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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Isiah closed his eyes for the soft kiss, remaining silent and he nodded a little. "Yes. I did." he said, resting a hand over his lips to stifle his yawn a bit. "I am a little more awake." He then glanced to the clock, staring at it for a few moments before he nodded. "I have to get to class." Turning to the man, he pecked his lips once more. "See you." With that, the boy turned on his heel and went off to his first class.
It was a month that passed. Rylee had taken Isiah on six dates so far, and he was dragging his feet for the seventh, mainly because he still wanted to wait to sleep with him. Or perhaps he wanted to tease the silver haired teen a bit more? The second one seemed more likely, but that wasn't the point anyway.
The bell to end the day had barely rung before the door to Rylee's classroom burst open and in ran the lovely silver-haired Isiah, leaping onto Rylee with a little squeal. "RYLEE!" He giggled and bounced on his form a little bit, arms tightly wound around his shoulders, gripping him excitedly. "I DID WHAT YOU SAID! And I slept! THE WHOOOOLE DAY Yesterday! I didn't play my cello and I didn't stay up until three and oooooh! Your hair is REALLY REALLY red today! Did you get highlights?! Oooh! Let's go! Let's go on our date and then we can go back to YOUR place!" The boy continued to bounce up and down on the man's form, just oozing with glee while he stared at the gorgeous redhead beneath him.
Staring wide-eyed at the silver streak that was now bouncing in his lap, Rylee listened to the 'rant'. And only after Isiah was done did the redhead take hold of his hips and hold him firmly in place. "I said that you should begin sleeping entire nights, Isiah..." Where was his boyfriend? The sleepy, docile little adorable mass that would wind up hunched over and sleeping in his lap nearly before his detentions began??
He giggled, though his smile drooped when his hips were held down by the other. He whimpered a few times before staring at the other. "But ... I had time to make up for!" He stated with another little giggle and bouncing once more. "Let's go on our date! It is our seventh ... after all." He smirked and leaned into the other, kissing along his neck and giggling all the more excitedly. "It'll be fuuuun." He purred into his flesh, bouncing on him a bit more.
Unsure as to how to handle this new Isiah, Rylee stood and easily lifted the teen into his arms as he did so. "Alright, Isiah. Desperate times call for desperate measures." He moved through the halls towards the administration offices. He easily made his way into Tomias' office and plopped Isiah into the man's lap. "Fix it."
Isiah giggled happily and continued to kiss along the other's neck. "Aww...." He purred out, nipping the other's neck moments before he was plopped in his uncle's lap, his pout protruding even more as he was now away from Rylee.

Tomias looked at the teen in his lap before he shrugged. "Can't." He stated shortly, continuing to do his work while the boy in his lap kept up his little pout.
Rylee growled a bit, but sat down across the desk from the both of them. "You have to or else I will have to medicate him... Heavily." The redhead glared at Tomias and whimpered a little when he looked at Isiah. He wanted his little sleepy sweetheart back!
Tomias sighed heavily, resting his pen down and looking over the pouting, and slightly fuming, male to the redhead in front of him. "First, I don't like you enough to help you. Second, drug him if you want. Not like I care." He stated, looking at the boy and he rolled his eyes before his attention returned to the other. "Third, I can't 'fix it' when there's nothing to fix... And especially when this isn't Isiah." He whacked the upside of the silver locked male's head.

The boy yelped, hand coming to the back of his head, now rubbing golden locks and his icy blue eyes glared at Tomias. "YOU SUCK!" Lucius mumbled, turning to look at Rylee and pouting a little bit more. "He's cuuuuute." He protested before whimpering a little bit more. Yep. He was planning on having quite the bit of fun with him, but no. He had to go and be a spoilsport JUST because he did not want to be boring and sleepy-acting. Bastard.
Rylee's eyes went a little wide with the change in the boy. Now he was angry. He muttered a 'thank you' to Tomias before standing up and taking the now blond with him by the back of the shirt. The redhead dragged the teen through the halls, looking for Rune as they went. It was easy enough to find him and, oh! Lucky Lucius, his parents were together! Rylee shoved the boy into the classroom. "He tried to rape me." Okay. So he was exaggerating. That wasn't the point.
Rune stared at the blond that was shoved toward him, arching a brow and then looking over at Rylee. "Obviously he did not succeed, and knowing my son, if he was trying to, he would have succeeded... and you would not be walking straight for a week." He shrugged his shoulders before his fingers wrapped around the other's blond locks, yanking him to his form, causing the hairs to change to a lovely pink. "I've told you to stop that. You can impersonate people and bother your brother, but ... don't do that! Or at least not to Isiah's name! You'll get him raped."

Lucius pouted and shoved his Mama away a bit, rubbing at his head which seemed to be getting all the abuse. "I didn't rape him! I wanted to merely show him a good time and fulfill his fantasies." He stated, sticking his tongue out at the glaring man before he crossed his arms over his lower torso, grumbling a few times. "But FINE! I'm sorry I almost soiled Isiah's good name." He rolled his eyes, attempting to leave before his parents truly got angry ... Or more so before his Papa had a chance at him.
He was satisfied with the tongue lashing that Lucius got. Rylee nodded to both Rune and Calder before moving out of the classroom in search of Isiah. He wanted a nice, quiet cuddle after that! The redhead grumbled a bit as he moved back towards his classroom, pretty sure that that was where he'd find Isiah. Just to be sure, though, he poked his head into Gabriel's classroom.

"Seen Isiah?" he asked with a little smile.
Gabriel turned to look at the door, seeing Rylee and he nodded. "Yes. He said you were not in your room so he went to Uncle Mias' to use his bed until your dinner." He informed him, smiling softly to the male. He quite liked Rylee. He treated his son with such kindness and did not seem to have much of inappropriate intentions with him. His son was nineteen now, his decisions were his own.
Nodding, Rylee hid his disappointment in that. Well, he could just...make himself at home... Yes. Yes that was what he would do. The redhead waved to Gabriel and made his way over to Nikkos' home and easily let himself in. Nikkos and Tomias wouldn't be home for a few hours yet. He went from room to room until he found his sleeping boyfriend. Smiling, Rylee easily slipped into the bed behind him and curled up around him, nuzzling at the back of his head a little.
Isiah's brows furrowed together. The weight beside him was different than Kaito's. Slowly, he turned onto his other side, seeing the familiar red hair and he yawned once more. Nuzzling into the man, he wrapped his fingers delicately around the other's shirt. "I thought it was after the seventh that you got me into bed." He murmured, nuzzling him a little bit more with another yawn passing his lips. Mm. He really should get up, but the other's warmth was just so, so lovely.
He chuckled and kissed Isiah softly. "It's after the seventh that you should allow me the chance to get into your pants. I said nothing about how long you should wait before allowing me to cuddle up to you in bed." Besides, this would be a lovely sight for Tomias to walk in on, he was sure. Smiling at that, he gave another kiss to his boyfriend before nuzzling into the top of his head and holding him close.
Isiah nodded a little, curling right back up against the man with a little yawn. "Don't we have a date?" He mumbled, though he showed no signs of getting up to go to said date, just wondering. He was not sure if the other had reservations at anywhere or anything of that sort. He did not want to be late. besides, he liked his food.
Humming a little, Rylee shrugged and then shifted his weight a little simply to get more comfortable. "We can go out tomorrow," he offered softly. He was getting quite comfortable lying where they were. "Besides, I'd really like to see your uncle's face when he finds me making myself so at home in his house." Smiling down at Isiah, Rylee laughed a little at himself.
Isiah nodded a little bit, cuddling up to him just a little bit more. "Uncle Tomias will not be happy.' he admitted with a little yawn and then slid his arms around the other man's form, pulling him tighter to his own torso and nuzzling again. "We could make him angrier and you can get into my pants." he offered, though kidding. He planned to wait a while longer, but he just loved to see that Rylee wanted to as well. Really, it made him feel so much better about being with him.
He laughed and pulled Isiah closer, too. "Or we can move into his bed, take our shirts off, climb under the covers and make him think that I got into them while in his bed..." Oh, he could be cruel when he wanted to be. The redhead smirked, loving his idea far too much to not follow it through. He slid off of the bed and then lifted Isiah with him. It didn't take him too long to find the master bed room. He was just taking their shirts off and slipping under the covers with Isiah when he heard the front door open.
Isiah followed the other man to the bedroom, pulling his shirt off and tossing it away with a little yawn. He then slid into the bed beside him, kissing along his chest softly, eyes closed as he did so. his hands slid up the other's torso, and yes, he was trying to tease him. Just a little bit to get him squirming. He could be cruel when he wanted to, but really, he just thought it was too cute.
Shivering a bit, Rylee leaned down and pressed his lips to Isiah's neck. The redhead kissed along the warm flesh, nipping here and there as he went. He didn't care about what Tomias walked in on, and frankly the more the better...especially because that meant that he got to kiss and nip and taste more of Isiah's sweet flesh.
While the reaction was not what the male wanted, it was definitely welcome. His hands moved up his chest once more and he scooted all the closer to him, letting out a very, very faint moan to the attention given to his neck. He blushed a lovely pink shade and ground his hips against his ever so slightly. Oh, that definitely was his weak point.

Tomias made his way up the stairs, far too giddy to be home alone. Well, more so telling Alexander to get the hell out of his house for the night. It worked, that was what mattered. He grinned as he opened his bedroom door, only to have his expression fall completely and he glared at the redhead. "OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU WHORE!" He yelled, growling and utterly seething at the moment.
Ooh that moan sounded very nice coming from Isiah's lips. Rylee bit down just a little more in an attempt to draw another out of him. Of course, the hips grinding into his own were not unwelcome, either. The redhead held onto Isiah's hips and pulled them tight to his body, pressing forward and giving a soft little moan of his own. He had no sense or recollection of the door opening, or footsteps leading up to the door opening. The shout, however, brought him out of their little fog.

Looking up, Rylee pouted. "It's not very nice to talk to your nephew that way..."
Isiah ... ignored his uncle. He was having far too much fun to care. Sure, it may not be ideal, but oh how he wanted it to not stop. He lent into the male a little more, lips traveling over his neck while his hands slid up his chest to give his nipples attention. Playing with the flesh and grinding into him a little bit more. He did not want to stop now. He really did not. Of course, his uncle being in the doorway was a bit of a downer, and they were in his bed, but he really was not thinking about that right now.

Tomias stared at the boy that was still attached to the redhead, gripping the bridge of his nose in utter frustration right now. "Rylee ..." He began, grumbling a little and then looking at Isiah once more. "Should I tell you your boyfriend is part incubus? As in ... you just triggered that side of him..." He stated, arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared at the two in his bed. It had taken quite the bit of searching, but eventually, the biological father of Gabriel was found, and all was explained -- well, most was -- afterward. The pregnancy and well, not Isiah's sex drive. It seemed to have skipped over Gabriel, but really, it was very prominent in his son, but only once activated.
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