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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Adamair gave a little nod. "Fine." He said simply, stopping to press a kiss to the other's lips. "but ice cream will be in bed. And you'll be my dish." he nipped his lips playfully before turning to go find the clothes he had on prior to the outfit he was happily strutting to his boyfriend.
Isiah was not ... shattered. He had been walking around the town for a bit and he did not know what just suddenly happened to him. One minute, he was walking, the next, he blacked out. He went in and out of consciousness. The first time, he saw some strange naked man on top of him. He could hear himself saying no. Telling whoever it was to just back off, but he was out once more. The next time he came back, he was on top of the man. He felt himself pushing into the man and the pleasure coursing through his body. By the time he finally came back to his senses completely, he laid beside the empty form of the man that had started this. He gasped, scurrying away with a hand on his lips, his whole body shaking as he did so.

His indigo eyes were huge as they stared at the dead man on the ground. He ... suddenly felt sick. Snatching up his pants, he was quickly running out of the building he had been in, shoving his legs into his pants as he did so. He needed to see Rylee. He really, really needed to see him!
Rylee was concerned with where Isiah was. It wasn't often that his boyfriend up and disappeared after school. But then again, it had happened before and so the redhead tried to bury himself in work so that he wouldn't think about it. Isiah knew how to get a hold of him, and he knew that the other man would, in fact, come find him if he needed it.

He spent a few hours in his classroom, catching up on grading, before retiring to his own room to relax for the night.
Isiah ran through the school and to his love's room. He quickly found the man, tackling him and clinging to his form tightly. His arms wrapped around his shoulders and legs tightly wound around his waist as he buried his face into the crook of his neck "i'm so sorry Rylee!" He sobbed, holding him a little tighter. "I... I cheated on you! I ... I'm sorry! I didn't want to and I... I ... Oh Rylee, I'm so sorry!"
Looking up, Rylee only caught a flash of silver before his arms were filled with a sobbing and babbling Isiah. The redhead hushed his love, moving to the sofa and sitting down so that he was on his lap and hugged tight to the professor's torso. "Relax a little, Isiah. You're not making any sense." Rylee had heard the words, but didn't believe them. Isiah would never do such a thing.
Isiah took in a deep and shuddering breath, curling up into the other's lap and he buried his face into the other's form. His arms wrapped around his form and he whimpered softly and pathetically. He tried to calm himself, taking in a deep breath once more to just get a hold of himself. He shook his head and his eyes lifted to look up at him, eyes truly looking ever so hurt right now. "I ... I was walking and ... I don't know what happened!" He whimpered a little more and scooted closer to his form. "I ... I kept blacking out and ... I said no and then ... I stopped saying no and ... I just ... Oh Rylee... "
He...he had stopped saying no? Rylee pulled away a little, looking down at the other man with confused eyes. " didn't say no?" he asked, a voice in a whisper. The redhead didn't want to believe what was going on; what his lover was saying. His heart was breaking in two and there was a very large lump in his throat. "I..." What could he say? What was he supposed to say? Rylee said the first thing that was able to come out. "I think you should leave..."
Isiah cringed when the other spoke. He nodded. He understood. He really did. He shakily stood up and tugged at the bottom of his shirt. He gave a very low bow to the other and bit his bottom lip quite fiercely. "I ... Rylee... I did say no but ... he ... he didn't listen and then ... and then I just blacked out and ... I. I'll just go. I'm sorry." he shook his head and quickly ran out of the room to just leave. Where he would go? He did not know. Maybe he could go cuddle up with the kitten.
He wanted to reach out and pull Isiah back into his arms, but he was too hurt. Rylee didn't understand why Isiah wouldn't continue to say no if he had started to. Had he changed his mind midway through and decided that he really did just want to sleep with someone else? The fact that his lov--his ex was a incubus hadn't even come into his mind. All that Rylee knew was that Isiah had slept with someone and instead of fighting like hell to make the other man stop his advances, he eventually just went with it.

The elemental stood up and went into his bedroom, closing the door so that he wouldn't be able to give into his urges.
Tomias arched a brow, watching a weeping Isiah rush past him and he blinked a few times. What ... the heck? He remained quiet and easily got the racing thoughts of the boy. His eyes went a little wide and he sighed softly. He moved through the halls before seeing the redhead's room. Ugh. He moved inside, not even bothering to knock or anything of that sort. Hey, it was his house, sort of. His love owned it, but that was not the point! They were married, they were supposed to share.

Making his way to the bedroom, he opened the door and looked over at the redhead, shaking hsi head a little bit. "All right. I'm going to tell you this because I love my nephew... and you're tolerable when with him.." He began, walking over to the man and pressing his forefinger to the other's forehead. "Are you listening?"
He was ready to crawl into bed and drown in his own sorrows when the door opened and Tomias came in. The redhead groaned and pulled his covers over his head to attempt to ignore him. Did he want things to work out with Isiah? Yes. More than anything. But couldn't a guy just have one good and decent self pity party around this place??
Whacking the man upside the head, his eyes narrowed a bit more. "No self pity you jerk!" he protested, rolling his eyes before taking in a deep breath. "Here's the deal..." he began, eyes still to the other with a little shake of his head. "Isiah is part incubus. Most of the time, he is strong enough to control the urges his other half floods himself with. Your boyfriend was raped, you know. He did not want what happened. The demon within him took over. Took control and made him enjoy it and ... well, the kid that did it's dead. Deservingly so, but it was not consensual with Isiah. He did not want it. That's what he was trying to tell you."
Rylee sighed. "Just leave." He had heard Tomias, but his anger had now shifted to him. He wanted to wallow in pity for a few hours before going to find Isiah to try to work it all out. But of course, that wasn't allowed. Still, Rylee was going to take a couple of hours to himself anyway. "I'll talk to him later just leave." He needed to be alone. Yes, that was it.
Tomias rolled his eyes and then growled a little bit more. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he kept his eyes to the man on the bed. "Rylee ... Isiah has not been this upset in a while. I'm going to let you know now. When Isiah's upset, I mean really upset, he hurts himself." With that, he turned on his heels and left, figuring it would put everything into perspective for him. Hopefully.
Hurt? "Mother fucker." It was directed towards Tomias out of frustration as Rylee climbed out of his bed and threw clothes on. He wasn't sure where he was going to look for Isiah, but he had to look. His first bet would be on home, and then... Well he'd turn the school and the city upside down trying to find him. Of course, he could enlist the help of Tomias, but Rylee really just wanted to kick the man in the shin. Instead, he yelled out towards the man as he moved through the hallways: "GOOD LUCK GETTING YOUR PRE-QUAD BODY BACK!"
Tomias watched him leave, quite relieved right now. He took in a deep breath, looking at the man and he shook his head a little bit more. "Don't be jealous because I'm sexier than you!" He called after him, chuckling a little bit more. He shook his head a bit and continued forward, arms crossed over his lower torso while he moved through the halls. "Try the lake!" He yelled after him and chuckled a little bit more.

Tomias was right. Isiah was sitting beside the lake, curled into a ball and his face buried into his lap. His arms tightly wound around his legs, his hands resting on his wrists, nails digging into his flesh and raking along the pale flesh. He could not believe what he did! He just could not! He was horrible. He was the worst. No wonder Rylee did not even want to be near him. He took in a deep and shuddering breath, whimpering a little bit more and just digging the nails into his flesh a little stronger, not feeling the bit of relief he needed right now.
He didn't get the desired reaction that he wanted but Tomias gave him good information and the redhead wasn't going to give that up. He moved quickly towards the lake, searching the shores from the southern most point, which was the closest to the school. He saw the flash of silver when the sun hit Isiah's hair and Rylee quickly moved over to the teen. He wasted no time in scooping him up into his arms and against his chest.
The teen gasped when he was suddenly being held. He tried to push him away before he realized it was Rylee. "W-what?" He whispered, eyes tearing up and he just buried his face into the other's chest. "why... why are you here? I thought you hated me." he mumbled, nails digging into the inner flesh of his forearm. Even if Rylee was there, he could not just stop. His mind was too clouded right now to stop. He was only hurting more inside because the redhead was there.
"Never," he answered while moving back towards the building. "But if you don't stop digging your nails into your arms I just might start." He was kidding, of course, but he wanted Isiah to think that he wasn't so that he would stop hurting himself. The redhead brought them back to his room and sat down on the sofa, once more holding Isiah in his lap. Rylee was glad that he was finally able to reach out and take hold of his love's hands and keep them from digging into the already wounded flesh.

"Deep breaths and-slowly-tell me the whole story."
Isiah went wide-eyed and forced his nails to stop digging into his flesh. It took a lot of willpower in order for him to do so. It was horrible. Really it was. He let out quite the many tears as hr buried his face into the man's chest and just let the tears flow while they moved. When he was once more on the couch, he looked up at the man, his nails having dug themselves back into his arms without him even realizing it.

Looking down at his bloody nails and arms, his eyes slowly lifted up back to the redhead. He was a lovely red shade and he looked down at his lap. "I was walking. I don't know exactly what happened. I just remember that one minute, I was walking, and the next, everything went black. When I came to again, there was some man above me and ... undressing me and ... I told him no and ... and then I blacked out again. I do not know for how long, but when I was back, I... I was on top of him." He blushed deeper, burying his face into the other's chest. "And ... I was enjoying it. Th-then ... then I lost consciousness and ... and when I came back, I was lying beside the man and ... and he was dead."
He listened, holding onto Isiah's hands to make sure that he didn't start digging into his arms again. Rylee wanted to ask questions, but what good would it do? Isiah didn't remember half the night and even if he did, he was too upset to talk about it. The redhead hugged the other man tightly to his body, kissing the top of his head. "I think your uncles need to teach me how to read your mind."
Isiah lifted his eyes to look up at the man with a pathetic look to his indigo eyes. He bit his bottom lip, not helping it right now. He lent into the man, burying his face into his neck and just quietly crying into his neck. He was horrible. The worst. He ... he could not believe what he did. He whimpered softly and kissed the man's neck before going back to lacing his neck with salty tears.
Rylee held him, hugging him tightly. What else could he do? Isiah wasn't in any condition to listen to reason and, if he was honest, Rylee wasn't ready to think reasonably, either. For the moment, he let his mind go blank, not wanting to think about the ramifications of the situation just yet.
Isiah took in a shuddering breath and curled up tighter into the other's form. He whimpered a few times, fingers curling around the front of his shirt tightly, not wanting to let go of him at all. He was too scared that he would lose him. He did not want him to just abandon him and leave him like he knew he probably should. He whispered a soft, "I love you" and then just curled up tighter into him. He took in a few more breaths and then before he could completely do much, he just fell right asleep in the other's arms.
Holding Isiah for a little while longer, Rylee pressed a little kiss to his temple while standing and moving into the bedroom. He laid his love down on the bed and tucked him in, leaving a note on his chest. "Come find me. ~R" With a kiss to his forehead, the redhead left the room, clicking the door shut and returning to his classroom. He felt confident that Isiah wasn't going to hurt himself and he still needed a little time alone.
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