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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He was grateful for the closeness. Bohdi knew it was selfish, but it eased his worries a little bit. He turned to the man and smiled softly, reaching forward just to brush the tips of his fingers over his husband's cheek. "I just...needed to hear it from you, is all." The blond pulled away quickly, not wishing to cause too much stress to his lover, and helped to crush up the cookies.

Smiling, James nodded his head. "I'm...not sure..." The kitten didn't really care where they went. He moved forward and linked his arm into Akito's, beginning to leave the house while thinking of nearby places. "There's...this burger joint a few blocks up?"
Trevor nodded lightly to his words, freezing up with his fingers touching him. He forced himself to stay still, relaxing when the other pulled away. He chewed his bottom lip softly and then began to add the melted butter into the bowl of crushed cookies. Asking Bohdi to stir that, he got the pan ready. Buttered up and ready, he poured in the cookies then began to push them and pack them down. Once that was done, the batter, and then he put that into the oven.

Akito walked beside the kitten and nodded. "Okay." He agreed, smiling lightly as he continued through the streets, leading the way toward the joint he was talking about. He really was happy right now. He did not know why, but just being with the boy made him feel so much better. Knowing that he was safe, and that he was not too traumatized by the incident,. He had not wanted him to think that he was being abandoned. He was not! He had been so worried.
Working with Trevor was calming for him. It was hard to not reach over and kiss him, or touch his hand or be physical at all, but Bohdi managed to keep his hands to himself, wanting his husband to feel safe and like he wasn't being pushed or pressured into anything he wasn't ready for. The blond began to clean up as the crust was pushed into the pan and the cake into the oven. Usually he would have helped press the crumbs into the pan, but that would involve touching. Once everything was back in order, he turned to the brunette. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" he asked. "I...could go home? Or stay in another room?"

James couldn't help the soft little purr that was constantly coming from him as they walked. He was happy to fully be able to trust Akito, and he was grateful for it. There were so few that the kitten could trust unconditionally, and one of them was a dog. While he loved Kyros, it would be nice to have a friend who could talk back once in a while.
Trevor thought for a moment and then shook his head. "No um ... we both can stay here." He admitted, lifting his hand and beginning to chew on the corner of his thumbnail. Shoot. He did not know what to do. He did not want to push away his husband, but he also did not want to sleep in the same bed with him. He continued to chew for a while, eyes to the other again. "Um ... Maybe separate rooms." He whispered softly, figuring that would be the best for tonight.

Akito soon opened up the door for the boy, following afterward and then to the booth. He sat down, thinking for a moment and then turning to look back at the kitten. "Have you remembered anything?"
Nodding, Bohdi bit his lip for a second. He wanted to reach forward, to stop his husband from worrying at his own flesh. Knowing that he couldn't killed him. But he was tired, and he knew that Trevor had to be, too. "Lets go to bed," he suggested. "I'm sure your Papa can tell me which room I can take for the night?"

Looking up, Calder nodded. "You can take Ella's old room." Smiling, Bohdi thanked him and then turned to his husband again. "Come get me if you need me, okay?"

The purring stopped with the question. Certain things had begun to come back to James, but they weren't thinks that he really wanted to talk about. The kitten said so, looking down to pet the end of his tail which he'd brought around his waist and into his lap. "They're...just not happy memories."
Trevor nodded, watching him go to the bedroom and he took in a deep breath. He relaxed a little once more. He walked over to Jade, hugging him tightly for a while, just needing some of his support. He then took a hold of Mosi, looking down at the boy and he smiled a little bit more. "He really is gorgeous." He whispered to his brother, spending a few minutes with the blond and his husband. He asked about how he was feeling and how Mosi was doing. He soon gave the boy back to his mother and then kissed his cheek. "Night" He whispered and then began to make his way toward Ella's old room.

Slowly, he peaked his way into the room and then silently walked over to the side of the bed. He knelt beside him, looking over the edge at the man and he let his eyes slip closed. His fingertips slowly trailed along his love's hand. He was still the same man. Still that same beautiful, wonderful, caring man he married. The same one he has been with for years. Yet ... that one man can come back and take away his happiness? Shaking his head, he slowly crawled into the bed, staying quite a few inches away from him, but he let his hand rest on the other's arm, figuring that it was a start.

Akito looked over at him and nodded. "Oh. That is not good. Are you ... okay with the memories?" He asked, not caring about what they were, just how they were affecting the boy.
Bohdi got ready for bed. He stripped down to his boxers and under shirt before slipping under the covers with a long, drawn out sigh. The day had been stressful, though he felt bad for feeling that way. It had been infinitely worse for his husband. The blond looked up when Trevor came into the room, concerned. "Are you okay?" he asked, watching the man closely. Did he think that Calder had meant for him, Trevor, to stay in Ella's old room? But his heart did a little jump when Trevor reached out to him, and then slipped into the bed with him. Smiling, Bohdi whispered a good night to his lover. He wanted to reach out and squeeze his hand, but thought that maybe he'd be pushing his luck. Instead, he took what he was given and closed his eyes to sleep.

Looking up, James nodded. "Yes, I think so. They're in the past and... The past isn't able to happen again."
Trevor nodded, keeping his eyes to the man's side and delicately having his fingertips trail along the man's arm. He was really trying to get more used to it. He tried scooting a little closer, but it did not work. He only moved away once more and slid his hand to lace his fingers with the man's. He buried his face into the pillows and tried to fall asleep.

Akito was relieved. He would hate if he was having these memories come back and was miserable because of them. He gave a soft nod to his words. "Good." He whispered and straightened his back just a little bit more. He looked down at the menu for a moment and then lifted once more to look at the boy. "Are you thinking about going to school, yet? Or still do not wish to?"
Squeezing the hand that had been slipped into his, Bohdi tried to reassure his husband. "Relax, Trevor. I'm anxious to be near you; to comfort you...but on your time. I'm not going anywhere." He gave another soft squeeze before settling down again, happy with the little bit of progress that his lover had made in such a short period of time. It gave him hope that it wouldn't take long for Trevor to feel completely better.

School? James shook his head. "No... I don't think I could be around all the people still." It was disappointing, really. He'd always wanted to go to school but he just couldn't trust the people around him to not hurt him. "When Trevor and Bohdi get home I suppose I'll talk to them about it."
Trevor remained silent for a short while before he nodded. "I ... I am going to go to my room." He whispered, sliding out of the bed and scurrying off into the hallway. He felt horrible, but he just could not sleep like that. He took in a deep breath and turned to make his way to his old bedroom. Not that he had been in it for long, but it was still there and his. He pulled off his clothes and burrowed into the covers. He curled up into his cocoon of covers.

Akito nodded, thinking a little bit. "Maybe you can get home-schooled." He offered, shrugging and then ordering himself some chicken tenders and a coke, turning to look back at the boy, waiting to see what he would get.
He gave a little sigh when Trevor left the room. Bohdi was disappointed, but he understood. The blond closed his eyes and tried to sleep while listening for any signs of distress from his husband, though he wasn't sure what he would do. He couldn't climb into the bed and hold Trevor through any nightmares, and he would feel horrible about having to touch him even to shake him awake. Still, Bohdi would never let his lover suffer.

Home school? James tossed that idea around a little and then nodded. "Yes... That sounds very nice," he admitted, biting into the food that had been brought to them. Looking up after a minute, James tilted his head to the side. "Who... who was that man?"
Akito looked over at the male in front of him, remaining silent at the question. He had no idea. He shook his head, showing him that that was his answer. "I am ot sure." He admitted, pulling apart his chicken and dipping it into the sauce he had. He remained silent for a short while, his eyes lifting to look at him again. "He is not a nice man, that is definite. He knew Trevor. I do not know how, though, but he really did not look good. I just hope he feels better..."
Nodding, James agreed with his friend. He felt bad that Trevor had been hurt just because he came to save him. The kitten picked at his food for a little bit, not really hungry anymore as the waves of guilt began to crash down on him. If he'd only taken Kyros then maybe the man would have been scared, or maybe Kyros would have bitten him so that he could have gotten away... But it was all in the past and James knew all too well that you couldn't change what had already happened. "I wonder how he knew your name..." Really, he was mostly thinking to himself.
Akito kept his gaze to the other, thinking for a moment and he shrugged. "A lot of ways. I have been applying to many different jobs recently. I spend a lot of time with you guys. And ... he probably stalked Trevor or something and saw us all together. Otherwise, how would he have known you were with them?" He offered, shrugging a little bit and he gave him another smile, just wanting the boy to feel a little bit better. "It's not your fault any of this happened, you know. That man was a psychopath ... Nothin could have been different. If you had Kyros, something bad could have happened to him... and then you would feel worse."
Yes, all those things were true. But they didn't make James feel any less guilty. But it made it so that he was able to eat properly once again. He enjoyed his food as they chatted and finished their dinner. They paid and then moved back out onto the street. James once more wrapped around Akito's own arm once more. "Thank you for having dinner with me."
Akito looked down at the boy beside him, staring at him a bit and he shook his head. "No need to thank me. I enjoy eating with you, James. A lot." He admitted, smiling a little bit. He really enjoyed the kitten's company. He just could not explain it, but he did not really want to leave the boy's side. He could not get enough time with him. He had such butterflies and he loved being with him quite a lot.
James smiled with the words and rested his head on Akito's shoulder as they continued down the sidewalk. He had to step away, though, when they came to an obstacle and before he could return to holding onto his friend, someone pushed past him, making him almost fall. The kitten let out a little cry as the ground quickly came up to meet him, his hands reaching out in front of him to help catch himself.
Akito saw the boy going to fall. He quickly reached forward, taking a hold of him, bu losing his balance. He fell onto the grass beside the sidewalk they were on, panting heavily as he stared up at the kitten. He took in many deep breaths, trying to calm himself, but he found, the more he laid there, the more his heart raced. He kept his eyes up to the boy for a while before he could no longer hold back. He took in a deep breath, leaning up, he pressed his lips softly with hi, stll unsure why he was doing this, but he had to.
While he was grateful for the soft landing, James was confused by the feelings he was having while lying on top of Akito. He looked down at him, trying to analyze the butterflies in his stomach, only to have them multiply exponentially with the kiss to his lips. The kitten sat there, wide eyed and staring at the other man, unsure of how he should react; how he wanted to react. But...the butterflies felt...nice. Most times they felt awkward and weird and he wanted to get rid of them, but today they made him feel happy. Upon realizing that, James began to purr softly, giving a soft 'hello' back to him.
Akito was worried when he did not feel him kiss back. He looked up at him and was just about to pull back when he purred. HIs arms wrapped around his form and his eyes fluttered closed again. He kissed him for a little bit more and then slowly, he pulled away. He took in a deep breath, his eyes keeping up to him and he was suddenly very nervous. What if he did not like it? What if he just hated him now? Put him in the same list as those men from before? "James ..." he whispered, his hands still on his hips, not yet wanting to move.
Leaning down, James nuzzled into Akito's chest a bit. He didn't care about the stares that they were getting from the passersby. With his name spoken, the kitten looked up, trying to read the other's face. It was clear that he was worried. He smiled a little bit. "Just surprised me." He bit his bottom lip a little before leaning forward and pressing his own kiss to Akito's lips.
Akito relaxed quite a bit with the other's reassurance. He sighed, just as the other's lips connected with his. He kissed him back for a while and then slowly pulled away. Though, this time, he felt better about everything. Confused as ever, but at least he felt a little bit better. He kept his arms around the kitten, slowly pushing them up from the ground and continuing to hold him against his chest. He had never felt this way about a male before. Women, yes, but a man? Even a small one like him ... that never had happened. Well, probably more so especially since he was a little one.
Nikkos was getting antsy. Tomias still was getting morning sickness (and afternoon sickness...and evening sickness), and he seemed to be getting...large. The brunette didn't say anything to his husband about his size, though, and instead acted like nothing was off. Still, he pestered the man to call Jupiter again about being so sick and so often.
Tomias called his old friend. He told him that he was having many issue and vomiting quite a while. He waited impatiently, pacing back and forth through the kitchen, one arm draped over his lower torso. And yes. he noticed. Of course he did. His sexy little outfits no longer fit. That did NOT make him happy. Not at all. Already, he had been bothering Relic for clothes. Shirts mostly, luckily, his pants still fit. THe top of them, not so much, but in the legs, they fit.

He groaned, chewing his bottom lip while he waited for him. Dumbass. He was not THAT far away. Ugh.
Jupiter took his time, taking Sebastian for another go before showering and getting dressed. He moved across the courtyard and entered the house cheerfully, calling out. "Helllooooo! Mommy I'm home!!" He chuckled at himself and searched through the house to find Tomias. When he did, he grinned. "Oooh you look lovely!" He moved over to the brunette and kissed his cheek before setting his bag on a chair and beginning to sort through it for the tools he would need.
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