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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jayden closed his eyes before he took his covers, pulling them up and over his head with a little whimper. He pulled his knees to his chest, burying his face into his thighs and hoping the other would not follow through with what he wanted. He did not like boys like that! He did not want to -- and with him -- oh no no no that was not how his year was supposed to go. He burrowed into his pillows, rump in the air and his knees still to his chest, in his own little ball on the bed.
"Come here." Might as well get his head reeling. Really, Kerr was looking forward to the reactions that he would get tonight. Besides, he'd been here a week with no relief. He was hard, and horny, and impatient. And, despite any incompetence when it came to music, his roommate was pretty good looking.
There? Damn. Remaining still for a while, he buried his face into the mattress a little more. With a deep breath, he slowly slid from the bed, blankets tighter around his form when he moved over to the other. He sat at the far edge of the male's bed, not wanting to be anywhere near him. This was far too strange for his mind to process right now. He was quite the lovely red as he just peered over his blankets and over at the ground, chewing into his bottom lip slightly.
Cute. He was frustrated that Jayden was so far away, but gave in and sat up. Kerr moved over to the other male and pulled away the top of the blanket to expose his neck. Once he had, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the warm flesh. The blond kissed there, tasting and exploring, simply enjoying himself whether Jayden was or not.
Blushing even more with the contact of lips to neck, Jayden was not sure which was worse: The fact that Kerr was doing this, or that he was ... slightly enjoying it. He turned redder, keeping his eyes straight ahead and he pulled the blankets closer - or at least tried to. Oh, he was not happy right now. Not happy at all. His emotions were so strange and flustered right now. He liked it, but he did not want to! He should not. The feeling was so ... so nice though...
He could read the insecurities and the unsureness of the male. Kerr found power in that and continued his actions. His hands easily moved to the seams of the blanket and tugged it away, exposing Jayden to him. He wouldn't force the other to have sex with him, but he wasn't going to be denied pleasure, either. And toys weren't sex. He would fully enjoy watching his roommate be penetrated for the first time, and even more so because he was so conflicted over the entire situation.

A hand slid up his skirt, rubbing along his smooth thigh.
Jayden squeaked, his hands moving to push down the end of his skirt, attempting to keep the other's hand away from moving anywhere else. His heart raced in his chest, pretty sure it was close to bursting at any moment. Really, why was he doing this? Well, no, he knew why: he was a sick bastard! He just did not know what to do. He did not want to do anything! He wanted to go back to bed and practice and wish that yesterday was here. he liked it when he was ignored! He really did. That was better. That was a LOT better. He blushed horribly, trying to scoot away from the man once more.
He grabbed hold of his roommate's hip and held him in place. "You do not want me to hook you into place with your leash like a dog," he warned with a slightly harsh nip to the flesh of the male's neck. Kerr held onto the male, being sure that he was not going to go anywhere as his lips moved over his shoulder and then back to the neck again and up along his jaw. If he was smart, he'd relax and gain his own pleasure from it all.
Jayden bit into his bottom lip. Damn. Turning his head away, he just stared down at the bed. He would just keep silent and let the other do what he wanted. That would not be too bad, right? He could do that. He would just have to keep himself calm and relaxed and not think about it. Yes. He would think about the things he had to do. Shit. He still had to practice! Damn it. He bit his bottom lip, stopping himself from rushing off to go practice. If he was thrown out of this place because he was not good enough, then he was going to KILL his roommate!
Kerr spent another few minutes and then, frustrated, flopped back down on the bed. It was no fun when the other was so tense! He'd have to figure out a way to relax him. "Go away." The blond was pouting as he pulled his headphones on and maxed out the volume on his iPod. Sure, he'd expected resistance, but one could have their neck kissed and leg caressed for only so long before they gave in!
Thank you gods up there! Jayden gasped and leaped up from the bed, scurrying off to his bed to burrow under the covers. he stayed there for a moment before he remembered - he needed to practice. With a squeak, he jumped up once more, snatching up his flute-case and then bouncing about to get the music and notes from class. He slipped into his slippers, gave a simple bow to the man on the bed and then began to rush his way out of the room to hopefully find a soundproof one for himself to practice in.
He continued to pout through the night while thinking about what else he wanted his new 'girlfriend' to do. It was a small list, but he was satisfied with it when he went to bed hours later, after a couple of hours of studying. He would get up early and practice, as was his norm. He was sure that Jayden didn't know that he, too, would be waking up early so that Kerr could be sure that he was properly dressed for class. Oh well. That was his problem.

His alarm went off at five thirty the next morning and, feeling nice, he let Jayden sleep until he was showered and dressed. He flipped the lights on in the room at six and turned on his music loudly. Thank goodness for sound proof dorm rooms.
Jayden had been sleeping peacefully. He practiced well into the night, and knew he could sleep until eight because classes did not start until nine, but that was not going to happen. Obviously. The music, the lights, all were enough to make the poor boy curl up into himself, face buried into the pillow, sheets tugged up and over his head and the little fairie whimpered a few times. Why was it so loud!? He did not like the music and he just wanted to sleep. He had two more bloody hours! He could still dream about ... well, whatever he had been!
He moved over and pulled the sheets and comforter off of the bed, tossing them to the other side of the room. "Rise and shine, darling!" he called out cheerfully. "We start out early to practice, as well as stay up." He reached forward and gave a little smack to Jayden's rear end. "Up up up!" He wasn't going to take no for an answer, no matter how badly the other protested and whined.
Jayden squeaked when he was exposed, curling up tighter as he did so. His eyes kept closed and he yelped when his rump was smacked. Sitting bolt upright, his hands rubbed his rump, turning a pathetic little glare-pout to the other man. "No." He murmured, not wanting to leave his bed. What did it matter to him!? Didn't he want him out of this school anyway? He grumbled, turning and burying his face back into the pillows.
With a little growl, Kerr moved over to his dresser and took one of the leashes he'd stashed there. It was easily hooked to the collar around Jayden's neck before he gave a strong yank to it. It was enough to hurt the other male, but not by much. "I said it's time to get up, and if you remember correctly, you are to do everything that I say."
Yelping, the poor green-haired boy was soon sprawled onto the ground, staring up at the man standing there, holding the leash. Shoot. He forgot to take off the collar. Biting his lip, he pushed his form up from the ground, not even looking at the man as he went about going to retrieve clothes to wear.
He sat on the bed and watched the other dress, not bothering to put his shoes on or gather his books or drum sticks until Jayden was ready. Kerr was frustrated with his roommate. One would think that someone who was being threatened with the loss of their dream would cooperate more...cooperatively! Besides, he wasn't asking him to do anything horrendous! Sex was enjoyable if you allowed it to be, and the humiliation that came with the panties was all mental-no one else would know he was wearing them!
Jayden pulled on the last of his clothes, turning to see that he was ... being watched. "EW! You pervert!" He yelled, throwing the nearest item - a shoe - at the other male. "i put the panties on... You poofed my others.... Why do you have to watch?" He asked, despite knowing he probably should not. He could not help it! It was just creepy to turn around and see that he was being watched. Seriously, it freaked him out.
"Because I can," he growled. Why he chose to watch wasn't important and would never be revealed to the other anyway so he left it alone. "Now hurry up because you're making me run late." He hated being late. Despite being spoiled rotten, Kerr really did have good manners and never liked to be late for anything, even his self imposed practice times.
Sighing softly, the boy tugged at his shoe, adjusting it a little before he turned to the other, flute-case in his hand as he did so. "I'm ready." He stated, not sure why he was up before the ass crack of dawn, but he was. He was NOT happy, but he was still awake. Stupid boy. Why did he have to be so persistent? couldn't he just get bored of him already? It would save his bum a lot of pain that he knew was inevitable. It was merely delayed, and he was sure that being apathetic would only get him so far.
"You're going to be on my schedule." Even though he didn't owe Jayden an explanation, he gave him one to make him stop whining about it. The blond stood up and gathered his things, taking hold of the end of the leash to lead the other male through the hallways. "And before you start bitching about 'why', it's because I said that I want you to be or I'll go to the headmaster." That should be reason enough right?

They headed for the practice rooms.
Jayden blinked as he was addressed again. He stared at the man, turning his head away. He did not like this at all. They had nothing to be late to. Classes did not start for two hours, and because he wanted to practice, it meant that Jayden had to suffer as well? He had practiced until two in the morning -- what more did he need?! He was going to pass out with exhaustion. He could already see it happening.

Walking past the two in the hall, quite the gorgeous 'woman' strutted with a violin case in her hands. Sapphire eyes dead ahead, stiletto red, laced up heels on her feet, a flowing black dress, and hair to match the color pallet of the day, rolled into small buns on either side of her head. Jordan moved through the halls with quite the bit of grace for the tall being that she was. Standing a good five eleven without the shoes, six three with them. Movements were fluid and not out of sync at all. Perfect for the travel through the hall. Quite the many students swooned after this particular student. Exotic was used to describe her quite the many times.
They passed the woman, Kerr not giving her any sort of attention. Why should he? He wasn't interested in females, despite all appearances at the moment. And while he knew that Jayden was fishing for answers, he refused to give him any. He made the decisions, he gave the orders, and he didn't have to explain himself to anyone, least of all his roommate. Though the shoes were nice... Maybe he'd have to get a pair for Jayden..
[[ ignoring them for now ]]

Relic giggled happily, leaning against his love and nuzzling into his neck ever so softly. His fingers slid down the man's arm, lacing between his and then resting his other hand against the crook of his elbow. He kissed the man's cheek and beamed ever so happily. "I think we should have another baby" He stated, eyes completely and utterly serious as he looked over at the man, still walking through the town. It was nothing special today, but he had just wanted to take a little stroll with the man he loved.
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