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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The door to the bedroom the boy was holed up in soon burst open, and in-stepped Rune. "Stop being a pansy!" He grumbled, walking over to the boy and lifting him off the bed and over his shoulder -- ignoring any protests from his son. "It's pathetic. No son of mine will be THIS much of a god-damned wuss." He stormed off into the bathroom, turning the water on - keeping it on cold - and then plopped him under the water, hand on his head to keep the stream of cold shower-spray on his head. "You love that Annoyance, don't you?"
He grumbled and fought, though Viktor knew it was no use. The dark haired male allowed himself to be tossed into the shower and drenched before standing up and leaving the bathroom, a trail of water behind him, without a word. He wasn't interested in anything that Rune had to say, or his attempts to 'fix' things. Viktor went into his and Devon's bedroom and deadbolted the door before flinging himself into the bed, still soaked.
"You son of a fucking whore." He growled, turning on his heel and this time, he was not so nice. His foot collided with the door, bursting through the wood and he moved back to the boy. "Stop being a spoiled brat!" He yelled, obviously displeased with the boy at the moment. "He's your fucking HUSBAND! You can't just mope around doing nothing. For better or for worse, right!? THIS is the worse." He took a hold of the ravenette, pulling him off the bed and looking down at him with a little growl. "Would you GROW up already?! It's been two weeks. Do you know how often your husband comes up here and just stares at you, hm? He MISSES you but knows you're fucking pissed at him."
Viktor didn't move to help Rune. He was dead weight, and the words didn't really sink in either. He wasn't angry at Devon! He was just...confused. And Viktor didn't really understand why everyone kept telling him that he was angry, either. "Just fix the door and go." They were the first words he'd spoken since Devon had left to go home. His voice was hoarse and cracked, the sentence coming out in a whisper more than anything.

The man turned and moved to change out of the wet clothes, not wanting to be sick on top of everything, ignoring Rune once more.
Rune growled out, letting his son go for the moment and leaving without a second thought. He left his son alone for a good hour or so before he was back, and with far too much company for himself to be happy. In his hand - literally - was Devon, his hand wrapped around the green-haired male's neck. Behind him was the horned King of Hell himself, followed by a demon or two who remembered Rune, the two demons trying to get the tall male to bend to their whims while Satan was clinging to him and dry humping his leg. "King of fucking hell ... My ass." he growled out before throwing Devon at the bed. "MAKE UP ALREADY! And if I have to get your ass again from Hell, I'm going to split you in two!"

He then turned to the others, growling once more. "And get the FUCK off me! What kind of demon are you!? Blubbering and humping my leg..."

Satan looked up at him, pouting a bit. "but ... your evil is so... hot!!!"
He was glad that Rune finally left him alone. He had a plan to take a nap, and just as he had begun to fall asleep, there was a horrible racket, and then the mattress dipped rather violently. Looking up with a little whimper, he saw his husband and once more flopped down onto the bed. What was he supposed to say to him?
Devon yelped as he collided with the ground, groaning with the bits of pain he was feeling. Ugh. He slowly pushed his form up, looking over at his father and groaning once more. "DAD! What the fuck are you doing!?" He grumbled, rubbing his templed and trying to not feel the surges of pain rushing through him

Rune growled as he turned on his heel, making his way out of the house. He would deal with the horn-dogs later. For now, he would let the two alone so they could talk.
Viktor continued to lie in bed. There were so many emotions running through him at that moment that he didn't know how to deal with and process any of them. He'd missed his husband and wanted to greet him, but he felt guilty over the way he had acted. He was confused about their relationship. Viktor was angry and hurt that Devon had left the way he did instead of coming back to the house and trying to talk to him. He felt abandoned, and he felt that he didn't have a right to feel that. The male whimpered softly, trying to gauge what sort of conversation was about to take place.
Devon went a little green when the others left. Chewing his bottom lip a little, he turned to stare at his husband. Taking in a deep breath, he slowly moved over to the male, arms crossed atop the mattress as he knelt near the other. Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Viktor. . . I love you. And I am sorry for acting so irrationally, but I still stand by my words that Jonathon was influencing you somehow for whatever reason."
Opening his mouth to speak, Viktor shut it quickly to think first. "He was," he whispered, eyes showing every emotion that was welled up inside of him. "But not how you think... He just..." The male sighed a little and nuzzled into the mattress beneath him. "He's looking out for me." He didn't know if he believed that or not, but what other reason was there? Jonathan was his friend!
Devon groaned and let his head flop into the mattress, grumbling a few times. "Then why didn't you say so? While I do not think he's good for you, I would have accepted you admitting to being influenced." He sighed heavily, pushing his head up and looking over at the man. he lent to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek softly. "I missed you."
"Because," he answered softly. Viktor couldn't help but lean into the kiss. He had missed Devon terribly. "Because you were upset with me." At least, he'd acted upset. And none of this negated how conflicted he felt about the entire situation to begin with. Nor did it help him come up with an answer as to how to make himself feel better. Or how to bring it up in a conversation with his husband. He whimpered again, trying to will Devon to bring it up so that he wouldn't have to.
Devon slid onto the bed beside the other, arms wrapping around his form and he pulled him against his form with a little kiss to his head. "I was more upset that you would not listen to me. Jonathon kept filling your heads with these ideas that our relationship was defective. Yes, in some eyes, it may be, but I don't abuse you. I just control you, and you're willing in that." He grumbled, nuzzling into the top of his head, pouting a little bit as he remained silent for a moment.

"What do you want to do?"
Sighing contently as he was pulled into his husband's arms, Viktor snuggled close to him. "I don't know," he whispered softly. He didn't know why he felt the way he did and he had been hoping that Devon would be able to make him not feel that way. "Why do I feel like this?" he finally asked, sad and frustrated. "People have said those same things to me over and over... And never made me feel so...depressed."
Devon shrugged. "Because he's your friend?" He said simply, looking down at him. Really, he was not totally sure. Only his love could know the answer to that one.
"But so were other people..." Really, he didn't understand and hoped that talking it out would help him to see things more clearly. So far, it wasn't working very well. But he knew that he was comfortable with Devon and their relationship; he was happy and so was his husband and isn't that all that matters anyway? He looked up at Devon. "We're normal, right?"
Devon arched a brow, looking down at his love with interest. "Viktor, sweetie. You were born from a man, and I'm the son of Satan, we're not normal." He stated, kissing his lips softly and then resting his forehead against his. "We may not be ... but we love each other, and that's normal. I can't stand thinking about my life without you. I don't even care if you don't want to keep with how it has been. If being my 'pet' upsets you, then I will stop, but only if it's you who thinks that, not poisoned by another's words. "
That hadn't been the answer that he wanted. Viktor whimpered and rested his head back down on his lover's lap, nuzzling into Devon's thigh. "I hate feeling like this..." Feeling unsure was not something he dealt with very well. "I don't know what I want," he admitted in a soft whisper, heart wrenching with the words.
He remained silent, looking down at the other and he kissed his lips softly. His eyes slipped closed and he smiled. "Let's have a baby." He grinned, amusing himself at the idea. That was not going to happen, but it was an answer that might get a chuckle out of his love, right? Hopefully.
The thought of children turned Viktor's stomach. He groaned and buried his face further, not wanting to even think about such things. Perhaps some day he and Devon would have kids, but not any time soon and while he appreciated the attempt at a diversion, it wasn't going to work. "Make me feel better," he whined.
Devon sighed heavily, eyes closing as he looked down at the other. "I tried. I wanted to go away with you. Spend a week far away from everyone and everything and just have us-time. You got pissy and said it was running away."
Shaking his head, Viktor looked up at him. "Kidnapping me; making decisions for me when I'm uncertain of how I feel about the dynamics of our relationship isn't helping me." He sighed and rolled over to the other side of the bed. He was facing his husband, but too far away for even casual contact without Devon having to stretch across the bed.
Devon kept his eyes to the male when he rolled away, his eyes staying with the male and he chewed his bottom lip a bit. He grumbled a little and nuzzled into the pillows a little bit. "Do you want to go away for a week? Stay here? Spend time apart ... What?"
"I...I don't know..."

That was the entire problem, wasn't it? He had no idea what was going to make him feel better; if anything could make him feel better. And being asked to make a decision like that wasn't fair. Of course, he'd thrown a fit when Devon had tried to make it for him the last time and so Viktor wasn't really sure what he'd expected. The anxiety of it all was beginning to set in.
Devon kept his eyes to the man and he sighed heavily. His eyes closed for a while and he looked over at the man once more with a more stern look than he had. "We'll leave in the morning." He stated, leaning over to kiss the other's lips softly. He then curled into the sheets and he nuzzled the pillow with a little sigh. "Sleep." He added, looking up at the man and seeing if that made him feel just a little bit better.
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