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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel sighed softly, turning and burying his face into the nape of his husband's neck, nodding a little bit. "I missed you, too. I had a lot of grades to do." He sighed, not liking that he had to work late and ignore his husband more than normal. His arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him closer into his form

Isiah nodded. "Goodie! My room can stay how it is." he stood up, taking a hold of the kitty-boy's hand and then beginning to lead him up the stairs. He moved through the hall simply and he moved inside the small, cozy room and released him before he moved over to his closet. "I should have some clothes that could fit you ... Tomorrow I think Mutti wants to go shopping for you.."
Leaning up, Sergei kissed his love's lips, sighing contently into it.

Moving with Isiah, Kaito watched where they were going so that he wouldn't get lost. The room was nice and cozy and he could get comfortable here. Looking over at the other male, he nodded softly and sat on the edge of the bed and watched. He wasn't sure what to say or do.
Isiah soon came out with quite a few hangers of clothes - jeans, nice pants, shirts, sweaters -- the norm - and brought them toward the boy. "Here's what I have so far." he said, a soft yawn passing his lips, turning to the side to not yawn in the kitten's face. Shaking his head, he turned back to the boy. Resting the garments on the bed and he looked around the room, wanting to make it a bit comfier for the boy. He took his cello from the corner, scooting it a little in more, letting it go and then looking around the room.

"Hm ... We can make the room more comfortable for you too. Make room for another dresser..." Right now, he was just trying to think about what they would have to do and get for the boy.
"Oh...oh it's no bother," he answered softly, looking through the clothes that had been taken out of the closet for him. They were all very nice. He'd never had such nice things. "I don't need much room." He smiled softly and then got up to hang the clothes up on the back of the door. "You can go to sleep if you want."
Isiah gave a small "hm?' and then shook his head. "no no." he walked over to the bed, sitting down on it and stretching his legs out a bit before setting back into the cushiony mattress a little more. "I am fine." he added and then looked over at the boy once more. "I think you will like Prometheus." he commented, right knee pulled to his chest as he looked over the boy. "It is very comforting there and Sirius and Lily go there, my cousins ... They are part bunny ... or something."
Kaito looked over at the other male and nodded. It would be nice to go to school with people who were more like him. "You... You go to the school?" he asked. " don' like you should?" He was confused, really, about what type of school Prometheus was. Isiah's parents had said it's for people who aren't all human. But...the boy in front of him certainly looked human...
Isiah looked over at the boy, blinking a few times. Oh. He nodded to his question. "Yes, I go there." He confirmed, arms resting on top of his thighs and he turned to look back at the boy. "I am not human. Mutti is part angel and something else and Vatti is human ... but I get my power from him." He nodded, turning to look at the male once more. "I see auras. You ... You are lavender. Calm, sweet ... but nervous."
They talked for a few more hours, Kaito ultimately becoming more and more comfortable around the boy. This wasn't..."home" yet, but he supposed that after a few more weeks, it could be. Standing, the kitten moved to the clothes that had been given to him and blushed a little. " Do you have pajamas I could wear?" he asked, dipping his head a bit. "I--I'd have to cut a hold...for my tail..."
"Hm?" The silver-haired male turned to look at the kitten, completely forgetting about that. He nodded, walking off to his dresser and rummaging for a while. He soon came out with a pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt. He then got the scissors from his side table drawer and held the clothes and stationery out to the boy. "Here. Do not worry about cutting them. They are yours now." He waited for him to get the clothes before he moved to his dresser again, stripping to his boxers, he pulled on his own pajamas and, with a soft yawn, crawled into bed. He left the covers pulled back for the boy, not even waiting for the boy before he fell asleep. It was just who he was. He could not wait to sleep once he was in bed.
With a soft 'thank you', Kaito opted to move to the bathroom to change. It was easy enough-he'd been cutting holes in pants for as long as he could remember and now knew instinctively where to cut. Returning to the room, the kitty eared male paused for a minute before climbing into the bed. He curled up close to Isiah, not able to help wanting a warm, solid body next to his, and pulled the covers completely over him. He just felt safer.
By the time morning came, Isiah wrapped himself around Kaito like he was a teddy bears. Both arms around the petite boy's frame and his nose buried into the crook of his neck. Yep. He definitely slept nicely. Yawning, he pulled back, looking down at the kitten and easily remembering all that happened the day before. Slowly, he pried himself away from the boy, sliding over his form and disappearing into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
The morning went well, and even around Isiah's parents he was becoming more at ease. Kaito was a little nervous about going to get adoption papers, but it was one thing that no one else had ever bothered to do. They took him in and that was considered enough for them, and it was easier for them to forget about him. Now... Now the boy felt more secure because it meant that this family really did want to forever-adopt him.

Filing the papers didn't take long, though he was disappointed to hear that it could take almost two months to have everything finalized. That meant that there were two more months for them to change their minds. With a little sigh, Kaito sat in the back seat of the car as they drove to the school that he might be attending. Inside, he was excited.
When they arrived at the school, Gabriel lent over to his love, kissing his lips softly with a gentle, "See you tonight" before he left the car, waiting for the other two so that they could get Kaito a little more accustomed.

Isiah stretched his arms above his head, groaning lightly and he slid out of the car, looking inside for Kaito. He moved to the boy's side of the car, opening his door and holding his hand out to help him onto his feet. He then turned to his Mother, looking him over for a little. "Kaito will be with me the whole day?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yes. That will be best. He knows you and is comfortable. If he wishes to come here then maybe Sebastian will have some of the same classes."
Taking the offered hand, Kaito was relieved that he would be with Isiah for the day. Strangers tended to scare him, or at the very least make him nervous. The kitty-eared male stuck close to his new friend, taking in the sights of the school, but most of all noticing that no one gave him a second look, let alone took the time to say anything cruel or nasty to him. In fact, there were several boys who waved hello to him!

The day went smoothly, he supposed. The school was nice and he was fairly sure that he would enjoy going to school here. Kaito and Isiah were walking towards the front entrance for his father to pick him up when the kitten saw a flash of white out of the corner of his eye. The male stopped and looked for what could have been the source, and went wide eyed. He gave a little mewl and for the first time, left Isiah's side in a dead run towards the other white-furred, kitty-eared man.

Lavi was at the school to surprise Sirius. He wanted to go out for an ice cream before going home-he liked spending time with his new boyfriend! So it was, to say the least, surprising to have a boy that was smaller than him suddenly attached to him at the waist.
Isiah had been zoning out. The day was tiring and so he was easily dozing off into his own world. Of course, suddenly seeing the boy rush off got him intrigued. He turned to see where he went off to before he followed after, just to try and see what was up. He saw that Lavi seemed just as confused as he did so he merely stayed a short ways away, hoping Kaito would explain.
Kaito felt Lavi stiffen and realized that the man couldn't see his face. Looking up, the kitten smiled. "Lavi!"

Looking down, the older kitty-eared male's jaw dropped. "K-kaito?!" His arms were instantly around the younger male, hugging him tightly and pressing his face into the top of the teen's head. Lavi never thought that he'd see the boy again and now... Now he was attached to him; hugging him tightly and sobbing gently into his chest.
Isiah yawned lightly, staring at the two groggily and arching a brow. Well, at least they knew each other which made this better, right?

Sirius beamed when he spotted familiar cat-ears waiting for him. He practically ran out of the school, only to slow down when he saw there was someone attached to him. Moving beside his cousin, his curiosity was even worse. "Lavi ... Who is this?"
Lavi looked up only with the sound of Sirius' voice. Even then, he left his cheek resting against Kaito's head and his arms around the teen's shoulders tightly. "Kaito," he answered softly, eyes closing once more. It felt like a dream to him. He never thought that he'd see his baby brother again. He had so many questions-what had happened, how he was, where he'd been, if he was okay... Though he supposed that in Isiah's care, Kaito would be more than okay.

"He's my brother."
Sirius was not really appeased by his answer. Telling him a name was NOT clarifying just why there was someone clinging to his boyfriend. Yes. he was jealous. He was very jealous. He wanted to know just what the boy was doing and why he was so close to Lavi. Of course, hearing him say he was his brother, he felt better. More informed and that definitely was better. He turned to look at the younger boy then to Isiah, and finally, back to Lavi. "You have a brother?"
Opening his eyes, Lavi nodded to Sirius. "I left just after he was born. I looked for him after I knew our parents had left him, but it was too late; I didn't know for months after." He looked down to Kaito and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. Very slowly they broke apart, Kaito wiping away the tears with the back of his hand and sniffling a bit.

"I was in France," he whispered. "For a long time. And then... I don't know. They didn't want me. So I came back here. I tried to find you, Lavi! I did!"

Lavi hushed the younger boy, hugging him once more.
Sirius took a step to Lavi, his fingers curling around the side of his pantleg and he looked at the boy in front of him. He was Lavi's brother that he had left? Somehow, he felt guilty. It was obviously to be their nanny that he left. He chewed his bottom lip and turned to look at Lavi. "Um ... " he soon gave up, just resting his head against his boyfriend's shoulder.

Isiah soon came out of his little brief slumber, looking at the three and hearing the whole 'brother' comment and he turned to Lavi. "Ice cream." he said simply. "Let's all go out for ice cream."
Kaito perked up with the mention of 'ice cream'. Looking to Isiah he nodded, and then he looked to Lavi. "Please come," he whispered. He wouldn't be able to lose his brother again. He looked to Sirius. "You too... Please?"

Looking down to Sirius, Lavi nodded that they would join them. His arm went around his boyfriend and held him close. He wanted to reassure Sirius that everything was okay. "Yes. Ice cream would be good... Unless you want to go home, Sirius?"
Sirius shook his head. "no no! Ice cream is good." he stated, lacing his fingers with his boyfriend, not wanting to give up being so close to him just yet. He glanced to Isiah, seeing the boy already beginning to make his way down the street, and he followed afterward. His eyes kept closed and he rested his head against Lavi's shoulder. he had missed him, and well, suddenly felt like he would not get all that much time with him today.
They talked over ice cream. Lavi wanted to take care of Kaito. But afterward, they both agreed that it would be better for him to stay with Isiah and his parents. Lavi was still living with the Lin's, and that was only a little bit away. They'd be able to see each other often, if not every day. Besides, he'd begun to really like Isiah!

Everyone said goodbye, Lavi and Kaito for a bit longer, and then went their separate ways. "I--I'm sorry for running off..."
"Hm?" Isiah turned to look at the boy, shaking his head a little bit as he did so. "No need to apologize. I would have done the same." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders. His hands linked behind his back and he moved through the streets, back to their home. He was over it by now. Of course, Sirius was more peeved than he was, but that was understandable considering that the boy was dating Lavi.
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