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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jupiter's heart broke for him. Despite the increasingly odd looks, he sat on the ground next to the teen and pulled him close, hugging him and trying desperately to reassure him. He knew that it was likely a lost cause right at that moment, though. They sat there for a few moments before he stood up, helping Sebastian to do the same. "Lets go home, okay?" he asked.
Sebastian stood up, looking at the man and he shook his head. "No." He said softly, taking the keys and placing them into the other's hands. "I ... I will meet you home or you can go to your house ... I just .... need to walk." He said simply, turning and making his way down the street, his right hand lifting so that he could chew on the corner of his nail
He followed quickly trying to catch up. He finally did and put a hand to Sebastian's shoulder to let him know that he was there. "You're not walking alone so late at night." Jupiter squeezed the shoulder once and then dropped his hand to his own side. The god would allow his love to walk in silence if that was what he needed, but he wasn't going to let him fend for himself when it was pitch dark out. Besides, he was still extremely worried for Sebastian.
Sebastian stopped when the hand was on his shoulder. He turned to look at the man, his eyes narrowed with annoyance and quite the bit of pain. "No. That defeats the purpose!" He groaned, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he took a large step back from the man. He still loved him. He did, but he was just so annoyed at everything that he did not want to be near him right now. He took in a deep breath, growling a moment later. "You see the future. You said it yourself, we'll be together for a long while. Leave. Me. Alone. i'll be fine! If I'm not, I'll call out for you."
Jupiter gave him a rather wary look. He was reading his mind, but only to gauge a sense of whether or not Sebastian was truly okay. Sighing, he obviously gave up. Leaning down he kissed his love's cheek and then stepped away so that he could walk away. Though, he did begin to follow, keeping Sebastian in sight while keeping himself out of sight. He was worried. He was worried that if something did happen, he wouldn't be able to get to Sebastian fast enough to help him.
Sebastian sighed heavily, turning on his heel and beginning to walk faster. He just could not walk with him right now. He would wind up saying something he should not, or freaking out on him, and just all around not being the boyfriend he should be. He took in a deep breath, sighing heavily while he continued forward, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck. He looked around from one street to the other and then continued forward.

It was a good twenty minutes before the boy came to the cemetery that Danny was buried at. He moved to the boy's grave, collapsing in front of the stone and just staring at the name. Tears welled and passed his eyes, sliding down his pale cheeks and he tried to get a hold of himself, but it was not going to work. He missed him. He really did, but he loved Jupiter. He ... really was not happy right now.
When they came to the cemetery, Jupiter didn't follow Sebastian inside. That was his own private time and despite being worried, the god didn't want to intrude. He kept a light monitor on his lover's thoughts and kept walking, going into a little coffee shop half way up the block in case he was needed. He didn't like the idea that Sebastian was there alone, but knew that there was nothing to be done about it anyway. The brunette ordered a cup of coffee and sat at the counter, contemplating whether or not he should go home.
Sebastian let out a few little sobs before he heard someone behind him. He stiffened instantly, turning to see who it was and his eyes went wide. "Danny" he gasped, staring up at the tall man that was next to him.

"huh?" The kid asked, looking down at Sebastian and he shook his head. "No. I'm not Danny." He let out a heavy sigh. so it HAD been him calling earlier. He saw the look of confusion and a bit of anger in the boy and then continued. "I'm his brother. I had been in Romania for the past two years and ... well, our family hates me, so I only recently heard about his death." He sighed heavily and gave the boy a weak smile. "Who were you to him?"

The teen stared for a while more, just utterly stunned at this point. Danny had a brother... who looked almost identical to him - now that they were closer, he could see the differences - and he did not know about him. He was disowned by his family? That ... That did not make any sense. Danny did not seem to be the kind to do that. He felt a new wave of tears coming on and he shook his head. "N-no one im-important. . . it seems." He took in another deep breath and rubbed at his face a little bit, shaking his head. "Stupid jerk." He grumbled, hitting the ground with his fists. "He left me! He left me and ... I didn't know anything about him!" He whimpered again, knees pulling to his chest and he buried his face within his lap again.

"Oooh. you were his lover." The man said, grinning a little bit. He crouched down to where the boy way, looking at him with kind eyes. "You were more than likely important. He probably did not want to bring you into our family drama. So ... cheer up a little, kay?"
Jupiter stayed in the coffee shop for a long while before exiting back onto the streets to walk off his nervous energy. He understood that Sebastian needed time alone but...well he couldn't help it! He wanted to help Sebastian through feeling depressed and missing Danny, and was frustrated that he wasn't being allowed to do so. He strolled further from the cemetery, not sure of where to go, really.
Sebastian stared at the man in front of him for a while, eyes completely pinned to his form. He lifted his hand, gently trailing his fingertips along the side of his face. "You two ... look so much alike." He whispered, completely and utterly awe-struck.

He nodded. "Yea. Mum hated that." He stated, letting the boy do what he wanted for the moment. There was no harm in it. As long as he did not try to rape him or anything. "You must have cared greatly for him, if you're still so crushed about his death, I mean."

He groaned, releasing the other's face and pouting a bit. "I was okay until I saw you" He protested, arms crossing over his lower torso and he stuck his tongue out at him. He parted his lips to say something, only to stop and look behind him. With a grumbled, he stood up from the ground, taking a small rock he found nearby and throwing it at the god's head. "YO! I'm over here, you dumbass!" He rolled his eyes before turning back to the male in front of him. "That would be my lover. soul mate ... god on a leash ... thing. And don't think I got over him fast! I didn't."

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'd worry if you were not moving on." He admitted, straightening when the other did, showing that he was even taller than Danny had been. His arms loosely crossed over his lower torso, looking at the man that had been thrown a stone at. "Should you really treat your boyfriend so cruelly?"

"Yes. He deserves it."
Grumbling with the rock, Jupiter ignored the meaness. "I'm aware." He didn't say anything else, nor did he move closer to Sebastian. So what if he had followed him? At least he had given the teen some space and didn't flat out tell him that he was refusing to comply with what he needed. In fact, Jupiter had complied and let Sebastian walk alone. Besides. Sebastian would pay for the mean words when they got home.
Sebastian groaned as he stared at the man across from him. He pouted, turning to the man, arms crossed over his lower torso, staring at the man before sighing once more. He turned to look at the man beside him and then back to Jupiter. "COME HERE!" He called, hands on his hips and he stared at the man.
Sighing, Jupiter moved upon command. He didn't mind doing 'following orders' as it were, so long as it didn't get carried away. The god went through the headstones only to stop next to his soulmate, kissing the top of his head. "Was worried," he murmured softly before looking up and bowing his head slightly at the other man. If his intention to hurt Sebastian had been purposeful, Sebastian would have had to slug the man. As it was, he seemed harmless.
Sebastian sighed softly when the man came to his side, lacing his fingers with his and holding his hand gently. He rested his head against his shoulder, showing him that he did still adore him - no matter how cranky he was. He then looked back to the man, blinking a few times. "Um ... What is your name?"

"Lestat." he stated, holding his hand out to the boy and smiling warmly. "And yours?"

He took the other's hand, nodding a little and saying a simple, "Sebastian" before he turned to Jupiter, resting his hand against his chest. "This is Jupiter, my boyfriend, soul mate ... thing."

Lestat let out a little laugh, nodding to the man. "Pleasure to meet you." He bowed his head in return, straightening up once more to look them over. "I am glad you seem happy, Sebastian." He really was.

Sebastian nodded before perking up a bit and turning to look at him. "how long will you be in town? Jupiter is abandoning me tomorrow for work so ... would you maybe like to meet up for cocoa? Or gelato or lunch or something ... I really would like to talk with you more."

He blinked a few times, thinking a bit and then shrugging. "I only planned for a few days, but as long as you are okay with it, tomorrow I am free ... and as long as your boyfriend does not think I'm trying to take you or anything. I have my own lover back home."
He gave a smack to Sebastian's rear end but smiled anyway, keeping the male close to him. He hated that he had to work a long shift, but such was the life of a doctor. The god nodded that he was okay with the two having lunch. It would likely be good for Sebastian; give him some closure that would never have been possible before meeting the man. Aside from that, he trusted his lover. That didn't stop him from warning Sebastian to 'be good', a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he said the words.
Sebastian growled at the man before rolling his eyes and turning to look at the man. "How about we meet up tomorrow at that cafe over there." He offered, pointing it out and then bidding his farewell to the man. He took a hold of Jupiter's hand, turning to stare up at him with a little growl. "Can't just ... not follow me." he shook his head before turning back to the gravestone. He kissed his fingers and then placed them atop the marble, his eyes quite sad before he forced it aside.

Taking in a deep breath, he began to lead the other back down the street to head toward the car. "Come on ... Let's go home so I can be with you while you're here ... and not working." He did not completely mind the man's job, but he definitely was not happy about it a lot of the time. He knew Jupiter understood his crankiness, and he understood the fact that Jupiter HAD to do his work, but it still did not make anything easier for them. Eventually, he would just get over it. Probably when he was not a fifteen-year-old hormonal boy.
"You worried me," he responded, holding his lover around the waist from behind and kissing the top of his head as he said his goodbye. "I was worried that I would be too far away to help you if you needed it." Jupiter gave his love a tight squeeze before turning with him to begin walking back to the car. The idea of going home sounded nice. The night had been a stressful one when he had planned on something relaxing.

Once home, Jupiter stripped off his clothes quickly, and then Sebastian's, before pulling his love into the bed and cuddling up close to him.
Isiah yawned softly, strolling through the halls of the school and groggily making his way to Rylee's room. Classes were over, and while they were not planning to meet, he wanted to see him just because. So, he did so. He headed to the room, not really bothering to knock as he walked right in, trying to find where his lovely red-haired hottie was.
After classes, Rylee had ducked out of his office hours, ready to relax. He retired to his rooms, climbing onto the bed for a long wanted nap, curling up under the covers and sighing as he sank into the mattress. He didn't hear the door open or close, nor did he have any idea that there was anyone in his rooms except himself.
Isiah slowly made his way into the room, looking around and spotting his love. He smiled lightly, making his way over to him and then crawling on top of him with a little grin. "Hey sexy" he whispered, leaning down to kiss the side of his neck and then slumping against his form. He nuzzled into his neck, arms on his torso and kissed his chin softly. "Want to play?"
He gasped a little with the pressure on the bed, only to grin when he heard the voice of his love. "Mmm hello beautiful." The redhead turned onto his back and easily pulled Isiah down to him, kissing him properly while he hugged him tightly. "Does playing include a nice, long nap?" he asked, only half joking. He knew what his love wanted, but liked to tease him.
"afterward ... maybe." he murmured, kissing him and smiling a little bit more. His arms wrapped around his waist and he nuzzled his chest a little bit more. "We can leave the bedroom, if you want." He whispered, tilting his head back to look up at him with a little grin. He really did not mind what they did. He just wanted to leave.
Laughing, Rylee kissed the top of Isiah's head and pulled the covers up over them both now. Maybe tempting his sleepy lover would work? He doubted it. When Isiah got an idea in his head it was difficult to remove it. "And what would we do outside of the bedroom, sweetheart?" he asked, curious for ideas. Until he had ideas, he wasn't going to get out of bed. Rylee was quite comfortable in the bed.
Isiah shrugged a little bit, nuzzling into the man's neck while he remained beside him. His arms kept tightly around his form and he nuzzled and kissed along his jaw, just too happy being with him in general. He supposed they could stay in bed and sleep, but that was so very boring at the moment. "Me?" He offered, tilting his head back to look up at the redhead. "You can tease uncle Mias about having four babies?" he smiled a little more at the thought. He was very excited. He always liked babies. He shrugged, scooting a little closer to him. "Or we can just have sex in a semi-public place or on the kitchen counter."
Laughing, Rylee shook his head a little. "Your uncle hates me as it is. And he'll hurt me after he gives birth." Though sex in a semi-public place sounded promising... Like Tomias' desk? The redhead smirked at the thought, but pushed it aside for now. He wouldn't include Isiah in such activities towards his uncle. Rylee bent his head down and kissed Isiah with a bit of passion, pulling the teen closer to him; tighter to him.
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