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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor nodded, kissing his love softly and watching as the two went off to go make the room. He crossed his arms over his lower torso and turned to look at the side, staring at the wall for a moment before sighing. "Come on out, Uncle Relic." he said softly, eyes closed while he did so. Really, his uncle was a lot like a three year old with his actions. He loved him dearly, but he truly had problems. Loved him still.

Relic pouted, taking his friend's hand and dragging him off toward his nephew, poking his tongue out at him. "Oh, hush." He giggled happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he looked over at the brunette. "This is Akito. I know him from tours and boring stuff like that. He's moving from Japan and blah blah blah. Basically, I don't want him in my house. For sexual reasons, not anything else." From the corner of his eye, he saw the man shudder and could only smirk all the more. "he likes girls."

Akito sighed heavily and rubbed at his temple a little bit more. His eyes lifted to the brunette and he shook his head a little bit. "I am sorry for him, but I'm sure you know that. I will not be here long, I hope. Six months the maximum, hopefully only a month or two. I need to find a job and then a house." He informed him, waiting for the other to hopefully not send him packing.

The brunette smiled softly. "Okay. That's fine. My husband and James are making up your bed right now. Just, please, be wary of James. He's had a bad past and is a little jumpy. Kyros may growl at you if you get too close since he's protective of the boy, don't take it personally. Help yourself to anything in our kitchen. Don't worry if something breaks or anything, no use crying over spilled milk." He nodded a little to his words and then his eyes looked around before once more landing on the ravenette. "Mainly, be aware of James. Anything else is okay, but ... he's made such progress, I don't want him reverting back..."

He nodded once more. "Yes. Thank you so much. I will go get my suitcase and thank you again."

[[ You can skip to the next day or something ]]
It was helpful to set up the man's room. It helped James cement into his head that their rooms really were pretty far apart and that he didn't have too much reason to worry. Besides, he knew that Kyros would take care of him and protect him. When they were done, the kitty eared man returned to his own room simply for comfort reasons, though he did eat dinner with the three of them, eating far less than he had been lately.

The next day was a little better. He had decided to just start the process of becoming comfortable all over again, though at least this time it was with one person instead of two people and a house. He stayed clear of Akito for the most part, trying to become more comfortable on his own terms.
In the morning, Akito woke up and helped himself to the shower. He washed up and then got into a simple pair of dark blue jeans and then a simple purple tee shirt. He made his way through the house and to the kitchen. They said make himself at home, so why not? Taking out some eggs and bread, he made eggs over easy and toast. Taking his plate, he began to make way to the table to sit. He wanted to be sure that he stayed away from James. That was one of his rules, and so he did not want to make the boy uncomfortable.
Still wary, but hungry, James moved downstairs and into the kitchen. He offered a good morning while pouring a bowl of cereal for himself. He was trying very hard to not be afraid or alienate the man, but it was hard. The kitty eared male couldn't help but choose the seat the furthest away from Akito at the table to eat.
"Good Morning" The groggy male said in Japanese. He really did not pay much attention to anything until an hour after he woke up. He was never cranky, merely groggy. He scooped up some of the eggs onto his piece of toast, chomping into the food and keeping to himself. He even scooted his chair away from the boy so that he knew he was not trying to get close to him. He soon finished his food, eating a bit faster than normal.

Standing, he took up his plate and emptied glass of milk. He washed them quickly, set them aside to dry and then gave a gentle bow of his head to the kitten-eared boy. "Have a ni--" he stopped, finally realizing he had been speaking in Japanese. he blinked a few times before giving another bow, a bit lower than the prior one. "Apologies. Have a nice breakfast, James. I will be out of the house today, so do not worry. I need to find a job." he straightened once more and looked at the male again. "I will see you at dinner." One more bow and then he began to make his way out of the house.
The different language confused James for a second before he realized that he understood. He understood? The kitten-eared male furrowed his brow in thought and tried to remember just how he would have learned Japanese, or any language other than English. Nothing came to him, though, and so his only conclusion had to be that it was something he had blocked out to forget.

"Good luck."
Akito stopped mid-way of leaving when he heard the other's words. He knew Japanese?! A little neko in Italy knew Japanese? He turned to look at him, blinking a few times as he did so. "You know Japanese?" He questioned, despite the fact that it was so very obvious. He stayed where he was, staring at him for a while and then he took a few steps closer to the male that was at the table. His hands rested upon the back of the chair and looked at him with utter interest to his features. "How do you know Japanese? You're not from a Japanese family, are you?"
Looking up, James couldn't help but shift away a bit when the male got too close to him, and he had to rest a hand on Kyros' back to stop the low, grumbling growl. "I... I don't know..." He was testing the waters while answering the questions. Could he speak it as fluently as he understood it? The answer was all encompassing, though. He didn't know how he knew Japanese, or if he was from a Japanese family, or where he came from at all. "I don't remember."
Hearing the growl, seeing the uneasiness, he stepped back once more, showing that he was not meaning any harm. He listened and gave a simple nod to the boy. "All right. Sorry if I got you upset." He gave a low bow of his head before he straightened up once more. "Thank you, and once more, I will see you later." He nodded and then turned on his heel to leave. He really was quite excited to know someone who spoke Japanese. He may have to see if the other would be able to read it, too. Then that could leave a whole new world open for him.
James nodded and waved goodbye a little and then returned to his breakfast.

The rest of the day was fairly normal for him. He was enjoying really getting to know Trevor and Bohdi now that he wasn't so afraid of them. The kitten found a lot of peace in the kitchen with Trevor, and walking with Kyros. He felt safe with the dog near him. James hadn't told the two about his "new found talent", and he didn't let on when Akito came home around dinner time, either. He was self conscious, really. What if they found out and thought he was weird for not knowing how he knew the language?
Akito returned and gave bows to Bohdi and Trevor before he sat down at the table with them. He always found the meals to be delicious. He really did. When dinner ended, he helped clear the table and wash up the dishes before he left to disappear into his room for a few moments. He took out a book or two and then made his way through the house once more in search of James. He soon found him in the living room and gave a gentle "Hello" from the doorway to not sneak up on him.

Walking into the room, he made sure to keep distance between them still and he looked down at the books within his hands before turning back to the male. "I know you do not know how you know the language, but would you like to see if you can read it?" He offered out a book to the boy, just in case he would like to.
James was still a little startled with the hello, but recovered quickly. He looked up and listened, looking at the books that were offered to him. He recognized the titles, though more so the pictures on the front. "I've read those," he answered softly. "The pictures...they are familiar...and the titles... I just... Don't remember when or where I read them..." The kitten took one and flipped through it, smiling a little at some of the passages he read. "I liked this one. The characters were like me-with ears and tails. I... I remember thinking that no one was ever like me..."
Akito gave him a warm smile when he stated he remembered the words. "It is good that you can read. It is one thing to understand when speaking, but a totally different thing to read the symbols." He sat down in front of him, sitting cross-legged and his hands rested upon his knees, eyes keeping to him while he spoke. "Yes. I enjoyed that novel a lot. The author truly knew someone like you, with your ears and tail. there are many authors out there who only guess." He stated and gave a little nod to his words. His back straightened a little bit more as he looked at him, utterly intrigued by him for some reason.

"Would you like to try writing? Or ... would that be too much overload? I am sorry if that's how you feel. It is rare that I find someone who knows my language, and that you cannot remember it only makes me wish to try more."
Really, he was intrigued, too. Looking up, James nodded. "Yes, alright." He slipped off of the sofa, Kyros following him closely, and went into his bedroom for a pad and pen before returning to the living room sofa. He curled up again, resting the pad on his knee, and began to jot the symbols that came into his head. It was a free-write of sorts. James didn't think about what he was writing, or if it made sense, or even if they were full sentences.

When his hand stopped moving, the kitten laid the pen down and glanced over what he'd written. His name. Places of where he'd been. The words on his box. Well he must have come from Japan then, right? The words on his box had been Japanese... But "Japan" wasn't in the list he'd written... James handed the pad over to Akito.
Taking the pad of paper, Akito read over the symbols, taking them in and his head tilted to the side in interest. "Well. . . Obviously someone you knew in the past knew Japanese. Maybe you're from there." He said simply and read it over once more, nodding a bit. "You know the language somehow. You could have grown up in Japan." He suggested, lifting his head to look at him and smiling softly as he did so. "You truly cannot remember where you are from?" He asked, curious about that as well. He held the paper out for him to take once more, just wishing to know if he knew where he was from or not. He did not need anymore information other than that.
He took the pad and looked at it. James shook his head at the question. "No." He tried to remember, really he did. But there was nothing there. After a few minutes he shrugged a bit and set the pad down on the table. "It doesn't matter." Why should it? That was the past and he didn't want to go back there anyway. He might as well allow himself to believe that he simply began to exist the day he was dropped on the doorstep.
Akito nodded. "It does not matter." He agreed and he rested his hands on his knees once more. "Who you are today is what is important." He kept his eyes to the boy for a while and then perked up a little bit more with his thoughts. "Would you like to paint with me sometime? It does not matter if you are good at drawing or not, it is more so ... soothing ... relaxing" He smiled at the thought, his dark eyes keeping with the other. "I have more than enough supplies. We could go onto the deck or just put something down on the floor..." He really would like to get to have the male feel more comfortable around him. Besides, maybe he would enjoy painting. It could help ease his nerves.
He shushed the other before slipping into the door of the house, tugging the other male along. He knew that what he was doing would hurt Lucius, but Draco couldn't help what he felt. And he felt something for Bryan. Something other than his usual raging erection, that is. And now that there was a free room... Well that meant that they could have a little fun. The blond dragged his boyfriend inside of the empty room and pushed him to the bed, following after him and quickly pouncing.
Lucius knew something was up. Of course he did. He never was able to not find his brother. He was not a happy camper. The currently pink-haired male moved through the halls of the house, looking from one room to another, searching desperately for his sibling. Where did he go? He double checked their bedroom before he perked up. His form straightened and eye narrowed. Rushing through the halls, he skidded to a stop at one of the rooms, pressing an ear to the door and growling. His hair instantly change to quite the harsh black with a tint of red to the hair.

Bursting in through the door, he glared at the two males on the bed. "What the hell!"
Draco's head whipped up immediately. "Lucius! I... Um... This is Bryan. My...boyfriend." He gave a weak little smile an slid from the bed down to the floor, kneeling there with his head bowed. He felt horrible that Lucius was so upset, but what could he do?? Bryan looked from one to the other, obviously confused as to why Lucius would be so upset and burst in on them like that.

"What's going on, Draco?" he asked, sitting up and running his hands through his boyfriend's hair, trying to make him feel better. He knew that Draco always liked having his hair played with.
The teen's gaze narrowed all the more at his brother, growling under his breath as he stared at the two. He was NOT happy, least of all with that 'boyfriend' bull shit. Boyfriend?! Boyfriend. What the hell? He could get over a random fuck. That was easier than anything else. But this ... This was unacceptable! He gave quite the huff. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" he yelled, turning on his heel, slamming the door behind him and then running off ... anywhere really. He did not know where he went. All he knew was that he was running and running and he was out of the house, in the fields somewhere.

By the time he came back, he was at Trevor and Bohdi's house and he took in a shuddering breath. Bursting through the doors, he rushed to his older brother's side, colliding with the taller man's form and burying his face into his chest while he began to sob uncontrollably into his form.
Draco's heart broke with the words and he even tried to chase after Lucius. The door was slammed in his face though, and the blond quickly moved into his parent's room, seeking comfort from his Mama, who was the only one who could understand how he felt.
Rune lifted his head to look over at the male that was coming into his room. He kept his eyes to the blond before he sighed heavily. "Draco..." he whispered, shaking his head as he stood and walked over to the boy. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him into his form with a soft kiss to his temple. "he did not mean it." he added, sitting back on the edge of his bed and hugging him against his torso. "Did you abandon your boyfriend?" He wondered, positive that if that had been the case, the boy was totally at a loss of what was going on.
The question only made him more torn. "What do I do?" he sobbed desperately. "Lucius... Lucius is my twin and I love him! But Bryan... What if something's there? I... I don't want to give that up!"

As if on cue, Bryan stuck his head into the room. "I uh... I'm going to go, Draco. Call me when...when things are better or something." With that he left, and Draco broke down even further.
Rune sighed heavily, looking over at the boy and then arching a brow. Of course his son had great taste in men. Pushing that aside, he turned his attention back to the male in his arms. He kissed his head softly. "This is definitely a question more for Uncle Relic." he mumbled but shook his head a little bit. "Here's the thing: you don't know. That Bryan kid could be something special. Something really, really special and if you give up just because Lucius is pissed, then you will never know. I know for a fact that no matter what, your brother will come back to you. He's your twin. He's pissed right now, and trust me, he's taking this better than I ever would, and you just have to do what you want. You want to date Bryan? Do it. Lucius will get over himself."
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