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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"It is illogical," he agreed, kissing the top of the teen's head. "But very normal and understandable." Jupiter went back to thinking, though he really didn't need to he supposed. He knew what he wanted to ask, but was afraid that the question might be taken the wrong way. The god didn't want that, but it was important for him to have an answer. "Why do you feel that way?" he asked softly. "Is it something I say? Something I do? Something that really has no explanation as to why?"
The teen straightened away from him, resting on his stomach a bit more and he shook his head. "Nothing you did." he stated, smiling softly and he pinched the front of his chest before he set back a little once more. "I just am scared to move on. I've already cleaned him out of my room because of you. Not that I blame you. I know it was for the better, but that just ... I don't want to be with you in an official manner and risk cleaning him out of my memory. I know it's difficult to do that since he has such an impact in my life but ... It's almost two months ... Is that too little of time?"
"That depends from person to person," he answered softly, though he secretly wasn't liking where this conversation was going. He had been hoping to make something official but it didn't look like Sebastian was ready, and Jupiter would never, ever force him to do something. "It has to be okay in your heart; in your soul. I want it to be, but I understand that it isn't."
He pouted, leaning toward the man once more, kissing his lips softly and he pulled back with a slightly pathetic look to his eyes. "I ... like you a lot. And you know that and ... I just need a little while more." He kissed his lips again, leaning forward and burying his facei nto his neck once more. "Can we still be whores and have fun?" he asked, grinding into him to be sure the other knew what he was talking about.
With a soft kiss to Sebastian's cheek, Jupiter laughed a little bit. "If I told you that we had to wait, what would you say?" He was kidding, but saying so would ruin all of his fun! He reached up and tilted the other male's head up to capture his lips in a soft kiss, his tongue tracing a pattern across his lips to tease a bit. "I'm not upset or angry or trying to rush you," he clarified. "I'm just...anxious; excited"
He pouted, staring at the man and he stuck his tongue out at him. "Then I'll just ... tease you until you give into me." He stated, leaning down and kissing his lips once more. He nodded. "I know. And I want to give you what you want." he kissed him again and then pulled back to look down at him. "Shouldn't it be well enough that you had your soulmate actually kissing you? wanting you ... but just not wanting it officially yet?"
He laughed. "I want my cake and to eat it too," he answered. Jupiter hugged Sebastian and kissed him once more. "Can I at least take you to dinner?" he asked. The brunette would settle for a date...
Sebastian looked up at the other, eyes keeping to his and he smiled a little bit more with a small pout. "I never said you couldn't date me, just that I did not want to be official yet. Besides, maybe you can woo me into submission." He grinned, chuckling softly and kissing his shoulder softly.
"Submission, huh?" he asked, laughing as they stood up from the bed. Before leaving the room, Jupiter leaned down and kissed Sebastian deeply, pulling him close to his body and holding him there. Their lips were pressed together and their tongues danced for several minutes before he pulled away, utterly breathless. Once they had gotten themselves together, Jupiter lead the way out of the room, holding Sebastian's hand securely through the house.
Sebastian stuck his tongue out at him, laughing while they moved to the door. He happily kissed him back, nipping his bottom lip and he bucked into him playfully before the door opened. He laced his fingers with the man's, lacing their fingers while he moved through the house. "BYE MOM! We're going to go have sex!"

"USE PROTECTION!" Relic yelled back, knowing that the boy was only teasing him and not caring.

He giggled and moved out of the house, turning to kiss his soulmate once more. "So, where are you taking me?"
The engagement lasted only a few months. Murasaki was anxious to marry Jade. Not because he thought he would lose the male, but because he wanted to be able to call him his husband; he wanted to start their lives together. Relic was, as usual, running around like a chicken with his head cut off to be sure everyone was dressed perfectly, and Calder was doing the same to assure the food was all perfect. In the end, none of it mattered. They could have eloped and gotten married naked. It still would have been the most perfect day ever.
Jade was smiling as he sat in his room, watching his uncle bounce about and stay his normal bubbly self. He giggled here and there, quite impatient for the wedding to start. Once it had, he was so much happier. The ceremony went off without a hitch, and once the two were down the aisle, after their vows, he tugged his new husband to the side and looked up at him with a mischievous smile. "Want to leave? Go on our honeymoon and let the guests stay and enjoy the food ..." He really just wanted to be alone with his love. Although, he really wanted to try his Papa's cake. "After stealing the top tier?"
Murasaki had to laugh at the suggestion but it really sounded nice. "But our flight doesn't leave for another twelve hours," he whispered, giving a devious little nip to his new husband's ear. The purple haired man nuzzled along Jade's neck a little bit, hugging him closely. "But we can steal that top tier and go home for the night..." They had bought a nice little starter home a few miles away from Jade's parents, and while they'd broken in each room, they had yet to do so as a married couple...
"I know I married you for a reason." He smirked, leaning up to kiss his lips softly. "All right. Give me a second to steal the cake." he whispered, scurrying off to run to where their cake was. He stared at it and then everyone else, quickly snatching up the top tier and he then rushed back toward Murasaki. "Run! Run! before they notice!" He squeaked and then continued running forward, knowing that someone would end up finding out and trying to stop them.
Narrowing his eyes, Calder stood in front of Jade and held him at bay with the tip of his forefinger to his son's forehead. "Ahem." Looking down at Jade, his eyes said everything that needed to be said. He wanted to know where they were running off to and why he was running with the top tier of his beautiful cake.
He skidded to a stop, staring up at the man with wide eyes. "We're going home and ... taking the cake with us. I just wanted to leave but then your cake is so yummy and I could not just leave without it and so you guys can have fun while we're in our house packing up and chowing down on your cake. Kay? Thanks." he lent up to kiss his cheek and then tried to walk past him once more.
Shaking his head, Calder took Jade by the shoulders and turned him right back around. "The cake goes back. You two sit and stay. We'll hurry the first dance and the cutting of the cake and the dancing with your Mama and I because those are the only things that console us about losing our baby."
Jade whined. He pouted and whimpered as he turned on his heel and scuffed back to the festivities. "Damnit." He mumbled, biting his bottom lip and he returned to the reception, placing the tier back and he then turned to walk to his husband, pouting and his head collided with the side of his form..
Murasaki hugged his love tightly. "They're going to rush it?" he offered softly, kissing the top of his head. "It's only a few hours, sweetheart. We'll still have plenty of time to have a bit of fun." Smiling, he kissed Jade's lips softly and then lead him towards the head table. "Lets at least eat a bit, huh?"
Jade sighed heavily. "Still ..." he protested with a little whine and then continued back to the reception. He sat down and turned to his love with interest. He was about to ask the man something before he was directed to the dance floor for their dance. He wrapped his arms around his husband's neck, holding him to his form and his eyes kept with his for a while before he smiled a little shyly with a faint pink. "Mura ... Could we maybe take the spell off?" He whispered, blushing a little more as he moved a little closer to him, eyes up with him with interest.
The look on Jade's face had told him of an impending question, but he didn't get to hear it. That disappointed Murasaki until he figured out that they were having their first dance. He held Jade close to him, nuzzling along his cheek a little bit and pressing a soft kiss to the flesh here and there. The question, though, caught him a little off guard. He looked down at Jade and studied him a bit. "You know that you're almost guaranteed to get pregnant right away?" Personally, Mura had been looking forward to a few years without children, but they had long lives ahead of them and having kids young and being a 'free' married couple later wouldn't be a huge sacrifice for him, either.
He nodded. He knew the risks and he had thought about this for quite a while over the past few months, and years even. "We've been together for over fifteen years. While we were not married, we may as well have been and I mean ... We could wait a year or so, if you would like, see what it's like to be together for more than just a week at a time... but ooh, I just want to have a baby with you." He pouted at his thoughts, leaning forward and resting his head in the crook of his neck. "I want to see how beautiful he or she will be. What it would have been like those many years ago. And ... I can wait if you want. I will not be upset or disappointed." He kissed his neck softly.
He thought about it for a moment before making his decision. Murasaki kissed his husband's lips, and then his cheek before pressing his lips to the man's ear and whispering the counterspell to the infertility one they'd placed on him so many years ago. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting anyone to realize that they were up to something. He finished and buried his face into Jade's neck to allow the magic to stop flowing and for his eyes to stop glowing before he pulled back to kiss him again.
Jade's heart raced when he heard the beginnings of the spell being whispered to him. His cheeks turned a lovely pink while he moved to the music and happily let the spell take hold of him. He smiled the more that the spell was spoken, and feeling a few tingles here and there. His eyes sparkled as the looked up at the man, kissing him back with a passionate embrace and he grinned all the more. "I love you. I love you ... so much." he whispered, kissing him again, though he wound up squeaking as he was tugged away by his Mama.

Rune looked down at the boy, glancing to Murasaki. "I'm stealing my son for a dance." he stated, holding the other to his form and he began to move around the floor with the blond in front of him. A hand on his hip and his other kept a hold of his hand, happily dancing with his son. "So, Mister Konani, how does it feel to be married?" he asked, smiling as he saw his son grin even more at the name.
Murasaki moved off of the dance floor when Jade was swept from his arms. He sat and ate a little bit, mingled with their guests and apologized to his new father-in-law for attempting to hi-jack the cake and make a run for it. Calder laughed and accepted the apology, reminding him that he should be glad that it wasn't Rune who had caught and stopped them. Mura thanked his lucky stars for that!

When the song ended, the wizard moved through the people and made his way to Jade. "Almost ready for cake?" he asked, kissing his temple.
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