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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Isiah moved to the boy, crouching in front of him, arms resting in his lap as he looked over at the boy. "Kaito ... You are still welcome, and wanted, in our home." He sighed softly and then moved to sit in front of him, hands resting upon his knees as he looked at the kitten-eared boy. "Last night was ... not the best situation. You could not control yourself and I know that. I willingly let you do what you had. I do not want you to leave." He looked back down at him, hoping he would get him to feel a little better.
Sniffling a little, Kaito looked up. His eyes were moist, and wide with the innocence that no one could expect him to not have. "R--really?" he asked, surprised. He'd always been kicked out when he'd done something bad and it was a shock to know that this time wasn't the same as all the others. "I..." He gave a little whimper and rested his cheek on his knees, which were drawn up to his chest. "Maybe I should have my own bed, then," he whispered. It wasn't that he wanted or liked to sleep alone, but he didn't want that situation to happen again.
Isiah shook his head. "No." He said simply, his attention still to the little kitten. "You do not want that, and neither do I." He pushed his form up from the ground and held his hand out to the other boy. "Come on. Let's go see Lavi. Uncle Calder probably has breakfast ready."
"I-I know but..." He took Isiah's hand and pulled himself up off of the ground. "But it will happen again..." He looked down but walked with the other male. He needed to see his brother, to find comfort in him, but he knew that it was Isiah that he needed to work things out with.
Isiah shrugged a little. "You are fine for a while. If, or when, it happens again, I do not mind helping you." He stated while he moved through the school and heading down the road, back the way he just came from. He was not too sure how to help the boy. Yea, it was a bit of a problem - a big one - but he did not mind helping out the kitten.
At first Kaito was tempted to take the offer of help. But he thought about it for a second and then shook his head. "I--I can't ask you to do that... I shouldn't have asked you, either." The kitten bit his lower lip as they walked, and then launched himself into Lavi's arms as soon as he was near enough. The teen nuzzled into his brother's chest, letting the familiar scent help to soothe him as he very quietly told him what had happened.
Isiah followed into the house, his arms behind his back, hands together and stopping a few steps away from the two while he listened to the other blabber on to his brother. He sighed softly, walking past the two and into the kitchen. He hopped on up, onto a chair, arms crossed and rested upon the counter. Eyes closed while he set his chin onto his arms, remaining quiet while he let the boy just blubber about.
It had been rather embarrassing to talk to Isiah's parents about what had happened, but Kaito had to admit that they had a good idea...even though that meant talking to yet another person about it. But the Murasaki person helped him. It had been weeks now without another incident and Kaito couldn't be happier. He felt closer to Isiah, more comfortable with him. The kitten could easily be found snuggling up to the boy no matter where they were, purring contently with Isiah's presence.
Isiah was happier recently. Kaito was more cuddly and it made him feel better about what had went on between them. He really did like the little kitten, so he was so much more relieved when the boy started to cuddle with him and sleep with him and it was great. At the moment, the teen was walking around the living room, arms stretched above his head, headphones in his ears and keeping time to the beat that was playing in his ears.
Moving in the front door after a visit with Lavi, Kaito smiled at his friend. The kitten moved over to him and nuzzled him hello with a soft little purr. He didn't stop the music or linger long. He wanted some ice cream and moved to get the tub out of the freezer to get some. Kaito was happy in his new home, and surprised that he hadn't been abandoned or kicked out already. Maybe this really would wind up being his forever home.

Ice cream in a bowl, the kitten moved back over to Isiah and offered him some from the bowl.
Isiah returned the embrace of the other, kissing between his little ears on top of his head and then continuing to listen to the music. He soon saw the other back to him, making him pull out the ear pieces and draped them around his neck. He leaned down toward the male, wrapping his lips around the spoon and then pulling back with a simple "Thank you" before he straightened up once more. He rubbed at his stomach absently, staring at the boy before he yawned and made his way to the couch to sit for a little while. May as well, right? he had been in his own little world well enough.
Smiling, Kaito moved to the sofa as well. He sat and leaned into Isiah's side as he licked at his ice cream, using a spoon here and there, but mostly using it to feed Isiah some of the treat. He looked up to the other with a puzzled look on his face after thinking for a few minutes. "Isiah?" Pausing again, feeling that his question was silly. But he really wanted the answer and so he forced himself to ask despite the soft blush in his cheeks. "When's my birthday?"
Isiah looked down at him with interest, taking another bite of the ice cream, he settled back against the couch a bit more. "Your birthday?" he repeated before he shrugged his shoulders. "I do not know." He admitted, looking to the side before once more back to him. "You can ask Lavi, he should know.' Actually, now that he thought about it, finding Lavi was a very good thing! The boy had had no idea when it was before, and now, now he had someone who could tell him.
"HONEY I'M HOME!" Rylee Seoras moved into the house, that was not his, without knocking. Why should he have to knock? This was Nikkos' home and...well he never knocked before... Not that Nikkos had been okay with this the beginning. His friend eventually came to terms with it and allowed it.

The red head moved through the house, looking for Nikkos and found him sitting in the kitchen with, who Rylee assumed was, his husband. Oh goodie! Fun! Moving up to his friend, Rylee leaned down and kissed him quite completely.
Tomias had been happily chatting away with his husband. Talking about the daily Lin-family gossip. Really, his family could be like a soap opera, or a reality tv show, if his family would not kill anyone who dared to try and film them. He was positive the only one who would not care would be Relic. His mother, her husband .... oh everyone else, yes, they would do a fine job of scaring everyone out of their skins and possibly a few broken bones along with it.

He smiled at the thought before his features dropped instantly when he saw the actions of some random redhead in his house. His eye twitched and within a second, he was tearing the other away from his love, shoving the other man away to wrap his arms around Nikkos' shirt. "What the fuck!?"
"Oh well isn't that a fine greeting for your guest!" Rylee balked. He huffed, but got over it quickly and made himself right at home. He sat at the table and pulled a cup of tea to him.

Shocked, Nikkos hadn't had time to react before Rylee was pulled and then shoved away from him. It took him a minute to be able to get things straight. He stood up and kissed his husband softly. "You get used to him, honey," he promised before turning around and glaring at his old friend. "Really? Haven't seen you in almost twenty years and you come in and scar my husband?" Rylee only smiled at him.
"What?!" The male squawked, turning to look at the intrusive male and then once more back to his husband. "NO! No ... There will be NO getting used to that!" He protested, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he glared at the man who so leisurely took his tea. He growled, not happy at all. "There will be bloodshed before there will be any form of getting used to that." He hissed out before sitting onto the chair, still fuming while his eyes kept to the redhead.
Shaking his head, Nikkos turned and planted himself onto Tomias' lap, nuzzling along his neck and jaw a little bit. "I said him, 'Mias... Not...him kissing me." The brunette moved and kissed his husband softly, arms wrapping around his neck as they ignored Rylee for the moment. "Yours," he promised in a soft whisper before turning back to his friend, though not moving from his spot.

"Awwwww. What a puke-worthy moment!"

Nikkos rolled his eyes and pointed a finger at the redhead. "Behave. Or no job."
Tomias wrapped his arms around the other's waist, once he was on his lap. He easily ignored the other man, pouting still as he listened to his words. "Fine. But if he kisses you ... or anything of that sort, I'm ripping out his tongue." He said, his latter words being hissed. He nuzzled into his love, turning to glare at the man. "My house. My husband. You may leave."
"Well. I would," Rylee started, sipping at the tea that he'd stolen from the table. "But...the thing is...and this is really a funny story!... I don't have any place to stay..." The redhead gave innocent eyes to Nikkos, who only sighed and then groaned while his head fell to Tomias' shoulder.
Tomias was not a happy man right now. He did not have a place to stay? He growled and then held onto Nikkos a little bit more. He could not believe that bull shit. He took in a few deep breaths, thinking about this, and knowing his love would not want to throw his friend - annoying or not - out on the street.

"Fine. BUT You are to go nowhere near Alexander. You touch my husband in a way I'll get pissed about, I'll throw you out."
Knowing that Tomias was uncomfortable, he turned to Rylee. "You have a room for you at Prometheus," he offered, smiling. "You know that."

Pouting, Rylee nodded. Yes, he did know that. But this Tomias fellow was so fun to torture!! He finished the tea that he'd taken and then got up from the table. He paused by the mens' side, acting as if he was going to kiss Nikkos again. In the end, the red head switched in mid-lean and caught Tomias' lips instead. Cackling madly, Rylee left the house before he could be killed.
Tomias relaxed when Nikkos saved him. Oh how he loved his husband. He relaxed once more until the man came back. He was trying to kiss Nikkos -- again!? He was about to bite off the other man's head when suddenly, there were lips pressed to his. He went wide-eyed and instantly glared at the back of the man's head. He fumed for quite a while, growling under his breath and kissing along his lover's neck. "Does it get better?"
Shaking his head, Nikkos cuddled with his husband, hugging him close. "Mmm...only if you get used to it," he answered. "Or if you find him someone to date. And no, that does not give you permission to play matchmaker." He kissed Tomias softly before getting up to get him another cup of tea. "But he'll be teaching-too busy to torture you quite so much."
Tomias sighed softly and nodded a little bit, grumbling at the mention of not being matchmaker. Damn. If that would get him out of his hair ... He grumbled and kissed the man once more before he left to get him some tea. He thanked him and then took the tea, kissing the other man's lips once more. "Good." He whispered, just relieved that he would have too much on his plate for him to care about torturing him. Hm ... He would definitely have to keep him busy with work.
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