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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Mostly." He mumbled. Slowly, he pushed his form up to sit back, arms crossed over his lower torso and he stared at the man that was across from him. "I cannot find a job. No one will hire me for one reason or another ... and I am becoming frustrated. I do not wish to be a burden on Trevor and Bohdi anymore." He sighed, sinking low into the couch with a hand resting on his face.
He thought for a moment, nodding a bit before the idea came to him. It was rather sudden, really, because James hadn't even been aware that he had heard some of the information that was about to come out of his mouth. "Trevor is opening a restaurant with his Papa... Maybe he will allow you to manage it?" The kitten got his milk and then returned to sit on the sofa next to Akito.
Akito remained silent with his words. Trevor was running a restaurant -- rather, trying to? that ... That would be great. He would love to help him out. He has done so much for him, he would completely love that idea. "Yes... Yes. Thank you. I will ask him." He sighed softly, glad he had yet another place to try and get a job. He sunk against the cushions, turning to look at the kitten-eared boy. "How was your day?"
James shrugged and sipped his milk. "Alright. Kyros bit someone." That seemed to happen a lot, really. Some man would come too close and not back off and his protector would have to do more than warn them. He was grateful for his friend, though. James always felt more than safe while he was around the dog. "I think, though, that he didn't learn before... That Kyros has bitten him for the same thing a few weeks ago." The kitten shrugged again.
Akito perked up. a man? He pushed his form up from the couch just a bit to look over at the boy. "There was a man?" He questioned, blinking a few times at the other. "Did he try to touch you?" he was unsure as to why, but he did not like the idea of someone touching James. Even in a friendly manner. Or maybe worse in a friendly manner? He was unsure, but he knew that he did not like that idea at all. It sent his stomach into quite the many knots.
Touch him? James shook his head. "No.Well I'm sure he would have tried. He just said some...things." He didn't really want to get into what was said. None of it had been very nice and Kyros had taken care of it anyway, right? Milk finished, the kitten got up and put the glass in the dishwasher. "Kyros would never let someone get close enough to touch me anyway." He smiled softly at the other man and his concern for him.
"Oh ... Okay." he whispered, staring at him a bit more and he took in a deep breath, calming himself down once again. Okay. There was nothing to worry about. He should not worry. At least, not as badly as he was. He shook his head just a little, straightening his back to look over at the kitten again. "Are you more comfortable here?"
Looking up, James nodded. "Yes. Much more comfortable." James had come to trust not only Kyros, but Trevor and Bohdi, and now Akito for the most part. It was nice to be able to trust people. Especially because he couldn't remember the last time he trusted anyone. "It's nice to feel at home once more. ... Not that I remember a home before this..." The last bit was mumbled, James embarrassed about it.
Akito nodded a little bit to his words. " It's okay. I have not had much of a home, either. It's not unusual." He informed him, smiling a little bit more. He settled against the couch, arms crossed over his lower torso while he thought for a bit. He truly enjoyed the boy's company. "Are you thinking of attending school?"
School? Just the thought of being around all those people at once made him quite nervous. James shook his head. "I... I cannot..." He gave a little whimper. What if Trevor and Bohdi told him that he had to go? Would he be allowed to take Kyros with him? That would be doubtful. The kitten shook his head again. "No... No I cannot go to school..." That didn't mean, of course, that he didn't want to learn. James loved to learn about all sorts of things! Maybe homeschooling would be the best option for him?
Akito nodded a little bit to his words. "It's fine." He said softly and rested against the couch just a little bit more, eyes closed while he relaxed. He thought for a few moments before he lifted his head to look over at the boy. "Do you want to go out? For dinner?" He offered, straightening a little bit more and he truly would like to go get something to eat with the boy.
Dinner? With Akito? It sounded like a date, and that made him a little nervous, but James reminded himself that the man was his friend, and that he trusted him. The kitten nodded softly. "Yes...I would like that." He smiled a little at the man and then moved to go towards his room. "I'll go change? Maybe you can talk to Trevor a little while I do?" He was excited that perhaps he'd be around longer, though he didn't really understand why. Did it matter why?
Akito nodded a little bit. "Yes." He said softly and then turned to look at the door that Trevor so conveniently walked through. He stood up and made his way toward the other. His hands moved behind his back and held onto his hands while he kept his eyes to him. "May I speak with you, Trevor?"

The brunette nodded and then led the way into the kitchen to get himself something to drink. He looked over at him, listening to the other and he nodded a little bit. The two talked for a little bit and, really, Trevor was thankful for it. He was very thankful for Akito. He needed a manager and the man had quite the many good degrees and experiences. It would be nice.

"Yes. Oh! And, we are thinking about making the top of the building into apartments..." He said, looking over at Akito. "You are more than welcome to stay in them. We can work out some form of payment... Nothing expensive. You would be working for me of course, so for a while, you can just work to live there, or something." he shrugged again, trying to think about it.

"Thank you. I am going to take James out to dinner tonight ... I will have him back afterward." Akito gave a low bow and then made his way to go and patiently wait for James.
James dressed in a simple white skirt and a pretty pink shirt with a darker pink embroidery down the back. A pair of black boots and he was ready. The kitten gave a flick of his tail with a final look in the mirror and a smile to Kyros who was watching from the bed. He pet the dog's head, scratching the base of his ears for a moment before joining Akito in the living room, wondering where they would be going. "I'm ready," he greeted softly with a little smile to his lips.
Rune yawned softly while he made his way through the halls of the school. His arms stretched above his head, a soft little groan passing his lips. Mm. This was definitely a nice lazy day. He much more would prefer ravaging his lovely husband while the kiddies were off learning, but of course,, he could not do that. Calder wanted to work. What type of bull shit was that? seriously. He wanted to fuck him, not fuck with kids' heads. Although, that was always a fun thing to do! Hm. Maybe not so bad of a thing, then.
Sauntering through the hallways, Ryan had a rather devious smirk on his face. Sure. He was supposed to be in class right now, but who was going to stop him? His father had just made a huge donation to the school and made it virtually impossible for him to get in trouble at all. What type of idiot would want the school to give up half a million dollars every year? The brunette shoved some little pip squeak into a locker as he passed, laughing as the kid beat against the metal to be let out. He galled back a 'good luck' in a very sing-song voice as he walked away, obviously quite pleased with himself.
Rune perked up when he heard some poor kid hitting the lockers. He turned and instantly made his way toward the noise. He moved in front of the male that was there. His hand rested on the front of his head, pushing him back a little bit. "Oi. Where do you think you're going? Better yet, why are you abusing some poor kid?"
Reaching up, Ryan dislodged the hand from his head and dropped it down to the man's side. "What's it to you?" he sneered. Who the hell did this jerk think he was? Obviously, a nobody or else he'd know who he was and why he should just leave him alone. It was easy to move around the man and continue walking to no place in particular, Ryan not really caring what the man who had stopped him thought of him.
The man arched a brow, staring at the little twerp and definitely wanting to strangle him. Instead, he merely reached behind him, took a hold of the back of his shirt, and yanked him back to being in front of him. "It's everything to me, you little brat. It's my job to ensure the safety of the students of this school, and to make sure everyone is in their class." He stated, just a bit of a hiss to his tone as he kept his eyes to the male, releasing him to cross his arms over his torso, easily able to reach out if he needed again.
He laughed out right. "And yet you're being physical with the students. Yep. Real genius you are." Shaking his head, Ryan once more moved away, this time not crossing around the man but moving completely in the opposite direction of him. "Oh. And leaving one of your students in the locker is a nice touch, too."
Oooh. He was going to stab this boy. Rune took in a deep breath, his fist colliding with the lockers, having the door the boy was locked behind open up, having the kid tumble onto the floor, but whatever. He easily followed the brat, his fingers curling around the back of his neck and he pulled him back to stand beside him. "Do you not realize that you're in trouble?" He hissed, keeping a firm grip on his neck, not letting go anytime soon.
Ryan laughed again. "Sure. I'm in trouble. And my father will just pull the school's funding." The brunette shrugged. "This school sucks anyway." It was obvious that he wasn't impressed or intimidated, as the brunette just stood where he was now, laughing with the thought of him being in trouble.
Rune arched a brow. His hand merely tightened around his neck before the boy was pinned to the wall of lockers. "I don't care who your father is." He stated, eyes narrowing at him all the more. "And if you hate this school so much, then get the fuck out." He hissed, growling all the more at the boy. Yep, he was not happy. He let the kid drop to his feet - or ass - and then walked away. "You're going to be in detention at three sharp. If not, I'll find you."
Nikkos was really looking forward to their anniversary. He wanted to try and get away a bit with Tomias and had arranged with Calder to stay at Avalon for a long weekend with his husband. The brunette moved through the halls of his school to Tomias' office and moved around his chair, wrapping his arms around the man's shoulders and hugging him from behind. Nikkos nuzzled along the other man's neck a little, purring a bit.
Tomias had been looking through some of the papers on his desk. Eyes traveling over one thing to the other before he felt arms around his shoulders. He perked up and turned to look at him with a gentle smile. "Hello, gorgeous." he whispered, pecking a soft kiss to his lips before he turned to go back to the papers, resting his head against his love and smiling a little bit more.
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