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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

It had been quite a while since Tomias had found himself on the bottom of things. He had to admit -- He liked it a LOT more when Nikkos was the one on top. He loved his husband far too much, and well, the hostility made the sex better it seemed. The fact that his love had pent up aggressions toward him ... oh it was fantastic! Sure, he could not walk straight, but he enjoyed it, even despite not being accustomed to those types of actions to his poor little rump. Ah, he loved him so much.

He whispered a gentle, "love you" into the man's neck, nuzzling him a moment later and caressing his neck every so often and bucking into his side, just pleasing himself with the gentle touches here and there.

The week they spent on the island was fantastic, and well-needed. Of course, the two weeks following were Hell. They had papers to make up for and just as he was all caught up, Tomias was sick. Horribly so. Vomiting, sleeping for most of the day, sore, and oh so many more problems. By the time the second week of feeling crappy came to be, Tomias could not stand it anymore. There HAD to be something wrong!

So, groggily, the greenish male moved through the halls of the house, finding his way to Sebastian's room. He knocked for a second and then moved inside. He looked like Hell. He really, really did. His hair was in all directions, his pajama pants were barely hanging onto his hips, and the long sleeved shirt he wore was hanging off one shoulder. He fumbled into the room where his nephew was, flopping at the side of his bed with a groan. "Where's that fuck-toy of yours?" He mumbled out, nuzzling the teen's lap pathetically.

Sebastian squeaked with his uncle suddenly in the room, eyes wide as he stared at the man coming toward him. "Eh?" He questioned, staring down at him and pulling his sheets closer to his bare form. He blushed faintly. "Erm .. Shower..."
He took his time in the shower, and jumped back a bit with the addition of the man in their bedroom. "Er... Can I help you?" he asked, pulling on a pair of pajama pants beneath the towel so that it could be tossed aside. Jupiter moved over to the bed and offered a robe to Sebastian so that he could shower next and then got Tomias situated on the bed. The doctor looked him over, asked a few questions, prodded and poked, and then laughed. "Give it about...eight more months."

Nikkos was worried about his husband. Everything had gone so well in Avalon and now the poor thing was sick as a dog, with no end in sight. Really, the brunette was relieved that he'd decided to go see Jupiter, but was scared, too. What if something was seriously wrong??
Tomias groaned as he was poked and prodded, truly tempted to bite the man, even snapping at him with his teeth a few times. He grumbled when his examination was finally finished, arms crossing over his lower torso and he glared in front of him. He arched a brow when he heard his words. Reaching forward, he took a hold of the front of his friend's shirt, yanking him toward his chest with quite the lovely growl to his lips. "If you're joking, I swear to all the gods, that I WILL rip your balls out through your throat." He hissed, not in a happy mood at all.
Joking? Jupiter laughed and dislodged Tomias' hand from his body. "You can read minds, Tomias. You know the answer." He patted the man's head while writing a script for some pre-natal vitamins and supplements that would make it easier on the man's body. "If you're lucky, you won't wind up with three like your brother!" the god added cheerfully from a safe distance of the other side of the room.
Tomias groaned, turning and flopping onto his stomach. at least until he realized what had obviously gone on in the bed the night before. With an annoyed, "EEEEW," he slid off the bed, rubbing at his stomach for a moment. he growled and instantly glared at the back of his head. "If you jinxed me, I'll kill you!" he hissed, snatching the prescription from the man and then looking it over. Son of a bitch. ONE time he let Nikkos on top, and what happens? "Fuck."

He grumbled a few times, kicking the back of the doctor's knees so that they would give out. "Just for that, you're now my baby's doctor." He stated, sticking his tongue out childishly before he left to go find where his husband was.
Nikkos was currently pacing around the house, nervous. Why hadn't he gone with Tomias? Sure, it was only across the courtyard but what if the news was horrible?? He didn't want Tomias to hear it alone! The brunette was psyching himself out a great deal, ready to be put out of his misery when he saw his husband walking back across the houses. Nikkos ran out to meet him, worries. "Are you okay? What's wrong? A prescription? Oh my god you're going to die, aren't you?"
Tomias arched a brow when he saw his husband walking toward him. Die? Did he seriously think he was going to die? Sure, it seemed like it and ... okay, it was definitely possible. His father died of an illness and he was half human, but still! He shook his head, placing the prescription in the man's hands. "i'm pregnant." he stated simply, cringing at the words just a bit. Ugh. He rubbed his stomach a bit more, continuing toward the kitchen to get some gingerale or something to ease his stomach.
Pregnant? Nikkos stopped dead, quite confused. "Pregnant?" The brunette turned and followed his husband inside after a minute, not really any more clear. "Pregnant?" he repeated to Tomias, guiding the man to a chair and getting him a cup of mint tea. Nikkos made a cup for himself, too, and sat next to his husband, head falling to the table. Couldn't they plan at least one pregnancy??
Tomias sighed heavily, shaking his head just a bit as he sat down. His right knee lifted to drape over his left, arms crossed over his torso and he truly felt like he was going to toss his cookies. He groaned a bit more, leaning toward the tea and taking in a deep breath of the warm liquid. Mm. It made him feel better just a bit by just the smell.

The two were not alone for long before Relic came skidding into the kitchen of their home, giggling like a madman. "It's true!" He said, grinning and giggling while he walked to the man. "big bad Mias ... PREGNANT! Oooh! Wait until rune hears!" he giggled again, hugging his brother's neck and kissing his cheek softly. "You'll be a lovely mother."
Nikkos giggled with the 'mother' comment and promptly scooted away from his husband before he was hurt. The argument of when Dawn was an infant came to his head and the brunette passed that along to Tomias via his thoughts, giggling all the more. Really, that part amused Nikkos to no end.
Tomias groaned, letting his head fall forward onto the table and grumbling all the more. "ONE time." he mumbled, batting away his brother's arms to shoot a glare at the laughing male. "The one time I let YOU be on top, and what does it get me?! Pregnant!" He pouted, straightening and resting his arms over his lower torso as he pouted even more. "At least Alexander is ... old." He sighed and once more, fell forward with quite the exasperated sigh. "What the hell ... It's not even like I did a fucking spell."

"you're just a freak." Relic hummed, kissing his brother's cheek with a giddy little giggle. He bounced over to Nikkos, hugging his brother-in-law and smiling even more. "Congratulations. I'm going to go make baby clothes and a blanket and ... stuff for when he gets fat!" He giggled again and then went parading out of the room, snorting once more with a "Pregnant!" passing his lips.
Shaking his head, Nikkos reached out and gave Relic's rear end a sharp smack and then moved over to Tomias and kissed his forehead softly. "I love you. And Relic is right: You're going to make a lovely mother." A smirk twinged at the corner of the brunette's lips with the words. With another peck, Nikkos guided Relic out of the house, promising him that he could come visit when Tomias wasn't so horribly morning sick.
Tomias grumbled. This was not what he wanted. The kid was fine, sure. He just did not like that HE was the one carrying the child. He growled and was about to protest but he turned quite green instead. Rushing out of the room, he disappeared into the nearest bathroom, emptying the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl and groaning once more. Fuck. When would that get away? He really, really did not like throwing up so much.

After a rinse of his mouth, he made his way out of the room, silently heading to the bedroom to crawl back under the covers.
It had been fun getting to know Akito in the past few weeks. He found that they had a lot in common past the Japanese thing, even if that was his favorite thing to talk about. James liked learning about Japan. Maybe one day, Akito would say something to trigger some memories of his past! Not that he thought that his past was very happy. If it had been, wouldn't he have remembered it? That was a thought that he contemplated every so often. Like today, as he walked home from the ice cream shop, enjoying his chocolate ice cream.
Appearing from nowhere, a man clad in dark clothes quickly snatched up the boy. One hand around his mouth, the other around his torso, holding his arms down to stop him from wriggling around. It was a few seconds before the two were suddenly in an abandoned apartment. The kitten told to "shut up or you'll die" and was quickly bound and gagged to a rickety chair in the center of the room. The windows were blocked out and there were quite the many random things along the walls. [ crap i'm too lazy to describe ] The man exited the room for a moment, making a quick call to the cat's house.

"I have your kitten. If you ever want him alive and unharmed ... Give me Akito" and then ... nothing.
James tried to scream; to struggle. But it was no good. He couldn't even open his mouth wide enough to sink his sharp teeth into the hand that was over his mouth. The moment he was put in the chair, in the apartment, James became very scared. He knew where he was-or at least an idea-and knew that there was no hope. He wanted to scream, but the threat scared him greatly.

Bohdi dropped the phone and ran to find both Trevor and Akito, telling them what had happened as they left the house. He knew that they would need Rune and Calder, and probably Tomias, too.
Tomias was quickly rushing to the other side of the house. He heard the thoughts of distress, and knew he had to help out somehow. He made his way to the men and parted his lips to speak, only coming out with "oh god" before he rushed to the nearest bucket and threw up all his stomach's contents. He groaned. Well, he was useful.

Akito turned to look at Bohdi and Trevor, a serious look to his features. "I can go. I do not mind ... James does not deserve to be tied up again. I'm sure that whatever the reason for this is, it will be answered when I am there. Please ... I do not want James to be captured for long. He just got his freedom back..."
Bohdi was a little skeptical. He would feel better if Rune went with him, and he said so. "Let Rune go, too. He can be an asset." He didn't want either James or Akito to get hurt, and his father-in-law would at least help to prevent that as best as anyone could.
Lucius was not too sure why, but he had been spending a lot of time with Sean. Well, no. That was a lie. He knew why. He did not have his brother, his best friend, to talk to. to spend time with. Anything! So, he liked to hang out with a man who knew his woes someone who knew how he felt about his brother being taken from him. He did not like that Bryan stole his brother, but at least Draco was happy. That was always a good thing.

Letting out a soft sigh, he headed up to the house, knocking on the door and impatiently waiting for that blond brat to get to him. and yes, he could say that since his hair was currently a lovely magenta.
Life without his brother sucked. Sean was not happy at all, despite the fact that it was very obvious that Bryan was happy. It didn't help that he was so sexually frustrated that he was walking around with a hard on more than half the time. The knock at the door only annoyed him as he knew who it was, and what he wanted. The door flew open and he stopped to study the pink hair, ideas forming in his head quickly.

"Morph for me?" he asked, not bothering with saying hello. "Into...Bryan?" Sean batted his eyes and fluttered his eyelashes. Hey! They'd both get something out of it: Sex! Which neither had had since their brothers had hooked up.
Lucius stepped back just slightly. The sudden thrust of the door open not getting him in the right state of mind. what was worse? The question the man posed. His brows furrowed together and he let out an annoyed growl. "No." He said flat-out, taking a step toward him with his obvious annoyance. "Why the FUCK would I morph into the man that I currently hate the most? Yet alone for YOUR fucking benefit!"
"Hey! If I'm benefiting then you must be too!" he pointed out, huffing at being turned down for such a simple request. Really! Was it too hard? It wasn't like he wouldn't return the favor! Well, if he was able to, that was. And it wasn't his fault that he wasn't a morphe like Lucius and Draco were! "Come on! We'll both be able to release some stress! You can't tell me you're not stressed and frustrated many months?" Sean moved over and very softly began to nuzzle at the other man's neck. "Please?"
Lucius was not a happy boy right now. He glared down at the man. "No!" he protested, glaring down at the man and he took in a deep breath, shoving the other man away from him with quite the harsh knee to his chest. "I will NOT morph as your brother just so you can get your fucking jollies off! Whether or not I would get relief from it, I don't care! I won't fuck you as your god-damned, brother-stealing piece of SHIT brother!"
Akito was wary. He did not want to have Rune go. The man said he wanted him, right? so there had to be some sort of reason that the man wanted him. He thought for a while, his mood obviously showing his confusion about what to do. He just wanted to make everything better. His mind was racing quite a bit while he tried to think of a solution.

Trevor let out a gentle sigh -- Akito's emotions so clearly being read. He walked over to the raven-haired man. "I will go with you. I can read what his intentions are, Rune does not have to get involved and frighten James ... It will be fine." he stated, turning to Bohdi and pressing a soft kiss to his lips before he could do any bit of protesting. "I'll be fine." he reassured, floating the vase behind him to show him that he would be okay. He would be perfectly fine. He had his powers in case anything got out of control.

Turning back to Akito, he gave a small nod. "Let's go." he said, beginning to walk past him to leave, the Japanese man following impatiently.
James was immensely scared. Why would taking him get to Akito? In his heart, he wanted to know the answer; he wanted to be able to know that Akito would come after him to help him. But his past made it very difficult to believe that, even if his heart knew the truth. The kitten struggled, trying to use his strong nails to start to break his binds, but it didn't work. Panic began to set him after a few moments. Why hadn't he taken Kyros with him today? Kyros always went on walks with him to help him to feel safe! Looking up when the man re-entered the room, James whimpered, wondering what was going to happen to him.
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