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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking down at Isiah and then back to Tomias, Rylee weighed his options. With a shrug, the redhead returned his attentions to the silver haired male, pulling his lips into a nice kiss while his hands were trapped against his chest. He was ultra sensitive and needed a little relief from the attention being shown to the hardened nubs.
Tomias glared at the man. "LIKE HELL!" He yelled, walking over to Rylee and taking quite the forceful grip of his ear, yanking him off the bed. "You're not going to defile my nephew on MY bed...." He hissed, taking the man and literally throwing him out of the room, and hopefully onto his ass. He then turned to the whimpering Isiah, sighing heavily. He walked to the silver-haired male, pulling him out of his bed and stopping him from turning his affections to him. Oh, that would be bad. Very, very, VERY bad. He turned him and led him out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. Setting him under the shower, he let the cold water go, arms crossed over his chest while the boy seemed to slowly calm down to his normal self with the coldness.

Isiah blinked a few times when he was suddenly drenched. Staring at his uncle, he blinked at him a little. "Did I do it again?"

The man shook his head. "Nope. It's Rylee's fault." he stated, turning the water off and then wrapping a towel around the boy's shoulders, turning him and walking him out of the bathroom now. "Take him home. He'll be normal for a while ... And yes, it does make me quite giddy to know I shot down your chances of having sex for a good week or two, if not a month." He smirked at the thought, enjoying it far too much.
Sighing, Rylee moved with Tomias' actions to make them hurt less. When they had moved into the bathroom, he collected their shirts. He pulled his on and held onto Isiah's, pulling him to him when he exited the bathroom to help to dry him off a little bit. The redhead shrugged at Tomias' comment. "You did us a favor," he answered, completely truthfully. "We wanted to wait a bit." Sticking his tongue out at the other man, the redhead tossed the towel at him and helped Isiah into his shirt. "Lets get you home and changed. We can still have dinner together, right?"
Isiah nodded and tugged the bottom of his shirt a little bit more. "mhm. Dinner sounds nice ... but ... after I change my pants." He stated, looking down at his pants and chewing his bottom lip slightly.

Tomias cleared his throat a little bit. "You do have cousins who would be all too happy to lend you clothes." He shrugged his shoulders a little to the thought. "Just saying ... if you wanted to leave from here to dinner, but hey, you wanna stop home and explain to Gabe why his son's wet, have at it." He grinned and then walked past them to go find his lovely husband.
Severus was...going crazy, if he was honest. The brunette moved to his sister's door and knocked softly. They hadn't talked in weeks and it was killing him. His parent's were supportive, as always, and his brothers were wonderful in trying to help him feel better. But nothing could help. At the very lease he wanted their relationship back the way it was. "Ily?"
Lily perked up when her door was knocked on, staring at it as she heard the voice. Shoot. She stared at the door for a little while more before she slid lower and yanked the sheets up and over her head, turning her back to the door. She did not want to face him! She could not face him yet! She really, really, really could not do it. A pathetic little, "Go away" passed her lips, her bunny ears poking out from beneath the sheets, twitching every so often with the slightest noise.
He had been about to give up and go away when something clicked inside of Severus. No. No she did not get to be the selfish one anymore. He'd left her alone for weeks! He'd tortured himself and made himself miss her terribly all this time! He wasn't going to do it anymore. Severus shook his head and opened the door anyway. "We need to talk, Lily."
Lily groaned when the door opened. darn. It had worked before! She curled up even more, burying her face into the pillow with a little grumble. Crap. Crap. Crap. She remained silent, listening to the other and so, so very slowly, she pulled the sheets down to peak over the edge, seeing the man and blushing instantly. She chewed her bottom lip a bit more and sunk deeper into the mattress. "We can't." She stated simple as that.
"We can't what?" he asked, sitting on the floor and looking up at her. "We can't talk? We can't be together? We can't be like we were? We can't eat ice cream every day, for every meal, for the rest of our lives?" He knew what she was saying but he wanted her to really say it. And then he wanted to argue it.
She let out a laugh at his ice cream comment, shaking her head a little and slowly taking in a deep breath. She pushed her form up, turning to face him, sitting and staring down at the man. "We can't be together! You're my brother and ... everyone would look at us like we're freaks -- even more than they already do! I ... I don't want that for you ..."
Severus shrugged a little bit. "I don't care what they say," he answered softly, wringing at the cuffs of his shirt. "And so what if I'm your brother? We're not blood, Ily. And even if we were... Look at Mama and Uncle Relic, and Lucius and Draco, and Alex and Addy... Dawn and Ella... Well they're not blood either, but you get it. That's not a good reason!"
She whimpered softly, looking down at the bed and fidgeting with the sheets a little as she did so. "But ... What .. What if it doesn't work out?" She said, voice barely that of a whisper, not really wanting to say it, but knowing that she had to. She chewed her bottom lip a little more and just could not look at the man. She really could not. She did not want to look at him to see his reaction.
"Then I'm still your brother... And you're still my best friend." What else was there? They were stronger than those silly people who let a break up ruin a friendship. "Mama and Uncle Relic didn't work out, but they're still best friends and love each other." Severus looked up at the redheaded girl, eyes soft yet pleading just a little bit.
"but ... they're not us." She protested, lifting her gaze, finally, to the man's. She knew that that was not the smartest decision, but she was so very unsure of herself and everything right now that she had to look him in the eyes. "I ... I don't want to lose you, Severus. You're ... you're my best friend and I love you." She whispered, staring at him before she leaned into him, resting her forehead against his with a deep breath. "You promise that you'll always be there for me, no matter what?"
He didn't understand why Lily was so worried because he was so sure that their relationship was so strong, but he knew that he had to indulge her. Looking at her, Severus reached up and cupped her face in his hands. "I promise, Ily." Hesitating for half a second, the teen then leaned up and very softly, and very quickly brushed his lips against hers. It was to seal the promise, and ask for something all in one and he could only hope that she reacted well to it.
Lily blushed at the man's lips against hers,even for such a brief moment. She stared at him for a while before taking in a deep breath. "cheater." she whispered, leaning forward to press a very soft kiss to his lips. "It's not fair when ... you do that." She added, kissing his lips once more. "And when you say such sweet things." another kiss. "And ... don't you dare think of doing anything with Lucius and Draco ... Ever again!" She kissed him once more, her arms moving to wrap around his shoulders and she pulled him tightly to her form.

Rune perked up, staring up at the ceiling before he turned to Calder, smirking all the more. "They made up." he stated happily, quite glad their children were at peace now.
He wrapped his arms around her hips and kissed her once more, heart soaring that she was accepting of the affections. "But they're my brothers, Ily..." he teased her softly. Severus leaned forward and kissed her again, hugging her tightly to him now, lips trailing over her cheek and jaw and shoulder in between nuzzling into her neck a little bit.
Slowly and cautiously, Sirius made his way to Lavi's room. he stared at the door for a while, glancing from side to side before opening the door quietly and then slipping inside. He closed the door behind him, making his way over to the sleeping kitty-eared man and he slid on top of him. He rested on his hips, staring down at the man before leaning toward him and kissing the side of his neck. His eyes slipped closed, his hands settling themselves on top of the other's chest, staying there while his lips moved along his neck and collar, moving back up to finally press his lips to his.
He was in a nice, deep sleep. Until, that was, there were lovely sensations travelling over his neck and collarbone, and weights on his hips and chest. Lavi groaned a little as he woke up, his arms coming up and around the hips that were on his. There was only one person it would be and the male enjoyed waking up this way. When it wasn't the crack of dawn. "Don't you ever sleep past seven?" he muttered sleepily.
Sirius shook his head, pulling back to look down at the man beneath him. "No." he stated, kissing his lips. "Get up. I have a surprise for you." He whispered, kissing his lips once more. He lent down, nuzzling into his neck playfully. He nipped at his neck and ground his hips into his, trying anything to make the man get out of bed.
Get up? That meant getting out of his warm bed? The kitty-eared male looked up with a raised eyebrow to the man. "Up?" he asked, grumbling a little. "Can't you bring the surprise to me in bed?" It was worth a shot, he supposed...right? At the very least it bought him a little more time in bed...with Sirius on top of him.
Sirius pouted, his brows furrowing as he stared down at the male. "No." Firm, quick, and no chance for a debate. He slid off his form and pulled the blankets off the man's form. He took a hold of his hands, tugging him out of the bed. "Come on. You don't even have to get dressed ... just put shoes on." He stated, kissing his lips and beginning to walk backward, wanting the man out and up now.
Groaning softly and trying to curl up when the blankets were taken away from him, Lavi knew it was a losing battle. He sat up and then shook his head. If he had to put shoes on then he was getting dressed. At least in a pair of jeans! He couldn't imagine what an idiot he'd look like in just his boxers and a pair of sneakers! The male untangled himself from his boyfriend and got dressed before following Sirius out of the room quite sleepily.
Sirius waited impatiently for the other to get dressed before leading him out of the room once more. He then nabbed a blindfold from the table outside of the man's door, tying it around his eyes and then linking his arm with his. He made sure to lead the man easily through the house, outside, through the streets and soon leading him up a pair of stairs. He placed him in a seat, buckling him up and then resting beside him. He pulled the blindfold down, letting it rest around the other's neck, showing the plane they were now in.

After only an hour, the two arrived on Avalon and the ravenette kissed his boyfriend before sliding over his form, making his way out of the plane, their bags already waiting for them on the landing pad -thing.
He raised an eyebrow with the blindfold. He tried to fight it, but lost and sighed a little. Why would he have told him to come this far out of the house in boxers and sneakers!? But when Avalon was revealed to him, Lavi smiled softly. "Oh?" He asked, nuzzling along his love's cheek a little bit. "And what do your parents think of you stealing your older, previous nanny to a deserted island?"
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