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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Monday came quickly and Rylee had found that he didn't have as much time as he would have liked to torture Tomias. Oh well. Once he got settled in he was sure that he would find some time. His thoughts went to the wayside, though, when his first student walked in. The silvery hair attracted him naturally-it reminded Rylee of electricity. But he shook his head. No. No this was his student!
Isiah was out of it. Sleep was nicer with Kaito cuddling up to him, but he only worked overtime now that he was playing with Kaito. So, that meant, going outside and playing his cello, or going to the far side of the house, or even his Babushka's to avoid disturbing the resto f hte house. She always enjoyed listening to his music, so he went there a lot.

It was not ten minutes into the class before he was out like a light. Eyes closed, head dropped just a bit and he breathed in and out silently, not even caring if he was caught.
Hmm. Sleeping in class? That was one thing (of many) that Rylee didn't like. He let the boy sleep, though, unable to help the thought of seeing him in detention. He ended class five minutes early so that the teen (Isiah, his class roster had told him) wouldn't be woken by the bell, and then stood next to his desk, clearing his throat to get the boy's attention.
At the sudden lack of sound around him, followed by the clearing of someone's throat, the boy woke up. His eyes fluttered open and his head lifted up, staring at the new teacher that was there. He kept his groggy eyes to the redhead before a yawn passed his lips, forcing his hand to cover his mouth. "Yes, Professor Seoras?" He said gently, softly, knowing why he was there, but figuring he would let the other yell at him, give him detention, and whatever else he felt the need to do.
He smiled. "Can you please tell me why, exactly, you were sleeping through my class, Mr. DeMarquis?" Oh yes, he'd memorized this student's name already and he wasn't afraid to show it. After all, he'd been sleeping so how would Isiah know if he had memorized the rest of the student's names or not? "And what you think your punishment should be for doing so?"
Isiah remained quiet, letting the other speak and, with another yawn, he nodded a little bit. "I fell asleep because I was practicing until the early morning." he informed the man and then thought a little bit about the punishment. He rubbed at the side of his silver locks, messing them up just a little as he tried to think on it a bit. "Detention, I would think, sir. I could clean the boards if you like ... but that never ends well."
"Practicing?" he questioned, eyebrow raised as he slid onto his desk. He was intrigued and was glad that his status as a teacher masked his curiosity into the boy himself rather than the situation that they found themselves in. "And yes, I think detention sounds fair. After school today. We will figure out what you will do then."
Isiah stared up at him with a look of 'duh' but far more polite than that. "Yes. The cello, sir." He told him, figuring that was what he questioned about. By now, most of the teachers were just used to him. Whether it was because of whom his father was, or because he always wound up doing his work, possibly a combination of that and a few things, they tended to let him sleep. He always tried not to, but sometimes, he just could not resist. He would be writing notes and then the next thing he knew, the bell was ringing.

"okay, sir. I will see you after school." He took up his bag, slipping his notebook inside and he then stood up from the chair. "Am I okay to leave?"
Nodding, Rylee stood and moved to get ready for his next class. "Yes. I will see you this afternoon."

The day went by slowly for Rylee. He was looking forward to seeing Isiah again and when the final bell rang, the redhead gave a soft sigh of relief. Now there was just waiting for his student to show up...and figuring out what he would have him do as his punishment.
Isiah returned to the man's classroom as he was told to do. Of course, he was just a little late. He wound up sleeping past the bell, but hopefully, the man would not mind. After setting his books onto one of the chairs, he blinked as he was handed some cleaner and a rag then told to clean the desks. He stared at the items for a while and then nodded with a simple, "Yes, sir" before he went about cleaning the desks.

He did a good job too. He may be a tired little boy, but he had some strength so the marks made by bored students were easily scuffed away with the rag.

About halfway through the desks, the door opened and in-stepped his mother, Gabriel having been a bit concerned when he had not seen his son. He looked over at the new teacher, then to his son, then once more back to the redhead. "Hello. I am Gabriel." he said softly, walking up to him and holding out a hand in greeting. "I was just checking up on where Isiah went."
Ahh a parent! Rylee stood and shook the man's hand. He would be corny, but it didn't seem like the appropriate time. Besides, the man in front of him didn't seem like he'd buy it anyway. "Sorry about that," he greeted. "I should have let the headmaster know that I was keeping him for detention."
Gabriel shook his head. "No. Uncle Mias would not have made him tell me anyway. He likes to see me upset." He admitted and smiled softly to the male. "I also wanted to meet the new teacher. I am one of the potions teachers. I will be more than happy to help you out if you need anything." He stated, watching as his son was already falling asleep since he was no longer being watched. Shaking his head, he turned back to Rylee once more. "I will leave you two. Have him call before he comes home. Thank you." he gave a little bow of his head and had to stop himself from running out of the room. And why? He and Sergei had the house to themselves. Kaito was with Lavi, asking him about his birthday or something, and so the house should be free for a while...

Isiah on the other hand, already was conked out over the desk that he had just cleaned off, eyes closed and his rump in the air just a bit. Oh yes, he really needed to work on a new sleep schedule.
Uncle...? Oh that was lovely. Rylee stored that information away and nodded that yes, he would have Isiah call before leaving the school. Watching as the older male moved out of the room, he looked to his student and smiled. Moving over, he gave a little tap to his rear end. "Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty."
Isiah flinched slightly when his rump was tapped, straightening up to turn and look at the man. "Hm?" He asked, rubbing at the side of his mouth that had just a bit of drool. "Oh." he nodded and then cleaned the desk in front of him once more, eyes to the desk for a while. He yawned and stepped past that one to start cleaning the other one. He scrubbed at it and then stopped, straightening back to turn and look at the man that was there. "Mutti left?"
Mutti? Watching the nod of his head, Rylee put two and two together. "Ah. Indeed he did. He said that you've been adopted out to me and he will have your possessions forwarded over." The redhead gave a little wink to his student. "He said call before you go home."
With his comment, he merely gave the man a blank stare. What was he talking about? He just stared at him and then everything cleared up when he mentioned calling home. Ah. He was teasing. He nodded a little bit. "Okay." He said softly and went back to scrubbing at the table, rubbing into his shoulder then turning to make his way to the other desk.
The time passed a little too quickly for him and before he knew it or was ready for it, it was time for Isiah to go home. "I'll see you tomorrow after class, too," Rylee noted as he sat at his desk to grade. After all, the teen couldn't get away with falling asleep in detention for falling asleep in class, right?
Isiah nodded, placing the cleaning supplies onto the desk closest to the teacher. He mumbled a small, "good bye" in Russian, and then out the door he went. He called his parents, heading back and easily cuddling up with Kaito for the rest of the night, did his homework, and once more, practiced well into the morning.

The next day, he tried to not fall asleep during the man's class once more, but he dozed for a moment or two, quickly being poked awake by one of the boy's beside him. He nodded and then, soon enough, the end of the day came. The groggy little teen made his way through the hall to the man's classroom. A yawn passed his lips, his eyes slipping closed as he turned into a bit of a zombie. At least until he bumped into someone. He stopped, stepping back and looking up at quite the pissy male.

"Watch where you're going, you little pest!" The man growled out - obviously, one of the older students.

Isiah nodded a little. "Sorry." he mumbled and then began to walk past before being stopped by one of his cronies grabbing onto his arm and yanking him back to in front of the 'main guy'.

"You think you're so special just because your father teaches here? You can't get away with everything you want, you spoiled brat!" After a few blows from the students around him, and obviously getting pissed by Isiah not changing his expression nor getting mad, the elder male's hand lifted, a lovely ball of fire forming within his palm as he smirked quite evilly toward the boy. "I think you need a lesson...."

The teen stared at him with that lovely blank look, seeing the fire in his palm and, once more, he let out a yawn. When the man lifted his head to throw the ball of fire at him, Isiah merely dodged the blow easily, slipping through the others as the wall was instantly hit and Rune so very giddy to have someone to torture. The students were soon rushing off in separate directions as the suit-glad man smirked and instantly was after them.

Walking into the other's classroom, the boy did not even realize how badly beaten his face and torso were bruised, lip split.
Rylee was concerned when Isiah didn't show up right away.He'd been about to go out and look for the male when he finally showed up, battered and bruised. The redhead rushed forward and lifted the teen's chin up so that he could take a look at the damage. "Isiah! What happened?" Rylee did a cursory inspection before sighing and turning him right around to lead him up to the infirmary.
Isiah gave a soft "hm?" before wincing just slightly when the other touched his chin. He really was more sore than he thought. "Angry students." he stated, soon walking out of the room and he sighed softly. "I can have Uncle Rune heal me ... I have detention for you." He really was not concerned about his wellbeing. It made no difference to him. Yes, he ached, but things would be better, after a band-aid.
He shook his head. "You're insane," he noted softly, still leading him away from his classroom. "You're going to have the nurse look at you, and then you're going to go home and get a good and full night's sleep." His tone left no room for negotiation, and Rylee didn't want an argument, either. "Besides, if I made you complete your detention in this state, your uncle would murder me even worse than he wanted to when I first met him."
Isiah looked up at the other male that was leading him out of the room and down the halls, still to the infirmary. "I ... do not want to sleep." he stated, brows furrowed together as he did so. "I go home and play with Kaito or practice ... and then dinner ... and Babushka ..." he really did not know why the man was making him go home. He had to serve his detention. "Uncle Rune will not hurt you. He would but ... not for this." He really did not know which uncle he was speaking about, just figuring that he meant the one he had just spoken of.
He stopped them both in the middle of the hallway and turned Isiah to look at him. "Isiah. You must get your rest, or else your grades will suffer. And your Uncle Rune is not who I am scared of." Reaching out, Rylee very gently cupped the teen's less-injured cheek. "Your practicing, and Kaito, and your Babushka will all be there tomorrow, right? That is your detention then. You will go home, you will spend time with your friend and family, you will eat dinner and then you will go right to sleep for the whole night."
Isiah looked up at the man, blinking a few times when his chin was held by the other. He stared at him for a while and still had a blank look to his features. "My grades do not suffer." He informed him, head cocked to the side just a bit while he looked up at him. "I do my work." He continued to stare up at him with a questioning look still. "Why do you care?"
"Don't be so cheeky," he warned with a little shake of his head, returning to walking and leading Isiah along with him. "I care because you are my student." Telling him why he really cared would be...bad. "I've made up my mind anyway. We'll get you set up in the infirmary and then I'll go and find your... What is it you called him? Motty?" He wasn't being disrespectful, Rylee just couldn't remember.
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