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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking over at the man, Bohdi only shook his head at his mother-in-law. He found Rune amusing, though really it wasn't nice to take happiness in someone else's misery. That would be like someone being happy that Trevor was so traumatized. The blond stood up and agreed to go home, moving to pick up the tray and make the bed before leaving the room. He said goodbye to Calder on their way out, careful to guide Trevor out of the house without actually touching him.

"After you're feeling better, maybe we can take a weekend and go to Avalon?" he asked.
Trevor slowly reached forward and linked his pinky finger with the man, feeling a little better since he could do so. Before, he just resisted any form of contact. He was relieved to see that he could touch his husband, but just that he could not touch him. At least not as openly as before. He thought for a moment and then nodded, turning his attention back to the man. "we can go soon. It should be very nice." He admitted, knowing that the fresh air and sun should be nice to help calm him down and get him back to normal.
He nodded with the agreement and gave a little squeeze to the finger that interlinked with his own. The walk home was nice, and Bohdi enjoyed the time with his husband. Perhaps this was a good thing-he'd almost forgotten how nice a simple walk with minimal contact could be. Not that he wished for Trevor to ever feel like this again. Entering the house, Bohdi smiled when they found James curled up on the sofa, purring away as he slept.
Trevor walked into the house, spotting James and he instantly felt his heart soar a little bit. THe boy was so very cute. He really did love the little kitten. Turning to his husband, he smiled gently. "I will go shower ..." He whispered, leaing over to kiss his lips and taking in a deep breath Okay. He was getting better. Yes. He was. Good. Shaking his head, he turned and began to walk up the stairs, planning to get clean and dressed for the day.
He could see the change in his husband and he smiled softly at that. It was nice to see that James had a positive influence on Trevor. Bohdi moved into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee for the three of them, and he got a mug of hot chocolate ready to heat for James, who was just beginning to stir awake. "Morning sleepy head," Bohdi called over, smiling a bit.
Trevor just stepped out of his bedroom - clothed and cleaned - when there was suddenly a brown-haired woman attached to his form. He jumped back, about to shove her away when he realized it was Ella. He stared at her for a while before smiling lightly. "You little sneak." He whispered, arms wrapping around her shoulder and he hugged her tightly to his form.

She took in a deep breath. "When Mama told me you were doing bad, I couldn't just stay with Dawn ... and I'm going back Sunday, but I'm here tomorrow and until five on Sunday. I'm so sorry, Trevvy!" She clung to him tighter, her face buried into his chest.

Trevor sighed softly and began to lead the way down the stairs. "I am okay, Elle..."
James yawned just as there had been a knock at the door. Bohdi had answered it and sent whoever had been there upstairs, and the kitten yawned again, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Time is it?" he asked, sleepy.

"About...quarter to nine," Bohdi answered with a little smile. "Did you sleep well?" The kitten nodded and shuffled his way into the kitchen for a glass of milk. "What did you do last night?" They chatted as the coffee was made and hot chocolate, too, and even some eggs for James and Akito.
Trevor moved into the kitchen, resting a hand on top of his sister's head. Really, the girl looked a lot like him, but with Jade's eyes. She truly had become quite gorgeous. "James, this is my little sister, Ella." He stated, keeping her to his side.

Ella smiled and gave a bow to the boy. "Lovely to meet you." She giggled , keeping an arm around her brother's form, not wanting to let go of him anytime soon.
The presence of a new person in such close proximity of him scared the hell out of James. He gave a squeak and skittered out of the room at top speed, forgetting that he had a cup of milk in his hands and letting that drop to the floor. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going, simply letting his feet carry him. He didn't realize that he was in Akito's room, or burrowing under the covers, or burying his face into the sleeping man's chest, whimpering softly as he did so.
Akito was suddenly very awake. He was normally a light sleeper, so the contact of the kitten to his chest definitely woke him up. He remained silent for a moment, slowly looking down at the lump beside him. He let out a little yawn before he realized -- he was naked. He never had anyone who would interrupt his sleep or come into his bedroom without a knock, so yes, the sudden person never occured to him. Taking in a deep breath, and ignoring the faint pink to his cheeks, he tugged the sheets down from over the boy's head. "James ... What is the matter?" He asked, all the while tucking away his lower half from contacting with the boy.
James had no idea about the lack of clothes on his friend's body other than the bare chest his face was currently buried in. He shook his head a little with the question. When he answered in his head, it sounded so stupid. But he couldn't ignore Akito's question, either. He'd just barged into his room and his bed. "Someone new," he whimpered, cuddling closer. He couldn't help but feel safe when he was next to Akito like this.
"Ah." He said softly, trailing his fingers through the boy's hair gently. "Let me get dressed ... and then we can both go down and meet him" He offered, just wanting the boy to feel better abut this all. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, letting him stay beside him for a little while more. He pushed his form up, taking a sheet to wrap around his lower half. He then slid off, taking most of the covers with him, and then made his way toward his dresser. Taking out some pants and a shirt, he turned back to James. "WIll you be okay while I go get dressed?"
It was now that the kitten realized just how undressed Akito was and James blushed horribly. He buried his face into the pillow and nodded with the question. He didn't look up again until he heard the door click closed. He couldn't believe that he'd burst in on Akito like that! Now the man would most certainly hate him! The kitten whimpered again and pulled the remaining covers up over him, hoping that he'd be able to hide from the embarrassment.
A few moments later, Akito returned to the room, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, and he made his way toward the boy. He took the sheet and draped it over the foot of the bed before tugging down the covers. "Are you ready, James?" He asked, his eyes down to the little thing in front of him. Really, he was adorable. He figured he realized that he was naked under the covers, but he did not mind. He did not mind that he was interrupted while naked, he was too happy that he came to him for comfort to care.
With one last whimper, James nodded, though he didn't look up at Akito for the moment. He was still rather embarrassed. But he knew that he had to sooner or later. James got up out of the bed and took his friend's hand, more for comfort than anything else. "S-sorry I barged in on you..." His voice was really soft as he apologized and his cheeks were pink and warm, too.
Akito shook his head and then lent down to press a kiss to the top of his head. "It is okay, James." He said gently, keeping his hand with his while he began to lead the way out of the room. "You did not know, and if this is going to become a common happening, I will just sleep in boxers from now on." He nodded and moved forward, thumb trailing along the back of the kitten's hand as hedid so. He continued down the stairs, slowing his pace when he got closer to the kitchen, purely for the little kitten's benefit.
He didn't know if it would become a common occurance or not, but James was grateful for the thoughtfulness of his friend. And also for the pause outside of the kitchen. It wasn't that he didn't trust Trevor and Bohdi-he knew that they wouldn't bring anyone unsafe into the house. He'd just been surprised and taken off guard. After a minute of getting a hold of himself, the kitten nodded that he was ready and began to walk back out to the kitchen.
Akito nodded to his words and pressed a soft kiss to his temple. He then laced their fingers together, leading the way into the kitchen. He looked around, smiling lightly to the three that were there. "Good morning." He said softly and simply.

Trevor lifted his gaze from the omelet he was making, looking over at the two and he gave a bow to James. "I am sorry, James. I did not mean to take you offguard, but I did not know she was coming."

Ella pouted, currently sitting on the counter and she stared at the back of her brother's head. "Trevvy ... I was just looking out for you." She said with a little pout to her tone. She sighed and then turned to look at the kitten-eared boy, giggling gently. "Hello, James." She said, giving him a simple wave, and not moving from the spot she was. Trevor told her that he was a lot like he had been in the early years, and well, how he had reverted back to for right now. Poor things.
With a deep breath, James looked up to the girl and nodded, not really making eye contact and not saying anything, either. He was still leary of her, even though he knew that Trevor and Bohdi trusted her. The kitten leaned into Akito's side and nuzzled his shoulder a little bit before moving away to sit at the table next to Bohdi, at the side that was furthest from the stranger. "It's okay," he offered softly to Trevor with a little smile. "I just wasn't expecting her to be right behind me."
Ella scooted farther away from the boy, not wanting to disturb him even more. She wanted to show him that she respected his distance and did not want him to be concerned or uncomfortable. She kept her gaze to the boy and nodded. "Do not worry, I will only be here a little." SHe informed him and then looked over at Trevor again, smiling softly. "I will go visit Jade. See you later." She blew her brother a kiss and then one to Bohdi as well. "Bye!" She giggled and then bounced out of the kitchen to do as she said.

Trevor blinked a few times, sihging softly. He shook hishead, taking up the omelets he made and setting them around the table. He sat down beside his lover and looked over at the two. "Sorry again, James. I will warn you when she comes back"
"It's okay," he repeated softly, smiling at the man and then reaching forward for breakfast. James ate happily, getting over the two "moments" from that morning. "Are you feeling better?" he asked, smiling across the table to the brunette man. He really had been worried about Trevor and still felt bad that he had become so upset just by coming to save him.
Trevor nodded to his words, taking in a deep breath to just get some more air. He really felt like he needed more air, bu that was a more psychological thing. "Yes. I am a lot better." He smiled softly before he looked the boy over a little and then glanced to his husband before back to the other. "James ... we were wondering, and I am sorry if this is very sudden, but Bohdi and I wish to know if you would want us to adopt you."
He was a little surprised with the request and the kitten looked between the two men for a moment. Bohdi smiled at him and reached forward to squeeze his hand. "We find ourselves loving you more and more each day, James, and we would like for you to become a permanent part of our family."

The kitten was a bit speechless. They wanted him to be their family, even though he'd caused so much trouble to Trevor in the past twenty four hours? The fact that they wanted him to be their family at all was amazing to him. James' eyes teared up as he nodded that yes, he would love to be adopted.

"Does...does that mean that I have to go to school?" he asked, a bit frightened now.
Trevor sensed the fright and he shook his head. "James, you will not do anything you do not want to do." He stated, leaning toward the boy a little bit, crimson eyes showing his concern for the boy. "We would like for you to get an education, and sending you to school would be the best option, but there is home schooling or maybe Nikkos can come up with something at Atlantis so that you won't be in large classes." He lifted his shoulders into a gentle shrug. "Or no school, again, it is your decision."
He chewed his bottom lip a bit and thought. James didn't want to cause either man any trouble and tried to convince himself that he would keep an open mind to all options...even though going to school like normal kids was completely out of the question for him. He said so and continued to eat, excited now. No one had ever wanted to keep him around for more than a few weeks!
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