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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Thank you but... I... I don't know when my birthday is." The words were rushed through while he hurried towards the table with the last of the dishes, sitting down quickly and dipping his head to hide his blush. Kaito didn't answer about being adopted. He didn't want to get his hopes up in case the redhead said no. And it was Isiah's decision, wasn't it? Didn't the child get to choose which pet they wanted to adopt? That was how it always worked before...

Raising an eyebrow, Sergei kissed his husband and sat at the table. Adopt a boy? Well he did act kitten like, he supposed. "I think that--" He stopped himself, realizing that speaking Russian in front of someone who didn't speak it was rude. Sergei rebooted his brain into English mode and tried again. "I think that as long as Kaito would like, then yes."
Gabriel nodded, glad that his husband agreed. He sat down, turning to look at the blushing boy, head tilted to the side in interest. "Kaito," he began, getting the boy's attention. This really did concern him, so he figured he would be sure he heard what he said before just assuming he was paying attention. "Would you like to be adopted into our family?"
Looking up with his name, Kaito was surprised that he was being asked; given the choice. He looked to Isiah to be sure that it was all true and that some game or trick wasn't being played on him. "I..." What was he supposed to say? "Yes I would like that very much, thank you." He could secretly not get his hopes up and assume that the end of this home would be coming soon, too.
Isiah looked at the boy, seeing his expression of 'is it real' and he nodded his little answer. He then turned back to his food, cutting up the steak and then taking a bite of it. Discussion of adoption or not, he was hungry and wanted to eat.

Gabriel smiled softly. "All right then. Tomorrow, we can go and start the process. Kaito, you may have to come with us, but afterward, you are more than welcome to attend classes with Isiah if you wish."
"O-oh... My other...people? They um. They enrolled me at the local high school?" He wasn't saying that he necessarily wanted to go to the local high school-the kids there were mean to him and teased him and, more often than not, pulled on his sensitive tail. But he also didn't want to make more work or problems for these people, either. Kaito wanted to stay here as long as he could, because the thought of having to go to a shelter scared the life out of him.
"Oh?" Gabriel saw Isiah perk up and stare at the boy beside him - He was reading his aura, and from the look he was getting from his son, it was not a very good thing. "well, you can continue to go there if you wish. If not, enrolling you in Prometheus will be very easy, as well as taking you out of the high school. Prometheus is for boys like yourself who are not, well, just a normal human I suppose" He turned to Isiah and gave a little nod then once more looked back to the boy. "It is your choice, Kaito."
His choice? He wasn't really used to making so many decisions! But it was nice to know that he could, he supposed. Looking over to Isiah, Kaito chewed on his bottom lip a little bit. He supposed it would be nice to be in a school that was only for people like him. Well, them, he supposed. He couldn't see any difference in any of the males at the table, but if the school was what the older one said, then there had to be something that he couldn't see.

"Can..." He was almost afraid to ask the question, hating to think he was being a burden. "Can I maybe see it? The school? Before I... decide?"
Gabriel nodded. "Of course you may." He said, smiling softly before he finally turned his attention back to his plate of food. He began to cut up the food on his dish and then turned to look back at the kitty-eared boy. "Tomorrow morning, we will go and get the paperwork filled out and sent in, then we can go to Prometheus and you can see whether or not you wish to attend there." he confirmed, not wanting to really put off the adoption paperwork. It too ka while to process and everything else, so he wanted that to be one of the first things done.
He nodded, thanking them softly as he began to eat. Kaito ate slowly, savoring each bite. Even though many who were made to go without food would gobble down what they were given, he found that he got less sick and got to enjoy the food longer if he ate slow. Besides, the food was very good.

The kitten stopped eating when everyone else did, not wanting to make anyone awkward or to seem weird, even though he'd only finished perhaps half of the meat on his plate and nothing else. "Dinner was very good. Thank you."
Gabriel smiled softly. "Thank you." He said gently and then looked at his half eaten plate with a bit of concern to his features. "Would you like something else? Or are you saving room for dessert? I made some apple pie..."
"No, it was very good." He didn't want to be a bother! But then apple pie was mentioned, and Kaito remembered that apple pie usually came with ice cream... And ice cream was made of milk! He looked up, mis-matched eyes wide and innocent. "Do you have some ice cream?"
Gabriel nodded and smiled a little bit more. He was glad that at least something got the boy a little more excited than anything else. "Yes, we do. We have vanilla, chocolate peanut butter ... and I believe strawberry." He nodded a little, taking his empty dish and then going around the table to get the other ones. when he came to Kaito, he took the dish in a different hand, planning to put the food in tupperware in case the boy wound up hungry later on.

"once the table is cleaned and the dishes are done, we can have dessert."

Isiah perked up. Dessert? Yum! He stood up instantly, getting the platters that the food had been on and then scurrying his way into the kitchen to put left overs in the refrigerator and then set the dishes in the sink to do later.
Hmm. He didn't much like peanut butter, and had never tried strawberry. But chocolate tended to make him sick. And while he'd never actually tried vanilla...well he'd always wondered how something so plain looking got everyone to like it! Nodding, Kaito stood and helped to clear the table, too. He was excited to try ice cream!
Isiah was bustling about the kitchen, starting to wash the dishes and everything else. He turned to look at Kaito, patting the counter beside him. "Here. You can dry the dishes." He offered, setting the dishtowel on the counter where he just patted. He went back to washing up the pans his mother used to create the meal, groaning. There was far too many dishes. He sighed heavily and pushed the thoughts aside to focus on washing. The quicker they got it done, the quicker they could have pie and ice cream!
Nodding, the kitten moved to stand next to...well what was Isiah? A friend? His new owner? His new master? Kaito stroked his tail a few times to calm himself before taking up the towel and doing as he was asked. Each dish was dried completely before being set aside and out of the way of the splashing water before the next one was picked up.

It didn't take long for the dishes to be washed and put away, and in the mean time Sergei had been setting out plates (and one bowl) and forks (and a spoon) and napkins for dessert.
Isiah went about telling the other where the dishes went when they were putting them away. He soon moved and made his way into the dining room where the things for dessert already were laid out. He smiled softly and then took a seat in front of a plate, waiting for his parents to get the dessert for them.

Gabriel pressed a kiss to Sergei, smiling lightly at the man before he heard the boys coming out of the kitchen. He pulled away from his husband and then nodded, turning to the two. "All right. We will go get the dessert." He then took a hold of his love's hand, leading him off and into the other room. He stopped and lent into him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before he pulled back with a soft smile to his lips. "So ... this is definitely interesting." he whispered before turning to get the pie and ice cream.
Smiling as he followed Gabriel, Sergei sighed softly into the kiss. He leaned into his husband for a moment before turning to get the ice cream scoop and pie server. He nodded in agreement to the oddness of their situation. "He seems so... Em. Fright? Scared." He'd gotten used to speaking Russian again now that his husband was fairly fluent in it that his English was suffering. Well. Now he'd have a chance to work on it a bit more.

They brought the dessert out and Sergei scooped the ice cream while Gabriel cut the pie.

Looking down at the bowl of ice cream in front of him, Kaito licked his lips and, not being able to help himself, leaned down and began to lap at the treat...minus a spoon.
Gabriel nodded. he had gotten that from the other as well. He truly seemed scared, which was a pity. He kissed his love softly before they went back into the other room. He served the pieces of pie and then sat down across from his love. His attention slowly turned to Kaito while he ate the ice cream, smiling softly. At least he was very cute while doing so. He did not mind, and was pretty sure no one else would really mind either.

Isiah did not care. He was too consumed in his pie to really care. Well, no. He did not care about it even when he did notice. He looked at him, shrugged, and then went back to his own dish.
Looking up and noticing the others using forks, Kaito blushed a bit. He sat up and took a minute before lifting a spoon and beginning to use it properly. It was a delicious treat and he now knew what so many people liked it. The kitten licked his lips even as he ate, and the ice cream was quickly eaten, despite him wanting to take his time. How could anyone take their time on ice cream? Kaito had to resist the urge to ask for a second helping.
Isiah watched the boy, glancing to him when he spotted his bowl finished. Taking up his napkin, he turned to the boy and gently wiped away from of the ice cream left on his cheeks. "There." he said softly and then finished off his pie. "Want some more?" he asked, head tilted to the side in question. He would not mind some more if the other wanted some as well.
The blush deepened a bit with the wiping away of excess ice cream, mainly because he hadn't realized he was being such a sloppy eater. He whispered a soft apology for being such a slob but nodded excitedly about the prospect of more ice cream. "Yes, please!" His tail whipped back and forth with the idea, loving it.
Isiah nodded, taking the ice cream and the scoop, placing two scoops into the bowl for the other. "Want some more, Daddy?" He asked, looking at the redhead, holding the ice cream out to his parent. He did not even realize half the time that he asked his father things in Russian, or would answer, and speak in English to his mother.
The night went well. Kaito gorged himself on ice cream until he had a belly ache before he sat back int the chair, hands to his stomach and gave a soft little whimper. Yep. He was glad that he hadn't finished his dinner. Ice cream was much better! "Thank you again," he managed softly.
Gabriel nodded and stood up from the table. "You're very welcome, Kaito." he said, taking up the left overs and returning them to the refrigerator. He then walked over to Sergei, taking his love's hand and then beginning to lead him to the living room.

Isiah looked over at his parents while they left, turning to look at the boy beside him. "Want to go to my room? It's where you'll be staying ... if I rearrange, we could probably manage to get a twin bed in unless you don't mind sharing my bed. I have a full sized bed...."
Smiling, Sergei moved with his husband, easily curling up onto the couch with him, head on Gabriel's shoulder with his face buried into his neck. "I missed you today." He nuzzled into the warm flesh, pressing little kisses here and there, just enjoying being close to the other man.

Looking over at Isiah, Kaito shook his head a little, once more becoming shy. "I... I um, prefer sleep with someone... Is... Is that okay?" He didn't want to be an imposition, especially when it came to someone's bed.
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