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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Smiling at the presented opportunity, Rylee scribbled "Detention. 7pm. In the kitchens." on a slip of paper and slid it onto Isiah's desk as he walked by, continuing with his lecture. Now if only he knew what types of food the teen liked... Well, he would just make something a bit generic for dinner, then. Everyone liked chicken, right?
When Isiah woke up, he spotted the note, blinking a few times at the paper. He read it over a few times, not really sure he had gotten it the first time. He blinked a bit more and then slid the note into his backpack just as the bell rang. Standing up from the desk, he groggily made his way out of the room to the rest of his classes.

Telling his mutti that he would be home late, he prodded around campus until seven hit. When it was a little before seven, the boy made his way through the halls and to the kitchens as told. He pushed the door open, making his way inside and tugging at the bottom of his shirt. He had given his Mutti his bag to take home, so he at least did not have to worry about that.
Classes were slow, but only because Rylee couldn't stop plotting. Chicken. Well there were thirty different dishes that he could make with chicken. Scampi or barbeque or parmesean or marsala... The redhead hurried the students out of his last class and then moved to shower and change in his rooms before shooing everyone out of the kitchen and taking over. Dinner was prepared: a very simple chicken scampi with broccoli, and some nice toasted garlic bread with a salad on the side. That was set on a table that he'd made previously, set for two.

When Isiah showed up, right on time, Rylee smiled. "Sit."
Sit? He stared at the table for a while and then nodded. He moved over to one of the chairs, sitting down and looking at the food. Oooh, it smelt delicious! he took in a deep breath, eyes closed as he breathed in the food. "Mm..." he whispered, eyes lifting to look at Rylee, still confused as to how this was his detention.
Rylee knew the unasked question but he didn't address it at all. Instead, he set the food on the table and sat in the chair across from Isiah before serving them both some of the scampi with a piece of the bread on the side. "I figured that since we seem to be having detention together more often than not, we should at least enjoy ourselves."
Isiah remained silent and looked down at the plate now offered to him. Oooh, it even looked utterly delicious! He sighed softly, lifting up his utensils and then looking over at the man that spoke now. "But ... Detention is not supposed to be fun, correct?" He asked, not really thinking that was the reason behind his motives.
"Dinner with me is fun, then?" Rylee smiled. "Good to know." He ate in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the fruits of his labor greatly. "No, I suppose not. But. It doesn't seem like you will be staying awake in my class any time soon, and it the other students don't need to know that I've come to terms with it, either."
Isiah went into cutting up the food, far too happy to eat the food that was delicious. He took a bite, eyes closing and he practically purred at the taste. Mm. really, really good. His eyes opened back to look at the man. "Sorry." He said, truly feeling bad. No other teacher seemed to care that much, but he did. Therefore, he did not like that he was still into giving him detention for it. He did not mean to sleep. He just could not stay awake. "so ... Is this my detention?"
"This is your detention for tonight, yes." Rylee ate a bit and sipped his wine (he'd given Isiah sparkling cider). "Cleaning desks didn't work. Sending you home to sleep didn't work. So I'll just assume that nothing is going to work and so we'll just keep up appearances, I suppose."
And another one bites the dust. Isiah merely nodded and then went back to eating his food like the good little boy. He got a few more bites into the delicious meal before his eyes lifted to the other man. "Does this mean that from now on, you will be making me dinner as my detention?"
He laughed a bit. "It means that from now on your detentions will be less...traditional, yes. And perhaps dinner sometimes." He nodded to the idea and Rylee continued eating. "What sorts of foods do you like?" he asked, biting into the bread that he'd toasted. "What do you like to do other than sleep and play the cello?"
Isiah quite liked that idea. It sounded much nicer than any other options he had heard so far. He remained silent, just eating his food and he perked up with the other question. What kinds did he like? Hm... He chewed on another piece of chicken and shrugged. "I will eat almost anything. As long as there is not too much onion... and no hunks of it in there, then I like it. I prefer chicken, though." He added, holding up another piece of the chicken and then munching onto it happily.

Another question? huh ... he really was not treating this as a normal detention, huh? He thought for a short while. "I like to make music. And look at art ... I like museums.'
"Very interesting." Rylee ate a bit more and sipped at his wine, too. "What sort of art? Maybe a detention could be spent at a museum next time. I assume there will be a next time, of course." The redhead put his plate on a counter and took another one for his salad, dressing it with a little oil and vinegar while he plotted.
Isiah remained silent as the other started to suggest the next detention. He scooted closer to the table, and therefore closer to the man who was in front of him eating a salad. "Mr. Seoras, now will you tell me why you lied to me? Why you are having this 'detention' ... I am sure I know your motives, but I wish to hear them before anything else."
Ah the moment of truth. Rylee couldn't decide whether he was excited or nervous. He decided on a little bit of both as he nibbled at his salad, trying to find the exact right words to answer with. "You know why I lied. I think your true question is what were my real intentions." The redhead paused again before speaking. "You intrigue me," he answered. "I was...very taken with you when I first saw you."
Isiah kept to himself, letting the other's words just sink in for a little bit. He had known there was a reason behind his actions, and well, just pushed them off at first. After this and a few other things in the past, he had become a little skeptical of the man's true intentions. Keeping his eyes to him, he soon gave a small nod to his words. So, that was the case then? he intrigued him? Hm.

After a few minutes of the boy thinking over everything and anything that had happened between the two over the past few weeks, the boy pushed himself off the chair and lent over to the man. He pressed a very soft kiss to his lips before settling back onto his rump. "Okay." Was all he said, then went back to finishing off his meal.
His eyes went wide with the little peck, Rylee not really sure how to react. He wanted more, and yet he didn't...not yet. The redhead argued with himself before agreeing that the 'not yet' was his best option...for now. He smiled and reached across to squeeze Isiah's hand softly with a little smile.
Isiah remained quietly eating before he stood up with his dish to go place them into the sink. turning on his heel, he crossed to the other, arms over his lower torso as he stared down at the sitting male. "Does this mean this is a date?"
Looking up, Rylee pondered the question a little bit. Officially, as far as Prometheus was concerned, it was detention. Other than that? Well... The redhead stood up and cupped Isiah's cheek to tilt his head up so he could kiss the teen's lips very softly as his answer. He wondered if a hard round of sex would tire Isiah out enough to make him get enough sleep so that he wouldn't fall asleep in class? Rylee pushed that thought aside.
Isiah lightly kissed the other man back, easily getting the 'yes' out of his lips. He pulled back gently, looking up at him with a bit of interest. He saw the slight change in aura and, well, it almost matched Kaito's the one time. Or ... a few of his boyfriends in his past. The lust. Lust was always interesting to read. Different for every person. Rylee's? His was there. a lot. But it did not seem to overpower anything else, which was definitely a good thing.

"Third date." He stated and then shrugged his shoulders before he turned to go and wash off his plate.
Laughing, the redhead moved with Isiah to help clean up. "Don't sell yourself short. Never give it up before the seventh." With a little smile, he dried the dishes as his...well his date washed. Everything was put away and cleaned up before he turned to the teen again. "I'd offer you dessert, but I didn't make any and I think that your parents will be worried if I don't get you home soon." Smiling he shrugged. "If you'd like, I can drive you home, though. We can stop for ice cream?"
Isiah smiled softly. Seventh? Hm ... That would be two weeks[ish] from now? that was not too bad. Not that bad at all. He merely nodded and then turned once more to look at the male. "Ice cream sounds nice.' he stated, stretching his arms above his head with a soft little groan, already beginning to make his way to leave the kitchen.
Nodding, Rylee lead the male out to his car and opened the passenger door for him. They stopped for ice cream, as promised, before the redhead dropped the teen off in front of his house. "Try to get some rest tonight, hmm?" he asked before slipping out to open the door for him once again.
Isiah was quite content on the way home. Rylee, well, he really liked him. He had for a little while now, too. He just never really thought much about it. So, he just kept to himself, did his detentions, and was a good little boy -- reasonably. When the door was opened for him, he stepped out, pecked the man's lips and then nodded. "Tomorrow.' He said, walking past him and into his house.

The next day, Isiah made his way through the halls, getting to school just a little earlier than normal. Nothing big, but just enough. He sneaked his way into Rylee's classroom, glad to see him there. Walking over to the male, he leaned toward him, pressed a very soft kiss to his lips, and then set back once more. "Morning."
Surprised, Rylee wasn't able to return the kiss. He was saddened by that and leaned forward to kiss Isiah's cheek. "You look rather awake today," he commented with a smile. "Have you done the assignment?"
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