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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Despite his Mama's words, Draco was still scared. What if Lucius really did hate him, and never loved him again? And what if Bryan really was something special? Why couldn't he have both men in his life? His Mama and Uncle Relic were married and still had their 'twin' love between each other... The blond took comfort in his parents for a few minutes longer before shuffling off to his room, curling up into a ball and pulling the covers over him to cry with a little dignity.
Draco was not left alone for long before the door opened. Relic made his way into the room and over to the bed the male was on. He sat down on the edge, tugging aside the blankets to look down at the boy that was there. "Draco..." he whispered, smiling warmly. "I know what you're feeling." He informed him and lightly trailed his fingers through the blond locks of the boy that was there. "It's not as bad as you think." he whispered, leaning down and kissing his temple softly. "Your Mama did the same thing to me, you know."
He didn't want to talk to anyone if it wasn't Lucius, but Draco still listened to his uncle. He knew that besides his Mama, Relic was the best person to talk to about his situation. Sighing, the blond nuzzled further into his pillow and whimpered a little. "But what if I lose him?" he asked rather pathetically.
Relic sighed softly. "Because he's your brother. For that reason itself, he will never leave you. He's angry right now. He's hurt. He needs time to get this whole thing gathered in his head. He'll come back. Your Mama has done far worse to me when he found out I first had a boyfriend. It was ... bad." He shook his head before beginning to trail his fingers through the other male's blond locks, wishing for the other to calm down just a bit. "You won't lose him."
He gave another soft whimper, not really believing what he was being told, but nodded anyway. "Thank you, Uncle Relic." Draco pulled the covers up and over him once more, just needing time to be alone and to think. Even if the other man wanted to stay in the room, so long as the covers were up and over his head, what did he care?

Eventually, the blond drifted off into a very troubled sleep.
Jade made his way through the halls of their cozy little house, looking from one room to the other before he puffed his cheeks out. Where was that man? He soon found him in his study, smiling warmly at the man. Walking up to him, he tugged at his arm just a bit and his jade eyes looked up at him with a small smile to his lips. "My water broke." He informed him, his hand resting on his large belly, while the other moved to his lower back where the pain currently was hitting him. Yep. Definitely broke.
Murasaki looked up, eyes widening a bit. "Then why, dear husband, are you up and about and not in bed?" he asked. The purple haired wizard shook his head as he stood and put a hand to the small of his lover's back, guiding him towards their bedroom. "Lets get you settled and I'll call Jupiter to come quickly."
Jade sighed heavily and rubbed at his stomach a little bit more. "Because I don't want to sit." he said with just a hint of a whine. He sighed once more and moved onto the bed. His form scooted up, pillows behind him while he waited for the doctor. This would definitely be interesting. Now. If only his husband would return to his side so that he could cuddle up with him until the god came to tend to his baby.
The fact that Jade didn't want to sit didn't faze Murasaki in the slightest. He waited for the man to get comfortable on the bed before rushing through the house for the phone to call Jupiter, who said he'd be over within the hour. Trevor was called next simply because Mura figured that Jade would want him there, and it was only then that he returned to the bedroom to check on his husband and give him an update.
By the time Murasaki returned, the blond was busying himself around the room. Tidying this and that up, just not being able to sit still right now. He was, at the moment, cleaning off the top of their dresser. He turned around to see his husband, smiling warmly. "Hey love." he said, smiling a little bit more and he began to rock back and forth on the heel and toes of his feet. He made his way toward the man and wrapped his arms around his hips, hugging him and nuzzling into his chest absently.
Shaking his head once more, Murasaki lead Jade back to the bed. "Lay down," he prompted, guiding the man onto the bed before sliding in with him and holding him close. The wizard's hand rested on the side of his husband's stomach, feeling the contractions as they came and went, amazed by it all. He lost track of time because the next thing he knew, Jupiter was bustling around them, humming to himself.
Jade groaned and sat back onto the bed with his husband's urges. He curled up against the man, resting his head against his shoulder and taking in a few deep breaths when the contractions got stronger, but still not being too bad. He did not really feel the need to scream or anything of that sort.

A few minutes after the doctor came, Trevor slowly peaked his head inside, spotting his brother and he smiled warmly. Walking to the blond, he pressed a kiss to his head and then took a hold of his hand. "How are you?"

The blond giggled, feet wiggling from side to side. "Fine!" He stated cheerfully, smile never fading, even as he stiffened up to endure the contraction. He sighed heavily and then looked up at his brother once more. "When are you and Bohdi having a baby?" Yep, thought on his mind. Hey, he wanted little nieces and nephews too!

Trevor blinked a few times before sighing heavily. "I do not think this is the appropriate time to ask that." He said softly, a faint pink tinted to his cheeks and he shook his head a little more "Besides, James is still getting used to our place. And now uncle Relic's friend is there..." he shook his head and then turned his attention back to his brother.
The labor process took a few hours. Murasaki used his energies to help calm and take some of the pain from his husband as best he could, whispering for Jade to concentrate on allowing his amulet to help take some, too. Before he knew it, though, Jupiter was lying a little swaddled bundle on Jade's chest. Pink tinted hair and eyes, the little boy looked up at them for a second before falling asleep.
Jade took in a deep breath, looking down at the little boy in his arms and beaming excitedly. He was perfect! Positively perfect. He smiled warmly, scooping him into his arms and scooting toward his husband a little more so they could look at the boy. "He's so cute." he whispered and then rested his head on Murasaki's shoulder. "He needs a name." He added, eyes transfixed on the little bundle of joy within his arms. Yes. They definitely did a great job.
Murasaki pressed a kiss to his husband's temple and cuddled him and their son close to him. A name? The violet haired man thought for a moment, going through all of the language bases he'd learned for his spells and such over the years. One, though, seemed to fit more perfectly than any of the others and Murasaki smiled softly. "Mosi," he offered. "It means... First child."
Jade smiled warmly. He liked the name. It fit the little bundle nicely. He turned to look at him, smiling a little bit more. "Does that mean you want a second child?" He teased, kissing his neck gently and then holding the child a little closer to his chest. Yes, the whole nine months definitely were all worth it just for this little being in his arms. He truly was happy right now.

Trevor cautiously came in - having left when things were getting a little too painful for his brother. He never could stand to see him in pain. - and looked at the three. Smiling softly, he walked toward them and stood beside his brother, looking down at the pink-haired boy, his heart completely melting at the sight of his nephew. "He's gorgeous." He whispered, kissing Jade's temple and smiling a little more. It would be nice to have a child of their own. but ... That could wait for a while. Maybe, if James stayed like he seemed to be doing, they could wait until he was in his teens or even out of the house. "Should we tell Mama?"
Murasaki laughed a little. "You think he wouldn't know?" he asked, shaking his head a little bit at Trevor. But he smiled still, thinking the male rather cute when he was awed. The wizard turned his attention back to his husband and son, nuzzling into Jade's cheek a little bit. "Ask me again in three years," he responded with a little smile.
Jade turned to his love, smiling warmly and nuzzling into the other's shoulder a little bit more. "Two and a half." he offered, nipping at his neck before turning to Trevor with another smile.

Trevor leaned over and kissed his brother's cheek softly. "I'll see you later. Have fun. Call." he kissed his temple again and then turned to make his way out, wiggling his fingers at the two-- three cheerfully.
Calder moved over to his husband's side of the bed and cuddled into him, nuzzling into his neck and shoulder with a little and happy smile on his face. Rune would easily be able to read his thoughts if he wanted to, though the blond wasn't sure whether or not he would. It didn't matter. Calder would easily tell him what he was thinking if he asked. For now, he was enjoying cuddling with his lover.
Rune arched a brow, turning to look at the male that was there. His eyes traveled along his form and he stared at him a bit more before letting his eyes flutter back to his lovely chocolate pools. "What do you want?" He murmured, having been reading at the moment. Sure, he was just reading sheet music, but it was still reading.
He smiled a little smile and leaned up to kiss Rune's lips softly. Calder moved away so he could continue reading, of course, but he still needed to butter him up a little... "Remember when the kids were really small and you said that if I asked, we could go to Avalon for a while?" The blond looked up to his husband and fluttered his eyelashes a bit.
He stared at the pages and closed his eyes for a few short moments. He then turned to look at him with interest. "Yes. And I believe it was when they were all moved out." He stated, leaning forward to kiss his lips. 'Why?" He added, setting back once more to go back to glancing over the music. He took them and set them on the side table to turn his full attention to his husband.
Calder shrugged. "Because I miss you. Because they're all adults now, living at home or not, and can easily care for themselves and the house. Because they'll only be a plane ride away. But mainly because I miss you." The blond rested his head against Rune's chest now, arm draped over his waist as he scooted closer to the man.
Rune looked down at the man, listening to him and he pouted. Damn him. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to his husband's lips and sighed heavily. "Fine. But when one of them winds up pregnant or in a ditch, I'm blaming you." He stated, nipping his bottom lip before he pulled back once more. He smiled softly. "I like it." he added softly, truly liking the idea of running off with his husband to their island. It would be nice to get away. Very, very nice.
Calder was a little surprised, really. He thought that Rune would have fought him a little bit because the kids weren't moved out like they had talked about at first. But he was happy that it went so smoothly. He looked up and kissed Rune, not being able to help the smile to his lips. "We can take our time to get ready and go," he muttered, relaxing once more into his lover. He wasn't saying to get up and go tomorrow. Besides, they would have to give Nikkos a fair amount of notice.
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