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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Frustrated, Jupiter let him walk to the house three feet in front of him. There was nothing he could do if Sebastian didn't want to talk to him rationally about just what was bothering him. Besides, in the end, he would win. They still had to share a bed.

Once they got home, Jupiter moved right upstairs to change. He was beginning to get uncomfortable in the suit. The brunette stripped to his boxers and then went fishing around in the drawers of the dresser that held his clothes, pulling out a pair of pajama pants and lying them on the bed while he went to brush his teeth.
Sebastian was in the room well before the other man. The man's suitcase was out and on the bed, already being filled with his things and by the time the bathroom door opened once more, Sebastian had all his things ready. The suitcase having clothes and pants sticking out and he just did not care. He held the other man's pajama pants out to him and his eyes showed a mixture of hurt and just plain pissed-off as he stared up at the man. "Here you are. Have a nice trip home. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."
Shaking his head, Jupiter took the pants and pulled them on, and then the suitcase, which was once more unpacked into the drawers of the dresser. "That's enough. Honestly, Sebastian." He sighed and sat on the bed, hoping that the other male would come and sit with him, but he didn't say anything about it. "I understand. I understand your fear and dislike of being alone. What confuses me is that you say things like that; that you're supposed to be my soulmate so why would I leave you, and in the same breath you tell me you are not ready to be anyone's anything. What am I supposed to do?"
"You're supposed to know!" he yelled, refusing to sit by him at the moment. He stared at him from where he was. "You said you would give me time. You said you were waiting for me. Waiting for me does not mean leaving me! Can't you already tell that I'm falling for you, you worthless god! You read my mind, and you don't see it?! I'm confused. I don't want to move on, my mind does not want to move on, but my heart and body do. What ... What am I supposed to do with that? I don't want you to go away and ... I don't want to risk losing you too! You ... You stupid jerk! SIX weeks. I've known you for six weeks and ... and already you .. you've turned my life upside down."

he took in a shuddering breath before the tears poured down his cheeks once more. "I wanted to be bitter! I wanted to hate the world, hate you, hate ... everyone for taking him from me but ... but you ... you come and you save me and ... and tell me such n-nice things and ... How can I hate you now?! How... how can I not want to live when ... when I want to live for you. for myself... For ... for us..."
Standing, his arms immediately went around Sebastian's shoulders, hugging him tightly. "You are at no risk of losing me," he promised, leaning down and pressing his lips to the top of the teen's head. "I care very deeply for you, Sebastian, and I want only what's in your best interest. But if I do or say or want something that you feel isn't, you can't get mad and storm off. You have to talk to me-just tell me what isn't right, and what you think is."
"I told you already. I want you here." He stated, pushing the other away and staring up at him with quite the pathetic look to his features. "I don't want to be separated from you. I don't mind staying here. Fine. Sure. Whatever. Just ... ugh!" He yelled, pushing the other away once more so that he could move past him, scooping up some of his pajama pants as he did so. "I'm sleeping on the couch. Don't follow me. I don't want to talk." He stepped out of the room, slamming the door behind him and already stripping as he made his way down the stairs. His jacket was thrown toward the door, followed by his tie, button-down shirt, then went the belt, pants, and at the top of the stairs were his boxers, the boy tugging on the pants as he walked toward the couch.
He didn't follow...right away. Eventually, though, Jupiter did. He moved down stairs, picking up the clothes as he went. When he got to the living room, he shook his head and lifted the male from the sofa. He didn't say anything-Sebastian had said that he didn't want to talk, right?-as he moved upstairs and back into the bedroom that they'd been sharing. He laid the teen in the bed and pulled the covers up over him before standing up straight. "You have the choice-we can both sleep here, or I can go and clear off one of the beds in a room-turned-closet for the night."
Sebastian squeaked when he was pulled up from the couch, his hands grasping any wall that would stop him from being brought back to the room -- failing miserably. He growled when he was placed on the bed, hands tightly balled into fists as he soon stood up. He moved over to the man, staring up at him for a while before he took a hold of the front of his shirt. Without a word, he yanked the other out of the bedroom, walking down the hall and into his own.

He stopped in front of the room before he took in a deep breath. Opening the door, he moved inside, slamming it behind him and he stared at everything for a while. Clean as he thought it would be. He looked over everything, seeing the many photographs of him and Danny, him and his family ... new bed sheets and everything of the like. Actually, he was pretty positive it was a totally new bed. He then turned to look at the man he was still gripping tightly. "See? improvement." he stated, releasing his shirt and then walking over to the bed. He crawled into the covers, pulling them over his head and keeping himself cocooned in the sheets.
"Should have added earlier that you're a stubborn little shit." The brunette shook his head, but pulled the covers back just enough to press a kiss to the top of the male's head. He left then, not sure what else could be done. Sebastian didn't want to be near him, and he didn't want to force him. And the teen knew where to find him, anyway. Jupiter moved back to the guest room and collapsed into the bed, face first, with a tired groan.
Sebastian remained perfectly still, impatiently waiting for the other man to leave so that he could well, more or less just stare at the wall. once he heard the door close again, he slowly pulled back the covers to truly look at everything around him. He pushed his form up from the bed, scooting and resting against the headboard, looking at all that was near him. He reached forward, taking a pictureframe which held him and Danny inside, looking it over and he took in a deep breath. To cleaning it was.

Through the next few hours, the boy went through all that was in the room and related to Danny. He decided which things should stay seen, and which went into the little shoebox he had. Quite a lot of it was in the shoebox - even the bigger things due to a lovely spell - and the teen was quite happy. By the time three in the morning came around, all that was left was one picture of the two of them laughing that was on his dresser, and a stuffed bunny that he had given him a while back.

Looking around, he relaxed a little bit more. Plopping onto the ground, he glanced about and nodded. "Definitely better." he whispered, opening up the window and looking out at the night sky, smiling... until it turned into a smirk. He closed the door behind him, bouncing his way out of the room and poked his head into the hall, looking from one side to the other, investigating to see if anyone was asleep and he walked out, closing the door softly behind him. He moved over to the guestroom, poking his head inside and he slowly walked over to the man sleeping.

Grinning, he climbed onto his form, grinding his hips against his and smirking all the more. His lips moved to the side of the god's neck, kissing along the flesh. He really just wanted to see what he would do this time.
Jupiter had been listening for signs of distress, which resulted in a very light sleep. The door woke him up, and he was a little shocked by what happened next. The brunette let it go on for a few seconds before quickly flipping over, dislodging Sebastian onto the other side of the bed. "I told you that you'd try to torture me," he groaned, still rather sleepy.
Sebastian went wide-eyed when he was suddenly on his back, staring up at the man and he groaned a little bit. That was not what he wanted. He grumbled and shoved the other away a little bit. "Jerk." he mumbled, pulling the sheets tighter around his form and burying his face into the pillows, ignoring the man completely right now. Well, almost completely. He still knew he was there, of course, but he did not want to look at him. He spoiled his fun. He wanted a groggy reaction before telling him no. He pouted to himself and scooted away from him a bit more.
He chuckled a little and very easily moved to cuddle up behind Sebastian, wrapping his arms around the male while his nose was buried into his hair. "Perhaps so," he answered with a yawn. "but I've got you in my bed again." Jupiter smirked and pressed a kiss to the top of his head before settling down into the mattress to sleep again.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Pervert." He mumbled and kept his eyes closed, pulling the blankets closer to his form and he refused to look at the man that was behind him. He waited a while until he was asleep. Slowly, he turned around and looked up at the man with a faint pink tinted to his cheeks. His eyes traveled along his form and he scooted closer to the man. "You're still a jerk." he whispered, kissing the front of his chest and then nipping at him a moment later. Yes. He was not happy about him winning so easily.
The next morning came and Jupiter, up to his old tricks, got up quite early. He showered and dressed, and then took his (empty) suitcase and left it by the door. Sebastian didn't think he could half rape him (conciously this time) and not be paid back for such a thing, did he? Well. Too bad for him if he did.
Sebastian yawned, stretching out and groaning a little bit. He slowly turned onto his side, feeling no one there and he perked up. He took in a deep breath, looking around and seeing the suitcase and he bit his bottom lip. Damn. He forgot about that. He groaned, pulling the sheets up and over his head with a pathetic little whimper. He buried his face into the pillows, not really wanting to get out of bed right now. He would just stay until ... he did not even know.
"Morning, sunshine!" Jupiter was quite happy this morning, knowing the joke and unable to contain the giddyness of it all. The brunette laid back down on the bed and pulled the covers away from Sebastian's head. "Aren't you going to come have breakfast with me?" he asked, a little pout to his lips. "I have my needs too, you know."
Sebastian groaned when he felt the blanket pulling away. He stared in front of him for a while before he rolled over and off the bed, colliding with the floor. He kept his face buried into the ground and he just stayed where he was - not even bothering to speak with the mano n the bed. He did not want to. He did not want to speak with him, say goodbye - despite him only being a short while away, it was still AWAY. Frankly, he should be happy he was not protesting. Stupid jerk.
It was easy to read the thoughts and Jupiter laughed a little. "If you want your 'going away gift', I suggest opening my suitcase." He reached down and ruffled Sebastian's hair a little before getting up and off the bed to leave the room. Whether or not the other male was, he was starved and wanted something to eat. Pancakes sounded nice.
Sebastian cursed a few times, watching the other man leave and he slowly crawled under the bed and over to the suitcase. Slowly, he opened up the zipper, peaking inside and seeing ... nothing. He stared at it for a while before he pulled his head back. What the hell? he stood up, brushing off his reddened torso and then made his way down the stairs. He moved over to where the man was, pouting pathetically as he did so. "So, what? you're not leaving now? Maybe I was looking forward to it." he stated, knowing hteo ther would know it was obvious that was not the case. He just wanted to know why he was not leaving.
"Don't lie," he answered with a little smile to his lips. The brunette stopped whisking the batter to look at Sebastian for a second. "Start asking for what you want, rather than throwing a fit. Nine times out of ten, I'll give you everything you ask for and more." As he thought about it, and with the slight attitude being given to him, Jupiter was beginning to feel a bit angry towards Sebastian. Oh, he cared for him, and he wasn't lying about giving him what he wanted, but why couldn't the other just say what he wanted; ask for it? Why did it have to be temper tantrums and games all the time?
Sebastian stared up at the man, his arms crossed over his lower torso and his hip poked to the side as he continued to look up at the man. "I want sex." he stated, pointblank, flat-out, no ifs ands or buts about it. It was true, too. He may not admit to it, but that had been part of the reason for attacking him in the middle of the night. He wanted to have sex. He had not had any in a VERY long time ... and it was bad. After getting it for quite a while, yes, yes he was deprived.
He looked at the teen with a raised eyebrow. Sex? Jupiter couldn't help but question if Sebastian was ready for sex. But a quick sweep told him that there was no deception or question or doubt. But...he'd just made pancake batter... Well. More could be made. After all, Sebastian wasn't the only one who had gone much longer than usual without having sex. And, really, anyone who didn't want to sleep with the teen was blind. And dumb.

The bowl was set aside and Jupiter moved to stand in front of the other male, their fronts pressed together as he looked down at the shorter male. It was only a second before his head was bent and their lips were connected in a sweet and tender kiss.
Sebastian's heart fluttered when the other was in front of him once more. He took in a deep breath and continued to kiss him back oh so passionately. His arms wrapped around his hips and he pulled him tightly to his form, hands caressing along his form and he ground his hips into his. So ... maybe asking/demanding was not all that much of a bad thing?

Soon after, there was a hand pressing Jupiter's face away from the green-haired boy and there stood a pissy-looking Relic. "You may want it, he may want it, but I'll chop it off before I allow you." He stated before clapping his hands together a moment later and giggling. "Look! Pancakes." he giggled once more and bounced past the two toward the bowl set aside, looking over what was missing and he began to add in a bit more egg and flour.

Squeaking, the teen went beet red from the shoulders up as he stared at his mother, pushing the man away with a few curses. "Should have let me last night." he mumbled, arms crossed over his lower torso and he hugged his form tightly. Great. just ... Great.
Just as he'd started to get into the kiss, he was pushed away...and not by Sebastian. Jupiter looked up at Relic and shook his head as he leaned down to Sebastian. He pressed a kiss to his cheek before whispering, "This was the main plus to having my own place." He stuck his tongue out at the teen and then moved to continue making the breakfast he'd started out to make. There was nothing that he could do now, and so they would both just have to suffer.
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