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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Devon shrugged. "I was being nice." He admitted, kissing his temple softly. He really did like their set up they had going. They were very happy together, and not to mention how dreadfully sexy collars looked on his love. Ooh that was definitely delicious. He nipped the other's ear gently, nuzzling against the side of his head a little with a soft growl at the base of his throat. "Dinner can wait." He stated, hands sliding over the ravenette's hips, holding him to his form as he lightly tossed him onto the couch, pouncing him a split second later.
Giggling, Viktor fell to the sofa, allowing Devon to ravage him with only one teasing complaint of hunger. It was a few hours afterward that they were lying completely worn out on the sofa, the dark haired man's fingers running through his lover's hair. "Can we order in instead?" he asked, nuzzling a bit. He was tired now, and didn't want to get dressed and go out anymore. Why not just let someone bring their food to them?
"Mm. You read my mind." He mumbled, nuzzling the side of his neck and keeping his eyes closed for a little while more. his hands slid along the other's form, feeling the pale flesh and just loving the man even more. "I love you, my pet." he whispered, kissing his lips passionately for a while. He then slid off his form, arms stretching above his head as he headed to the phone. Dialing up the local Chinese food place, he put in their normal orders, hanging up the phone, he soon was back to his love.

Sliding on top of his form, he kissed and nipped along his neck, hips grinding against his. "You're far too delectable." he breathed, kissing his Adam's apple and just growling animalistically to show his affections.
Smiling, Viktor kissed his husband, his arms looping around his waist rather possessively as he did so. He allowed himself to be doted on, lifting his chin so that Devon could have easier access to his neck and throat while his fingers played up and down his lover's spine. "What did you think of Jonathan?" he asked, curious to know his husband's thoughts on his friend. "He seemed to like you." Leaning up, he nipped at Devon's neck, too.
"not nearly as sexy as you." He murmured absently, continuing his little nips and affections to his love's neck. He slowly pulled back with a deep breath, looking down at him and kissing his lips gently. "he seemed nice. As long as he doesn't hurt you, I don't really care." He admitted, leaning down to kiss along his jaw to his ear, tongue trailing along the lobe teasingly. "you're mine to hurt." He chuckled and then added a soft, "my pet" Not that they were ever into heavy-bondage hurting type of stuff. Handcuffs here and there, a lot of rough, but never full-on pain.
Laughing a little, Viktor ignored the first comment and focused on the others. He knew that Jonathan would never hurt him and he said so, nuzzling into his husband's shoulder a little bit. He was happy to lie with Devon like this and soaked it all in. Of course, though, mid-cuddle the doorbell rang. Giggling, he shoved Devon off of him so that he could get dressed and answer the door. He didn't think the delivery man would be very impressed with them answering the door while naked.
While Viktor may be a decent man, Devon was not. He did not care. He was hungry and wanted food. He hopped off the couch and took up his wallet. He walked to the door, opening it without a care for his nudity and held out the money with a simple "Keep the change" before he took the bag. With a little bump of his hip, he closed the door, taking in the scent of the food and purring happily. "Mm. Yummy!"
Their night was nice. Viktor enjoyed his time cuddled up to his husband, nuzzling into his neck or chest. It was a perfect way to spend the evening of the day that they'd spent apart.

A few weeks went by and their ritual of spending a day a week apart continued. Viktor spent the majority of his "alone" days with Jonathan. Sometimes, though, it wasn't as pleasant as when their lunches had first started. His friend always seemed to have something negative to say about his relationship with his lover: how it was abusive, not right, not fair. For a while, Viktor just shrugged the comments off-his agreement with Devon still stood. They could stop that part of their relationship at any time. But as the weeks went on, Jonathan began to make more and more sense and Viktor began to slowly pull away from his husband, questioning his own wants and battling his own insecurities.
Devon noticed the change in his husband. He was not stupid. He was not oblivious. He could see that there was something not right, and he was positive it was because of that Jonathon fellow. He was brainwashing his lover, or something! Viktor was going to see him again today, and he would not have that. That man was doing something to his husband, and he did not like it at all. Moving to block the door from viktor when he saw him move, his arms crossed over his lower torso to look down at the ravenette. "You're not going to see him today."
He looked at Devon, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "Why not?" The question, to any normal couple, would make sense. But he'd never questioned a decision that the other man had made for him. Viktor chewed on his bottom lip a little, obviously very conflicted about what he'd just said to his lover.
A mossy brow lifted in a bit of annoyance with his question. He questioned him. He NEVER questioned him! "Because I said so." His arms tightened around his waist. His suspicions definitely were confirmed now -- That man was doing something to his lover. Not cheating. Viktor was not like that, and not to mention, he would know if that was the case. But that bastard of a man was doing something and putting some worms in his lover's head that made him disobey.
"But... I want to go see Jonathan for lunch... I promised him..." Once again, he was shocked at his own words. Viktor didn't understand what was going on in his own head. He wanted things back to the way they were-really he did! But then there were the ideas that had begun to float around since he'd started seeing his old friend again and he couldn't help the things he said or did that disobeyed his husband; his Master.
Devon bit into his bottom lip, calming himself from just lashing out and slapping him. That would do no good. He was well past that, but right now, he was frustrated by the whole thing. He NEVER did this before! "That's just the thing, Viktor. Don't you see that he's doing something to you? When was the last time you ever questioned what I've said?"
"Never," he answered very softly, now looking at the floor in front of him. "But..." He shook his head and kept his mouth shut. He wasn't really sure what he wanted to say, anyway. With a little sigh, he turned around and went into their spare bedroom, closing the door and lying down on the bed. It was obvious that he wasn't going to see Jonathan today and he didn't know what to say to Devon right now. There was no point in arguing over it, either.
Devon groaned. Great. Now Viktor was upset with him. He sighed heavily, turning on his heel, he fell into the couch cushions, just keeping silent and to himself for right now. Of course, alone-time did not seem to be something that would happen. And why? The knock at the door. He growled and forced himself up from the couch and over to the door. Opening the door, he stared at the horned male before growling. "Go away." he said, shoving the door in the man's face before he turned to fall back onto the couch.

Ignoring the door, the dark-haired demon easily walked through it and over toward his son. "I was doing that out of courtesy." He stated and then flopped to the side of the male, burying his face into his side with a little whimper. "Sin left me." He groaned, feeling his son finally sit up. He looked up at his child before his arms wrapped around his waist and he buried his face into his lap once more. "i'm all alone!"
Hearing the door, Viktor listened closely to see who it was. Half of him hoped that it would be Jonathan. No such luck. It was Satan and he lost interest quickly. With a little grin, though, he got up and for the first time ever, completely and deliberately disobeyed his husband. Viktor slipped out of the window and snuck off to meet his friend.
Satan looked up at his son after a few moments, seeing his face turn quite rigid. "So you know he just left." He murmured, pushing himself up from the ground and sitting beside him on the bed. He was here for his own pity's sake, but he would not ignore his son.

"Yes." He hissed, his fingers curled into tight fists, so much so that he was making himself bleed. Oh yea, he knew.
It was many hours later that Viktor returned to the house. He didn't feel better now that he'd seen Jonathan. Not in the sense that someone might have thought. He felt better that he didn't have to break a lunch 'date' with him. At least he had a chance to explain... Not that the explanation helped any. It just drew more comments and questions from Jonathan, which made him feel even more confused.
Devon rested against his rump against the top of the couch, his arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared at the man that finally decided to return home. His jaw was clenched quite tight and his eyes were a combination of annoyed, angry, and hurt. He could not believe he would just do that to him. They had been together for HOW many years without any problems whatsoever - aside from the normal little things - and just because some old friend comes into his life, he changes?! What the hell?!
The hurt that was in Devon's eyes killed Viktor. He knew that he shouldn't have gone but he'd promised Jonathan that he'd be there! He forced himself to not look at his husband as he moved over to him and pecked a kiss to his cheek. "I'm going to take a nap." He didn't question anything that he'd done outright. He knew that he'd been in the wrong about leaving like he had, but he didn't have the energy to fight about it.
"No." Devon said affirmatively, no question nor playfulness to his tone at all. He remained firm and still in his stance, eyes still staring dead ahead of himself. "You disobeyed me. Not even openly disobeyed me."
Looking back at the man, Viktor didn't say anything. His eyes showed his confusion and his apology, and then he turned to go back into the guest room. He wanted to nap. All of this confusion was exhausting him and he needed to sleep. He needed to recharge himself before having this type of conversation.
Devon's jaw clenched more when he left, anger only growing as he heard the door close. He kept where he was for a while before his form melted into the scenery. He dropped into, well, the lower levels of Hell in all honesty. His home. Where he grew up. At least here he could find something to calm himself, if not just the serene of being home. He grumbled, moving through the halls of the huge mansion and ignoring all the demons bowing their heads to him. Ugh. Always annoyed him .
Curling up into himself, Viktor spent a long while just lying awake. He wasn't sure when he drifted off to sleep, but it had definitely been some hours after lying down. He was so confused about everything and he wished that he could make the insecurities go away. How could he just suddenly feel like this?? It didn't make sense to him-he'd always been most comfortable with Devon!

Viktor slept, unaware that his husband had left the house, or that Jonathan had entered and made himself at home on the sofa.
Devon spent quite the many hours with his father and the other demons - mostly the latter. They always wound up amusing him in some way or another. Besides, it was nice to be able to have those that looked at him with fear. It was comforting for him. Yes, warped for most, but he was not most. He was the son of Satan; The TRUE Prince of Darkness, of course he was not normal. Just being able to vent and get others' opinions on the situation, he was better. That and hearing about all the havoc caused by those horrible creatures was quite interesting.

Finally, the man made his way back into the house. His arms stretched above his head as he moved through the front door. He spotted the figure on the couch and felt a bit bad. Viktor could not sleep? and was waiting for him? He lent over the back of the couch, pressing a kiss to the other's neck before he instantly stepped back. That ... Wasn't Viktor.
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