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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The two stayed for cake, happily stayed for cake, and they mingle for a little while more. Once everyone was distracted though, Jade was all too happy to kiss his parents, then his brother, and was off. He practically ran to their home and attacked his new husband once they were close enough. He giggled excitedly, tackling him to the home and kissing along his neck and any flesh he could manage to get to without just tearing the clothes off. Yes. Definitely happy.

Lily was relieved. The tests had come in and they were negative. She was just so happy that she did not have to worry about that anymore. She was not going to date! Well, not anytime soon. She sighed softly and walked through the halls and poked her head into her brother's bedroom, smiling when she saw him. She bounced toward the man and pounced on his form, resting her head on his chest with a giggle. "Hey, Sevvy."
Looking up when he was pounced upon, Severus smiled softly and hugged his sister. "Hi Ily." The teen continued to read his book as he cuddled with her, not really sure what she wanted but figuring that whatever it was, she would speak up when she was ready, or if there was anything to begin with. Either way, Severus enjoyed sitting with her like this and wasn't going to complain.
Lily smiled warmly, moving onto her stomach, her feet into the air, swaying back and forth ever so absently. "The wedding was ... gorgeous." She stated, nuzzling into him a little bit and pouting softly. "But ... you never danced with me." She rested her chin on his shoulder, pouting softly as she looked up at the man. "I wanted to but ... I couldn't find you and then Jade and murasaki went AWOL ..."
"It was nice," he agreed, smiling down at her. "I was there..." He hadn't gone anywhere... Well, he and Lucius and Draco had slipped out the back for an hour or so, but that was nothing and she didn't need those details. "Maybe you just weren't looking hard enough," he teased with a little chuckle. "I'm sure there are going to be quite a few more weddings in the future with the size family we have. I promise to dance with you at those."
"No." She protested, sliding off his form. She took his book, marking his place and then closing the book onto the bed. She then took his hands, tugging him off the bed. "Dance with me now. Who knows how long it will be?" She stated, smiling warmly as she pulled him against her form, arms sliding up to wrap around his neck, beginning to sway her hips to the song within her mind.
Raising an eyebrow, Severus moved when he was tugged up. His hands went to his sister's waist and wrapped around them as he moved with her. They danced for a little bit, Severus not really saying anything. It was rather awkward for him but he didn't want to pull away, either. The teen still liked being close with his sister, even though it hurt him to be so.
Lily was happy as they moved around, pretty much in a circle without any beat, just happy. She had not been able to be with him in a way like this, and it made her happy to be with him now. "Sevvy ... How come you've been weird? Like ... to me. You don't make eye-contact and we don't spend enough time together ... and oh, the list goes on. Did I do something to upset you? was ... Was it because of what ... happened?"
It was the question that he'd been dreading, really. Severus couldn't expect that his sister wouldn't notice his change in attitude, though he did hope (and pray) for it. "No, it's not because of that..." He really wished that he was able to lie to her at that moment. But they both knew that he was fully incapable of doing such a thing. "Just... I was upset when you started dating again so soon." Hopefully that would satisfy her curiosity.
Lily pouted as she looked up at the man. "But ... why?" She asked with a slightly pathetic look to her eyes. "I mean ... You never seemed to mind before." She really, really wanted to know. She wanted to get it so that her brother and her would not have this awkward things that they have been having recently.
Or not...

Severus sighed and shook his head, finally pulling away from her. It was all just a little too much to handle for him at the moment. "Because, Lily..." The teen sat back on his bead while trying to find some way to tell her why without anything being awkward. "Because I love you." Maybe she would take it for the face value of You're-My-Sister-So-I-Love-You type I love you?
Lily listened to the man and she stopped her ... everything. Eyes staring at him and her jaw moved a few times to try and speak, but it did not work. After a while of awkward silence, she stepped away and released him completely. "I ... I don't know ... what to say to that. You're ... You're my brother. It can't ever happen. You're blood. And ... our parents are the same and ... it's wrong. It's ... very wrong!" She shook her head before turning. "I have to go" she quickly blurted out, rushing out of the room and down the hall to her bedroom, where she locked herself inside.
Well fuck. Severus collapsed onto his bed and pulled the covers up and over him completely. He didn't care whether or not he was conveying his feelings to his brothers or not. Actually, he wasn't really thinking about it. He simply wanted to take back what he'd just said so that they could be okay again. Why did he have to act so weird? Why couldn't he have just pushed it away and realized that she didn't feel the same way? He had Draco and Lucius, who would love him whether they were brothers or not; who he didn't have to justify himself to ever.

But Severus knew that, triplets or not, he would always be the odd man out. The teen choked on a sob with that thought, curling further into a ball.
Once again, Isiah was passed out in the library. He spent too much of his time with the books, not enough with social-contact. He did not really have any friends at Prometheus, but did not mind that either. He quite enjoyed his books. He got along well with the teachers, ignored students who came up to him with "Mr. DeMarquis, I don't get this spell" and just learned to stay cooped up in the library. That was always his best bet! Sprawled out on the book, the lovely silver locks of the boy scattered along the lines of the mystery novel. His eyes closed and chest gently rising and falling with his breaths. Yes, he definitely was out for the count.
Walking through the library, Kristoffer browsed the books as he moved. He wasn't sure what he wanted to read, really, but he needed something to distract from his boredom. Since Murasaki had gotten married and moved out, there was no one to bother or torture. Well, except his students that were sleeping. Shaking his head, the blond moved up behind the male and cleared his throat, expecting a reaction.
Isiah took in a sharp breath when he was disturbed. His head snapped up and his groggy features look around, amethyst eyes staring at the man and he smiled very lightly. "Hello. Um ... sorry." he whispered, looking at the book and slowly closing it. "Did you want this book?" he asked, holding it out to the other and he remained quiet while his mind slowly began to wake up.
"No," he answered, though his tone was on the softer side. "I was simply wondering what a student was doing sleeping while they should be studying... Or reading leisure books." Kristoffer tsked at the teen and took the book, setting it aside on the table. "Perhaps you should choose better reading material."
He yawned softly, a slender hand coming to rest over his parted lips as he shook his head. "No. No ... I was waiting for Mutti and Vatti ... and I just fell asleep. Too much studying, sir." He stated and let out a little laugh. His eyes closed for a few moments before he groaned and stretched his arms above his head with another little groan. "Sorry, sir." He added with a little yawn once more, turning to look at the man with interest.
Kristoffer raised an eyebrow at the 'mutti' and 'vatti' before something clicked in his head. "DeMarquis. I should have known."

Moving into the library, Sergei didn't really like the tone that was being used towards his son. He moved around the bookshelf and did a coursory inspection of the man who was speaking to him. His aura was...mixed and instantly Sergei didn't trust him, despite the light colors. The redhead moved over to Isiah and put a hand to his shoulder. "Are you okay, Isiah?"
The teen lifted his eyes to look at his Vatti, listening to him and he gave a little nod. "Yes, Vatti. I fell asleep again." He informed him, seeing the concern on the man's face and he stood up from the chair, brushing off his rump. He was only an inch or two taller than his father, so he was not too bad. He kissed his cheek reassuringly, though still looking ever so groggy. That just seemed to be his perpetual look, though. He always seemed as if he never slept, which was partially true. He tended to stay up late working on his studies, or his cello, things of that sort that deprived him of his sleep.
In the past couple of weeks, Alex had gotten over his fear that he would lose Adamair's friendship to their relationship. He was enjoying their time together. The brunette walked through the courtyard towards the other side of the house, intending on surprising Addy and taking him on a date. It was Friday, and finals were coming up. They'd both been busy studying, and they could both use a break.
Adamair had been fixing his room, really. New curtains, new sheets, everything that he thought annoyed him, he replaced. So, he had been standing on the chair to adjust the fabric and somehow, the legs tilted back too much and wound up colliding with the ground. His head conked against the hard floor and his whole being was sprawled on the ground, head tilted to the side, eyes closed, and he was laying on the floor when Alexander came to get him.
The sight that greeted him scared him to death. "Addy!" Alex rushed forward and dropped to his knees next to his boyfriend. He checked for a pulse before turning and yelling at the door. "UNCLE RELIC! UNCLE TANNER!" He was at a loss of what to do. Alexander didn't know what had happened and didn't want to move the boy, but...but he was knocked out! "Addy please wake up!" Not like he thought begging would help him, but he was close to breaking down with the sight of the male on the floor in front of him.
Adamair groaned with the man beside him speaking. His brows furrowed and he slowly turned around, staring up at his cousin and grumbling a little bit more. "Lex ... What are you spazzing about?" he grumbled, tone colder than it normally was. He slowly pushed his form up from the ground, hand behind him and the other moved to rub at the back of his head, yawning softly. "I'm fine. Just ... fell." he grumbled and shook his head a little bit.
He breathed a sigh of relief when Addy spoke and sat up, he didn't even register the odd tone in the male's voice. Alex simply threw himself forward and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend's shoulders, hugging him tightly. "You scared me, Addy!" The teen pressed a kiss to his cheek and nuzzled there for a moment, turning with a little blush as Tanner skidded in. "Sorry, Uncle Tanner..."
Adamair arched a brow and looked up at Alexander on his form then turned to look at his father. "Sorry dad. Fell." he stated simply and then turned to look at Alexander once more. "You're a little... clingy aren't you? It's not like I died or anything."
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