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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He greeted Rune with a little kiss, wrapping his arm around the man's waist to hug him. "They'll work it out." At least, Calder hoped that they would work it out. "Maybe you should talk with Lily?" The blond nuzzled along the man's jaw as he turned to talk to their son and son-in-law, getting lunch ready for himself and Rune when Murasaki said they had just had brunch.
Rune groaned. "Damn drama." he mumbled, moving to sit across from the two and pouting as he stared at the new married couple. His eyes slipped closed for a while as he thought to himself, just feeling so helpless about their children's situations.

Jade blinked a few times, staring over at his Mama and he chewed his bottom lip just a bit more. "Mama... Papa..." he began ,looking form one, then to the other and he took in a deep breath, closing his eyes and he soon smiled. Yes. He definitely was happy right now. "You're going to be grandparents." He stated, chewing his lip while he waited for their reaction.
Looking up, Calder wasn't very surprised. Happy, yes. But he'd seen this coming from a mile away. He smiled and hugged them both, offering his congratulations to them. If you had asked him twenty years ago if he would be a parent, let alone a grandparent, this young he'd have laughed at you. Now, though, Calder was excited.
Rune arched a brow when he heard the announcement, smiling lightly and he shook his head a bit. "You're married. You can procreate." he stated, seeing how worried his son had been. He slid off and walked to him, arms wrapping around his shoulders and holding the boy to his chest, kissing his cheek softly. "Congratulations." he whispered, hugging him and then turning to Murasaki and patting him on the shoulder. "Congrats to you too. Have you called Byrne? Or are you going to see if Jupiter will help you out?"

"Jupiter. I feel bad calling Dr. byrne all the way from Ireland..." he sighed softly and shook his head, so very happy.
Murasaki was a bit relieved himself. He'd worried about how Rune would react, and it was nice to know that he was excited for them. Nodding with Jade's answer, he sat on one of the kitchen chairs, tugging his husband into his lap. "We'll have to talk to Relic, as well. Perhaps he can make you a few cute maternity outfits." Smiling up at Jade he kissed his cheek and held him there while they visited a bit. "And maybe a trip to Greece is in order to visit Ella?"
Jade gasped and nodded. "YES! Ella has to know." He squealed and bounced on the other's lap just ab it. "Oooh! She'll be sooo excited to be an aunt!" He giggled and kissed his love firmly before he turned to look at his parents once more, utterly beaming.

Rune sighed heavily with a shake of his head head. "Relic will gladly make you clothes, and your baby. And ... when you guys want, let us know and you can use the plane." he stated, walking to his son and kissing the top of his head before he pulled back with a little groan. "I'm hungry." he mumbled, turning and making way to the refrigerator -- Calder's meal took too long.
Smiling, he thanked them and nuzzled along Jade's shoulder a little. "In a week or so," he decided. "After Jupiter has checked Jade out and given him the okay to fly, I think?" The wizard looked to his husband for confirmation. "We'll spend a few days there? Or maybe, if you're a good boy, I'll take you shopping," he teased softly, laughing a little.

Reaching over, Calder gave Rune's rear end a firm smack. "Eat now and forfeit your claim to chocolate chip pancakes."
Jade nodded, kissing him once more and he sighed softly. "Okay." he whispered before he grinned. He would love to shop! Really, really love to shop. He kissed his husband a few more times and then settled back a bit, looking at him with a grin. "We can look at baby clothes." He suggested, laughing a bit more and kissing him again, relaxing with a happy little sigh.

Rune groaned, rubbing his rear and stepping away from the refrigerator, staring at the man and narrowing his eyes. "Feed me!" he protested, arms crossed over his lower torso as he glared at the man. Yep. He really was not happy when hungry.
Things had been awkward around Sirius for a few days after the incident in the diner, but that had worked itself out. They were back to normal least, he thought they were. The kitty eared man was sunning himself in the yard, happily purring away as his tail swished from one side to the other. If he weren't so fair skinned, he might have considered taking a nap...
Sirius still felt strange around Lavi, but he had had enough sense to just ignore the butterflies for right now. He walked through the house, soon spotting his friend and he grinned. Running out of the house, he pounced the man, resting on his hips and smiling softly as he looked down shyly at him, not having thought of the even stranger feelings he would have now that they were in contact with each other. "Lavi! let's do something today."
Giving a soft 'umph!', Lavi opened his eyes and looked up, blushing when he found Sirius sitting astride his hips. It felt...nice. Weird, but nice. He could get used to it, he decided. But the blond ignored that for now and instead nodded. "What?" he asked, not daring to move in case his friend noticed a growing problem beneath Sirius's rear end. "You can nap in the sun with me."
Sirius groaned and shook his head . He leaned into the other, nuzzling his neck softly while his arms wrapped around his shoulders. "but Lavi ... that's boring." he stated, holding him more and nuzzling him once again. "Let's do something fun. Go see a movie or ice cream or ... I don't know." He really did not know what he wanted to do, but he just wanted to do something and with his friend.
"I like napping in the sun," he answered with a little pout. But...oh the nuzzling wasn't going to help his problem now was it? The male bit his lip and dislodged Sirius as best he could, and then stood up, knowing that his semi-baggy pants would hide what he wanted them to. "Okay. Let's...go see a movie then." Lavi wasn't sure what to do, but a movie was always nice. They could get ice cream afterward, too!
Sirius beamed when the man gave into him. "Yay! Thank you, Lavi." he said, giggling lightly while he nuzzled into his arm. He wrapped both arms around his elbow, resting his head against his shoulder while he began to move out to the sidewalk, just so very happy right now. Now that they had a plan in hand. Really, just getting him off the grass would make the teen happy, since it would mean being able to go somewhere, or in the process of going somewhere else. "What do you want to see? Comedy, romance?"
Romance was...not an option. Lavi shook his head. "I don't know. Comedy. Action. You pick." That was rather dangerous for him, but really, he didn't know what films were currently out, and he didn't have to see anything right at that moment. "And then I'll pick where we go for ice cream after." Fair is fair, right?

They walked to the theater, Lavi happy to have Sirius hanging onto his arm and bouncing along happily. It really made him smile to see his friend so very happy.
Sirius nodded and was happy to move into the theater, pouting up at Lavi with big, baby blue eyes. "Can you get me a soda? And ... we could share a popcorn." His bottom lip wobbled a little before he smiled when he agreed and kissed his cheek. He then bounced his way to the side to silently wait for his friend. His hands linked behind his back and he stared up at the ceiling, being quite happy right now.

Soon enough, quite the gorgeous brunette strolled up beside Sirius, smirking to himself as he did so. "Hey. Who are you here with? Your father?" he asked, motioning to the kitty-eared man ... ignoring the obvious different species they were, but who knew what kind of mother he had?
Shaking his head at the male, Lavi moved to the candy counter to get a drink and popcorn for them. He kept an eye on Sirius, though. It was habit from his nanny days, and he began to hiss very softly when he saw a man approach him. It wasn't a new reaction, per se. Lavi had been protective of all of the Lin children. But the motive behind the hiss certainly was different, and even as the sound continued to eminate from Lavi, he analyzed what it was that he was feeling.

The kitty eared man waited to see what, if anything, would happen before deciding on pouncing on the stranger and sinking his claws into the man's back. Still, he wasn't happy.
Sirius blinked a few times when the male was suddenly beside him. He glanced over at Lavi before he shook his head and turned back to the other. "No. He's my friend."

"oh? so ... Just a friend." The man smiled all the more, taking another step toward the other and softly resting his hand on the boy's lower back. "Then ... What do you say to watching the movie with me, hm? I'm sure I'd be better company."

The ravenette arched a brow, staring at the hand on his back and then looking at the male that was speaking to him. "Um, no. I'm quite happy with Lavi, thank you." He stated, taking a step away from him, not really sure what else to do. Of course, that only got the man to step toward him once more, ignoring the hissing kitty.

"Come on .. He has to be boring. I mean, how old is he? Fifty? Sixty?" Obviously, he was exaggerating since, well, Lavi still looked to be in his twenties, but the kid was persistent.
The moment that the male put a hand on Sirius, Lavi was standing next to him, growling now as he stepped in between the two. "I think he said 'no'." The male's tail swished back and forth with a bit of power behind it, Lavi very obviously not happy. His ears were laid almost flat to his head and he had to work very hard to not attack.
Sirius perked up when suddenly, his friend was in front of him. Eyes a little wide as he stared at the back of the male's head. He watched as the brunette snarled but quickly turned in a huff to retreat to his friends. Sirius sighed softly and took a hold of his friend's hand. "Lavi ... Calm down." he said softly, lacing their fingers and still holding onto him as his eyes tilted back to look at the taller male. "What are you going to do when I actually get a boyfriend, hm?"
"That's different," he ground out as he tried very hard to calm down. It worked slowly, and little by little. "You told him no and he wouldn't leave you alone. That's not okay." Sighing, the male moved back to the line for soda and popcorn, this time tugging Sirius along with him. He didn't let his friend know that it truly bothered him to think about him dating anyone. What good would it do? And why did he feel that way anyway?

Popcorn and drinks were gotten and then he lead Sirius into the theater, waiting for him to choose where he wanted to sit.
Sirius sighed softly when the other justified it, just a little bummed. Deep down, he had been hoping for him to say something else. Say that he would not like that either, not that it would be different. He blushed faintly, standing in line beside him and then moving to the back row of the theater. He never liked to sit in front of others. He may be comfortable with himself, but that did not make people telling him to move his ears, or teasing him because of them, any better. So, he moved and sat down, knees pulled to his chest and he turned to stare at his friend for a short while.
Really, Lavi was happy that they sat in the back. He liked watching the people almost as much as the movie, and this row gave the best vantage point. The kitty eared male got himself comfortable before looking over, catching Sirius staring at him. "What?" he asked, looking down to see if he had anything on his shirt and then running his hand through his hair and fur to make sure everything was okay with that, too.
Sirius stared at the man for a bit more, even though the man questioned him, he could not give him an answer yet. Once the lights were dimmed, he could not stand it anymore. He just ... all these feelings. All these strange emotions, they were driving him insane! He easily moved over his arm of the chair, sliding onto the other's lap and before he could speak, his lips were connected with his, kissing him passioately and heatedly.
Lavi blushed as he was looked at a bit more. When the lights dimmed, he could clearly see everything in the room including Sirius who was moving into his lap. That action in and of itself wasn't unusual, but the kiss sure as hell was! The man pulled back for a second, surprised, and studied the male in his lap. "Siri?" He didn't wait for an answer, though. The kiss had stirred up a mass of butterflies in his stomach and the kitty eared man couldn't help but lean forward and connect his lips to Sirius' once again.
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