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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian stared at the man and shrugged his shoulders. They could make themselves comfortable easily in some place else. "No. YOU get to pick it out. It's part of your punishment. If I hate it, then you get to suffer even more." He stated, arms crossed over his lower torso and he took a step away. "And ... I hope Mom makes you piss your pants." He walked past him toward his bedroom, stopping at the door to turn and look at him once more. "When you're done talking with Mom, I'll be in my room waiting." He gave a small 'hmmph' before moving into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.
With a little sigh and a shake of his head, Jupiter moved back downstairs to speak with Relic and Tanner. Neither looked particularly happy to see him. "It couldn't be helped," he offered softly. "Honestly. If it could have been do you think I would have left the way that I did?" Tanner just stared at the man for a moment before speaking.

"They've invented this really cool thing, just a few weeks ago. It's called the phone? Maybe you've heard of it?"
Relic instantly glared at the man when he moved into their vision. His arms crossed over his lower torso and his right knee crossed over his left, growling at the man. He was not a happy camper right now. He hurt his baby and he was tempted to hurt him. So, so very tempted to hurt him. He took in a deep breath and turned his gaze back to his, growling a little under his breath. "You have not only illegally had sex with my son, but now, you break his heart. Do you KNOW what it did to the poor boy to not know where you went? You're supposed to be a psychologist yet you could not even think of what it would do to the boy who LOST his lover to not have contact with his supposed soulmate?"
"But that's what I'm trying to say!" Jupiter exhaled sharply. "I knew what I was doing! I just had no control over it! I was in Russia for four days, and got eight hours of sleep in those days. I worked the rest of the time-around the clock! What could I have done? If I left to make a phone call, people would have died!" The brunette dropped into a seat across the table from the two men. "Please. He's asked for eight days. Let me take him somewhere. If I can't fix it in those eight days, I'll... I don't know what I'll do."
Relic glared at him even more. "You had time away. Walking back to wherever the hell you slept? I'm sure there were phones." He hissed, still not pleased with the man. He crossed his arms over his lower torso and gripped his form tightly. His leg draped over his other leg, swinging back and forth impatiently. "As for the eight days? You may. You make him more upset, and I will castrate you with a rusty spoon."
Yeah. Like he'd do anything like that again! Jupiter thanked the two and moved back up to Sebastian's bedroom, knocking on the door softly. He felt bad-really he did! But they didn't seem to understand the nature of his work in instances like this. It was difficult. "Sebastian?"
Sebastian was sitting on his bed, a sketchbook on his thighs and a pencil in his hand. he lifted his gaze to the other, staring at him and narrowing his eyes a little bit more. He was still angry, but not as much as he had been. "Yea." Was all he said, attention soon back to the page in front of him. Adding the details onto the image of Jupiter he had started beforehand. He needed something to calm himself and drawing was what it was. This particular one was of Jupiter looking off to the side and the wind blowing his hair just slightly.
Waiting until Sebastian was at a point where he could interrupt, Jupiter sat on the bed next to the male on the bed. Once he could, the god wrapped his arms around his soulmate's waist and hugged him to his chest tightly. His face buried into Sebastian's neck, kissing the warm flesh there in apology.
Sebastian pouted when the man held him. He rested against his chest and continued to sketch away. He would not give in that easily. So, for now, he was just going to ignore him. Let his sketch finish up, possibly draw another one. Really just anything to keep himself distracted from the man. He did not want to look at him, nor give into him. He refused to give into him.
With a little sigh, the brunette pecked one little kiss to his cheek and then stood up. "I have arrangements to make for tomorrow," he whispered, kissing his lips softly. "I'll pick you up after school, okay?" Jupiter wanted to stay, but it didn't seem as if Sebastian was interested yet and he didn't want to push him. "Have your bags packed tonight and I'll pick them up on my way."
Sebastian stared at the page for a short while, listening to him and then he slowly closed his book to turn and look at the man. Setting it to the side, he reached forward and took a hold of the front of his shirt, pulling him back to the bed. "No." he said simply, eyes narrowed as he looked up at him. "You're staying here." He stated, not giving them man an option. He did not want him to leave, and he did not want to be alone, he just wanted to be with him but pouty at the same time. He deserved to still be pissed. He yanked him back to the bed and scooted to him, curling up at his side.
Shaking his head, the brunette flopped back on the bed with a little sigh and wrapped his arm around the male's shoulders. He kissed the top of Sebastian's head. Jupiter didn't want to leave anyway, but he also wanted the teen to be happy to see him, even if he had disappeared for four days.
"You're still a jerk." he mumbled, whacking his chest and he curled up a little bit more into him, nuzzling his chest. He swatted his chest once more and then bit it just a bit. "If you ever do that to me again, I SWEAR on the heavens that I will murder you."
Jupiter lifted Sebastian's face with his index finger. He leaned down and kissed the teen's lips very softly as a peace offering. Nuzzling along his cheek softly, the brunette hugged the male tighter to him, closing his eyes and simply taking in the weight an warmth of his soulmate. He couldn't help the little jab, though. "If you can't die, what makes you think that I can?" he asked with a little smile at the corner of his lips.
"because you would deserve it." he said bitterly, nipping at his neck before he curled up with him a little bit more. He was a little happier now, but not totally. He had been so worried and he did not know where the man went or if he was alive or not. "have you thought of where you're taking me?"
"I have," he answered, though said nothing else. Jupiter hadn't decided where to take Sebastian, but only had come up with ideas. "You'll find out where we're going tomorrow when I pick you up from school." Leaning down once again he kissed his soulmate, letting their lips stay together for a few seconds longer than before.
Sebastian nodded to his words. "Good." He said simply, scooting toward him to press his lips to his. He slid his hands up the other's chest, slipping his arms around his neck to pull him to his form, kissing him passionately. Okay. He missed him more than anything now. He tightened his arms just a bit around his neck and pulled his form closer. Kissing him for a while, he slowly pulled back to look at him. "Don't you EVER do that to me again."
"I missed you," he whispered, pulling Sebastian onto his lap and kissing him again. "Don't ever think that I didn't." Jupiter's arms tightened around the teen's waist as they kissed once again, the god relaxing back into the pillows behind him and bringing Sebastian with him.
"You better." he murmured, kissing him passionately and not wishing to speak at the moment. He was far too happy to keep his lips pressed with his. He enjoyed it too much and just no longer cared to be angry. At least not unless their vacation spot was somewhere he hated. He doubted greatly that that would be the case, but he still could give his love a hard time.

Slowly, he slid beside him, resting against his side and nuzzling into him a bit more. He yawned softly, arms tightly wound around the other's form and he kissed his chest softly. "If you're not here in the morning, I will disown you." He stated, biting his side as his own little warning and then cuddled up, falling asleep beside him. He was exhausted over the past four days. He had not been sleeping because of his love's absence, so having him there easily made him sleep soundly.
Sebastian having said that he needed to be there in the morning, Jupiter slipped from the bed after about an hour. He had a lot to do and not very much time in which to do it. He called the airlines, wanting to have an "authentic" vacation, and then the hotel and even a couple of restaurants in the area to make reservations. It was nearly five in the morning when Jupiter slipped back into the bed with his love and settled down to sleep for a few hours.
When morning came, the boy yawned and pushed his form up, seeing the slumbering man and he smiled softly. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to his lips and then straightened to go off and get ready. He was sure to keep quiet to not disturb him. He did not get much sleep so he knew the other man needed to sleep as well. He pressed a kiss to his lips with a whisper of, "Three o'clock. see you then." he stated, kissing him once more. He then placed his packed suitcase near the door, having outfits for warm and cold weather -- mostly warm since that was what he wanted. He then left to go to school.
Groaning as he woke up several hours later, Jupiter smiled to himself. It would be a nice trip, and he hoped that Sebastian wouldn't be too hard on him for their first day being in Avalon. He couldn't get hotel reservations until Saturday and so they needed some place to stay until then. Besides, as Jupiter saw it, there was no down side to spending a day with his soulmate on an otherwise deserted island.

He got himself ready and put Sebastian's suitcase into the car, and was sitting outside of Prometheus at three o'clock sharp.
At the end of the day, Sebastian smiled to himself when he saw Jupiter waiting. Good boy. He grinned and then made the way toward the other man's car. He leaned in through his open window - because I say it is - and he pressed a kiss to his lips. "Good boyfriend." He whispered and then moved to the other side. He slipped into the seat, tossing his bags into the back and stretching. Slowly, he relaxed against the chair once more, buckling up and then turned to look at the man once more.
"Smart ass" was mumbled to the boy as he made himself comfortable and pulled from the parking lot. The airport wasn't far, but it was at least a half hour with the traffic. "We're going to go to Avalon for the night," he explained, reaching over and squeezing Sebastian's hand. "The hotel was booked until tomorrow and I am quite looking forward to spending time alone with you."
Sebastian pouted with the first statement, not happy with that. But, when he continued, he felt better. A night alone would be very nice, so he did not mind. He nodded and kissed the other's cheek. "okay. and don't lie, you just want to skinny dip with me."
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