Sebastian stared at the man in front of him for a while, eyes completely pinned to his form. He lifted his hand, gently trailing his fingertips along the side of his face. "You two ... look so much alike." He whispered, completely and utterly awe-struck.
He nodded. "Yea. Mum hated that." He stated, letting the boy do what he wanted for the moment. There was no harm in it. As long as he did not try to rape him or anything. "You must have cared greatly for him, if you're still so crushed about his death, I mean."
He groaned, releasing the other's face and pouting a bit. "I was okay until I saw you" He protested, arms crossing over his lower torso and he stuck his tongue out at him. He parted his lips to say something, only to stop and look behind him. With a grumbled, he stood up from the ground, taking a small rock he found nearby and throwing it at the god's head. "YO! I'm over here, you dumbass!" He rolled his eyes before turning back to the male in front of him. "That would be my lover. soul mate ... god on a leash ... thing. And don't think I got over him fast! I didn't."
He chuckled and shook his head. "I'd worry if you were not moving on." He admitted, straightening when the other did, showing that he was even taller than Danny had been. His arms loosely crossed over his lower torso, looking at the man that had been thrown a stone at. "Should you really treat your boyfriend so cruelly?"
"Yes. He deserves it."