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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian whimpered and turned on his heel. He disappeared up the stairs, the bathroom door closing behind him, cold water turning on and he stepped into the shower a moment later. Yep. This just ... sucked.

Relic watched the other leave and then turned to the man beside him now. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared at the man there. "Seriously?" he questioned, growling a little bit more. "That's my baby!" He stated and he watched the other man make the pancakes. His eyes kept with the man, traveling along his form and them once more back to his eyes. "Soulmates or not ... He's fifteen and you're .. how old? No. Six weeks is not enough time!" he protested, ignoring the fact that he and Tanner were fucking within twelve hours ... still.
Once the first batch of pancakes were on the griddle, Jupiter turned to Relic. "He is fifteen," he answered. "But isn't it like Jade? He's been through so much that he's grown much past fifteen, or even twenty, in the past six weeks. You know me, Relic-and if you feel you don't, then your brother most certainly does. If I didn't feel that way, then this wouldn't be an issue." He sighed a little and flipped the pancakes before speaking again. "I won't disrespect you or your home, but I implore you to talk to your son. If my instincts are right-and they usually are-he's looking for stability in a partner; a friend. He's looking for the closeness that comes with sex."
Relic listened to the man and his eyes slipped closed as he did so. "They're different situations. Child-prostitute versus the boy who used to have sex with his boyfriend that was his own age ... Do not compare." his eyes slowly opened and looked back at the man beside him once more. "But, since I know I cannot stop him, I merely ask that you don't do anything in my home. You have your own place. Take him there. Weren't you going home anyway?" he groaned and rubbed at his temples a little bit before his eyes lifted to the man once more. "Just ... He's my baby..."
"But Sebastian lost the one he felt was his forever. It changed him, Relic." Jupiter moved over and pressed a kiss to the man's temple, and then moved the pancakes to the plate and put a new patch on the hot griddle. "I think that maybe some family therapy would help all of you. I can suggest a colleague of mine if you'd like. Talk it over with Tanner first." He smiled at the other with the promise of no sex in the house.

"And I attempted to leave. Your baby acted as just that: a baby." He stuck his tongue out at Relic and laughed a little. "Made me chase him the whole way home last night, and then attempted to sleep on the sofa." Jupiter shook his head.
"Exactly!" Relic protested, his hands dropping at his sides and he looked over at the man beside him. "He's only a baby and yes he is emotionally strong he ... is still a child." He groaned, pouting pathetically as he stared down at the pancakes, stealing one up and into his mouth, chewing it absently. "Just ... don't hurt him. I know you won't intend to, but keep in mind he's still fragile and still very young. He puts on a good show, but when it comes down to it, he is small... with a short temper. He's a cranky little thing."
"You have my word." Breakfast was fixed and put on the table for everyone, including Alexander who had decided to join them. Jupiter set everyone up and then dashed upstairs to find Sebastian. The brunette knocked on the bathroom door, calling out to the teen, hoping that he was alright. "Sebastian? Are you okay?"
Sebastian stared at the door for a while before he walked to the door, opening it up and letting out a little cry, his wrists bleeding and he let out a pathetic whimper before he laughed, wiping off the blood on his towel and smirking at the small wounds already healed. He lent up and kissed his lips before laughing a little more. "Aah. Sorry. had to. Sexual frustration. Anywho! Let me put pants and a shirt on and I'll be right there." He stepped past him before he turned back to the man again and kissed his lips. "Don't worry ... I ... want to live." He whispered in reassurment and then walked past him toward the bedroom once more.
He gasped, moving quickly for a towel before the wounds were healed. Jupiter growled and reached forward to give a little smack to the male's rear end. "Don't scare me like that." The brunette grumbled a little bit as he moved out of the room and back down to the dining room. Tanner raised an eyebrow at him, but he shrugged it off. There was no point in scaring the two men. He'd just make Sebastian pay for his little 'prank' later on.
Sebastian walked through the house, once he was in a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, he moved to the dining room, kissing his parents on their cheeks and then moved to sit between his mother and Jupiter. Right leg crossed over his left and he looked over at his mother before he lent over to kiss his cheek once more.
Breakfast was nice. The brunette enjoyed spending time with the family, despite being a bit upset at Sebastian for the trick he pulled upstairs. Only after everything was cleaned up did Jupiter tug the teen upstairs. Relic's comment of whether or not he was leaving had made him uncomfortable, and he was unsure of staying now. They had to talk about it-both of them had to talk about it.

He explained himself to Sebastian, and explained that no decision was made, that these were simply feelings and he wanted to make a decision together.
Sebastian squeaked softly when he was tugged back up the stairs. He sat down on the bed, crossing his legs beneath his form and he listened to the other man. His hands moved and cupped his cheeks, pushing them together to purse his lips into fish-like ones. "You know where I want you." He stated, leaning forward and kissing lips lips softly. "How about ... slowly moving back in?" He offered, eyes to his with a small smile to his lips. "Stay a few nights here ... a few nights there and ... kinda of slowly let me ease into living back with just my family..."
His hands rested at Sebastian's hips as he listened to the suggestion. It sounded like it would work and that everyone would be okay with it, but Jupiter still wanted his parents to be okay with it. He said so. "But if they agree, then I will agree. And I think that it's perhaps best for you to be eased into new-old situations." The god leaned forward and kissed the teen softly.

"And I like this-talking rather than chasing you down a dark street."
He looked up at the man, listening to him and he stuck his tongue out at him just a bit. He nodded and took a hold of the other's hand, holding up his forefinger and then walking toward the door. He kept a grip on his wrist and poked his head out. "MOM! Jupiter and I are going to borrow something from Uncle Rune! We'll be back ... in a few hours!"

The man was instantly in front of the two, staring down at the other and narrowing his eyes a bit. "WHAT?!"

The teen grinned and shook his head. 'Nope! Lied. Not into that. Just wanted you up here." he grinned when he saw the relief from his mother. He continued to hold onto the other's wrist, swaying their hands back and forth absently. "How about he slowly moves back? here a few nights, there a few nights, and soon, you only have me to worry about ... and maybe him every once in a while."

Relic still was relaxing over the toys thing. He groaned and pushed his fingers through his hair. "Hm?" he whispered and then truly thought over everything and then nodded a little. "Fine. Still no sex." he stated, narrowing his eyes at the man behind his son before he shook his head. "Let me just ... go catch my heart...." He mumbled, turning and made his way toward his own bedroom. "You. Pedo .. you get two weeks before you're back in your own home."
He held his hands up in defeat, agreeing. It wouldn't be good to overstay his welcome. He turned to Sebastian. "I'll stay tonight, and sleep a few nights at home starting tomorrow." He kissed his temple softly and wrapped his arms around the teen's waist from behind, hugging him. It was a nice feeling to begin and start acting like a couple, though neither of them had made it official. "You can call me if you need me, though." Despite whatever Tanner or Relic said, Jupiter would be at the house in minutes if Sebastian needed him.
Sebastian watched his mother walk away and then smiled when he was held by the other. Damn. He really was falling for him. Bastard. He kept his arms around his form, his hands on top of his arms and he led the way down the hall once more. "Of course." He stated and then moved to his old bedroom. He stopped in front of it for a moment before he took in a deep breath and moved into the area once more. He walked through the room and over to his camera. Holding it up to face them, he grinned and took a picture. He turned it around to look at the picture, chuckling as he did so. "Lovely." he stated, setting it down and then looking around his bedroom once more.

"It's ... I cleaned yesterday... last night... this morning."
He shook his head at the picture, but took in the state of the bedroom. It was rather bare, with only a couple of mementos from the past. It had been a huge step for the teen to take, and Jupiter was proud of him. He said so, pressing a little kiss to the male's forehead. "If you'd like to, we can go shopping to add some color; decoration." It was only a suggestion.
Sebastian thought about the suggestion for a while, staring in front of him at the bland room and he nodded a few times. "Or..." he began, turning in his embrace and he slid his hands up the other's chest, smirking deviously as he did so. "We can just have sex in it and not care about the decor." He offered, smirking even more before he blushed and took a large step back, remembering his mother having been to protestant against sex in his house. He shook his head. "Or erm ... shopping." He added in a light whisper, arms tightly wound about his form and he kept his eyes to the room, knowing that looking at him would only be bad.
Smirking, Jupiter took the male's hand, kissing the palm as he lead him towards the front door. "Come on! I know the perfect place!" It was times like these that made the brunette glad that he was the one who could read minds, and not the other way around.
Sebastian was ... oh so happy. He nodded, walking after him out of the room and smiling gently to the other. "Okay." He stated and then looked around. "BE BACK MOM! We're going shopping!" he yelled, not feeling right to just leave. He slipped into his shoes and he continued after the other. "Oi... How are we getting to... wherever?" He asked, eyes to the back of the brunette's head.
"We're tak---er---borrowing Tomias' car, of course!" Sad thing was, he was serious. The brunette grabbed the keys, leaving a note that the car would be returned unharmed, and then jumped in, speeding off only when he was sure that Sebastian was buckled in safe.

It didn't take long to arrive at his home. Jupiter pulled up to the front and turned the engine off, looking to Sebastian as he climbed from the car. "What do you think?"
Sebastian settled into the car, watching the scenery go by and he definitely was shocked by the house. He stared at it for a while and said a simple, "That I lied to my parents" and then turned to look at the man. He arched a brow at him, truly curious about his motives. "Or do you have things to spice up my bedroom in your home?" he questioned, eyes traveling along his form and then once more back to his eyes, a smile to his lips. "Or is it that you want to spice up your bedroom?" He grinned, figuring that that was the answer. He was quite amused by him at the moment. Had he been that turned-on by his words? He had only partially meant what he said. Okay, partial meaning about 15 percent of his body not minding to stop.
"I'm not allowed to have things to spice up your bedroom," he reminded Sebastian as he moved into the house, holding the door open for him. "Your mother would kill me. Tomias probably would, too." The keys were tossed on the counter while Jupiter moved into the kitchen for something to drink. He poured them both a glass of water. "Besides, maybe I had a design idea from here, hmm?" he asked, sticking his tongue out.
He followed into the house. He liked it. It was adorable! Really, really adorable. He just wanted to ... stay here. He really found it cute and cozy and he would have thought a god would have had much more lavish of a house. He was glad he did not though. He smiled absently before following into the kitchen. He rested against the counter, taking the water with a soft 'thanks' and then sipping the fluids. "Do you have a design idea?" he asked, hiding his smirk from the man with the glass.
"No," he confessed, laughing. Jupiter moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa, relaxing back. He missed his house, despite the fact that he fully enjoyed the time he'd spent with Sebastian. "Why? Does something inspire you?"
Sebastian shrugged at his question, making his way toward the living room with the man. He set the glass down, sitting himself beside him and he then flopped to the side, head upon his lap and he looked out the window, smiling softly. "Little bit ... I like the ... nature of it all." He admitted, a faint pink tinting to his cheeks and he turned his head to the side to look up at him. He kept his gaze with the brunette before turning away once more, staring at the ground and keeping his eyes closed for now.
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