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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Until when?" he asked, unsure if they were ready for any sort of long term commitment. Then again he knew as well as anyone that they would not be returning that dear, sweet boy to the streets. Bohdi shook his head before Trevor could answer. "We'll give him time and then ask about adoption." Looking at his husband, the blond smiled softly. "You're going to make a wonderful mother." He was only half teasing.
Trevor smiled softly, kissing his lips once more. He pulled back and slid his arms around the other's form and he sighed gently at his words. "I hope so." he whispered, not even being phased by the other's tease about him being a mother. He kissed him once more and then pulled back, hands resting on his hips. "Let's go prepare the room for him, okay?" He said softly, sliding his fingers into his hand, lacing their fingers while he then moved through the house and toward the stairs to go make the room up nicely for him.
It felt nice to feel clean again. James couldn't remember the last time that he'd gotten to shower or bathe in general. His hair and fur were shiny and clean now, and his flesh was devoid of dried... stuff. He didn't want to think about what was on his flesh before stepping under the warm water. Knowing that the dog was lying outside the door helped to calm him a little, too. He trusted when he was told that the dog wanted to protect him.

Once he was fully dressed, the kitten stepped from the bathroom, feeling quite special and pretty in his new outfit.
Trevor perked up when he heard the boy exiting the bathroom. He slowly stepped out of the room and smiled lightly. He looked cute in that outfit. "James?" He called off, being sure not to yell or use too strong of a voice. He did not want to frighten him. "I have your bedroom made." He informed him, taking a step out of the room and crossing his arms over his lower torso. "Do you wish to see it? Or are you okay for right now?" He asked, wanting the boy to know he had options. Options always were a good thing for him when he had been in the boy's situation.
Really, James wanted to know his future. He wanted to know if he should get comfortable in this house or if he should ready himself to be moved again and left for someone else. He was hoping that this would be his last place. These people seemed really nice and not the usual scum that he was left with. James was coming to feel quite welcome-really and truly welcome. He moved to the room and looked in. It was nice. It would do. " long am I here for?"
How long was he here for? Ah. That type of history. He smiled gently, eyes keeping to the boy. "You are here for as long as you wish to be, James. Bohdi and I will not force you to stay. We will not force you to leave. But ... if it makes you feel better, we really would love for you to stay." He kept his gaze with the boy, waiting to see what his answer would be. He hoped he would want to stay with them. That would make him so very happy.
That answer was new. James looked up to Trevor and really tried to read him. Was he telling the truth? The kitten sniffed a little bit to try and smell deception, but there was nothing there. "I... Thank you." He didn't want to make a decision right away. What if he said he would stay and then neither he nor them were happy anymore? James didn't want that at all. "I will think about it."

Kyros nudged his head into James' hand, trying to convince him to stay, but knew it wouldn't do any good if he didn't want to. Still, they had all the time in the world to decide. He gave a lick and then moved into the room and onto the foot of the bed, looking to the boy while his eyes asked if he was going to join him.
Trevor nodded, giving him a small, happy smile. "All right. Take the time you need." he informed him and then nodded a little more. He saw Kyros and smiled. Good boy. Really, really good boy. He turned to look at the room before turning back to James. "You can take a nap if you wish, or sleep for as long as you like. The door can lock, if you want it to. You now know where the bathroom is. The kitchen is there if you need anything, and if you ever want, you can ask me, or Bohdi, to make you something." He nodded and then took a step away from the room, giving the boy enough space, once more, to get by if he needed.
Jupiter got the call late that night and he had to leave right away. The god moved quickly and packed what he'd need for who knew how long before jolting out the door and jetting off. He hadn't meant to not tell Sebastian, but he didn't have time to. The hospital needed him... Only they needed him in Russia. He felt bad as he flopped into the cot that was set up for the residents but sleep overtook him before he could think of picking up a phone.
Sebastian was freaking out. He did not know where Jupiter was. They were supposed to have a lunch date today. He called him. No answer. He called the house and Aldith did not know what happened to him. He ran to Tomias -- same story. He ... was freaking out. He was already beginning to rush around the house, pacing back and forth, trying to think of where he would have gone. The hospital did not even know! What if something bad happened to him. where was he?!
It was another full four days before he was released to go home. And while Jupiter desperately needed to sleep, he knew that he was already in trouble with Sebastian, no matter how unavoidable the situation was. And so he went directly to his boyfriend's house, hoping that he'd be able to get a few words out before the door was slammed in his face.

Tanner opened the door when he heard the knock and he was not happy. His son was nearly making himself sick and he had the balls to show up after four days!?

"I couldn't help it!" he offered quickly. "Please! Please I need to speak with Sebastian. Work had an emergency that I had to help with."
Relic appeared beside his lover, glaring down at the doctor. He growled. "Bugger. Off." he hissed, slamming the door in the other man's face and then turned to make his way back to the other side of the house. He would tell him that Jupiter was not dead, but like hell he would let them together!
Sighing, Jupiter was about to give up. But that wouldn't get him anywhere. The brunette began to knock on the door insessiantly, not letting up and getting progressively louder with each passing moment. "I'M NOT GOING AWAY!"
After a few moments, the door suddenly swung open, and a second later, a fist connected with the man's cheek -- hard. Standing in front of him was quite the seething and fuming Sebastian. "YOU FUCKING JERK!" He yelled, his hands curling into fists at his sides while he continued to glare at the man. "Go rot in a ditch!" He then took the door and slammed it once more, not happy at all.
Jupiter sighed a little bit and took a second to recover from the fist to his jaw before letting himself into the house. This was not working out the way he'd wanted. "SEBASTIAN! I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU TALK TO ME!" The god moved through the house, looking in each room for his soulmate.
Sebastian growled and turned out of another room, shoving him away from him from trying to get near him. "I don't care! ONE phone call. Text message. Mental signal to uncle Mias -- anything! You're a fucking GOD yet you can't tell your boyfriend where the hell you are for FOUR fucking days?!" He took in many deep breaths and then pushed him away once more. "What are you going to tell me that will make me feel better, hm?"
"It was work, Sebastian! I had to go, and I had to stay, and I thought about you every day and I'm sorry-from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry." Jupiter sighed and sagged against the wall behind him, unsure of what else to say. He was sure that there wasn't anything. "You can call the hospital and ask," he offered, though something told him that he wouldn't be taken up on the offer. "Sebastian, I didn't leave without telling you to hurt you. I would never do such a thing on purpose."
He narrowed his eyes at the man with another growl to his lips. "NO! I called them! They didn't know where the FUCK you went! "Where's Jupiter" "Oh, I don't know. Not here! Thought he was on vacation with you!" "NO! HES NOT!" "Well then, that sucks doesn't it? click" Yea... Do you KNOW how pissed I was?!" He growled and threw the nearest thing at him - happening to be a vase - at the man in front of him. "NO ONE fucking knew where you were. TWO seconds to call. TWO. A text! Your'e a fucking GOD but you can't even call your goddamned boyfriend to let him know you're ditching him for your date? Or 'hey! I'm out of the country! Be back soon'. Two. Fucking,. SECONDS!"
He shook his head, not knowing who Sebastian had talked to but it was obviously someone who wasn't worth knowing. "Call and talk to Jane in Radiology. Or Jessica in maternity. My boss-you can call my boss. You can bring Tomias with you to see them all so he can read their minds!" He was desperate to fix what he'd done. "Sebastian I love you! Why would I hurt you on purpose?"
"I didn't say it was on purpose!" He yelled, throwing the paperweight that was nearby and growling once more. "JUST THAT you're a fucking GOD but expect ME to do something when YOU'RE the one that left without a fucking word. WHAT is the point in being a GOD if you don't do the simplest thing. MESSAGE to Uncle Mias! He reads your damn mind, you're supposedly his best friend, can't just give his mind a little burst of 'let Sebastian know I'll be away'. WHY are you so stupid!?" Yes. it was mean, but he was still hurt and he just wanted to stab the man.
"He doesn't!" he corrected. "That's part of being best friends, Sebastian. He doesn't read my mind or my thoughts without any reason." Jupiter had ducked past the two thrown objects an was now tempting fate by stepping forward towards the teen. He reached out towards his soulmate in an attempt to at least stop the throwing of objects, and took a strong hold of his arms. "I will do anything to fix this, Sebastian."
Sebastian stared up at him, cheeks puffing out and his brows furrowed as he stared up at the man. "TAKE ME AWAY! I want a fucking vacation." he stated, arms crossed over his lower torso. "You and me for eight days. Double the time you abandoned me, you stupid prick!" Yes, he was still pissed.
He nodded. "We'll go to Avalon after school tomorrow." There was no reason for Jupiter to argue. It was a very small price to pay for what he'd done. The fact that he had to get past Relic and Tanner was a non-issue for the moment. He would go talk to them after attempting to make Sebastian not so angry with him. The brunette loosened his grip and moved his arms around the teen's shoulders, hugging him. "I am sorry, Sebastian."
Avalon? The teen lifted a brow in question, his hand resting over the other's mouth, pushing him away lightly as he stared up at him. "No. Avalon's cheaping out. I love it there, yes, but I expect something nicer. Somewhere I have not been. I do not mind being in a sunny place, but I want you to find somewhere original." He crossed his arms over his lower torso, holding onto his form and he kept his eyes to him, refusing to be bought by such simple things.
"I didn't choose there to 'cheap out'," he argued softly. "I chose it because it'd be only us." Jupiter shrugged a little. If Sebastian wanted somewhere else, then he'd figure something out. "Tell me the top five places you'd like to visit and I'll surprise you with one of them... After I convince your parents."
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