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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Skinny dipping? Sean raised an eyebrow to the suggestion but found himself following anyway. How could he pass up seeing such a gorgeous man naked? He watched as Lucius undressed, eyes focusing on several key points of the blond's body, admiring him. Really the blond was more beautiful than he could have imagined.
His shoes had barely been pushed off his feet before the blond dove into the water. He wiggled his legs behind him and came up for air. He took in a deep breath, smiling lightly as he did so. Yes. He definitely felt better. His eyes slipped closed for a while and he then looked up at the other. "Come oooooon. I'll turn into a fish if you want." he called out, chuckling while he began to push through the waters, sighing contently. He felt so much better right now.
He shook himself out of his thoughts and nodded. Yes. Swimming would take his mind off of everything. Sean quickly stripped down and tossed his clothes into the pile that Lucius had started before diving into the water, too. He sighed happily when he came up for water, paddling out into the middle of the lake. "Being able to morphe gills must have made for some...interesting moments..." he commented, unable to keep his comment to himself. "Sorry," he whispered immediately afterward.
Lucius turned to look at the male, smirking at his comment. "You have no idea." he purred, chuckling a little bit more. His eyes slipped closed and he grinned a bit more. "It comes in handy." He admitted before he slipped beneath the water's surface for a few moments. He moved above the water again and turned to look at the other. "It must be pretty nice to speak with the plants. Do you hear them all the time?"
"I bet..." He dove underwater and swam a few yards before resurfacing, pushing his hair back off of his face. "I can," he finally answered. "It's like...white noise in the background. When I was younger I couldn't tune them out. It was annoying...almost maddening." It was much better now and Sean enjoyed his powers more, too. "Why? Is there a plant you think is plotting its revenge on you?" he laughed, splashing a little water at Lucius.
Lucius shook his head a bit. "No. I was just curious." He admitted, nodding again and he then slipped beneath the water, coming back up a little closer to the male. "What happened to your parents ... if you don't mind answering." He asked, truly curious.
"What do you mean?" The blond looked at the other male and studied him a little bit. "They're at home?" Sean was confused by the question before he realized what it was all about. "Oh. They just...weren't interested in having kids, I guess. Those...hippie types that were all for love and peace and harmony, even at the expense of their own children, which suited Bryan and I fine I suppose." He shrugged again.
"oh." he said softly, staring at him and he remained silent for a little while. Well then, that was interesting. He remained quiet for a while, feet treading beneath him and he moved to lying on his back while he waded silently in the water. His eyes remained closed and he just relaxed as the little waves took him around the lake. "My Mama's threatened to take my life? Actually ... he strangled me one time. I saw white..."
They chatted and swam, and Sean forgot about how they had come to be on a date in the first place. It was nice. They dressed a while later, skin wrinkled and pruned, and Sean walked Lucius home. "Thanks for the ice cream. Call me sometime? Even if it's just to rant about them. I had a good time."
Lucius nodded, giving him a simple smile. "Of course." He said before he turned and made his way into the house.

Trevor had debated and debated, for quite a while, and finally, he could not stand it anymore. He wanted to do something that he loved. He had not thought about what he would do at first, but now, he had an idea. He was quite happy for that. He needed to do something with his life, right? He could not live off his parents' money forever. He did not want to do that. He would eventually have his own family to take care of, James was already part of the family, so he wanted to use his own money to stay afloat, not just mooch off his parents for the rest of their lives.

Making his way to his parents' home, he moved inside, looking here and there, trying to find his Papa and he smiled softly when he saw him ."Papa..." he began, making his way toward the male. "i have a question ... a proposition, really."
Calder had been happier lately. The prospect of having time to himself with his husband really made him excited, even if there was still six months of the school year left. They had let Nikkos know, who had assured them a job when they decided to come back to Italy. Now he was baking in the kitchen-something chocolate of course-when he heard Trevor. Smiling at the man's entrance, it quickly turned to a furrowed brow. "Well... Your Mama might get jealous but..." he answered, sliding over to his son and wrapping his arms around his neck to tease him a little bit.
"Eh?" he asked before going a lovely beet red and shaking his head to the man. "N-no ... Um ... Not ... not that.." He blushed a bit more and let out a nervous little laugh. His hands lifted to rest on the other's wrists, pulling them away and holding onto him and he took in a deep breath to relax a little more. "I ... have been thinking." He began, trying to think about how he wanted to word this. "I wish to open up a restaurant, but I wish for you to ... help me. To be my co-owner and help me get it going. You won't have to stay long ... but I just thought it would be very nice to work ... with you ..."
Laughing, Calder patted Trevor's cheek and turned back to his batter, listening to his son. A restaurant? He thought about it for a second. They were good enough-he knew they were-but there were other things to consider. "What about a manager?" he asked, looking to Trevor. "We can cook and handle the kitchen. But neither of us have any experience in managing a restaurant." He put the cake into the oven. "What type of restaurant, Trevor?"
Trevor sighed softly and walked over to where the other was. He peeked over at what he was making, looking over everything before he rested his rump against the counter. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he held onto his form, keeping his eyes to the area in front of him as he continued to try and think. "I am not sure, yet. Possibly, Bohdi could be the manager. I thought that you and I could think about that. It won't happen for a while, I know. Probably not for two, three months ... and I'll have to see if I can get the place I want and then renovations..."
He nodded, thinking it over. "Yes, I think it might work..." The blond washed everything and then turned to his son once more. "What are we looking at in start up costs?" he asked, going through finances in his head. Not that they had to worry about money, but this was definitely the sort of thing he would have to run past Rune before diving in. "Where were you looking for a location?" The older blond sat at the table with a glass of water to discuss the idea with Trevor.
"hold on." he said, turning and disappearing for a few moments before he came back with a folder. He moved to the table and sat down with his Papa. He opened it up, pulling out the photograph of the building he wanted to purchase, so very badly he did. "It's a little rundown ... but I figure we can renovate the bottom for the restaurant, and then make the top floors into apartments. I looked at some prices and ... it will be a lot of money. I want to have a cozy restaurant that no one is really scared to go to, but not like ... come in after the gym... So semi-formal, I suppose."
The building was attractive enough and Trevor's idea of renovating the top floors into apartments was a good idea. He nodded, agreeing with his son. "Let me talk to Mama first, okay?" The blond took the folder to look through the actual numbers. It was quite a bit of money, but if they did it right, they could make it all back inside of three years. And he was never one to do anything pertaining to food half assed.
Trevor nodded. "Thank you, Papa." He said softly, leaning over and kissing his cheek softly. He then turned back to look at the folder. His right knee lifted to rest against his chest, eyes traveling along the numbers, chewing his bottom lip just a bit more. "It ... will be easier to get the money back with the apartments too, and hopefully, the restaurant will become popular. And, if not, then the apartments should do well."
He nodded, knowing that Trevor was right. "When we get the okay from your Mama, we'll sit down and set a time and money limit-if we're not making a profit in X years, or if we sink X number of dollars into it and aren't making anything back, we'll sit down and talk about selling. For now though..." He looked up at his son. "It looks like you've done some good research. Want to talk to Mama with me?"
Trevor nodded and looked over the pages he created once more. He truly loved the building. He fell in love with it upon first sight! he turned to look at him and smiled gently. "okay." he agreed, pushing his form up from the table. He had planned to go in search of his Mama, but the man of the topic soon came into the kitchen.

Rune sniffed a few times. "Mm..." He purred, walking over to the stove and looking over everything there. He trailed his fingers through some of the left over batter, dipping his finger into his mouth and grinning all the more. Delicious...
Shaking his head, Calder moved over to his husband and lead him back to the table by his wrist. "They'll still be a half hour so sit down and talk with us until then." Sticking his tongue out at Rune, the blond sat on his lap and pulled the folder over to them for him to look at. He wasn't nervous really, but more anxious.
Rune sighed as he sat down - rather was forced away from his chocolate - and looked over his love's shoulder. His arms slid around his form, reading the plans and he sunk against the other a little bit more. "No." He said simply and short as ever.

Trevor blinked a few times, turning to look up at his Mama. "You will get free desserts." He offered, figuring a little bribery never did too much damage when dealing with one like his Mama.

Rune grinned. "That's better." he stated, taking a hold of the folder and looking it over a little bit more. "Hm ..." he murmured, looking over the plans and he gave another little nod. "Yes. It sounds interesting." He admitted and then looked over the photograph a bit more. Mhm. Really nice. "Have fun, you two."
Shaking his head, the blond kissed the top of Rune's head. "You thought we'd make you pay for your desserts? Your dinners, yes. Those are the expensive things!" He laughed a little and kissed his husband's lips softly. "Love you." With a soft nuzzle to Rune's cheek, Calder stood up then so that Rune could go lick the bowl if he wanted to and then sat down next to Trevor to work out the details. "Call the realtor."
Akito took in a deep breath and collapsed onto the couch with a little groan. No one was hiring. No. That was a lie. No one was hiring him. Apparently, they did not like him, nor need anyone with his business skills. He groaned a little bit, eyes closed and he kept his face buried into the cushions and he let his eyes stay closed. Maybe a little nap would work.
As the weeks went on, James became very comfortable with Akito. They spoke about Japan and he practiced his Japanese with the man, too. It was nice to have a friend who wasn't a dog, or someone who was taking care of you. The kitten walked out to get a glass of milk and saw the other man flopped on the sofa. His head tilted in curiosity. "Are you okay?"
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