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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I'm sorry," he whispered again, nuzzling into his twin's neck as he laid down and brought Lucius with him. Draco cuddled to his brother, having missed him desperately in the past couple of days. "I went out with Severus so he could buy something for Lily and we met," he answered, pulling the blankets up around them. "He's really funny... I think you two could be really good friends if you wanted to..."
Lucius nodded a little, curling into his brother and wrapping his arms around his torso tightly. He kissed his cheek softly and then buried his face into his neck with a little whimper. "yes." he whispered, keeping his eyes closed and thinking for a little bit more. "Erm ... Maybe we ... can have dinner sometime. or ... something."
Draco kissed his twin a bit more, wrapping himself around him completely. He couldn't imagine life without Lucius in it, and he was desperately scared that he might have to. "I told him about us," the blond confessed softly. "About how special you are to me; about our...relationship..."
Lucius blinked a few times. Tilting his head back, he looked up at him with a bit of a worried look to his features. "And ... um. ... what did he say?" he asked, a little nervous. Yes, this had been one of his paranoias. What if they did find a different lover and that lover found out about them and then hated them? Thought they were freaks? Or worse: Liked it too much. People could be creepy. He did not want that to be. He just did not know what the man would say.
Draco was a little confused. What did Lucius mean? "He was about to sleep with me the other night... What do you think he said, Lucius?" The blond pressed a kiss to his brother's cute worried forehead to soothe the wrinkles away. "I suppose he feels like Papa and Uncle Tanner do... He understands it, doesn't want to interfere with our closeness, but he doesn't want us sleeping together, either..."
Lucius bit into his bottom lip, not liking that last bit. He grumbled quite a bit, burying his face into the other's chest a little bit more. "Jerk." She murmured and then lifted her head to look over at the man. He stared at him for a while before biting his neck gently. "Whatever. I ... just will ... find someone else. Or something." He grumbled and curled into him a little more. He loved his brother dearly and yea sure, that Bryan kid seemed nice, but he wanted to have sex with his brother dammit! He could not go however long they'll be together without sex! And he did not want to just find someone. He did not see this going well for him, especially if it worked out between the two.
Draco pecked his brother's lips, keeping quiet about whatever was going through his head at the moment. There was no reason to say anything at that point, anyway. He was tired-both emotionally and physically-and he just wanted to curl up to Lucius and sleep for days and days. He'd call Bryan later.
Lucius smiled as he curled up with his brother, just happy to be with him right now. He kissed his neck and then sunk back against his side. "Love you." he whispered absently, arms wound around his waist and finally, he slept peacefully. He was quite content now that he was back with his brother. He did not want to leave him . He would not freak out anymore over little things.
A few days passed. Draco was immensely happy now that Lucius was no longer mad at him. It was a little odd to have to hold back from acting on his baser instincts with his brother, but it was getting a bit easier with each day. He'd called Bryan, apologizing for what had happened. He was grateful that his new boyfriend seemed to be understanding. They set up a date, too! Draco and Bryan, and then a blind date for Lucius. Draco wanted his brother and boyfriend to get to know each other.
Lucius was not happy at the moment. He was not sure about this whole blind date thing set up by the man who was taking his brother from him. He was very, very unsure. Happy to be with his brother, but still unsure about the whole date thing. Yes, he was a horny little bastard who no longer had any brothers to pounce, but that did not mean he wanted to be set up! The only reason he was doing this was because his brother wanted him to get to know the man he was dating better.

Bryan was happy. His boyfriend finally called him back, and now: they were setting up his brother with, well, his own brother! Hopefully, that would keep the other man tamer so that he and Draco could be happy together. He really wanted to be with his little blond morph. He was so sweet and fun to be around. Really, he was falling for him, but he tried to not think about that all too much. It was bad to obsess over someone, especially someone he had only been dating a month or so. Right now, he was fumbling through his clothes to try and find something nice to wear on their double, blind date. He did not know if Sean, his twin, was happy about the date or not, but it would be something they would find out soon enough!
He didn't know what to feel, really. Sean got dressed because he had been told to. He wanted to keep his brother happy... Not that he was happy with the entire arrangement of Bryan being with someone else. But... Well, Draco seemed pretty okay to him. Still, that didn't make it all okay. Dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a purple button down shirt that was open to his stomach, with a white t-shirt under it, he entered Bryan's room and flopped onto his bed.

"Do I have to?" he asked once again.
"Yes." he said, tossing another shirt he thought would not work at the blond. He soon pulled out a nice white button down shirt with silver designs along the fabric. He held it up to his chest, looking it over and then turning to see his twin on his bed, shaking his head a little bit. "It'll be fun. If you don't like him, then ... you can just ... ignore him, or something." he shrugged his shoulders before finally tossing that shirt at the man as well. Seemed better in his head. "You like Draco." he reminded and then went searching for pants. They should be easier. He pulled on a pair of red and black plaid pants, black studded belt, and then a black button down with a small and simple red cross between the shoulderblades.

Buttoning the shirt, he turned to Sean once more. "You'll have fun. You get food out of it, at least."
"But I don't want food," he pouted, standing and moving over to his twin. Sean's arms wrapped around Bryan's waist and he kissed along the man's neck a bit. "I want you..." He bit into the soft flesh a little bit, licking over the wounded flesh to soothe it. "Come on," he tried with a little whine. "We can just...ditch 'em and stay in..."
Bryan let out a soft sigh when he felt his brother's actions. His eyes slipped closed and he shook his head. Turning around, he cupped the other's chin and tilted him up to press a kiss to his lips gently. "No." He whispered and then pulled back with a kiss to his forehead. "I like Draco, a lot." he stated and then kissed his forehead once more. He took a hold of the other's hand, turning and beginning to lead the way out of his bedroom. "Just ... do this for me." He added and turned to look at him with a pathetic little look to his eyes. "Please...?"
Whining, Sean followed Bryan out of the room, a rather pathetic pout to his lips. "Fine..."

Draco was rushing about trying to get ready. Why was it that when it came to Bryan, he was always late? With a little huff, he tousseled his hair a bit more with the blow dryer and then rushed into their bedroom to get ready. He wondered if Lucius was ready to go or not, and prodded a bit silently for him to hop to. He put on his usual suit, not sure where they were going but if it was casual he could always leave his jacket in the car. "LUCIUS!"
Lucius groaned. He pulled on a purple and green plaid pants which hugged him quite nicely, a purple belt, and then a green tee shirt with a purple, see-through, button down, short-sleeved top over that. He rolled his eyes when he heard his brother, sighing heavily. "WHAT!" He yelled back, coming down with, of course, matching converse on his feet -- purple and green on them. He moved to his brother and grumbled a little bit. "Yea yea. let's go." he mumbled, walking in front of him, though not having any idea where to go.
Smiling, the blond wrapped himself around Lucius and hugged him tightly. "I love you." The blond pecked the man's cheek and then they left.

It was easy to find his boyfriend in the crowd. It was like Draco's eyes were trained to find him even in the busy, summer Italian streets. Running over to him, the blond threw his arms around Bryan's neck and kissed him, nuzzling along his cheek a little bit in greeting before turning to say hello to Sean. Sean nodded a bit and then turned to Lucius. He'd known that Draco was one of triplets, and that Lucius was his identical twin so he moved over to the other blond and gave a muttered 'hi'.
Bryan beamed when he felt arms around him. He turned and wrapped his arms around the other, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips and resting his forehead against his. "Hello.' he said softly, hugging him once more and he then pulled away, straightening up a bit to link his hand with his. "How are you?" He asked, eyes not able to not be on the other.

Lucius was not happy. He was even more displeased when he saw that Bryan was similar to him. Same type of style, at least it seemed to be with his outfit chosen today. He glared at him and then grumbled while he turned to look at the male that came up to talk to him. He crossed his arms over his lower torso, looking him over and closing his eyes. "Yea." he mumbled before he took in a deep breath, knowing that his brother would be angry with him. "I'm Lucius."
"Sean." His voice was as flat as the other boy's was, and he didn't care either. Draco glared at both Lucius and Sean.

"Play nice." Sticking his tongue out at them, he turned his attention back to Bryan and kissed him again. "Where are we going for dinner? Is it some place nice? Will they scoff at my converse?" He was happy to be able to be with Bryan and Lucius, and excited for their first date in almost two weeks.

Sean pulled a face at the couple and turned his back to them, hating to see Bryan with anyone but himself.
Lucius shot quite the glare at his brother, growling under his breath as he did so. His arms crossed over his lower torso, tightening around his form and not happy at the moment, not at all. He just wanted to punch Bryan and take his brother back. Of course, that was not going to happen. He turned to look at Sean, looking him over and rolling his eyes a moment later. "Great. Just ... great." He mumbled and silently followed behind the other two.

Bryan smiled and then shook his head a bit at his brother. "You too." He stated, staring at him before his attention went back to the lovely blond in front of him. "No, no." He stated, grinning and kissing him once more. He then began to lead him down the street, keeping an eye to the blonds, making sure neither one left. "It's not casual, but not we don't need ties." He commented, bumping his hip lightly against him. He kissed his temple again, lacing their fingers while he walked. "You look great. That's all you need to know.'
He trailed after the two blonds, pouting the entire way.He didn't want to be here. Well, he did but not with Lucius and Draco. Not that he had anything against Lucius-they were in the same boat. But Lucius being there meant that Draco was there and Draco was stealing his brother, damnit! He kicked the dirt in front of him with the toe of his shoe and huffed. "We have no hope, do we?" he asked, rather pathetically.
Lucius glared at his brother's back before mumbling an annoyed, "no" to his question. He growled a bit and then turned to look at the man and sighed heavily. "They seem ... happy." he mumbled, staring at them and groaning. They did look far too happy for him to be too pissed at the two. He was not happy, but Draco was.
Sean whimpered once more and looked at the couple in front of them, too. They did look happy together. But it wasn't so long ago that Bryan looked like that, but with him. Why did he have to lose his brother? And why was he being forced to watch it as it happened? Giving them once last look, the blond took a hold of Lucius' arm and tugged him down a side alleyway. Why torture themselves?
Lucius blinked as he was suddenly tugged down an alleyway. He looked over at the man and murmured a soft, "Thank you" and continued to walk beside him. He sighed heavily once they were a little farther away. His hand lifted and rested at the back of his neck, rubbing the flesh and grumbling a little more. His eyes kept closed while he continued to walk, not really knowing - nor caring - where they went. He just wanted to get away.
They walked in silence for a while. What was there to say? "So your brother is fucking mine"? He'd pass. But Sean was hungry. That was the point of this venture, wasn't it? Dinner? The blond walked until he found some place that appealed to him and entered it. Lucius could follow or not, and he didn't know if the other had until he sat down in a booth.

Looking back, Draco stopped for a minute when he realized that their brothers weren't there anymore. He read through the thoughts and sighed a little. "It isn't going to be easy for them." His head fell onto Bryan's shoulder.
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