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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Aldith turned to look at the male beside him, staring at him for a moment and then nodded a little bit. "It is. I am glad you look well.' He admitted. He really had been concerned for the others that were in that place. There was such risk of them being harmed or too lost to know what to do, he was glad that Ciar landed here on his own. "Have you been well?"
"I have my days," he answered honestly as they got into the kitchen and he began to raid the fridge. "It's difficult to deal with the nightmares. Do you have them? Like you've never escaped at all and it's all so very real..." Ciar shuddered. The faerie brought out the items he would need for two sandwiches and placed them on the counter so that Aldith could make his as he liked. "You escaped right away?"
Aldith nodded. "I do. Jupiter wakes me up a few times in the nights when I am shaking. He reminds me many times that I am safe. That he will never get me. Sebastian saved us, you know." He stated and then turned to look at him. "He is ... a very nice boy. He is angry to Jupiter sometimes, and he has a temper, but he is very young. Sweet mostly, but still young." He nodded again and then began to make a sandwich as well. "Here is nice. The students, most, are good children. Some are mean, but Rune tends to take care of them. Rune is ... scary. I will warn you. He is intimidating. But, in the end, he is very nice." He soon finished up his sandwich and then took a bite into it, relaxing a little bit. Yes, he felt better.
Nodding while taking in the information, Ciar too sat down and bit into his sandwich. Somehow, he knew the events that had taken place. While the slaves and servants of the Southwest Ward had been 'freed' right away after their master's death, it had taken months for the rest of them to know what had happened. And by then, the rumors had been started. Those closest to the Southwest Ward had the 'best' information, flawed though it was, and it had traveled up the grapevine into the North Ward, which was the last to leave.

"Do you find yourself sometimes missing it?" he asked. It was an odd question, but an honest one. "The security, I mean, of knowing that you would always have food and a home?"
Aldith thought for a moment, his chewing slowing down while he thought about it. He had not thought about that, but he really did not. He was comfortable now. His issue was being paranoid someone was going to take him away and tell him this was all a horrible joke. He shook his head and turned his eyes back to the dark haired male. "No. I never felt safe there. I feel safe where I live now. In this school, in this town. I know that here, I will always have those things. Jupiter will not throw me out of his home, though he is rarely there, and if he ever does, then the school will board me."
He thought about that and hoped that in time he would feel that way too. His time outside of the house had been almost as rough as it had been inside of it. No one had rescued him and after centuries inside of a home, he did not know the ways of the outside cultures. Perhaps, though, Aldith was right. As he learned to trust that his room at Prometheus would always be there, he would begin to stop missing the security that he felt in the house. No, he'd never felt safe, but he knew that there could have been much worse that could have happened to him. The faerie said so.

"Do you remember how you came to be there?"
Aldith shook his head. "Not completely." He admitted with a soft pull of his shoulders into a shrug. He took a sip of the drink he had gotten for himself. He then lifted his head to look up at the male across from him again. "I ... think there was a war. A battle. My family were all huddled ... somewhere. I remember hearing my family scream and then the next moment ... I was taken away." He slowly had begun to remember his past before the house. He did not like that, though. For memories such as that. He did not know completely what went on. He only knew bits and pieces.
Ciar nodded as he listened. Yes... There were flashes of those memories for him, too. "That must have been... I remember... Noises and being scared for my family. I don't remember them, though... I wish that I could. I think... I remember watching them escape before me and then... Nothing else." The memories made him sad. He wondered where his family was, or if they were even still alive. Perhaps they had made it out of the country before anything bad could happen to them. Ciar hoped that they had.

The faerie shook his head a bit to shake the memories away.
Aldith nodded to his words. "Astrolabe was not a nice man. He did not care whom he hurt, but we are free now. That is the important thing." He nodded a little and then finished off his food before standing up and placing the plate in the sink. "Did you get the job you wished?" He really was trying to change the topic. He did not like talking about that man.
"I did."

They chatted for a while more as they cleaned up their mess. Their conversation turned to more pleasant things, thankfully, and Ciar found that he was fully enjoying himself. It was nice to have someone to talk to; someone who had a connection to you even though neither wanted to talk about that connection very often. "Perhaps you would like to have lunch with me tomorrow? I've enjoyed our conversation."
Aldith turned to the other while he was wiping off the water from his hands. Hearing his request, he thought for a few moments before he gave a nod to the male. "Yes. That will be nice. My class before lunch ends at 11:30 and the next one is 1:15, whenever is all right with you, I will be glad to have you meet up in my room, or here. Wherever you wish is fine with me." he nodded once more and then walked to where his bag of sketchbooks was. Hoisting it up and onto his shoulder, he turned to look at the male that was in front of him. "I will see you tomorrow, Ciar. Have a nice rest. The rooms here are very comfortable." He nodded to him once more and then turned to head out to go home.
It was finally the end of the day. It just hadn't gone right from the beginning and Rylee was ready just to drop into bed and nap for an hour or two...or the rest of the night... The redhead entered his room and instead of going into his bedroom and collapsed onto the sofa in a big heap. Maybe (hopefully) tomorrow would be better? Or perhaps Isiah would show up and cuddle up with him? Rylee smiled with the last thought.
Slowly, the silver-haired beauty made his way through the halls, staring groggily up at the door number of Rylee's room and debating to open or knock. After a few moments, he decided that just walking in would work. The doorknob turned and in poked the teen's head, spotting the redhead on the couch and a smile graced his lips for but a moment before returning to sleepy. He stepped into the room, closing the door quietly behind him and then made his way to where the man was.

Seeing him so stressed only made this better.

Climbing on top of the man, he straddled his hips, hands resting on his chest as he leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. "Long day?" he whispered and then began to kiss down his jaw to his neck, kissing and softly nipping the pale flesh there while his hips ground into his every so often. Not enough to completely suggest anything, but hopefully enough to give the man an idea in his head of what he wanted to do.
Hearing the door open, Rylee smiled softly. There was only one person who would just walk in, and his suspicions were confirmed when someone was in his lap and silver glinted in the corner of his eye. Wrapping his arms around his love's waist, Rylee simply nuzzled into Isiah's shoulder and nodded. Slowly, he was beginning to react to the teen's advances, but his tiredness was helping him to hold back a little bit.

"Mmmm..." The redhead hummed softly with the attention to his jaw and groin, pulling the male closer to him. "Better now, though."
Amethyst eyes lifted to the male beneath him with his little hum. That truly was a lovely sign. He rolled his hips against his a little bit more, eyes slipping closed a moment later. "Want to make it even better?" he whispered softly, letting a little yawn pass his lips while he moved his hand along his chest. Sliding along the toned torso of the man and to his hips. He slid his body down his a bit more so that his slender fingers could snake between flesh and pants, teasing the male a little with that while his fingers began to undo the front of his pants, going slow enough to have him say no if he truly wanted, but he continued to kiss and grind, just as insurance that he would not.
Rylee hummed again and drew the male's lips into a kiss, hands resting at his hips. The redhead didn't say yes or no-what need was there? He simply went with the flow of everything. He needed to be with his lover in order to release the stress of the day and the fact that he was the one who initiated the play... Well that made it all the better.
Kissing the male back, the silver-haired teen definitely was happy with the unspoken 'yes' to his advances. He slid his hands up the front of his chest, moving beneath the shirt to tend to the pert little nubs of flesh there, teasing it while his hips continued to grind into his. He kissed him passionately, eyes closed and he continued to play with his flesh. Soon though, his hands slid back down to push off the redhead's pants. He pushed them away and lifted his hips up to let the garments move to his ankles. Yes. Garments. Pants and boxers -- he did not wish to waste any time
Smiling, Rylee took hold of his hands and brought them up to his lips, kissing each palm. "Relax," he whispered, leaning up to kiss his lover again. "Why rush?" It was Friday afternoon. They had no where to go or be, and two days to finish grading and homework. He wanted to enjoy his time with Isiah.
Amethyst pools lifted to the other's eyes, listening to him and he leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. "Because I want you." He whispered, kissing him once more and grinding his hips against his a bit more. He trailed his hands along the other's form, eyes closed while he kissed the redhead passionately, enjoying the embrace of their lips. He rocked into the other, his hands sliding down the other's chest to begin undoing his own button up. The man did not have any pants on, so may as well make it a little more even. Really, he wanted the other to remove his pants. So, he was waiting for that.
Shaking his head, Rylee refused to give in that easily. He continued to kiss the silver haired male with his hands planted firmly on Isiah's hips. He was enjoying teasing the boy, really. Isiah was cute when riled like this, and the redhead made a mental note to do it more often. "Ah," he answered, "but I'm not going anywhere so it's still no reason to rush." Sticking his tongue out, the professor leaned in and bit his neck a little harshly.
A moan passed his lips with the bite to his neck, growling a little bit more. His eyes fluttered closed and he leaned down to kiss and caress the other's neck, grinding into him a bit more. Mm. Definitely lovely. "Fine." he whispered, not really caring anymore. He kissed along his neck, fingers sliding beneath his shirt once more to tend to the flesh.

The door to Rylee's room opened and in-stepped Isiah, the boy's purple eyes stared at the two that were on the couch, arching a brow a moment later. "Rylee ... What are you doing with Lucius?" he asked, seeing that his cousin was morphed like him and he easily knew that others would not know the difference.

The teen on top of the teacher growled. His morph dropped instantly and he stood up from the couch and took the shirt on the ground. He held it against his bare torso as he looked at his cousin. He sighed heavily. "Party pooper."
The voice startled him and Rylee looked up to the now blond who was standing in front of him rather than straddling him. Fury raged within him now and the redhead threw himself at Lucius. He tackled the male to the ground and gave him one good sock to the jaw, and then one to the gut. He had a little self control-very little-and pulled himself up to simply press a knee tightly to the man's aroused groin. "I swear that if I find you doing this again I will cut it off and shove it down your damned throat!" he growled.

Knowing that control was very quickly leaving his body, the professor stood and moved into his bedroom, closing himself inside.
Lucius gasped as he was tackled to the ground, letting out a yelp as he was hit. His eyes closed, letting the other do his damage before squeaking when his boybits were pressed into. He stared up at him, eyes a bit wide before they relaxed when the naked man walked off to the bedroom. "Mm ... Yet still hot." he whispered, turning to see Isiah looking annoyed. He pushed his form up and slipped into his shirt, walking over to his cousin and grinning all the more. "he's really much too fun ... And far too easy to rile when I look like you." He purred at the thought, smirking. "Have fun!" He kissed the man's lips before bouncing past him to go and run out of the room.

Isiah groaned, rubbing at his temples before he made his way to the bedroom. He gave a gentle knock and then moved into the room, seeing his love and he sighed gently. "Sorry about him, Rylee ... I will have uncle Rune speak with him." He stated and stayed in the doorway, hands linked behind his back as he looked at the male in front of him, smiling weakly. "I know it was not your fault."
Rylee dressed quickly and collapsed onto the bed. He sat on the edge while bent at the waist with his elbows on his knees and hands holding his head. What had he just done? He should have known! Maybe he should have just killed Lucius and gotten it over with. Then he wouldn't have to go through this for a third time! And what the fuck kind of mental illness ran in that family anyway! The redhead whimpered just a little bit when he heard the door open. Surely Isiah was going to be furio-- He looked up at his lover with a pathetic little look that told him how sorry he was.
Isiah looked at the male on the bed and shook his head a little. Walking to him, he cupped his face gently and looked down at him. "You thought he was me." he whispered, pressing a delicate kiss to his lips. "Lucius ... does that sometimes. He morphed into Uncle Mias once ... and he still has a scar on his right cheek to prove it." He smiled and kissed him again. "He is masochistic and sadistic and the two combined are bad. Knowing that he is going to be beaten for his actions by people like you who get so angry ... well it only makes his sadistic side of playing worse. He and I have discussed this before, after the Uncle Mias incident and ... he told me."

He moved to sit on the other's lap, straddling his hips and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, smiling softly to his love. "I am glad that you get so excited to be with me, though." He added, nipping his bottom lip playfully.
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