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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He kissed his love softly and buried his face into Adamair's chest, breathing in his scent deeply. "I need to talk to you, Addy..." He was afraid of how his boyfriend was going to react to his news. Alex didn't want Adamair to get upset, or to feel like he was abandoning him. Because he wasn't!
Adamair nodded. 'Sure, sure." He said, kissing him once more and groaning a bit. He had missed him so much. They had not seen each other in a while, and he really was realizing that now. He nuzzled the side of his face gently, chewing into his bottom lip just a little more. "Can it wait ... a little?" He whispered, lips trailing down the side of his neck, nipping along his flesh and just wanting to get closer with his love.
Alex had to step away. If he didn't, he would lose the courage to say what needed to be said. "Addy... I got a letter from Hyperion..." The purple haired teen kept a hold on his lover, arms wrapped around his waist while he watched Adamair's face to try and judge a reaction.
Adamair blinked a few times, head tilted to the side in curiosity. He really was more confused than anything else right now. So, he heard from the school that he wanted? He remained silent for a few moments, his eyes to the other and he took a half step away. "And?" He questioned, unsure of what to do right now.
"'s a great honor. I didn't apply but they still know about me..." He looked down, feeling bad that he was hurting the male. That wasn't Alex's intention! "It's in Japan, Addy... It's so far away and I don't want to leave you or my parents..." But... This was Hyperion. There would be no second chances, no re-applying. He either went now, or didn't go at all. "I have two weeks to respond to them..."
Eh?! They .... they wanted him? He took a small step back, not meaning to, but just completely and utterly shocked at the whole thing right now. He kept his eyes to the other and thought for a bit. This was a one and only chance for his love. He took in a few deep breaths and shook his head a few times to clear the cobwebs. "That's great!" He admitted, not even being fake about his words either. He lent forward to press a kiss to his lips, smiling gently. "It will be a great opportunity for you and ... and I'm sure Uncle Rune would let me use the plane..." Yea, the last bit was not so sincere. Honestly, he was crumbling inside.
Alex shook his head and stepped forward to counter the step back his love took. "You can't lie to me, Addy. Tell me what you feel...what you think." He supposed that he could guess but that wasn't the same as Adamair telling him what was going through his head and heart. The teen leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.
He sighed heavily. Damn boy. How dare he know him so well? He stared at him for a while before he groaned, forehead resting against his with a little whimper. "I want you to go. You deserver to, it will be great for you, but I don't want to lose you. What happens if you find a sexy Asian who is so gorgeous that you cannot help but to want him so you call me up, say I'm sorry, we're through ... and then I'm left moping about and then I'll rebound with some prick who will treat me like shit and then I'll wind up calling you crying and sobbing and I will just crumble when you tell me you're happy with someone else." Taking in another deep breath, he let out a soft little sigh. Yes. He did feel a little better now that he got it off his chest.
"I'd never hurt you like that, Addy..." The purple haired male kissed the tip of his love's nose and hugged him tight to his chest. "And no one can compare to you. You're my best friend. That counts for more than anything-no one else could live up to that." He kissed his temple and nuzzled the soft hair there for a moment. "It's too bad your parents wouldn't let you come live with me." He pouted a little bit to the thought. He didn't want to leave Adamair, either.
"I think Mom would have a meltdown." He admitted, his arms sliding around the other's form as he buried his face into his neck with a little pout. "Besides, what would I do in Japan?" He asked, sighing softly and his eyes slipped closed. He hugged him a little bit more, not really liking the thought of him going away. But he had to. He really, really had to. This was a once in a lifetime deal, and nothing could ever compare.
"You could be my housewife," he teased with a little chuckle. Alexander didn't mean it of course, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't tease about it. Sighing, he rested his cheek against Adamair's forehead. "Maybe you could come for summer break... And I'd be home for holidays... And it's only for three years..." Still, he hated the thought of being away from his best friend; his lover.
Adamair was a little happier with the man's words. He tugged him away and led him back to his bedroom to have a bit more of fun.

After basically breaking down to poor Sebastian, Lestat took his advice. he needed a new beginning, so why not start here? Or restart here? Oh, he did not know. All he knew was that he was NOT happy that he returned to his home to find his lover in bed with another. He finally was over the moping period and threw the man out of his house, packed up his things, and came back to start anew. He got himself a nice little apartment, vented to Sebastian a little more, and not was taking his suggestion for a job.

He moved through Prometheus' halls, finding the room he was told to go into and he knocked. Hearing the simple 'enter', he did. He moved over to the desk, smiling warmly. "hello. I'm Lestat. Sebastian told me to come see you about a job..."

"ah." Tomias nodded, pushing his form up from the chair - despite the trouble, and shook the other's hand. "Pleasure. come, sit. Tell me what you can do."

Lestat was wide-eyed. A pregnant man? A ... HUGE pregnant man? he nodded and sat down, soon beginning to go into a bit of detail about what he did and what he liked .
Kristoffer was bored. Murasaki went off and got married, Rune wanted to kill him every time he saw him, and he'd pretty much bedded anyone who was worth bedding in the school. With a huff, the man moved through the hallways. Maybe he had missed a fun toy to play with? It was doubtful as they flocked to him like flies to the Blue Light of Death, but still. It was possible that a straight-boy-who-was-really-gay-but-didn't-know-it hadn't approached him yet...
After speaking with the man for a bit, he soon got quite the idea. He perked up, staring at the door and he stood up. With a lovely waddle to his step, he walked out the door and to the walking blond. Taking a hold of his ear, he yanked him through to his office once more. He forced him to stand in front of Lestat and crossed his arms on top of his belly. "Lestat, this will be your underling. He's a useless waste of space who keeps having sex with my students. Feel free to work him like a slave." He then whacked the other on the rump, turning again, he made his way to the desk, sitting down with a groan. "Have at it."

Lestat blinked a few times, looking up at the blond before he nodded. Standing up, he looked him over and gave another nod. "Good. I'll need help rearranging the room and cleaning it up. It's an art room, so it's bound to be dirty."
Kristoffer gave a yelp when he was tugged inside, pouting. But the words, really, made him laugh. "That's rich. I do not work. I am worked for, and chased after." He bowed his head slightly to the man in front of him and left the office, in search of something to do. That wasn't work. He hated work. Oooh maybe he'd go shopping! Yes. Turning on his heel, the blond headed for the parking lot to "borrow" a car from there.
Lestat easily headed off the blond, his hand on his chest and beginning to push him backward through the halls. "My classroom is the other way." He informed him and then turned him around to wrap his arms around his shoulders so he could not get away. "I believe the Administrator said you were mine." He stated and continued to move through the halls to where the man told him to go.
He shook his head with the persistence and easily slipped away from the loose grip. "Ah but I am not his to give away. Mainly because of his little husband, but that isn't the point." Kristoffer smiled and waved his fingers at the other man. "It was lovely to meet you and if I come across any willing, strapping young boys... Well I will defile them before sending them your way to help you!"
The blond left the brunette's grasp for a brief moment before Lestat was in front of the man once more. "No. You're mine now. I'm fairly sure Mr. Arcule would drop you off a bridge right now if you do not do what he asks." He stated and then a moment later, scooped him up and draped him over his shoulder, beginning to walk back to his room once more.
Their marriage had been going extremely well. Viktor was happy with his husband. There were spats, of course-every married couple had them, but they were all really minor. The dark haired man began to spend a little time to himself each week-they both needed to not be with the other all day, every day. That was what was putting a strain on the marriage and once they began having some time for a hobby of their own, those spats were non-existant.

Viktor had been meeting up with an old friend of his. The man had been a good friend of his before he had come to Prometheus and met Devon. They talked about Devon and his marriage, school, his family back home...everything. For the first few months, it was normal for Jonathan to slip in little comments about how his relationship with Devon wasn't very healthy. Viktor shrugged off those comments, though, noticing that they would get more and more frequent as time went on.
Devon was silently waiting for his husband to return. They were supposed to go out to eat, and he really, really wanted to not be late. He liked going out with his gorgeous little pet. He also liked their new agreement of getting their own hobbies. Right now, his was reading. He had a book he was recommended to read and was reading that while he waited for the cute dark-haired man to get back home. If he came home soon, he could pounce him for a little bit of fun before they left to eat.
Smiling as Viktor entered the house, Jonathan in tow, he called out to his husband that he'd brought company. He knew that they had dinner plans and had no intention of breaking them or delaying them, but his friend wanted to meet the great Devon. Jonathan, too, knew that he and his husband had plans.

Moving into the bedroom and smiled at Devon, leaning over and kissing him despite there being a book in front of him. He came before any book! "Come and meet Jonathan, Husband," he beckoned, taking Devon's hand and tugging at him. "He'll be gone before it's time to go to dinner..."
Devon kissed the other back, eyes lifting to look up at the man and he pouted. Damn. Sighing heavily, he nodded ."Yea yea." he murmured, resting the book back down and then sliding his arm around the other's hip. "I expect compensation." He added, nipping the other's earlobe playfully just to help illustrate what he wanted. He straightened and walked out of the bedroom, looking over at the man and he gave a simple little nod. "Hello."
Oooh. Well wasn't he lovely? Jonathan smiled sweetly, hiding all that he was feeling for the moment. He knew that there was a reason that his brain had told him to start planting ideas into Viktor's head. Break them up, play both ends of the stick and wind up with Devon. Yep. Fool proof plan. "Nice to meet you."

Viktor was happy. His husband seemed to accept his friend. The dark haired man stepped into the side of his lover, wrapping his arms around Devon's waist and resting his head on his shoulder.
Devon nodded a little bit, turning to his husband and pressing a kiss to his cheek. He then nuzzled him a little bit, pouting just slightly. "Can we go now?" he asked, not really caring TOO much about being rude. He would if he was not hungry for food and then to ravage his lover at a later time.
Viktor giggled a little. "That's rich. You asking me for permission for something." He pressed a kiss to his husband's neck and nuzzled along his jaw a little bit.

"You...ask him for permission?" Jonathan asked, feigning concern. Viktor turned to his friend and nodded, not ashamed or confused in the least. That was how their life was and he was happy with that. "'ll see you tomorrow."

Nodding once more, Viktor waved goodbye to his friend.
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