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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sirius turned to look at the man beside him when he heard his question. He shrugged a little bit and slid his hand into his, linking their fingers together and walking toward the house. "Um ... I believe they won't mind." He admitted, blushing faintly and then turning to look at him. "I ... only left a note. I didn't want them to know ... Only the pilot and I knew and ... They'll call if they're upset." He reassured, smiling lightly and then turning to lean up and kiss his lips. "Let's go swim!"
The doorbell was rung and the bigger man ran off. James whimpered a little bit as he peaked out of his box. What was he doing here? Were these people going to hurt him? Sell him? Adopt him? Well no. They never adopted him. They usually just used him. The little brunette wondered what he was in for this month. His one red and one green eye poked out over the edge while his sharp kitten-like teeth chewed on the back of his hands, waiting and wondering. This was always the worst part.
Trevor let out a soft little yawn and made his way to the door, after the bell rang. He pulled on a zipper-up hoodie, not really having been doing much other than lounging in his pajama pants for the day. He did not know who it was, but he doubted they wanted a half naked man answering the door. He pulled his long brown locks over his shoulder, opening the door and stopping instantly as he looked down at the boy. instantly, he could feel the fear, the nerves, the utter disappointment oozing off of the boy. His crimson eyes took on quite the sympathetic look. He knew that look. He really, really did.

Remaining still for a few moments, he soon held out his hands to the little kitten-eared boy. "How about some milk?" he suggested in a warm tone, wanting to get the boy in from the chilly outside.
Looking up when the door opened, this man was much larger than the rest. But much more beautiful, too. He was taken with the long locks, and the soft scents that he received off of him, though most of them were taken away by the chilly winds. And then there was the peace offering that no half-kitten could ever pass up. Milk? He liked milk! Nodding James very carefully stood up, trying hard to tug down the ratty t-shirt that was too big for him but almost too short for the bits that mattered, and stepped out of the box. He'd never care if he saw that box again! The brunette stepped into the arms of the stranger and sniffed a little to get a better idea.

"Thank you," he whispered softly.
Trevor blinked a few times, looking down at the boy and wrapping his arms around his slender, and obviously malnourished, body. Poor boy. "Would you like a warm bath and change of clothes first?" he asked, wanting the boy to get out of the ratty clothes and take the chill off his skin. He did not like seeing him so ... worn. It brought back bad memories, for one thing, but another was that he just wanted him to be warm.
Oh. That was the game, then. James took a step back after another half second of taking in the warmth, fake though it may be. "N-no thank you. If... If you could please just...well whatever you've purchased me for so I can be on my way, thank you." He kept his eyes adverted now, embarrassed that he was in this situation in the first place.
The man saw the change in mood and he went wide-eyed, shaking his head a little. "No no! That is not what I meant." He shook his head once more before he relaxed with a soft sigh. "Um, please, stay there." He said softly, looking at him with a worried gaze. He stared at him for a while before turning and disappearing into the kitchen. He was gone for only a minute and returned to where the boy was with a large glass of milk. He held it out to the boy and let out a heavy sigh.

"I did not buy you, little one. I do not know who brought you here, but ... you are more than welcome in our home. Whatever you are used to, it is not what will be here, I promise you that." he said gently, truly wondering where his husband went off too, but not brave enough to leave the boy to venture to where he may be. "I just thought you would be more comfortable after a nice bath. How about I just get you a blanket? Will that be better?"
While he wanted a bath-desperately, he wanted a bath!-James just wasn't comfortable enough to take one in this stranger's home. Though, eventually he supposed he would have to. Maybe after everyone went to sleep tonight he'd sneak in and take one for himself.

James eyed the glass a little warily. Had it been drugged? Was the man really telling the truth? He didn't smell any distrust or dishonesty coming off of him, but there were some who had hid it very well and had wound up tricking him. James didn't want to be that gullible again. He leaned forward and sniffed the milk. It smelled okay... With one last thought of doubt, he took the glass and gulped it down quickly. His belly rumbled a little in thanks and he wiped away the excess from the top of his lip with his bare forearm. "Thank you," he offered again.

Sleepily, Bohdi made his way downstairs. He'd laid down for a nap and had no clue that anything was different. Then he saw the boy, and his state of undress, and heard his husband's comment of a blanket. The blond sprung into action and gathered one off the back of the sofa and moved over to their...guest? Lightly he draped the blanket over the young kitten's shoulders and took the milk glass, handing it to Trevor. "Who do we have here?"
Trevor relaxed when the boy sipped the milk. Good. At least he would get some sort of nutrients inside. He then turned to look at his husband, seeing him suddenly in the room. He took the glass from him, glad that he covered up the poor boy. He turned back to the boy and his shoulders lifted into a little shrug. "I do not know, that was what I was trying to find out." He admitted, holding the glass against his chest and looking down at the boy. "He was on our doorstep."
On their doorstep? Bohdi turned to look at the boy before crouching down to his level. "What's your name, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice soft and curious. He reached forward to push a stray strand of hair out of the boy's face, only to have him pull away almost violently. "Ah...sorry." The blond held his hands up in defeat and dropped them back to his sides.

"James," he answered, shaking a little from the almost-physical contact. Physical contact was bad. Very bad. But it was nice to see that the strange man stopped when he pulled away. That didn't mean, though, that he stepped back forward towards them.

Looking back to Trevor, Bohdi shrugged. "Call Relic," he offered. He saw the eyes of the boy go wide with the suggestion ad he shook his head. "No, James. Relic likes to make clothes and I'm sure he'll have some your size from when his sons were younger."
Trevor nodded a bit and then took a step away before looking back to the boy in his doorway. He crouched in front of him, smiling gently. "James, I'm Trevor. This is my husband Bohdi ... you may not believe it now, but we really do want you to be comfortable and do not want to hurt you." He then glanced to the side, seeing their living room that had the door leading to the courtyard. he then turned back to the boy with a soft smile still to his lips. "If you want to get comfy, you can go into the living room. There is a door there in case you get too worried, okay? I know how meeting new people can be when you're alone and ... if your life is anything like mine had been, I truly understand your fears."

Pushing his form up, he turned to his husband, kissing his cheek softly. "I'll go call him. And make something for him to eat." He state and then walked past him to go do as he said.
James looked past Trevor to the living room, very obviously debating on whether or not there was ample room to get out of need be. Deciding that yes, there was, James whispered a thank you and moved into the room. He studied everything as he walked past, enthralled with the decor and the expensive house. How could such a young couple afford a house like this? But that was a rather rude thing to ask and he felt bad even thinking it.

Following Trevor into the kitchen, Bohdi got another glass of milk for the boy. "Where do you think he came from?"
Trevor turned to the man, the phone resting on his ear. "I do not know. Poor thing." He sighed lightly and shook his head a bit. "So scared and frightened of what may happen to him." He shook his head once more, shaking the memories he definitely saw in the boy to his own life. He closed his eyes, hearing the cheerful voice of his uncle on the other end. He easily explained the situation and then heard the soft squeal of the man. He told him to relax and not be too loud and energetic and he then went to making something for them to eat.
Sighing softly, Bohdi waited for lunch to be made and then carried a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich and some potato chips on it and the glass of milk into the living room. He set them both onto the coffee table for the little kitten and then sat in a chair across the room from him. "Would you like to take a bath? A shower? You can lock the door until you're finished..." He felt bad for him, and the blond wanted to help him feel a little better.

Contemplating, James looked down at himself. He could use a bath... And being able to take one by himself behind a locked, secure door... Well that was a luxury that he'd never had before. But he still didn't trust the two men very much. Maybe they were just tricking him! Lifting up the sandwich, James sniffed it before nibbling at a corner of it. It was very good! He said so softly and whispered a thank you for the offer of a bath and left it at that. He was confused-these two men were nicer to him than anyone ever had been and James was conditioned to wonder why.
Trevor slowly returned into the room, sitting beside his husband with his arms resting on his thighs. He looked over at the kitten-eared boy and then turned to look at Bohdi. He nodded to his words and then turned back to the boy. "Yes. We have a few you could choose from, when you are comfortable enough." he stated, turning back to look at Bohdi and he sighed lightly. he rested his head against the other's shoulder and closed his eyes a little bit. This was definitely a turn of events.

After a few minutes, Relic soon came giggling into the room. A cheerful smile plastered to his lips, a skirt to his hips, and a lovely flowing top to his form. "Hello" He said cheerfully and then made his way toward the chair he was sitting on. He had many, many outfits in his arms. "I wasn't sure what you'd like. I have some of Addy's and then some of Bastien's clothes... They're different in style, so you're bound to find something. And, of course, I'll make you anything you want." He giggled once more, much to Relic-nature, he did not give anyone time to really get used to him. He held out a few more feminine attires, a few that were actually skirts or dresses, then some pants and more proper and formal, some casual in-betweens, and all were laid out on the couch nearest him.

"I hope you find something you like, but if you don't, then I"ll gladly make you something. I'll make you something anyway, but just letting you know!"
James continued to nibble on his sandwich, even as Relic was showing him the clothes. It was all a bit overwhelming for him. No one had ever been this nice to him before, so why were they now? What did they want from him? But James didn't want to be rude, either. Setting down his half eaten sandwich and wiping the grease away from his hands the little kitty-eared boy moved over (though still a safe distance from any of the three) to finger through the clothes that were given to him.

Much to Bohdi's surprise, James picked a flowy green skirt with a matching halter out. "Thank you," he nearly whispered with a very little blush. The outfit was laid out over the back of the sofa to avoid wrinkles and lunch gained his attention once again.
Relic giggled happily, clapping his hands together with a few bounces on his feet. "Ooh Goodie! I'll go work on clothes in the same style.' He beamed and then turned to Trevor, gasping cheerfully. "oooh! DO you want to see the outfits I have for Jade's baby?! Oooh! They're sooo cute! I have cute little nighties and ... oooh!! I can't wait for the baby." he giggled once more, trying to contain his glee and hyperness, but really, when could he?

Trevor looked up at him and smiled softly with a shake of his head. "Another time, Uncle Relic. Thank you." He stood up and pressed a kiss to the man's cheek and then gave him a hug. He was still not one-hundred percent okay with physical contact, but he did not mind family. Strangers? He tended to freak out a bit. "Thank you." he whispered before hte man bounced off to go to his side of the house.
Finally waking up from his own nap, Kyros ambled into the living room, needing to go out. He didn't notice the other scent in the room, still too sleepy. James, though, noticed and he gasped and scrambled up onto the sofa away from the dog and not caring one big about what parts of him were covered and which weren't. The other people had had a dog who had been very mean to him.
Trevor watched the boy's reaction and gasped softly. Poor thing. He stood up from the couch, looking over at the boy and he shook his head. "No, no. No need to worry." he said in a gentle tone. He moved to the dog, keeping him where he was and stroking his fur gently. "Kyros is sweet. He's very special. He won't hurt you, but if you'll feel more comfortable, I am sure he will not mind making sure he does not come near you."
Confused, Kyros saw the kitten and smelled the fear. The blond furred dog got down onto his belly and inched his way over to the kitten, showing not submission but that he meant no harm to the poor thing. James had let Kyros get to the edge of the sofa, and the dog leaned up and sniffed a foot with his wet, black nose.

Watching, Bohdi smiled. "Kyros is my twin, James," he offered, hoping it might help. "When he was a teenager, he died and his soul-in the form of Kyros-found me."
Trevor rested his elbows on his knees, eyes to the boy, watching the dog crawl to the kitten-eared boy. He remained where he was, glancing over to the other and then turned back to the boy, smiling gently. "He is very sweet." He stated and then his hands rested on his knees, pushing his form up and wrapping his arms around his lower torso. He kept his eyes to the boy and then slowly turned to look at Bohdi with interest. "Do you think ... maybe seeing Lavi would help? And ... Kaito. Though, maybe Kaito more than Lavi...." They did seem to be closer in age, so that could make more sense for possibly someone to help ease th other. not to mention, the boy had probably been in a fairly similar situation.
Very slowly, James began to settle his rear end back on the sofa. The dog wasn't nearly so intimidating when he was on his belly. Cautiously and at his own pace, the boy reached out to stroke Kyros' ear gingerly. He didn't know what to expect and didn't want to be taken by surprise. He petted Kyros for a moment or two before looking up at the other two men. "May I please bathe... alone?"

The added on word made Bohdi raise his eyebrow. "There's never a need to indicate that you would like to shower alone, James," he assured with a soft smile. "We would never want to invade your privacy. Come on," he offered as he stood up. The blond had to fight to not hold his hand out for the other. "I'll show you where the bathroom is, and where the towels are, too."
Trevor took a large step back and made sure there was enough room between him and Kyros for the boy to get pass without having to get too close to the dog or himself. He kept his arms behind him, hands linked and holding the other and he smiled softly. "I will prepare a room for you, if you wish. Or, until you're comfortable, would you prefer being down here? The couch pulls out into a bed. It's your choice." of his own? But then, the man had a good point. It would be safer in the living room. There were more escape routes. But the room was very open, too. What if someone saw him through the window and wanted to steal him? Or hurt him? He'd have no where to hide or run or...anything! James was very suddenly feeling very trapped. The kitty-eared male bit his lower lip and worried it a little.

"Tell him that I will protect him... I like him..."

Bohdi looked down to Kyros and smiled. "Kyros said that if you will allow him to, he will protect you. He must smell your unease."

James looked down and still worried his lip, though he didn't jump back quite so far when Kyros nudged his head against his hand. "Yes...alright. A room of my own...please?" Still unsure, he went to shower and once Bohdi was sure that the male was okay, he returned downstairs.

"Well. What now?" he asked, flopping into Trevor a little.
Trevor nodded and already had one of the rooms in mind. One of the ones closer to the stairs. He, personally, would have felt more comfortable in one of those rather than the ones farther into the house. He stayed where he was, arms crossed over his lower torso and he let out a relieved sigh when he saw his love returning to him. He wrapped his arms around his form and he held onto him gently. "We make him feel at home and hope that he will get comfortable with us." he whispered, kissing his lips softly. "We cannot do much else."
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