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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

With the words, the anxiety that had begun to build eased and Viktor sighed softly. It had been years since he had to make any minor decision and he had begun some time ago to treat them like a major one in which his husband always included him. It was not the best of ways. With those words, Viktor knew that, no matter what anyone else said, this type of relationship was what worked for them. Whether or not they had backed themselves into a corner with it wasn't the point. Viktor didn't care to make the mundane, every day decisions and it was just easier to go along with whatever Devon wanted.

He nodded a little and closed his eyes to sleep, at ease with his husband next to him again.
While he managed to get rid of the demons, Satan was a little harder to shake off. The man was annoying, to be honest. Well, demon, but whatever. Either way, Rune did not like the guy. Though, that could also be since he produced Devon. Little brat. Ugh. Nevertheless, the man was now serving the other tea, not wanting to listen to him whine about how horrible of a hostess he was. Yes. hostess. The demon was torturing him about the triplets and ... far too much. Really, it was no wonder that no one liked Hell.

Akito slowly made his way down the road, moving from one place to another to go find where Trevor said his parents were. He had something he needed to give to his Papa and since Trevor was doing something, he asked him to. He did not mind. It was just papers or a menu or something along those lines. Besides, he was the one who hired him, it was the least he could do!

With a knock, the black-haired male moved into the house, looking from one way to the other before seeing the tall raven-haired man in the kitchen. He headed that way, knowing Calder should be somewhere around them. Finally to the doorway, Akito parted his lips to say that he had something for Calder, but what came out was laced with a bit of fear. "Satan!?"

At his name, the demon turned around, spotting the ravenette and his eyes sparkled instantly. A smirk to his lips as he looked over the beautiful body in front of him. "Akito." He purred, pointed teeth showing all the more as his grin grew. "What's my beautiful soul doing here? Treating yourself right?" This was so very great. His white pools traveled over the body once more, tongue trailing along his lips before moving back to the other's eyes. "I cannot wait until you kick the bucket." He whispered, already having quite the many plans for this man.
Moving through the house without a care in the world, Kristoffer sought out Rune. He wanted to torture the man, but also wanted someone to listen to him whine about how awful today had been. When he found the man, he flopped himself forward across his lap with a pathetic whine. "He made me work! Work! Me! What kind of sick fuck is he??"
Rune growled when the blond's head was in his lap, hissing at the other. "Unless you plan on using that mouth for something useful while you're down there, get AWAY! You deserve to be worked to dear." He growled out, taking a hold of the back of his head and shoving him off his lap.

Satan perked up, turning to look at the blond, eyes sparkling with quite the bit of mischief as he did so. Oo... Gorgeous! "aaand who are yoooou?" He purred, leaning toward the blond with a smirk to his lips.
Kristoffer whimpered again and attempted to replace his head onto Rune's lap and nuzzle there pathetically. But the words caught him off guard. There were other people in the room? He never would have known if the...well obviously the demon in front of him hadn't said anything to him. He was gorgeous, and it was obvious to Kristoffer that his wiles were working their magic even though he was distraught. The blond smiled and sat up, primping himself. "Who would you like me to be?" he flirted.
Satan grinned, leaning toward the male a little more. Definitely delicious. That was such a lovely sight right now. His eyes openly traveled along his form before fluttering back to the blue orbs of the blond. "Mm ... Right now? Mine" He stated, never one to really beat around the bush. He was horny and deprived of sex, and this blond was beautiful - why wouldn't he try?
Smiling, Kristoffer leaned back onto the sofa, exposing his entire shape for the man to oogle at. He liked being looked at. One knee draped over the other and the blond purred a little bit. "Oh?" he asked, playing the game now that he so loved to play. "But I belong to no one." He gave an innocent smile.
"Yet." Satan corrected, grinning all the more as he looked at the male. He really was lovely. He slipped his fingers together and kept his eyes to the gorgeous being. "And that smile fools no one." He added, winking playfully at the male.

Akito stared at the demon before shaking his head. He turned on his heel, leaving while he was distracted and heading off to find where Calder was. He still needed to give him the folder.
Kristoffer giggled a little, standing and stretching his arms above his head. "Oh, no, dear demon," he corrected with a little glint in his eyes. "I get bored much too easily to belong to anyone for more than a night." Reaching forward, the blond patted the other's cheek tauntingly with a little smile directed towards him.
He smirked. This little blond was giving him a challenge, whether or not he knew it, and that only made him all the more endearing. "Oh, that's because you have not been with me." He stated, ignoring the pat to the cheek. Normal people would have gotten bit or a broken arm, but he did not want to harm the little cutie. That would be bad. So, for now, just flirting would be well enough to do right now.
He shrugged. There was no use arguing with the gorgeous being. Instead, he allowed him to believe whatever it was that he wanted. And, perhaps, he'd be so inclined to spend more than just one night with the demon if he came and hurt Tomias for making him work, too. But the game was getting old at the moment. Waving to Satan, Kristoffer left the house to go shopping.
Satan watched the blond leave, smirking all the more as he did so. Oooh such a gorgeous being! His eyes sparkled with quite the bit of mischief before he turned to look at Rune. "YOU! Get me closer to him!"

Rune arched a brow, looking up from the book he took to reading. He snorted. "No. You're the King of Evil, you do it yourself." He sneered at him before turning back to the book, not caring about the demon's issues.

He growled. "I could make your life horrible, you know. Demons at your door, bad things happening to you .... Anything I want!"

"Have fun. If you really want to mess with the half angel offspring of Gabriel's grandson, have at it. I'm sure God would love that." He stated dully, still reading.

The demon stared at Rune for a while before standing up in a huff. "Fine... Fucking Gabriel." he grumbled and then turned to leave. "ILL GET HIM! I will. Without your useless help." With that, the demon left with a slam of the door, though it was pointless since he merely sunk into the shadows once more.
He hated his long shifts. Jupiter entered his own home after another thirty six hour shift. He wanted to see Sebastian, but he needed to sleep, first. Without sleep, he'd be useless really. The god fell into his bed without even getting undressed, falling to sleep before his head even hit the mattress.
Sebastian knew his love was finishing one of his long shifts, so he decided to surprise him! He woke up early and made his way to his love's house. He let himself in, a little picnic basket on his arm. He placed it onto the kitchen counter and then headed into his love's room. He spotted him, sleeping, and smiled all the more. Tugging off his shoes and everything else until he was just in his boxers, he tucked him into bed wit ha smile. He pulled off his own clothes and then crawled into the bed with him, arms wrapping around his love and he buried his face into his chest, just loving the scent of being with him.
He was blissfully unaware of everything going on at the moment. It was likely hours later that he woke up, a body wrapped around him. At first, Jupiter was highly confused. Would Aldith sneak into his room? The brunette had to pull away from the warm body in order to get a decent look at who had invaded his bedroom and stripped him naked.

The answer didn't surprise him and in fact soothed him. Sebastian. Smiling, the god settled down again, his arms tightening around his lover. It was definitely a lovely surprise to wake up to his love in bed with him. Pressing a kiss to Sebastian's head, Jupiter relaxed once more, eyes closing over again.
Sebastian smiled lightly to himself, nuzzling into his love and he was just so happy right now. He had missed sleeping beside the man, so it was easy to sleep soundly when he was with him once more. He groaned when he felt movement, nuzzling into man's chest wit ha little whimper. He slowly opened his eyes, looking up at the man and smiling softly. "Hello, love." he whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips gently. "Morning." He added with another little yawn.

With a faint knock, the door opened and Aldith made his way into the room. "Good morning Jupiter..." He then spotted Sebastian, giving him a soft bow of his head. "Sebastian." He added, a tray with a teapot and two teacups. He set it onto the side table, pouring two cups and then turning back to the two. "I thought you could use some tea." He said, turning to look at Sebastian. "And I put some of the perishables in the refrigerator. Have a nice day." He gave a soft bow before he moved to make his way out of the room.
Smiling, Jupiter greeted his lover with a soft kiss. He looked up with the knock and greeted Aldith, too. He felt bad that Aldith did such things-he hadn't offered the man a place to live to have him wait on him. He made a mental note to talk to the other about it the next day, as he assumed that Sebastian wouldn't be going anywhere for quite some time. Not that he minded in the least.

"Morning, baby," he greeted again, nuzzling along his lover's cheek and jaw. "I missed you."
Sebastian looked up at the other, smiling warmly and he kissed him ever so softly. His arms wrapped around his form and he kissed his neck lightly. "I missed you too." He whispered and then nuzzled into him a little bit more. "I have a little plan for today." He said softly and kissed him once more.
"Oh?" he asked, fingertips drawing patterns over Sebastian's back and shoulders as they laid together. "What sort of plan?" Sebastian was always cute with his little 'plans' when he worked his long shifts and Jupiter came to look forward to whatever it was that his lover had planned next.
"Something that is really becoming less important the more you touch me." He admitted in a soft whisper. He kissed the base of his neck, nuzzling into his neck with a little sigh. He trailed his fingers along the other's chest, just loving to be with him. He kissed his cheek and then pulled back to look up at him again.
"Hmm... What a dilemma..." Jupiter smiled a little and kissed the tip of Sebastian's nose before pulling away completely and getting out of the bed. "I guess then, I'll have to just go shower so that all your hard work to plan something special for me doesn't go to waste." Poking his tongue out, the god moved to go shower.
Sebastian groaned when the man left his arms. Damn him. Damn him all to hell! He pouted and kept his eyes up with him, arms wrapping around the pillow and he hugged it tightly to his chest. "Meanie" he mumbled, yawning softly and nuzzling into the pillow. "Fine. Wake me up when you're out."
He laughed, bending down and pressing a loving kiss to the cheek of his lover. Jupiter whispered a soft 'love you' and then did go to shower, despite not wanting to be away from Sebastian. He hadn't showered in nearly two days and felt absolutely disgusting.The warm water helped him, and the god felt refreshed when he stepped from the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his hips. "Sleeping Beauuuuutyyyyyy!!"
A single eye poked open, seeing the god in only a towel and the eye slipped back closed with a little yawn. His hand reached out, taking a hold of the towel around his love's hips, and he yanked it away. With the towel within his arms, his eyes opened once more to look at his naked soulmate. "That is a sight to wake up to." He whispered, yawning gently and smiling as he looked over his love. Yes. Definitely better. He yawned again and pushed himself up with a groan.
Well now that wasn't very fair. Sebastian was getting an eyefull and he was stuck looking at his lover covered up more than three quarters of the way. Jupiter moved over to the bed and removed the covers from it and Sebastian completely, before tearing off the teen's boxers. The brunette tossed those to the side, too. Jupiter climbed into bed, lying atop of his lover and kissing along his neck and shoulder. "So about those plans..." The god gave a little nip.
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