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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jayden nodded, putting the pieces of the instrument together and then standing up. He moved through the desks to the front of the room, standing with his feet together and the mouthpiece gently against his bottom lip. His fingers positioned themselves over the proper keys and when he was given the word to start, he gave a nod. Eyes fluttered closed and his breath passed his lips, flowing magically through the metal. The song was beautiful. One of Beethoven's symphonies, but he put his own little twist to the tune. Nothing drastic, but just slightly underneath the tones that the song normally had. He hit every single not perfectly, not missing anything, and never losing rhythm nor breath.

Once the song was over, he lowered the instrument across his torso and gave a soft bow before he turned to make his way to his seat, a faint pink to his cheeks.
He had to say that he was surprised. A bit disappointed that he had some competition, but still surprised. Who knew that the little twit who spent half her days hiding from him had some pure talent. Sure, she was rough around the edges and played off a little bit, but a year here would fix that. He listened with a little smug look as the teacher pointed out that she was beneath the tone of where she wanted to be and told her to practice that for their next class.
Jayden gave a small bow, returning his flute to the case before excusing himself to use the restroom. He had not expected that, but at least it was better than the others. He knew he was. How else could he have gotten in? He sighed heavily, slowly making his way through the halls until he found the bathroom. He disappeared inside, moving to one of the urinals without even thinking. at least having a skirt made it easier to pee. Besides, he would only be here for a few seconds and no one ever really peed at the same time. At least not in male-world, right?
They were given a break-though told not to leave the room. Kerr did anyway. He was entitled, right? The blond lingered in the halls for a minute before moving towards the bathroom as well. They had another two hours of this block. He'd never make it if he didn't go now. Walking in, he didn't pay attention to who else was in there... Until he was standing right next to...his roommate? Kerr's eyes went wide in shock, unable to say anything.
Jayden had been going through the song he had just played, trying to think of ways to make everything better. By the time he came back to his senses, his roommate was next to him. His eyes went wide. Shit. SHIT!! He gasped, quickly finishing and replacing everything to where it should be. he pressed down the bottom of his skirt and cleared his throat - face more red than a cherry - "Um... okay. Bye." he said, not really wanting to even deal with what the man would say. Oooh he was NOT happy right now!
Bye? That wouldn't do! Kerr blocked the door after locking it, a twisted smirk to his lips. "I don't think you'll be going anywhere just yet..." He was an opportunist and would do whatever it took to give him an advantage. This knowledge gave him more of an advantage than he could have ever hoped for this year. "I wonder what the headmaster might say to the information that one of his..."girls" wasn't a girl at all and therefore risking his funding..."
DAMNIT! Why the hell was he stuck with such a creep?! he took quite a few steps away from the other, having learned to just move away from him through the few days he knew the other. He crossed his arms tightly over his lower torso, looking up at the male in front of him. He chewed into his bottom lip, digging quite harshly into the flesh as he did so. "What do you want?" he mumbled, knowing that there was something. Though, frankly, he was surprised that the man did not go off and just tell the headmaster. He was sure he would like less competition.
The smirk brightened. Ooh he was a bright little twit now wasn't he? Kerr moved closer, a predator stalking his prey. "You're mine," he answered quite bluntly. "Anything I say, when I say it. Because don't think for one second that I wouldn't give you up to get you out of this school, and don't kid yourself into thinking that they'd let you stay. You weren't good enough three months ago at the auditions and you're certainly not good enough now!"
His?! This was not going to end well! The green-haired male continued to take quite the many steps back from the male, not liking that smirk at all. His eyes looked up through his long lashes, a faint little pink to his cheeks before he squeaked - his back up against the side of the stalls. Shit. He did not want to get kicked out! he really did not. He wanted to just stay here and get better and great! But ... this ... this man was going to ruin all that if he didn't do what he said!? He parted his lips to protest, but that soon stopped. His teeth clenched and he said a simple, "Fine"
He smiled. Easy compliance would make this much more fun...for him, anyway. Kerr leaned forward and kissed the 'girls' lips. "What a good little... pet." Yes. Definitely to his advantage. "For the time being, you will be my 'girlfriend'. We'll talk about your other...duties tonight." The blond straightened up and smoothed out his clothes, offering his hand to Jayden. "Ready, dear?"
Green eyes widened with the other's lips connecting with his. WHAT?! he's been rooming with-- oh god. He stared at the man, in complete and utter shock right now. He just could not process anything. "W-what?!" He squeaked, his hand coming to cover his lips and he pressed against the stall a little more. "You want me to be your-- and tonight-- What?!"
"Is there a problem, sweetheart?" he asked, eyebrow raised. "If there is I'm sure that the headmaster can help us to figure it all out?" He had his roommate by a very short leash, and he quite enjoyed that knowledge. Kerr had been spoiled for his entire life, and he wouldn't let that stop now just because he was at school.
Shit. Staring up at the man, he took in a deep breath before shaking his head "None at all." He whispered, taking the other's hand, though definitely not happy about it. He was going to be hurting tomorrow, he could already tell. He took in another deep breath, trying to just calm his racing heart. Oh this was not good. Not good at all. He turned his head to the side, refusing to look at the man beside him. Ugh. He could not believe he got caught. Why didn't he go into the stall!? Why? That would have been so much easier. And now... now he had to be his 'girlfriend'. Damnit.
Smiling with his victory, Kerr lead the 'girl' out of the restroom and back into the classroom. He wasn't questioned on why he had left in the first place nor was Jayden questioned as to why 'she' had taken so long. The teacher simply acted like nothing had happened that wasn't supposed to and continued teaching once they had taken their seats.

There was nothing good that came of his being in class. Kerr had spent the entire block thinking of things that he could have his 'girlfriend' do for him. There were the obvious things, of course, but then there were the little subtle tasks that would cause the most humiliation. And humiliation was the key. He wouldn't rat 'her' out, but maybe he could make 'her' want to leave because she was so miserable...
Jayden sat down, his right leg draping over his left and he refused to even look in the direction of the other man. He kept his gaze to the book in front of him, jotting down notes here and there when the teacher made mention of something that sounded important. For the most part, he was trying to think of ways he could escape. How could he get out of this? There was nothing. anything he could do, he would be exposing himself. Damn.
As class ended, Kerr stood up and stretched his arms above his head. He was in a good mood, in a twisted sort of way. The blond turned to the professor to ask him a few questions, being sure to take mental notes of everything that the man said. Who knew what would be on their tests? This particular professor liked to make test questions out of questions that students asked him in private.

He chatted for five minutes and then turned to see where his pet was, wondering if he had attempted to escape or had been good and waited.
Jayden was a good boy. He waited for the man. Well, no, he was not good. He just did not want to get expelled! No. He would be thrown out on his ass and disgraced. He did not want that. He could not handle that if it happened. So, he remained sitting in his seat, his bag packed, flute in his hand and when the man turned to look at him, he stood. He was not happy, but this was what he had to do - right? He bit his bottom lip, stopping himself from just biting the man out of his annoyance. His light-green eyes turned in front of him, hoisting his bag onto his shoulder and silently he began to make his way out of the room.
"What a good little pet!" he exclaimed, patting the boy on the head. He put his hand to the small of Jayden's back and began to lead him out of the classroom and to their next block. "Be ready to go out after classes. We have some shopping to do." The statement was left at that. It was partially because he wanted to make the boy squirm in his skirt with the thought of where they would go and what sort of shopping he meant, but mainly because class had started again.
Jayden took in a deep breath, nodding absently and then he made his way to a desk, sitting as far as he could from the other. He just did not want to be near him right now. He doubted that would work, though.

When the end of the day came, Jayden tried to escape. He tried to act like he forgot about 'shopping' and began to make his way to their dorm. He had to at least put his flute down, right? And maybe he could try and think of an excuse. There had to be something he could do, right? Maybe just sleep! Sleep was good. Sleep always was good. Or ... something. Damn. There was nothing he could do.
Kerr forgave the other for sitting far away from him in class, and for disappearing back to their dorm room after classes. But, he warned, it would be the only time. The blond took the other's belongings and set them on his bed while leading the male out through the school and to his Escalade. Kerr's family was loaded, and he spent without caring to look at price tags. Whatever he want, he got. Last year he'd wanted the black truck with dark tinted windows, and all the little toys that were available for the inside.
Of course he was not let to sleep or anything of that sort. Oh no, that would be NICE. He followed to the Escalade, arching a brow as he did so. Really? Selling that thing could feed his whole family. He sighed softly, moving into the car and sitting as far on the edge of his seat as he could. Who knew what he would do while he drove? He did NOT want to find out. He kept his hands pressing the end of his skirt down, not sure what to do right now. He just wanted to go back. Get a different roommate or something. but no, he could not even do that. He would just tattle on him if he did.
He looked over at the male and shook his head. "Relax," he commanded, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road towards town. "I'm not going to bite you... Not yet, anyway..." Kerr gave a smirk as he reached out to turn the stereo on. He never went anywhere without listening to music. They drove in silence for the rest of the time, the blond pulling in front of a little fetish store. Yes, this would serve their purposes nicely. He got out of the truck and waited for his 'date' to do so as well.
Relax? Relax while he was next to the man that could completely crush his musical career?! A career that had not even started! He whimpered softly and scooted closer into the door, resting his forehead against the door, arms crossing over his lower torso while he watched the scenery fly by. When they stopped, he froze. He was joking, right? He ... he had to be. He knew he was a creep, but not THIS bad, was he?! Glancing to the other who looked far too happy to be here, he whimpered a little more. "Really?" he asked, just not believing it at all.
He smiled at the cross dressing male, though it was more creepy than genuine. "I get no pleasure in courting you," he explained while leading Jayden across the street and into the store. "Humiliating you, however... Well that just tickles me pink." The blond lead the male over to the collars and leashes first. Saving the best for last and all that. "You have one chance-and one chance only-to pick out those you like. If you refuse... Well I suggest not refusing." The words were said as Kerr eyed a bright magenta collar which was covered in glitter.
Jayden followed the other to the store, knowing that he would not win this -- ever. He chewed into his bottom lip as they moved to the collar and leashes. Serious-- of course he was. Why was he even questioning this anymore? He stared at the collars for a little bit, seeing many and he soon lifted up a simple pink one with black embroidery on it. At least it wasn't too bad. Sure it was going to be wretched to wear it, but it was still ... there. There was even a matching leash! Oh, he was going to kill himself soon. Sigh.
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