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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian kissed him back just as passionately, eyes closed and lips continuing to caress his. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hugging him and he slowly pulled away, looking down at him and shaking his head a little bit. "So easily excited." he teased before turning and making the way back to his room.

of course, things could not be easy. His mother was standing, arms crossed, in front of his bedroom. He looked over at the two as they came back, sighing heavily. "Your Uncle Tomias ... needs to learn to mind his own business." he hissed, glancing to the other room where Tomias was beaten quite intensely by Relic. nothing life-threatening, only flesh wounds -- probably.
Jupiter blushed with the sight of Relic standing in front of Sebastian's doorway. Well, there was no way to avoid confrontation now, though he knew exactly what had happened to Tomias. He made a note to go and check on him once he dealt with Relic. "Sorry." What else could he say?
Relic sighed heavily, looking at how happy his son was and he closed his eyes for the moment. He took in a deep breath and then stepped toward the two, until he was a mere foot in front of them. "No. You're not. Don't lie to me." He stated, his arms drooping to his lower torso and he looked at the brunette once more. "My son is happy with you. You're going to do it anyway. So, I suppose, there is no reason for me to be such a prick." He looked over at Sebastian, seeing him so very relieved and he shrugged. "Besides, my frustrations were let out on Mias." He chuckled darkly, walking past the two and heading toward his own bedroom.
Shaking his head, Jupiter shrugged. Relic was only half right. He wasn't sorry that they slept together, but he was sorry that they went behind his back to do so. But when the other man left, the god turned towards Sebastian. "Go on. I'm going to check on your uncle really quick." Jupiter nudged the teen towards his bedroom before moving into the one where Tomias was stashed. "You let a boy in a skirt beat the hell out of you? Shame on you."
Sebastian nodded, kissing his lips softly before he scurried off to his bedroom. He fell forward onto the mattress, yawning softly as he did so. Yep, definitely tired.

Tomias let out a short laugh, sitting cross-legged on the ground, tenderly touching the many wounds that were aching far too horribly right now. He shook his head a little bit, looking up at him with pathetic eyes. "Oh, hush ... He's scary." he protested, a bottom lip poking out as he did so. "You should be thanking me, not teasing me. Your little lover is no longer angry toward you. Jerk." he stuck his tongue out at him before he groaned. "He's scarier than Rune... He really, really is... rune... you know what to expect. brute force, a bit of torture, that's it. him? He's unpredictable and I think it's scarier that he's in a skirt!"
Jupiter laughed and reached down to hep Tomias up off of the floor. "I'm very grateful to you for letting us defile your house," he answered, looking over the wounds. "You'll be sore for the next couple of days, unless you go ask your nephew for a favor, but you'll survive. Clean them up a bit."
He groaned as he stood up from the ground, rubbing at his rump and whimpering softly. Damn. He hurt. He lifted his eyes to the god and soon his green orbs rolled at his words. "Yea yea." He mumbled, sticking his tongue out at him. "Just ... go cuddle your boyfriend." he bared his teeth at the man before hobbling off down the hall, still rubbing his rump as he did so. Yes, definitely needed to go ice his rump.
Shaking his head, Jupiter did just as he was told. Moving into the bedroom, he once again stripped to his boxers and climbed into bed, waiting for Sebastian to join him so that they could go to sleep. Once he had, Jupiter wrapped his arms tightly around the male (though loosely enough to allow him to breathe!) and settled down for the night.
Bouncing through the halls, Jade squealed softly once he spotted his husband. He pounced the man, arms wrapped around his shoulders and legs around his hips, squealing once more. "MURA! We're going to be parents." he chimed happily, giggling once more into his ear, kissing him softly and then pressing his lips to his in a passionate embrace. Yes. Definitely happy.
Looking up from grading his papers, Murasaki smiled at his husband. It wasn't a surprise that Jade was pregnant-they'd been trying since their wedding night. The surprise was that it took this long. But he was happy as he held the man in his arms and kissed him. "I think that calls for a celebration," He declared, chuckling while leaning in to kiss along Jade's neck a bit. "Maybe...a nice, romantic dinner out followed by a long weekend in?"
Jade purred softly, his eyes slipping closed as he felt the other's neck connecting with his neck. Oh how he adored the other... especially in moments such as these. He grinned, nodding and leaning toward him to kiss him back. "Sounds lovely." he stated, giggling softly as he kissed him once more, nuzzling him absently. "Maybe ... we can tell Mama and Papa after our weekend."
He wondered what Rune's reaction would be to becoming a grand...mother? Well, grandparent either way. The wizard nodded and pecked a few kisses to Jade's lips. "We can tell them whenever you want, sweetheart." Smiling a bit more and after a few more kisses, Murasaki pulled away enough to look at his husband. "We'll have Jupiter or Dr. Byrne come look at you next week."
Jade nodded, nuzzling into him a little bit more, smiling lightly. He kissed him a few more times before pulling back as well. He looked down at him, love clear within his eyes. "Mhm. They can wait." he added, leaning forward to kiss him once more. "Let's go celebrate." He whispered, lips slipping down his neck, kissing the flesh there. He just wanted to be closer to him, but was a bit paranoid with the whole baby thing. So, kissing him worked.
They had a lovely weekend together. Mostly they stayed in bed, but Murasaki ventured out to cook for them, and for showers, and to call and make an appointment with Jupiter for early in the week. By Sunday afternoon, he was going a little stir crazy. The wizard adored spending time with his husband, but there were only so many days in a row that he could spend inside, doing nothing.

"Lets go out," he suggested, nuzzling into Jade's shoulder a little. "We'll have brunch, maybe stop to see Trevor and your parents to give them the good news..."
Jade giggled softly. He could see him getting annoyed at not doing anything, and he adored him even more for it. He leaned to the man, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before he nodded. "Yes." he agreed, already leaving to get dressed.

Brunch was lovely. So far, Jade was not too sickly at the sight of foods. He was very happy with everything that he was spoiled with, and even giddier as they were walking to his brother's house. He could not wait to tell him! he really, really could not wait. He was trying not to spaz too horribly while they moved down the sidewalk. He moved up to the door, impatiently knocking on the door, waiting for his brother to answer.

Trevor slowly came around to the door, looking groggy as ever. Long, brown locks fanned over his form, cascading over his bare torso. His pajama pants barely holding up on his hips and he looked so very tired as he stared at his brother. "Morning Jade..." He said, taking a step to the side, easily allowing the two to walk into his house.

The two were barely inside the house before Jade could not longer stand it. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" He squealed, wrapping his arms around Trevor and nuzzling his brother, gripping him and just all around excited.
Murasaki enjoyed their brunch. He was glad to see that Jade had warded off the morning sickness thus far, though he knew that they likely wouldn't be able to avoid it forever. The violet haired man paid the tab and then fell into step with his husband. They strolled through the town, enjoying the sun and chatting here and there. He could only shake his head, though, when they arrived at Trevor's house and Jade told him the news.

"Perhaps, sweetheart, you should have allowed Trevor to wake up a little before springing the news on him." He laughed and made his way into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for the four of them, as he heard Bohdi shuffling along upstairs.
Jade pouted, shaking his head as he nuzzled into the man a little bit more. "Trevvy doesn't mind." he protested, reverting back to his immature self for a moment and he turned to bury his face into the bare chest of his brother. Oh, yes, he really, really was happy He hugged him tightly, not wanting to release his brother just yet.

Trevor remained silent, blinking a few times as he stared down at his brother. he smiled, leaning down to kiss his head and he hugged him happily. "Congratulations." he said softly, turning and beginning to follow after his brother's husband. He kept an arm around the blond, knowing how excited he was. "Have you told Mama yet?" He asked, seeing the boy shake his head and he nodded. "He will be happy. You're married ... That's one thing he will definitely be happy about."
Laughing at the comment, Murasaki shook his head. "Like I would have been stupid enough to get your brother pregnant before marrying him." He bustled about to make the coffee, greeting Bohdi as he made his way downstairs, just as bleary eyed as Trevor had been. The blond mumbled something that Mura could only assume was a greeting as he sat at the table and let his head drop forward onto his arm.
Both brothers just stared at the man with a bit of a dull look. "You did." they said in unison before Jade shrugged and released his brother finally. He giggled and bounced his way to the chair, sitting down and practically bouncing out of his seat. Yes. He was infinitely happy right now. HE turned to Bohdi, beaming at the blond. "Good morning!" he chimed, giggling once more.
"Not purposefully!" he argued, sticking his tongue out at the both of them. "And if you're not nice I'll make you both sorry you woke up." He was teasing, of course, but that wasn't the point. Murasaki set a mug of coffee down in front of Bohdi, and then one for Trevor. Hot chocolate was given to Jade and tea for himself. "How are you two?" he asked. "And Kyros? I'm sure he enjoys having a large yard to run around in?"
Trevor thanked the man, pulling the coffee toward his form and adding one little lump of sugar and being content with that. He nodded. "It's ... great." he admitted, looking over at his husband, smiling warmly before he turned his eyes back to the two across from him. "And you two? Obviously you are enjoying the married life." He teased, glancing to Jade who blushed at his comment. He smiled softly and returned his eyes to Murasaki.
They sat and chatted for a bit, Murasaki enjoying the blush that Jade got whenever sex was even hinted towards. It was cute. After an hour or so, though, Murasaki stood to leave. Both men seemed to want a lazy day to themselves, and they still had two very important people to tell their news to. Hopefully Rune would be awake so that Jade wouldn't have to risk injury to wake him up!
Jade giggled, gripping his brother tightly and kissing his cheek quite a few times before he squealed and began to leave the house. he laced his fingers with his husband's, leading the way toward his old house. He turned to look at him, kissing his neck softly and then turning to look in front of them once more. "I hope Mama is excited. I know Papa will be..." He commented absently, more concerned for his husband more than his wellbeing.
"I'm sure they both will be." He still wondered about the initial shock of it all, but that would quickly go away. Murasaki held Jade's hand, even as they knocked on the front door and waited for an answer. It was Calder who answered and greeted them both quite happily, offering both a kiss to the cheek before stepping aside to allow them into the house.

"You don't have to knock," he told them, leading them to the kitchen. "You're family."
Jade nodded, sighing softly and resting his head against his love's shoulder. He stared at his Papa, beaming when he opened the door. "Hello, Papa." He said happily, walking inside and kissing him on the cheek while he walked to the kitchen. He sat down at the counter, tapping his fingers on the table and chewing his bottom lip just a bit as he did so. Oh, he was suddenly nervous.

Rune yawned softly, arms stretching above his head as he walked to the kitchen, groaning a little bit. He moved to Calder, kissing his lips softly. "Poor Sev's heart broken." he whispered, grumbling a little. "And Lily's confused." he sighed. "Oh the drama." He then turned to Jade, looking from him to Murasaki then back again. "What brings you to our neck of the woods?"
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