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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I think Relic would murder me if I attempted to leave with you," he laughed, kissing Sebastian softly. They stood kissing for a few moments before Jupiter pulled away slowly. He didn't want to leave, but it was the truth: Sebastian's parents wouldn't be happy if they continued for much longer. With one last peck, the god said goodbye to his soulmate and left for his own home, promising to see Sebastian after school the next day.
Sebastian nodded, watching him walk off and he took in a deep breath when he saw him leave. He whimpered and bottom lip poked out in a pathetic little pout. He turned and made his way into the kitchen, flopping his head against his father's back, eyes closed. "Daddy ... Why does he have to leave?" he whined a little before his eyes lifted up to him, pouting a bit more. "But ... the paper said that this Astrolabe guy wants me to go to his art school and the ball the guy was talking about was purely a meet-and-greet type of thing.."
Looking back at Sebastian, Tanner sighed a little and wrapped an arm around him as best he could. "Because, sweetheart. You're fifteen and that is entirely too young to have your centuries old boyfriend spending the night in your bed." The blond kissed the top of the teen's head. "And I'll speak to your mother about the invitation and we'll have him check it out, okay?"
After his parents checked out everything, Relic was mostly positive that it was not a bad thing. While he may not be entirely confident, he was secure in sending his child off with a god to at least see what it was about. So, the two were soon shoved onto the plane and taking off to Japan - where the man was, obviously.

Arriving in the beautiful countryside of the island, Sebastian stepped off the plane, looking around and smiling softly to himself before he turned to look at Jupiter. "We should have come here for a week or two." He stated, smiling warmly. honestly, he was surprised his parents let them go together without a chaperon to make sure they were not getting intimate or whathaveyou. It was very nice to be away with just his ... whatever he was. He really had no idea. Not like they had had sex since that first time. Well, that was mostly his fault. He was too confused and thinking about things to try and have him again.
Jupiter, too, had checked into things. He didn't find anything that could harm Sebastian and, after a long talk with Relic and Tanner, all three decided that it wouldn't hurt for Sebastian to go and see what it was all about. He still had to convince them to allow him to go with Sebastian, but in the end he threw the card of Adamair's education and the like.

Stepping out of the plane, the god laughed. "I had hard enough of a time convincing your mother and father that I should be allowed to accompany you. Lets not guess at what my punishment would have been had I asked to take you away for an actual trip!" Jupiter kissed the side of Sebastian's head and then lead him towards the car that would take them to the event.
Sebastian pouted. "They would have allowed it ... prior to us ... um oh look! The car's here." he said, moving inside and then keeping his eyes out the window. He watched everything silently, his face all but pressed to the window as he watched everything pass by, and even more excited when the large mansion came into view. It was gorgeous! An old-fashioned Japanese-styled house -- he really was excited to explore everything!

When the car stopped, he hopped on out and took a hold of the god's hand, tugging him out and then leading him toward the house. So far it seemed pretty legitimate. His eyes traveled along the beautiful structures and the gorgeous ... EVERYTHING! aaah. He loved it! He smiled to himself and laced his fingers absently with the man's while he made his way toward the entrance where both doors were opened for them and they easily made their way inside, the teen quite excited.
Sooner or later, they would have to really sit down and talk. For now though, Jupiter let it go. He watched Sebastian watch the sights, and even looked around himself. He hadn't been to Japan in centuries, really. Things had changed a lot, and he was rather impressed by the country.

The house that they pulled up to was nice. Not his style or taste, but definitely beautiful. They stepped inside, Jupiter holding tight to Sebastian's hand. There was something that It hit him suddenly, and he tried very hard to hide that he was feeling odd. He didn't want to ruin Sebastian's night.
Sebastian smiled warmly while he stopped instantly, Aldith in front of them and he smiled softly to the man. "Hello." he said simply, running his thumb along the backside of Jupiter's hand, trying to soothe both his nerves and the sudden nerves of the man beside him.

Aldith looked up at Sebastian, bowing his head just a little bit in greeting. "Lord Astrolabe wishes to see you before the festivities. The other guests have not arrived as of yet, but he wishes to meet every one individually." He informed the boy, golden eyes staying strictly to the boy, not even glancing to the brunette beside him. There was no need; Sebastian was the one he was here to talk to.

Sebstian nodded. "all right. Let's go." He stated, beginning to take the god with him

The white-haired man shook his head gently. "No. Lord Astrolabe has requested only your presence."

Staring at him for a while, the boy slowly nodded. "All right." he commented, turning to Jupiter and he smiled gently. He knew he would be infinitely unhappy with all this, but he had to just trust him a bit. He lent up and pressed his lips to his. "Just ... listen in on my thoughts, okay? If you hear any distress, come running." He whispered, kissing him again before he turned to Aldith. "Lead the way."
Send Sebastian off alone? That did not make him very happy! Jupiter kissed the teen softly, holding onto him rather possessively for a few moments before nodding. So long as he had permission to listen in, then he supposed he couldn't ask for too much more. Well. One other thing. He looked to the man who had come to greet them. "You will take us both. I will wait outside, but I want to know where Sebastian will be." It wasn't an option or up for negotiation. What good would listening to the other male's thoughts be if he didn't know where to run to help him?
Sebastian turned to Aldith, the man nodding and leading the way through the house, to the heart of it where he stood, the door opening by a servant and the golden eyes of the feminine male kept to sebastian. He watched him enter the room and then slowly turned to follow after him. The room they entered was a very large and lavish bedroom. the man who summoned them sitting ever so casually on one of the luxurious chairs that was in the room.

"Ah. Sebastian Reed. Come, come." he said, beckoning the man over and to him.

Sebastian stared at the man for a while, glancing to Aldith whose gaze was to the wall dead ahead and nowhere else. he slowly moved toward the man, not too sure what to do. The boy was keeping his mind clear from any distress though, reassuring the man on the other side of the door that it was nothing to be concerned about.

The man smirked the closer the other got. Yes, yes. He definitely will do. His eyes traveled along his form and he chuckled as he did so. Once the boy was close enough, he took a hold of the front of his shirt, yanking him forward and looking up at him hungrily. His hand lifted to trail his fingers along the jawline of the male and then twirl a few strands of hair. "You are delectable." he chuckled darkly and his eyes flashed a wretched red, the color swirling with a vibrant orange and stared right into the eyes of the boy. "You will do as I say." He whispered, attempting to lure the boy into his spell.

The teen merely arched a brow at him, eyes perfectly calm and serene. "No. I will not." He stated, taking the hands upon his form and pushing him away. Not yet. Just ... stay. Give me a few He thought to Jupiter, knowing him well enough to know he would want to freak out. I'll ask. I'll ask.

"Oh? You're not affected by my powers... That's new." He then chuckled once more. "but, you're a bleeding heart..." He commented, looking the other over and he then lifted up a small button-remote and smirked deviously as he stared up at the boy. "Do as I say ... or Aldith will suffer." he whispered, pressing the button and instantly, the white-haired man was ins shrieks of pain.

Aldith collapsed to the ground, convulsing and crying out, his whole body shaking and the electricity that surged through his body could be seen circling his body.

Sebastian went wide-eyed as he stared at the man. "MAKE IT STOP!" He yelled, turning back to the man and narrowing his eyes as he did so. "STOP IT! FINE! I'l do it!"

The man chuckled darkly, not even listening to him. "No. You'll try to stop me or free him ... but you should know, there's no possible way to do that. It's embedded in his flesh. You kill me, it will only keep going. Can't smash the button either. If you try to rip it off, oh the painful death he will suffer." He grinned all the more as he turned to look at the boy.

He remained silent, trying to tune out the violent screams beside him as he stared at the man in front of him. Tune out for ... a minute he mentioned, not really wanting the other to ... read/see this. His features slowly eased up and a playful smile turned to his lips. "You're right. I'll do as you wish." He whispered, crawling on top of the other and he straddled the other man's form, hands sliding along his body and once he heard the white-haired man's scream stop, he grinned. His lips pressed with his, kissing him passionately.

The man grinned, all too happy to kiss him back until there was something strange about the air he breathed. It was a little too ... hot. A little too airy. He soon went wide-eyed, turning purple and his hands clasped his throat, gasping for air as the teen pulled back.

Sebastian stared at the man, taking up the controller and he had quite the dull look as he watched the other basically suffocate and shut down from the inside out. "Hurts, doesn't it?" he said ever so off-handedly, already walking toward Aldith who was passed out from all the pain. He saw the anklet beginning to tighten around his ankle. He took out a pin from his hair, looking around the anklet before he found the entrance. He breathed upon it, loosening everything around the man's ankle and he began to undo the lock there. NOW you can come in
He followed, keeping a tight hold on Sebastian until they came to the door. He didn't want to let the teen go, but knew that he had to. He'd promised that he would. Jupiter let go rather reluctantly and watched him disappear. He was okay, until he heard what was going on. The brunette was having kittens. Sebastian wanted him to wait?! That wasn't acceptable! But he wanted to show the teen that he trusted his judgment. Still, he was ready to burst in the second he was given the okay to, and he did.

Jupiter moved to Sebastian and dropped to his knees next to him. The god gave him a physical once over, being sure that he really wasn't hurt before turning to the poor, tortured male who was passed out on the floor. "Come on, Sebastian," he encouraged as soon as the lock was picked. "We should get going."
Sebastian turned to Jupiter, his eyes ever so pathetic as he stared at the man. "WE can't just ... leave him!" he protested, turning back to the male on the ground in front of him. "let's take him with us! You're a doctor, you can treat him and ... and you have a spare room in your house!" He stated, turning to look at him with quite the pleading look. "Please, Jupiter..."
He sighed. He knew that they couldn't leave him but...another person to take care of was... Daunting. The pleading look in Sebastian's eyes, though, sealed the deal. Jupiter nodded softly and stood up, bending down to lift the poor unconscious man off the floor. "Stick close to me...Please?" Who knew who or what was lurking in the shadows of the home. He didn't want or need anything or anyone popping out and grabbing Sebastian.
Sebastian nodded. his hand slipped within the back pocket of the other man's pants, gripping him tightly while they moved thorugh the house. He was all too happy when they were out of that manor. It was not nice. Not nice at all.

Lucky for them, their plane had not left. Apparently Uncle rune did not need it for anything, so they were quick to get back on and Sebastian curled up in the seat, knees to his chest as he stared at the opposite seats from him, chewing into his bottom lip. he was a little heart broken. He had wanted it to be true! But, well ... he supposed all he had to do now was just find a nice, true school to go to, right? One without creepy people.
Jupiter was happy to be back on the plane. He settled the blond man into a seat and buckled him in before taking some vital signs. He was breathing and he had a heart beat, but he couldn't assess any damage until they got back to Italy and to the hospital. The brunette made sure that the man was comfortable before turning his attention to Sebastian. The poor thing was disappointed, and with good reason, and he wanted to comfort him. Jupiter lifted the teen out of his seat and sat down in it instead before settling Sebastian into his lap.

"There are many good art schools in Italy," he offered, nuzzling along his cheek a little bit.
Sebastian sighed heavily as he curled up in the man's embrace. His eyes kept closed and he nuzzled into him a little pathetically. His hands trailed up his chest, absently drawing designs here and there before his head tilted back to look up at him. "Will you let me draw you?" he asked, eyes keeping up with his gaze, truly just curious. He would love to draw him. No. He would love to paint him! That would be so much fun.
"If that's what you want to draw," he answered, leaning forward to kiss his cheek softly. Jupiter hugged Sebastian tightly to him, glad to have him safe again. It had truly made him uncomfortable and worried to have the teen in that room where he easily could have been hurt, or worse.

He slept for a lot of the flight, emotionally exhausted. Jupiter woke when they hit the ground, groaning softly as he turned to check on Sebastian and his patient.
Sebastian was on the other side of the plane, Aldith having been away for a while and so now, the two were playing cards by the time the plane arrived. The mossy-haired teen kept his eyes to the cards drawn, biting his bottom lip before setting down his cards. "Flush!"

Aldith's golden eyes traveled over the cards set before him and he then placed the hand he held on the table. "Straight flush." he said, looking at the boy who was completely crushed. His eyes then traveled to Jupiter then back to Sebastian once more. "Your soulmate is awake."

"Hm?" The teen perked up, turning to look at him and he smiled. "Morning, sleeping beauty."
Smiling a little sleepily, Jupiter reached out for Sebastian as he took inventory on the stranger who was now awake. It was a good sign that he was up and playing a game. That meant that they likely didn't have to go straight to the hospital. "Any pain? Odd feelings?" he asked the blond, turning in his seat to attempt to take a better look as they taxied to where there was a car waiting for them.
Aldith shook his head as he stood up from the seat, following behind Sebastian out of the plane. "No." he informed him and moved over to the car. He sat inside, feeling his ankle tingle a little and he lifted up his pantleg, golden eyes looking at the wounds without much care. There were many wounds, all in the shape of thorns on a vine. The smaller ones were already scabbed, but the ones that pierced more flesh, and a bit of bone, were still clotting. "I am used to the pain. The wounds will heal. They always do. Thank you."
"Hmmm." Moving to the car and sliding inside, Jupiter lifted the pant leg as well to examine the wounds. "Even so. I'll ask Relic to heal them for you...after I've disinfected them." There was no reason to risk infection. He sat back, hand laced with Sebastian's. It didn't take long to return to the house, and the god released the teen's hand so that they could all get out of the car. "Go on and see your parents, hmm?" he encouraged with a little pat to his rear end. "We'll follow in a second." He wanted to talk to Aldith. He needed to learn the male's name, where he would stay if he didn't wish to stay at his cottage with him, and whether he wanted medical treatment or not.
Sebastian nodded, turning and disappearing into the house to search for his parents.

Aldith remained behind, his eyes staring at the door for a moment before they slowly traveled to the man that obviously wished to speak with him. His eyes remained passive, golden orbs staying with the other man's while he awaited his questions, or comments, or whatever the man felt that he needed to get off his chest.
He watched Sebastian go inside, waiting for the door to close before speaking. "Just some coursory information," he promised. "I would like your name, please. And if you would agree to go to the hospital for a general evaluation? And also if you have anywhere you would like to stay, though I do have room in my own home that you may stay in."
He listened to the questions and gave a simple little nod to his words. "Aldith. If you feel an examination is best, then I will receive one. I have nowhere to stay. My family is many years deceased." He then thought for a little about the possibility of staying with the man. That would be a good thing. He would not have to be on the streets, or attempt to work somewhere or possibly whore himself out for a night. He then gave one nod to the question. "If you do not mind my presence, I will accept your offer."
"Don't be so formal," he scowled softly, though Jupiter nodded. "I'll take a look at your wounds inside. And you will tell me what other abuses were perpetrated upon you before I make a decision of the hospital or not." Yes, that sounded right. Nodding, the brunette lead Aldith into the house. "You may call me Jupiter," he added on the way inside, searching for Sebastian and his parents.

He found them easily and moved into the living room with them, smiling in greeting and then introducing Aldith to everyone. "Do you have some peroxide?" he asked, motioning that Aldith should take a seat and roll up his pants legs.
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