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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"It's why I built here," he admitted. "Of course, when I did it was much more...nature-y..." He laughed a little but finished his water and set the glass down, fingers carding through Sebastian's hair a bit as they relaxed together. It was nice, and Jupiter found that he truly enjoyed it. "You're welcome here anytime," he repeated. "So long as it's okay with your parents, of course."
"Mm. And I'm sure them thinking I'm shopping and not here is a great start." He commented, chuckling softly and he nuzzled into the other's thigh a bit. He turned and sunk his teeth into the inner bit of his thigh. Not enough to hurt, merely pressure. He pulled his head back and moved himself up. He turned in the other's embrace, straddling his hips and he lent forward to press a kiss to his lips, smiling lightly. "I love it here. I'm sure my parents won't mind." He stated, kissing his lips once more.
He smiled and rested his hands at the other's hips, returning the kiss. "I'm glad." Jupiter's arms wrapped around Sebastian's waist completely, holding them close together as his lips moved to kiss along the man's jaw and chin a little. Eventually, they pressed to the teen's own lips, caressing the soft and plump flesh.
"mhm" was all he cared to respond with before he easily was taken to the lips of the other. His eyes fluttered closed, just relaxing into the feel of his affections. He tilted his head just a bit, capturing his lips even more as he let their lips mesh together. His hands slid up the front of his chest, caressing the man atop his shirt. At least until his hands slid back down and then under the garment. He wanted to truly feel the other on his fingertips. He was riled and well, he did like him. He liked him a lot. Maybe having sex with him would help confirm his feelings toward the man.
Jupiter gave a soft groan with the flesh to flesh contact. He enjoyed it greatly and leaned up into it as much as their position would allow. Hesitantly, his tongue moved out to taste the teen's lips and mouth, testing the waters a little bit. He heard the thoughts of sex confirming feelings, but Jupiter didn't allow that to stop him. He would simply close off his own feelings until he knew for sure what Sebastian wanted. In the mean time, his hands slid up the other's shirt, exploring the bare skin.
Sebastian took in a sharp breath when he felt his fingers gliding up his chest, blushing horribly as he did so. He remained silent for a while before his hands moved and pressed against his heads, keeping them from reaching the scars. He knew he knew about them. Duh, he was his doctor ... but that did not mean he wanted them to be touched by him in this sort of manner. He slowly pushed his hands down and out of his shirt, lacing their fingers together and he tilted his head to the side just a bit to deepen the kiss.
He knew what was wrong. Jupiter expected it. But Sebastian likely didn't realize how sensitive his scars could be. The brunette broke the kiss just enough to pull the teen's shirt off of his body. Leaning forward, Jupiter pressed his lips to the scar over Sebastian's heart and then ran his tongue along the raised flesh, watching for a reaction.
Sebastian turned a lovely red when his shirt was removed. He looked down at the man, his eyes slipping closed as he felt his lips to his flesh. He gasped, turning a brighter red and he lent into the other, resting his forehead against the top of his head, biting his bottom lip while he shivered with his touch. He groaned lightly, his fingers curling around the front of his shirt, gripping the fabric strongly and trying to keep himself remotely calm.
He smiled and moved onto the next mark, repeating his actions. Jupiter's hands stayed on Sebastian's hips as his lips moved from wound to wound, the god taking very tender care with each one. He wanted Sebastian to feel good, not threatened or awkward. Eventually, his lips found Sebastian's once more.
Sebastian gasped once more when he felt his lips moving along his flesh. A soft little groan passed his lips, leaning toward him even more and nuzzling the top of his brown locks. He slowly pulled back, glad to press their lips together. He kissed him passionately with his hands sliding up the man's chest once more. He pulled up the bottom of his shirt, briefly parting their kiss to toss the shirt aside and easily returning to the kiss.
It was several hours later when Jupiter woke. They were in his bed, the sheets twisted around them haphazardly. The brunette smiled softly, turning his head to press a kiss to Sebastian's cheek. Staying for only a second, he untwisted himself and got up, needing a shower. Sticky, cooling semen was not the epitome of a 'good feeling'.

The hot water felt nice on his body, and he groaned in appreciation of it, letting the jets beat down on him and wash away the evidence of their afternoon together.
Sebastian groaned, mossy brows furrowing together as he remained silent and still for a few moments. Slowly, he opened his eyes, staring at the empty bed beside him and then glancing behind him to where the water was running. Slowly, he slid out of bed with a groggy yawn and stumbled his way to the bathroom. He pulled aside the curtain and moved into the shower in front of the man. He needed to shower too, so why not multi-task? Besides, he did not want to be in an empty bed.
Their three week trip had helped to heal him. The time with his brothers was wonderful, and he felt closer to them. That didn't really change the pairing up of Lucius and Draco, but Severus was more at ease with it now. The blonds were out and about somewhere, and the dark haired triplet was using the time to relax in his room and read. It was rare that he got the time to read like this anymore, but he took the opportunity whenever he got it.
Lily was ... freaking out. No, freaking out was an understatement. Her mind was racing a mile a minute and she did not know what to do! Soon enough though, she was running up the stairs, having heard her older brothers leave which meant that Severus was in the room. He skidded to a stop in front of the door, staring at the door before she knocked and gently turned the knob, poking her head inside and relaxing at the man being there. She moved inside, closing the door behind her and she moved toward the bed, flopping on the ground beside him

"Sev... sevvy ... I ... need to talk to you."
It still hurt Severus to know that his feelings towards Lily weren't returned, but he still loved her dearly, and he was concerned when she dropped by the bed and spoke in the tone that she had. He set his book aside and helped her up onto the bed with him. "What's wrong, Lily?" Concern radiated from him. Something was seriously wrong, and that scared him as well. What if she told him something that he couldn't handle? What if she told him something and asked him to keep it a secret, but he couldn't? Was she hurt?
She took in a deep and shuddering breath, closing her eyes and she scooted closer to her brother, arms wrapped around his waist and she gripped him tightly. She whimpered softly and she tried to calm herself. She took in a few deep breaths, shuddering just slightly and her eyes slowly opened to look up at him. "Sevvy ... I ... I think ... I think I'm pregnant." She whispered, blushing all the more and she buried her face into the crook of his neck.
He hugged his sister close, rubbing her back a little. What could have her so up-- Severus looked down at Lily with wide eyes. "Wh--what?" That couldn't be right! "Lily are you sure? I mean... Pregnant? Have you told Mama and Papa?" He didn't know what to say or how to react other than to ask stupid questions and hug her.
Lily nodded a little bit. She slowly pulled back, eyes forming in the corners of her eyes and she took in a deep and shuddering breath, looking at her brother. "I .. I mean um ... I think so. I ... for a month and ... I took a test and it was positive and um ..." She whimpered and fell back against his shoulder, nuzzling into his shoulder and her arms wrapped around his form, gripping him tightly. "I don't know what to do, Sevvy! I haven't told them ... I... I'm too scared to!" He admitted, blushing all the more.
"Oh, Ily..." He held her for a few minutes, pressing a kiss into her hair as he thought about what could be done. "It's better to just get it over with, I think," he answered softly. "You need to tell them, Ily." Severus felt bad for her, but if she waited too long there wouldn't be any need to tell them and that would be worse. "Mama will be mad, but not at you..." He'd be disappointed in his daughter, but he'd kill her boyfriend. Severus shuddered at the thought.

"I think you should tell them before everyone's home again..."
Lily took in a deep breath once more, tilting her head back to look up at him, eyes pleading as she did so. "Um ... Will ... will you come with me?" She asked. She knew she would have to, but she really, really did not want to. She much more wanted to just cuddle up with her brother and hope that this all was just a horrible, horrible dream.
Severus nodded. If the situations were reversed, he wouldn't want to tell their parents alone, either. Then again, he was eighteen years old. She wasn't and she was their baby girl. "Come on." The teen got up and helped her off of the bed, offering her physical support around her waist as they moved through the house to find their parents. They found Calder first.

The blond looked up and knew instantly that there was something bad going on. "Rune!" He wasn't sure where his husband was, but he was pretty sure that he was needed. "Sit," he instructed softly, moving about to make two mugs of hot chocolate while they waited for his husband to come.
Lily whimpered and buried his face into his shoulder while they walked, blushing horribly and her heart raced within her chest. She spotted her father, staring at him for a while before slowly sitting onto the chair offered. She chewed her bottom lip nervously, watching her Papa walk around and get the hot chocolate for them.

Rune was quick to come to the kitchen, skidding to a stop and looking over his children. "What happened?" he asked, staring at the two and his concern was very apparent on his features.
"I don't know," he answered, moving to stand beside him. Calder was worried-the atmosphere that was following the two around wasn't normal for their children. "I was waiting for you to ask." The blond looked at the two, obviously questioning them as to what was going on. Severus ducked his head and nudged Lily's shoulder, gripping her hand for support as he did so.
Lily took in a deep breath. Her eyes closed and bit into her bottom lip a bit more before looking at the two in front of her. Her fingers laced with his and gripped the man tightly, easily taking in his strength. "Mama ... Papa ... um ... I am ... I think at least ... that I am ... pregnant." He whispered, turning and burying her face once more into her brother's shoulder.

Rune froze instantly. Pregnant!? His ... his baby girl was ... pregnant?! He looked from Calder then to Lily once more. "You're ... You're sixteen!"
Pregnant? Calder's heart fell into the pit of his stomach and he gripped onto Rune's hand tightly. How could she be pregnant?! Wasn't that what the last guy broke up with her for? The blond moved to sit down before he passed out, not sure of how to react. He was disappointed in her, and he hated to feel that way towards their little girl. Without another thought, the blond was on the phone with a doctor. 'Think' wasn't enough for him-they needed to be sure.

"You have an appointment tomorrow after school. It is not optional, Lily." Calder's voice was uncharacteristically stern.
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