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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I can do that with you at the hotel," he answered with a shrug. Nudity wasn't high on his modesty list. "I wanted to be alone with you as soon as possible, and I told you today after school before I booked a hotel." Jupiter stuck his tongue out at the teen as they drove through the city and to the airport. They would take Calder and Rune's plane to Avalon and then back to Italy tomorrow, where they would catch a commercial jet to the Florida Keys.
Sebastian made a face at the man and then turned to look back in front of him, arms crossed over his lower torso as he did so. He got into the plane, being sure to not sit close to Jupiter since he did not want to give him any ideas that he was off the hook or anything of that sort. Once they were off and the bags were placed into their room, the teen took in a deep breath. Debating for a short moment, he soon turned and ran toward the god, pouncing him and tackling the man to the ground, straddling his waist and looking down at him, smirking all the more.

"I demand compensation.' He stated, leaning down and pressing his lips to the side of the man's neck. He ground into him with a little purr, nipping along his neck a bit more.
Jupiter ravaged Sebastian many times over through the afternoon, evening, and night. And he left many marks as evidence that he'd done so, too. Finally exhausted, both mentally and physically, the brunette collapsed onto the bed next to his lover, chest heaving rapidly for a few moments. His heart was still speeding but at least he could breathe properly! Jupiter tugged Sebastian into his side and nuzzled into the top of his head a bit, kissing it. "Am I off to a good start on my road to redemption?"
Sebastian was so very exhausted by the time his love was done with him. He laid on his back, panting heavily, his hand resting on top of his chest. His eyes slipped closed and he slowly turned to look at his love when he was pulled to his side. He pressed a kiss to the man's chest, nuzzling him a moment later. He really did love him. He loved him a lot. He nipped at his flesh a bit and then slowly pulled back to look up at him, smiling warmly. "You're getting there." he teased, leaning up and kissing his lips gently. "I love you. I really do, so yes, you're getting there." He grinned and nipped his chest once more, relaxing with a little sigh.
He smiled with the words and cuddled closer as he settled down into the mattress a bit more, relaxing into a deep sleep.

Morning came more quickly than he had thought it would, but that was alright. It meant that they were just moving on to the more exciting part of their trip. Jupiter slipped from the bed and let Sebastian sleep a little longer while he put what little they'd taken from their bags back into them. When they only had an hour left before they had to leave, the god crawled back onto the bed and began to nibble up the teen's arm and shoulder and neck.
Sebastian groaned at the nibbles, grumbling a little and curling back into his bed. When it did not stop, his mind slowly began to wake up, though his eyes did not flutter at all. He moaned softly, groaning a little afterward. "Oooh Aldith..." He moaned out, really just wanting to get the other a bit worked up. He did not know anyone else the other would get frustrated by him moaning someone else's name. His Uncle Tomias, sure, but that was gross. There was Danny, but that would open up too many wounds. Aldith on the other hand, they both knew he was gorgeous, so that would be a good name.
He smiled and gave a particularly hard bite to the teen's shoulder. "It's really too bad I can read your thoughts, isn't it?" he muttered into Sebastian's neck before moving off of the bed once again. "We need to get going," he called out as he left the room to start breakfast. "Otherwise we'll miss our flight from Italy."
Sebastian pouted, turning to look at the man and he whacked his chest, quite hard too. "You're not supposed to, you jerk!" He yelled and then shoved the other away from him before getting ready for the day.

When the plane landed, the mossy-haired teen looked around, his hands linked behind his back while he looked around. Hm. Not too bad, not bad at all. He then turned to look at his lover, smiling all the more. "Good boy." he whispered, leaning up and kissing his lips once more. He then began to walk toward the hotel that they were obviously staying in. He did have a bit of a limp to his step due to the night's activities. Might be annoying, but oh how it was worth it.
Jupiter gave a sharp smack to Sebastian's rear end. "I'm centuries older than you. I'm in no way a 'boy'. And if you keep talking to me like a dog, you just might wind up stuck here in Florida." Okay, so that wasn't true. Tanner and Relic would kill him. But so long as he got the point then that was all that mattered.

They were checked and settled in quickly. "Beach?"
Sebastian yelped, his hands resting on his rump and he turned to glare at the other. "Like hell! And you are a boy and frankly, deserve to be treated as a dog." he narrowed his eyes once more and then turned to make his way up to the hotel room with his love. He settled everything down and then perked up and looked at the man.

He smiled and leaned up to press a kiss to the other's lips. His hands slid down the other's chest and he nipped at the base of his neck. "Sure." He said softly, bucking into him and then turned to make his way to get his swimtrunks and everything of that sort of fun stuff.
"Is that so?" he asked, nodding. "Then I suppose I will have to sleep in my own bed and learn that thrusting into you is a bad behavior." Nodding with this knowledge, the brunette changed into a pair of trunks and took a towel from his luggage along with sunscreen and a book. He fully intended to relax while sunbathing.
Sebastian turned to look at the man, listening to his words and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Sure. You can do that ... but then I'll just go find a cute surfer boy to go and play with." He stated with a smirk to his lips. "Mm ... yes. Tanned, blond... agile." He grinned even more and then went back to taking out his trunks. He scooped them up and over his shoulder, a towel then draped over his arm as he turned to look at the man, being sure to have quite the many images of a gorgeous surfer boy and him doing quite the naughty deed on the beach. "Shall we?"

Aldith silently roamed through the halls. His golden eyes set dead in front of him, not truly looking at anyone, merely walking to where he had to go. He had taken over the art teacher's job at Prometheus and really, he was happy. content. He liked it here. No one gave him strange looks -- well, strange to him, really. He was not used to seeing those eyes of lust and want for him, other than in one man. the rest of his looks [before] used to be pity. He ... quite liked the new ones -- and he remembered what his powers were. On accident. His drawing came to life and it really was not fun. Luckily, the lives do not stay long. He was slowly remembering that he found out a way to keep them alive for longer, but did not wish to explore for too many fears came to mind.

Glancing at the time, the white-haired male headed toward the courtyard. he had a while before his class, why not sit and draw?
He was first. Freedom was new to him. Freedom would be new to him for a long time to come, as captivity was the norm for him for so many centuries. Ciar was directed towards Prometheus by chance. He needed something to do with his life, and serving someone was not on the top of his priority list. And, as rumor had it, the school was looking for another nurse. And why not him? His healing abilities were nearly unmatched, and his docile manner made a great bedside manner. Sure. His large wings and slightly pointed ears turned some people off while in a traditional setting, but this school was a long way from traditional, wasn't it?

"Excuse me?" He stopped a very gorgeous man in the hallway. "Could you please point me in the direction of the headmaster's office?"
Aldith lifted his golden eyes to the other. The man stopping and he pulled his book closer to his form. He blinked a few times as he looked at the raven-haired male in front of him. "Headmaster?" He repeated, just being sure that he had heard him properly. He turned to look at the hallway, knowing the way. He knew how to get there, but it was quite complicated. "Would you prefer if I tell you or show you? The route is a little complicated." He admitted and then turned back to the male, waiting to see which choice he would take.
Tilting his head, Ciar's onyx eyes raked over the man in front of him, both with curiosity and appreciation. He appreciated his looks-really he was quite beautiful. But there was...something. Something familiar that he couldn't quite put his finger on. For the moment, the faerie dismissed the thoughts. "You can tell me," he answered in his own, docile voice. "I'm quite used to large places with many corridors."
Aldith gave a gentle nod and then took a step back to look back at the hall. "Go straight until you see room two forty three. Go left. Down for ten steps, a right, and then you should see the signs for Headmaster and the Administrator -- their rooms are connected, so if one does not answer, the other shall." He stated and turned to look at him. "Both men are a Mister Arcule. Tomias is the administrator and Nikkos is the Headmaster." He informed him, figuring a good head's up was always a good thing.
He nodded. "Thank you. I was forewarned of the two husbands running the school together." Ciar began to move in the direction that he'd been pointed in before he stopped and turned to once more look at the male who'd just given him directions. "You're familiar." The faerie's wings fluttered a little as he shrugged. "I've known you from somewhere. How did you come here?"
Aldith began to walk outside once more when he heard the other speak to him again. He turned to look at him, blinking his long lashes a few times and his golden eyes kept to him silently. "I was freed from a house in Japan and the men who freed me gave me a job here, as well as a home." He informed him with a simple little bow of his head.
"Astrolabe." The name still sent shivers down his back and neck, and it was difficult for Ciar to say. "I was kept in the North Ward for many centuries." Now that the man had said it, the face clicked with the place. While the servants and slaves were kept in their own wards for most of their time in the house, there were the rare times when they mixed or mingled with others from other wards.
Astrolabe? The white-haired man perked up. That was how he knew him? Golden eyes stared at him for a while, trying to remember his face and ... he did. He did not know who he was. He just remembered his face. He really had no idea his name, but just knew he saw his face a few times during the centuries he was there. He nodded a little. "I remember you. I do not know your name. I merely remember seeing you." He informed him with another bow of his head. His arms tightened around his book a bit more. "I am Aldith."
He was about to say the same-that he did not remember the man's name-but he told him before he could do so. "I am Ciar," he answered with a little nod. "Thank you for the information, Aldith. Perhaps I will seek you out to chat a bit more." After their past, the faerie was fairly sure they would need someone who understood to talk to. At the very least, perhaps he would have a built in friend.
The man nodded to his words. "Yes. I am here until five. Good luck." he said with another bow of his head before he turned and continued toward the courtyard once more. He moved to the bench, not really thinking much about the man. It was different to have found someone from that house. He was unsure of what to think about that. He did not mind it, sure. Actually, he kind of ... liked it. To have someone who knew what he had gone through and that would understand him a little more, it would be a relief. Though, he was adjusting a little.
The rest of the day went smoothly. He was introduced into the infirmary and left to get aquainted with his surroundings. The day was slow, but that was the nature of the beast. If one hurt himself, they all would. If no one did, then no one else would. It was nice to have the day to organize what he would need, and learn the lay of the land anyway.

It was nearing four thirty when Ciar began to get ready to leave. He moved through the halls with ease now, having gone and explored a little bit after settling in.
Aldith taught the few classes he had in the afternoon, setting the last class free and then beginning to pick up. He washed the tables and chairs where few people got paint on them for being so careless. he then stopped at his desk, looking it over and he nodded a little. He turned and slowly walked out of the room, looking around and deciding to go get a snack somewhere before he would return to Jupiter's home. He knew he could stay at the school, but he did not wish to. He enjoyed being with the god. He kept him safe.
He stopped in the kitchen for something to eat and smiled as he saw Aldith walking in the same direction. He was glad to see the other male, even though they'd both been taught to be wary of other people-especially other people from different wards of the house. Ciar moved to walk next to the other. "It's nice to see you again."
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