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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The door had woken him and Jonathan smiled with the kiss. "I didn't know you cared!" He sat up and stretch himself out-the sofa was definitely not comfortable. "I came to see Viktor but I guess he fell asleep after our...lunch." Once more he smiled up at his friend's husband. He wanted to know how well his plan was working, and by the sight of Viktor sleeping in the guest room, Jonathan could only assume that it was going as planned.
His hand snapped forward, wrapping around the throat of the other as quite the loud growl passed his lips. "This is your doing." He growled out, grip tightening around the neck it held. "I should snap you like a twig." he was NOT a happy demon right now. He could. He could do it. This man was the reason his husband was pulling away from him. HE Was the reason for all this -- and he was doing it on purpose. Devon would not stand for this. He would kill him before he let this ... scum take away HIS Viktor.
At first, Jonathan had been scared. But after the initial scare, he was amused. He laughed a bit and simply stood there, regulating his breathing so that the slowing oxygen wouldn't affect him so much. "It's not my fault he's realizing what's what," he offered innocently, though it wasn't sincere.
"Yes it is." He growled even more, tightening his grip and then storming off to the door. He threw him out and onto his ass - though he hoped for his head so his neck would break - and then glared down at him ."Stay the FUCK out of our lives!" With that, the door slammed and locked behind him, leaving the demon to seethe and keep his daggers to the door. He WOULD kill him, if he knew that Viktor would not be completely and utterly crushed.
The loud voices woke him up and Viktor had just gotten into the living room when Devon had said what he said and then slammed the door. He was hurt that his husband would treat his friend like that, no matter what. His eyes showed that and the dark haired male immediately retreated back into the guest room, closing the door behind him and burying himself under the covers as if that would stop Devon from coming in and starting a conversation if he wanted to.
Great. Just great. Now, he was pissed - AGAIN - and his love thought he was even more of a scumbag. He stared at the door for a while, trying to not just set it on fire. He growled, turning on his heel and walking into their bedroom. Quite the many bangs and doors closing and opening could be heard for a while. AT least until there was a bag packed up and the demon walked to the guestroom. Scooping the ravenette up and onto his shoulder, he turned on his heel and began to make his way out of the house.
He squeaked when he was lifted up and carried out. "Devon! Devon stop!" It had been a very long time since he'd called his husband anything other than "Master" or "Husband". He was sure the other man would notice, but he couldn't be bothered to care at that moment. "What are you doing?! Let me down!"
Honestly, hearing his name from the other's lips sent quite a lot of pain to shoot through his heart. He closed his eyes before taking in a deep breath and continuing forward. There WAS a time when he would not even be questioned as to why he was taking his husband randomly out of bed. "We're going on vacation. Away from here. Away from Jonathon. EVERYONE."
A vacation? He wasn't in the mood to go on vacation with his husband. They weren't on the best of terms so why would Devon want to go on vacation?? "Stop!" he cried out, throwing himself backwards and out of Devon's arms. He landed on his rear end with a soft 'oomph' and it took a second for him to pick himself up and get a hold of himself.
The demon's hand around the luggage tightened drastically with the other hitting the ground. Already, there could be seen quite the bit of smoke flowing out from his hand. "What?!" He growled out, glaring at his husband right now.
"Just. Stop it." Viktor dusted himself off and easily took the bags from the other man so that they didn't catch fire. "Going away isn't going to fix anything. I don't want to go away." He set the suitcase down and headed back for their house. He didn't know how he felt at the moment but he knew that he didn't want to go away from his comfort zone.
"fine." He growled, turning to look at the back of his husband's head. "When you're ready to talk, I'll be with my Father." He did not care anymore. Anything he could say would just fall on deaf ears, so what was the point? He did not even let the other respond before he sunk into the scenery once more, disappearing into his old room in the large mansion. He just needed to cool off for a little bit. If he stayed up there, he would wind up smothering someone -- and he was positive Viktor would not be happy with any of those that he wanted to harm.
Nikkos scurried around to get ready for the babies. They were due at any minute and the brunette was afraid that they wouldn't have anything ready. Of course, he wished that Tomias could help, but with four babies in his belly, he knew that it wasn't possible. Still, he brought whatever he could to his husband for an opinion, or approval.
Tomias had been sitting with his aching feet up on a chair and his hands on his stomach, just trying to think about what his love was doing and how they should decorate the room and well, anything else. He was just thinking, until he suddenly felt quite the uncomfortable feeling.. He looked down and groaned. "Damnit." He groaned and slowly stood up from the chair. "NIKKOS!" He yelled while waddling his way to the phone. He dialed up his long time friend and grumbled a little more. "Get over here." he said shortly, closing the phone and placing it onto the table.
Nikkos came running. "What? Water? Tea?" He ran right past his husband and into the kitchen to get whatever it was that Tomias wanted. "Ice cream? Pickles? No.No you don't like pickles. Cake? I think Calder baked some last night..." He was rummaging through the fridge and freezer and cabinets as he spoke rapidly.
Tomias turned to look at his love wandering around the kitchen. Awe. And he was so nicely trained! he pouted and shook his head a little bit. He was almost sad to tell him. "How about walking your husband to the bedroom for when the children start to rip their way from his body?"
Nikkos perked up quickly with the sentence. He looked at Tomias for a moment before everything clicked. "OH!" Standing up, the headmaster quickly moved over to his lover and then wrapped an arm around his waist to help guide him into the bedroom. Nikkos propped Tomias up against the headboard with a couple of pillows behind his back and under his feet. He then left the room to get water and ice and...the door? The door bell rang and Nikkos wondered how the hell Jupiter knew what was going on so quickly. But he was thankful for his presence, pointing the god into the bedroom.
Tomias rested against the pillows, sighing softly while he impatiently waited for his friend to come. His hand rested at his lower back and he groaned out in annoyance. Ugh. He did NOT like this pain. Not one bit. Jupiter could barely step foot into the room before the man's eyes was to him. "Give me drugs!"
Nikkos moved into the bedroom with Jupiter, sitting on the side of the bed and offering his lover something to drink. Jupiter, on the other hand, simply chuckled at the pregnant man's request and took his time with getting himself set up on the dresser. Nikkos wanted to smack him, but held back. He would do so after the babies were out and safe and healthy.

The doctor eventually got to giving Tomias some pain medication, patting the top of his head as he did so.
Tomias glared at the man. Jerk. How dare he deny a patient! He was so very mean. He pouted, nipping at him when he pouted his head, tempted to kill him if he did not have a use for him. He sighed heavily, nuzzling into his love's neck with a little pout. "He's so mean." He whispered, kissing Nikkos' neck gently and then resting his head against his shoulder once more with a soft groan of pain. Damn. It was more annoying than he thought. At least, the medicine was beginning to take affect.
It took longer than Nikkos expected to get the babies out. They were there for nearly four hours before they had four sleeping bundles in two large bassinets. Nikkos was sure that he was just as tired as Tomias was, and he waved Jupiter out, just wanting to collapse next to his husband and sleep for a little bit. He knew that they wouldn't be getting much of it in the next few years.
Tomias yawned deeply, sinking low into the bed with another little yawn. His arms crossed over his aching belly. Ugh. It hurt. He turned and buried his face into the pillow with a little grumble. "They're lucky they're cute." he murmured, kissing his love again. "You too." He added with a little yawn.
Leaning up, Nikkos kissed Tomias softly, careful to not put any pressure on his stomach at all. He didn't want to hurt his lover. "So... I get to top again in three months, right?" he teased, nipping at the man's neck a little, trying very hard to portray that he was very serious, despite the fact that he wasn't.
Tomias grumbled at his love, glaring at him quite viciously. "Not unless you want a divorce, or death. Not sure which." he hissed, grumbling a little more. He bit the side of his neck playfully, just showing his bit of annoyance at his kidding words. Oh, he better be kidding, or else he would get his boys tied, if not chopped. No. He still liked to play with them, so yes, tied it would be.
Viktor had spent the past two weeks in bed. He ignored all knocks at the doors and windows, ringing phones. He simply holed himself up in the guest bedroom and threw himself a pity party. He felt horrible. Really he did. But he couldn't help how he felt. And now he was even more confused. Was it really Jonathan's fault? He was just asking innocent questions...right? Viktor groaned and buried himself further into the pillows and covers.
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