying with him. He turned to look at him before his brows furrowed and he turned sharply on his heel, beginning to walk away without a word. He knew that if he spoke anything, it would only be bitter and not a very nice comment. So, instead, he walked. Well, stormed away really. His hands balled into fists at his sides while he tried to think of some place to go to. There had to be somewhere, right? Just somewhere to distract himself with before he punched that bloody god in the face.
Unsure of what had just happened, Jupiter quickly followed after Sebastian. It took him a minute to get close enough, but when he did, the brunette took hold of the teen's arm with a bit of a strong grip, and pulled him to a stop. He looked down at him, eyes rather fierce; strong. "If you don't tell me what it was that upset you, I can't explain or fix it."
Sebastian turned around when his arm was grabbed, turning to glare up at the man, yanking his arm away from his grip. "Why won't you stay?!" He yelled, not caring how illogical he was being at losing his temper over this thing. His brows furrowed a little more as he stared up at the man. "It's ... bull shit! You're supposed to be my soulmate so ... WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!?" His arms crossed over his lower torso and he quickly whipped around again, beginning to walk down the sidewalk again.

"And I'm not running away! I'm resisting the urge to punch you." He clarified, continuing to walk, taking in many deep breaths.
Sighing, Jupiter once more caught up with the teen and stopped him from walking. It was only a split second before their lips came together almost violently, the brunette holding Sebastian tightly to him. "Because," he stated when their lips pulled away and he was breathless. "Because then I would have to control myself from doing that!"
Sebastian took in a sharp breath when he was suddenly in the other's arms, kissing him in quite the heatedly strong way. His eyes fluttered closed and he took in a deep and shuddering breath as he did so. He kept his eyes closed, hands wrapped tightly around the front of the other man's shirt, holding onto him and he definitely could feel the butterflies now. Oh yes. So much so that his knees were already quite weak. Well, that was not a very good thing.

Staying where he was for a while more, his eyes slowly opened to look up at the god in front of him, mind racing with so many different emotions. "So ... um ... give me a second." He said, holding up a forefinger and releasing the man, only to fall onto his rump. His knees gave out and he took in a deep breath to relax a little bit more, trying to soothe his nerves.

"So ... you think that's a bad thing?"
Rolling his eyes, Jupiter reached down and helped Sebastian up and off of the ground. "Not...bad," he answered, helping to support the male around his waist. "It's just...not appropriate yet," the god explained softly as they began to walk again. "You're not ready yet, and that's okay. But you need to be before I allow myself to do such things without thinking of the consequences."
Sebastian chewed his bottom lip while they began to walk back toward the house. "But ... I don't want to be alone. And you know what I mean! I've only been explaining it for the past six fucking weeks." he growled a little and then turned to look at the man beside him, narrowing his gaze as he did so. "You suck." He stated, pushing him away and then beginning to walk a bit faster in front of him. Arms crossed over his lower torso and he continued to make his way home, thinking about how big of a bonfire he could get with all the things in his room.
He was frustrated now, unsure of how to proceed. But he wasn't going to let the teen walk away from him, either. Jupiter moved quickly and stopped when he cut Sebastian off. "Who said anything about you being alone?" he asked, looking at the other with a very stern look. "You will go to school, you can come and spend time with me after-I might be making rounds, or tending to patents but I will be there for you." Jupiter took the male's face in his hands. "I'm only doing what I think will help you, Sebastian."
Sebastian growled when he was stopped - again - by the man. His eyes kept to him and he rolled the icy blue orbs a second later. His hand pressed into the other's chest, pushing him out of his way and walking past him with an annoyed, "Whatever" passing his lips as he continued toward his house. His eyes closed and he continued to walk, ignoring the man right now. he was annoyed with him, obviously. He was not happy that he was not going to stay with him. He was not happy that he would not be able to see him when he woke up. Stupid prick. Got him so wound around him then just ... leaves.
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