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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Adamair listened to the man in front of him. Batty? His little Batty? His features got quite sad as he thought about the trauma his little brother must have gone through. He then perked up with everything else. Viktor and Devon were married? And Jade engaged? He blinked a few times and his ice blue eyes looked ever so pathetic as he did so. "I ... I've missed so much." He whispered, staring in front of him at the man and he leaned toward him just a little more. "Earlier .... You said I was your boyfriend ... Really?"
He looked up at the other male, but it was a bit awkward to do so. Alex tugged Adamair to sit down next to him, scooting over to the side of the wall that he was nearest to. "I'd... I'd never lie to you, Addy. Not about anything..." He told his cousin 'their story', blushing profusely as he spoke about their first time together, and then skipping over just how often they were intimate with each other.
Adamair listened to the male, utterly shocked about what he was saying. He just stared at him for a while, obviously quite flabbergasted by the whole thing. "It's like my fantasies." he mumbled before turning a lovely shade of red, clearing his throat a bit and shaking his head. "I.. ignore that." he whispered, turning to look at the menu, suddenly very interested in what he wanted to eat. "So ... we're together...' he said absently, giving a little nod here and there, wishing he could remember all those times.
Alex blushed, too, but nodded to the words and looked at his own menu. He wasn't really hungry-the worry had eaten away at his appetite. "I... I think I'll just have some hot chocolate," he told the waitress when she came by.
Adamair ordered a simple BLT and coke to drink. Happily eating them when they came, chatting with his cousin/boyfriend a little bit, asking just what else he may have missed before, soon enough, they were out and on the road again.

He hopped on into the driver's seat, making his way back to their home. He pulled up, stepping out and then linking his arm with his best friend's, smiling softly as he turned to look at him, nuzzling his head just a little bit. "Let's go work on my homework, I'm sure it's not done." He commented, chuckling softly while he continued up toward his bedroom. He released his arm once he was there, opening it up and then making his way inside, wandering toward his desk to try and find where he would have put his books. He may not remember anything recently, but he definitely knew himself and knew his work was almost NEVER done.
Well homework wasn't what he'd expected to do tonight, but at least he was getting to spend time with Adamair. They got upstairs and the brunette was almost immediately a little faint. He tugged at his boyfriend's t-shirt and gave him a rather pathetic look. "Addy... Addy I need to eat..."
Adamair turned to look at the man, arching a brow as he did so. Eat? He sighed heavily. "Lex..." he whispered, taking his hand and walking to the bed. He sat down, tugging the other to sit beside him as he pulled his hair away from his neck and his shirt was moved more over his shoulder for him.
"I ate!" he explained, following the other to the bed. "I promise I did! I... I guess the emotions just..." He whimpered a little and sat next to Adamair. He wrapped his arm around the front of the male's waist and leaned in, sinking his teeth into the flesh that was so readily offered to him. Alex felt revived the second the blood hit his tongue, and he groaned softly as he drank.
Adamair gasped softly when he felt the other's teeth sink into his flesh. His eyes went wide and a very lovely moan passed his lips as he sunk into the other's form. He groaned lightly, enjoying the bite far too much for it to be any other time. His eyes fluttered closed and the more the man pulled his blood from his veins, the more his memories came back to him. All rushing him at once so that once he was sure the other had enough blood, he pounce.

He turned and tackled the other to the bed, grinding his hips against his with a little moan to his lips. "How could I ever forget us" he whispered heatedly, kissing him passionately while his lips were soon to the side of his neck, kissing and nipping along the flesh and his already-aroused flesh was pressing to the inside of his thigh. "I'm top." he added, biting his neck to just prove his point before he began to take off the other man's clothing.
Alex gasped when he was pounced upon, and he stared wide eyed up at the other male. His words hit him and the brunette couldn't help but cry soft tears of utter joy. He reached up and pulled the other to him, kissing him and holding him tightly to his own body. "Don't ever scare me like that, Addy." Alex kissed his lover again, moaning as their flesh came into contact with each other.
He shook his head, whispering a soft "never" before his lips continued to caress his. His hips moved against his while he pulled off their clothes, finding them to be far too pesky at the moment. He tossed them aside, missing the feel of their bare flesh together. He took in a deep breath, lips trailing away to kiss along his chest, fingers delicately and teasingly made their way down his gorgeous torso, enjoying the other's feel far too much.
It was several hours before they were both completely exhausted. Alexander laid on his stomach, head resting on Adamair's chest and his arm swung around the male's waist as they both attempted to catch their breath. "I was so scared, Addy... That you'd never remember and that I had lost my best friend." He cuddled closer to the male, face buried in his neck to breath in his scent as deeply as possible.
Adamair arched a brow, looking down at him and he pulled back. "Who are you again?" he asked, a smirk to his lips and he kissed his lips before he could yell at him for being a jerk. He rested his forehead against his and he smiled. "I know. I'm sorry." he kissed him again and sighed. "You'll always be my best friend, Lex ... You'll always be mine." He added and then pulled him closer to his form, nipping at his neck playfully and he looked up at the ceiling a moment later. "Think my parents know I'm back?"
He swatted the male's arm while he was kissed. It wasn't a funny joke, though he knew that it was meant to be one. "Probably not," he answered, resting his head on his boyfriend's chest once more. "You're lucky. Your mom can't read minds like my poppy can. He'll know in a heart beat what happened tonight." He sighed a little and closed his eyes. "Can we just sleep?" he asked, thoroughly exhausted. "We can tell them in the morning?"
He chuckled and kissed him softly, nodding a little bit to his words. "Of course." he said simply and sunk lower into the bed. He wrapped his arms around the man and made sure there was all of no gaps between them. He nuzzled into his neck a bit more, yawning softly as he did so.

Abruptly, the door flew open and in-stepped Relic, staring at the two and he walked over to Adamair, yanking his ear a bit. "Like hell you're sleeping! Jupiter hasn't checked you out yet! You could have a concussion or something!" He protested and tugged the man to try and keep him away. Of course he knew what went on. He heard his baby back in the room and when he had come up to check on him... the sounds said all that was going on, so there was no need to wonder. Now, he just had to make sure that the man was not falling asleep until Jupiter came to check on him.
Alexander gave a rather loud "MEEP!" when the door flew open and Relic pounced. He scurried away from Adamair with shock, only to try and reclaim his position a moment afterward. He stared wide eyed at the man, wondering if that meant that they were to stay up all night, or if Jupiter was on his way? He was still too shocked to ask.
Adamair blushed when his mother came in, his hand instantly coming to his ear with a little whimper. "Okay, OKAY!" he yelled, shooing the man away from him and he pushed himself to sitting up, staring at the man beside him. "Is he at least on his way?"

Relic flicked the other's forehead softly before he nodded. "Yea yea... Apparently adding in that he could stay the night with Sebastian is a good motivator." he rolled his eyes before he looked over at Alex. "You. Don't let him sleep." With that, he turned on his heel and began to make his way out and to go find his husband.
Jupiter was more than happy to climb out of bed, get dressed and drive half way across town! So long as he didn't have to drive back in the same night. The god bounced over to the Reed house, letting himself in with a little wiggle of his fingers to Tanner and Relic as he made his way upstairs to see his 'patient'. He knocked, but didn't wait for an answer before letting himself in. "Good morning!" he greeted, almost too cheerfully, and made his way to the bed. "What happened?"
"Haven't you heard of knocking?!" Adamair squeaked, pulling his sheets around his waist. He normally was not so shy, but it was just the utter shock and audacity of the man to burst right into his room -- okay, and a little prejudice since he was fucking his little brother. He rolled his eyes, letting the sheets fall to his lap and he watched the god saunter into his room all the more. "I bumped my head and forgot the past year. I remember it now, though." He stated, narrowing his eyes at the man just to help prove he remembered.
"Of course I knocked," he answered as he began to check Adamair out. It only took a few minutes to declare him to be perfectly fine. He patted the boy's head and skipped out of the room, only stopping to mention his findings to Relic and Tanner as an afterthought. He was excited to sneak into Sebastian's room to surprise him!

Once the news was given, the god did just that. He undressed down to his boxers and then slipped into the bed, wrapping himself around his soulmate.
Adamair arched a brow at the man, rolling his eyes. "Glad you care about your patients more than your fuck-buddy!" He called after him before turning and curling up into Alexander, nuzzling into his neck a little absently.

Sebastian had been dozing in and out of consciousness when there were suddenly arms around his form. He arched a brow, staring at the limbs before he smiled. Slowly, he turned onto his other side, scooting closer to nuzzle into his chest softly. "Mom's not going to be happy." he whispered softly, kissing along his chest gently.
Alexander kissed the top of Adamair's head and hugged him tightly. "At least you don't have a concusion and so we can go to sleep?" he asked, smiling and dragging his fangs across the male's neck, allowing them to sink into the flesh just enough to draw a slight trickle of blood. Alex licked it up, teasing just a little bit.

Smiling that he wasn't attacked out of fear, the god hugged Sebastian to him tightly and kissed his cheek. "Well that would be rather silly since it was your mother who called me to come over..."
Adamair arched a brow, shivering visibly with the other's fangs along his flesh. He bit his bottom lip and chuckled. "Mm ... You keep that up, and we won't sleep for a good hour or two more." he whispered, leaning toward him to kiss his lips softly.

Sebastian shook his head. "I knew that already." he stated, flipping over and gently pinning the god to the mattress, lips instantly to the side of his neck while his hips were rocking against his suggestively. "I meant about what I'm going to do to you." he added, so very obviously having missed the man. He may not know what they were titled yet, but he knew he definitely adored feeling the other close in such an intimate manner.
Jupiter took a hold of the teen's hips and held them in place, kissing the other with just as much passion and heat. "But if I allow you to do such wicked things-and believe me, I want to allow you-your parents won't allow us to spend nights together anymore." The brunette kissed the other male again, arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
"Maybe so..." he murmured, lips continuing to caress his neck, trailing along his neck and to the front of his chest. already, his fingers were slipping to hook around the top of his boxer's waistband, tugging it off his hips and attempting to remove it from his body. "But I'll be pleased in the meantime" he added, nipping the front of his chest and he kept at his actions, not giving up that easily. His hips even began to grind his once more.
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