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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He wrapped his arms around Isiah's waist tightly and buried his face into the male's neck. Rylee breathed in deeply, memorizing the smell. Sure, someone could make themselves look like his lover, but they couldn't make themselves smell like him. He stayed like that for several minutes, letting the words and the voice and the scent and the warmth help to calm his anger. "Nap with me?" he asked, finally lifting his head to kiss Isiah's lips softly. The redhead was too exhausted to do anything else but sleep.
Isiah pouted. Rest? He sighed heavily, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly and close his eyes upon the embrace. "Okay. . . But I expect compensation for you kissing Lucius when you wake up." he whispered, bucking his hips to let the other know just what he meant. He slid over his form and to the bed behind them. Pulling aside the sheets, kicking off his shoes and tossing off his top, and then he burrowed into the blankets. Nuzzling the pillow absently with a simple "Sleep well" with his back to the other, sleeping soundly within moments.
"Promise," he answered. Rylee pecked a little kiss to Isiah's cheek and then settled down into bed with him. The teen was easily maneuvered into his arms and cuddled close before the redhead fell asleep, too.

Two hours later he woke again, yawning a little bit. He was hungry but less stressed than when he'd gone to sleep. It was nice to have his love sleeping next to him, too. He liked the warmth and weight of the male. He laid there for a few minutes before shifting his weight so that he could kiss Isiah awake.
Isiah remained asleep, his brows furrowed and a little groan passed his lips. He turned to look at the other that was beside him. He let out a soft little yawn, nipping the other's bottom lip before he pulled back and looked up at him. "Morning love." he mumbled groggily. He leaned up and kissed his lips once more. His arms slid around his waist, pulling him tighter and kissing his neck gently. "Feel better?"
Chuckling, Rylee kissed Isiah again. "It's only eight o'clock, Isiah." That didn't mean much, though. His lips moved to the male's neck and then his shoulder while his hands explored over his back a bit for a few minutes. The redhead pulled away then, though just enough to see the other man's amethyst eyes. "Lets get something to eat, and then we'll come back to bed... I'll make this afternoon up to you... More than once." Grinning, Rylee nipped at Isiah's bottom lip a little bit.
Isiah yawned gently and looked up at the man before he nodded a little bit more. "Okay." He whispered, pushing his form up from the bed and then leaning over to kiss his lips. "Food then fun." He slid over him before he turned to look at him with a devious glint within his eyes. "And dessert in bed." He added suggestively, taking the other's hand and then tugging him up from the bed. "Take me somewhere nice."
It had been several weeks since he was thrown on this doorstep. Slowly, James was getting more and more comfortable, and having Kyros befriend him and stay by his side was comforting, too. He had been given loads of pretty clothes, which made the kitty eared boy rather happy-he liked to prance around in his pretty skirts and outfits! But he was still a bit skiddish around Trevor and Bohdi. He was sneaking out of his room for something to eat, even though it was nearly midnight.
Trevor could not sleep. He was antsy for some strange reason. Possibly since it was getting progressively closer to his brother's due-date, or just because he was worried about silly things for school, he did not know. He was just not able to stay calm and thoughtless enough to sleep. Therefore, it was time to make cookies and biscuits. Biscuits were good for a midnight snack and well, cookies were always good.
James was startled by the noise of someone behind him. The brunette quickly backed up so that his back was flat against the fridge. He was only startled and began to relax a little when he saw that it was Trevor. Not by much, though. "S-sorry..." He thought he would be in trouble for sneaking food so late, but he was hungry. He was too nervous to eat with the other two men!
"Hm?" he turned to look at the boy and he tilted his head to the side with interest. "James, do not be so scared. You are welcome to anything in the house. Food you do not need to ask to have, some other things, you may, but that is very doubtful." He informed him and then looked over at the plate full of cookies that were cooling on the counter. "You can have some cookies if you want, the biscuits will be ready in a few minutes ... Or help yourself to anything you want." He nodded to the cute little kitten and then turned back to what he was doing.
He took a cookie after a second to decide whether or not it was a trick, and sat at the counter. James went over everything in his head. Both men had been nothing but nice to him since they had found him in his box, and while some in the past had tried to be nice to lure him into being comfortable with them, none had been this nice, this long. There had to be a reason for that, right? But he figured that the reason was probably that they didn't want to hurt him like all the others did.

Nibbling on his treat, the kitty eared boy began to relax even more, telling himself over and over that if they wanted to hurt him, they would have done so already. "May... May I please have a glass of milk?"
Trevor looked over at him and nodded. "Of course." He turned, walking to the refrigerator and took out a glass, filling it with milk before he walked over and set the glass onto the counter beside him. "help yourself to another cookie." He stated, resting the plate on the counter near him and his milk. He then walked to the stove, stirring the sauce he was making to top the biscuits. Soon, the timer went off and he turned off the oven before he moved the tray out with his powers, setting them onto the counter while he went about getting a dish for himself and James - if he wanted it - and then two forks.

"Would you like to try a biscuit?"
Smiling, James thanked Trevor and sipped the milk. He was overwhelmed. His new realizations He wasn't used to them at all. It would have been easier (almost) if Trevor and Bohdi were just the same as everyone else. " were hurt too?" he asked, nibbling another cookie.
Trevor looked at the boy, setting a biscuit onto his dish and then pouring the sauce over the top. He rested his rump against the counter a few feet away from the kitten. He cut off a piece of the biscuit just as he heard the question. His head lifted and his eyes traveled to the boy. He nodded. "Yes." He stated, taking the bite into his mouth and then resting into the counter a little bit more. "It was many, many years ago. A very cruel man saw my brother on the streets and picked him up. My brother came home shaken and he had a few bruises. I could not let him go back to that man, but we needed the money he gave us."

He sighed heavily and turned to look at him once more. "He took a great pleasure in seeing me hurt and bleeding. I still have the scars from him, but it is better knowing that it was me and not my brother."
Listening and nodding, James gave a little shudder to the thought of being that hurt. He'd never been hurt so had he was scarred. "Why was I brought here?" he asked quietly. Surely they had to know, right? No one just...dropped a boy with cat ears and a tail off on a random doorstep in a box! Perhaps it had been a mistake, though? If so, that meant that someone would eventually come looking for him. The kitty eared male shifted uncomfortable with that thought.
He perked up and tilted his head to the side a little. "I do not know." he admitted with a soft little sigh. He closed his eyes for a moment before he lifted them once more to look at the boy. "I can ask Mama to do some research, if you wish. He can see if there is someone that you were meant to go to, or if you were put here on accident, or purpose. Maybe someone wished for you to have a better life." He offered and then shrugged a little bit. He smiled softly to the boy. "Do not worry. The house is secure. Kyros will protect you if one manages to get past the mind-readers in this house. So ... please do not be too concerned."

With a soft, "Good night" he walked past him to make his way into bed, stopping at the doorway. "You may leave the dishes in the sink, I will get them in the morning." He added and then continued on toward his bedroom to go curl up with his husband.
He washed the dishes, even though he was told that he didn't have to. James felt bad leaving his mess for someone else to clean up.

A few more days passed and with each day, he relaxed more and more. He felt almost himself again. Or, what he thought was himself. James couldn't really remember what his true personality was like, and so he had to assume that this was it. He was rather bubbly and outgoing. He liked talking to Trevor and Bohdi now, and wasn't so frightened by them. He had even begun to eat meals with them.
Trevor was ecstatic. James was eating meals with them. He was opening up, turning out to be more bubbly than he was before. The outfits he chose definitely fit his personality more. He was completely and utterly happy right now. He could not believe that the kitten was happier with them. He actually wound up making far too much for their meals since he was excited that the boy was eating with them. Of course, a lot of it went to Kyros, but that was beside the point.

Relic soon came bounding over to the other side of the house, grinning as he looked around. "Treeeeevvyyyyy" He chimed, looking from one room to another before he spotted the boy. he squeaked and leaped at the man, arms around his shoulders and holding him tightly. "have I told you how much I just positively adoooore you?"
Uh oh. Bohdi looked over to his husband and Relic and shook his head. The tone told him that Relic wanted something. And while, generally his requests weren't anything horrible... well they could lead to trouble because his last name was Lin.

His ears twitched with Relic's voice. James moved out of the kitchen to peak out before he slowly made his way over to the man and he tugged at the bottom of his shirt. "Could... Could I please be made a pink skirt next time?" he asked, a little shy still. He had a rainbow of clothes thanks to Relic, but none were pink and James really did like the color pink.
Relic looked down at the boy, attention easily turned to the boy and ignoring the original reason for being here. Pink? He beamed and nodded. "Yes! Of course. You'll look great. I already have an idea. I'm sure you'll love it." he giggled excitedly and bounced on the balls of his feet a little bit more. "I will tell Addy to make you one too. He and my style are different, so you can get two different and nice pink skirts." he winked with another giggle, far too happy about making him something pink. His little twins never let him make much of anything pink, and Sebastian always glared at him when he suggested pink.

Trevor sighed lightly and turned to look at the man still clinging to him. "Uncle Relic, why are you here?"

Before the man could respond, a raven-haired male came into the room, rubbing at his neck a little bit. "Oi, Relic ... Don't worry about it. I'll get a hotel." he murmured and he rested his hand at the back of his neck and eyes closed and he did not really want to be a bother.

Relic shot him a quick glare. "Hush! I'm still in the wooing-period. Really, you have to relax." He stated, sticking his tongue out at him and then turned back to Trevor. "Would you and your darling husband be willing to board my friend for a while? I promise he's not a creep. He randomly pops up out of nowhere like a ninja, but he's entertaining and strong and I promise he's not some pervert. I didn't even date him!"
Opening his mouth to say thank you, the large man scared him half to death. James yelped and jumped behind Trevor, hiding behind him as best he could while his ears laid flat against the side of his head and his tail against his legs. James even whimpered a little as his senses returned to him and he realized that Relic wouldn't allow someone in the house that would harm any of them. Still... it had been a shock.

Bohdi looked to Trevor, and then to Relic, then to the newcomer and back again.
Trevor looked behind him at James, sighing heavily. He rested his fingertips against his forehead. Of course Uncle Relic would not think that the stranger would frighten the poor boy. He looked behind him to his husband and then James. His attention once more returned to Relic and the stranger. "Uncle Relic, please give us some time to talk." He stated, watching as his uncle nodded and then dragged his friend off to the outside.

Letting out another sigh, he turned around to look at the two. Bohdi could be asked later. He crouched to the kitten's level, eyes to his and head tilted to the side. "James, before I ask Bohdi, would you be okay with someone living with us? There is a spare room far from yours if you will feel more comfortable with that. I want to know if you would mind. I trust Uncle Relic to not let some bad person stay with us, but if you feel even a bit of discomfort, do let us know."
He relaxed once the man was out of the house, though James didn't like being put on the spot like that. Still, it was nice that his feelings were being considered. "I... I don't mind," he answered softly after a few moments. "I was just startled is all." If Bohdi and Trevor trusted the man then why shouldn't he? "But... I would prefer our rooms be kind of...separate."
Trevor nodded to his words. A warm smile to his lips as he kept his eyes to the nervous boy. "Good." He whispered, more so happy about the boy opening up much more than he had in the past. He pushed his form up and then looked over at Bohdi. "If you do not have a problem, I do not see why we shouldn't." He stated, keeping his eyes to his husband.
Bohdi looked at James, though there was no real need to. Kyros answered his questions-James really was just scared. He nodded softly. "Yes, alright. After we find out how long it might be for, hmm?" He wasn't ready to make a full time commitment to someone who had the means to work and be on their own. Moving over, he kissed his husband softly before turning towards James. "Lets go get his room ready, hmm?"
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