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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

When Isiah awoke, he groaned, a little worried until he saw the note. Reading it over, he yawned softly and gave another little nod. Sliding from the bed, he took a quick shower and then stealing some of his love's clothes. He tugged them onto his form and he made his way through the halls. He hoped that the man was in his classroom, otherwise, he was not sure where the man would be.
He worked through grading the rest of the papers that he hadn't gotten to earlier in the day. Currently, the redhead was on the last paper that he had to grade at all, and his eyes were weary and tired. Really, how had these students gotten this far in school? Their grammar and spelling and basic English skills left much to be desired. Perhaps a gun to his head was an option after this?
Slowly, the teen made his way into the classroom, seeing the other and he relaxed a little. Cautiously, he walked over to the man, moving to his knees and he took a strong hold of the other's shirt, burying his face into his chest with a soft whimper. "I do love you." He whispered, nuzzling into him a little bit more with his eyes fluttering closed. "I am sorry. Do ... Do you hate me, Rylee?"
Isiah was a very welcome distraction. Rylee looked down at him with a soft little smile, arms wrapping around the teen's shoulders tightly. "What are you sorry for?" he asked. It was hard for the redhead to think that he had assumed that his love had gone and willingly cheated on him, and he was ashamed of himself for ever thinking that.
He buried his face into the other's lap a little more, holding him tighter still. "For ... being with another man."
He sighed a little and kissed the top of Isiah's head, hugging him closer to his chest. "You were seduced, Isiah; raped." he offered softly, rubbing circles over the teen's back to try to comfort him. "And for circumstances beyond your control, you could do nothing. And I wouldn't have wanted you to fight back because I don't want you to be hurt." Lifting the teen's face with a finger, Rylee kissed him. "You have nothing to apologize to me for."
Isiah kissed the other back and leaned up into the man a little more. "I love you' he whispered and pushed his form up from the ground He moved onto the man's lap, curling up and nuzzling into his neck. "I love you so much." He cuddled him and kept a very strong hold on the front of his shirt. His indigo eyes fluttered closed as he rested against his form, yawning softly and missing his love so much. He did not like him being so mean. He looked down at his arms, seeing the wounds he inflicted and just pulling the sleeves of his borrowed shirt down and around his hands.
Rylee cuddled with his lover, carding his fingers through the teen's hair with his own nose buried into Isiah's neck. The redhead returned the words, sealing each one with a little kiss to the teen's neck or shoulder or jaw. "We'll get Rune to heal those for you," he offered, noticing the sleeves being pulled down to hide the wounds.
Isiah shook his head, nuzzling into the man a little bit more. "I'm fine." he whispered, clutching the other's shirt all the tighter as he did so. He remained silent and another yawn passed his lips. He really, truly loved this man so very much. "Let's go out for dinner." He offered gently, tilting his head back to look up at him, smiling all the more.

Caden didn't know what had happened, or when. They were doing so well and then he woke up one day and Raphael was gone. And so were his things. The blond was devastated. And while he had committed to taking care of Ella while she was at school, she was eighteen now and had an apartment with Dawn. Caden flew back to Italy immediately for the comfort of his brother, and to give Relic and Rune the piece of mind that he really wanted to give Raphael.
Relic was happily bouncing about his home, humming cheerfully as he did so. Sure! he was getting quite the lovely glare from his lonely little Addy, but what did that matter? Today was beautiful! He had a new spring dress on - which he was wearing - and his husband was lovely as ever. It was just a good day in general.
Tanner was a bit confused. They weren't expecting anyone, and those who would come over usually walked in. The blond was, understandably, shocked to see his brother. "Caden?"

When the door open, Caden didn't waste any time in falling into his brother's arms, clinging to the younger blond tightly.
Adamair slowly made his way past the door, arching a brow at the person his father held. "Who the hell is that?" he asked, obviously unhappier than he normally was. What was worse? he did not care. He was unhappy right now. His lovely Alexander was off in Japan, probably drooling over all the gorgeous men there. Not that he did not have faith in their relationship. He did. But that did not mean his love would not look at other men.
Tanner hushed his son sharply. He knew that Addy was hurting and depressed, but he could see that Caden was obviously distressed. There was no need to be rude. "Go find your mother for me, please." With that requested, Tanner closed the front door and lead his brother into the living room, comforting him the entire way. "What happened, Caden?"

The older blond shook his head a little, unable to tell the story right then. Might as well wait for Relic so that he didn't have to tell it twice.
Adamair rolled his eyes at his father, cursing a little under his breath. But, he did as told. He went through the house, finding his mother and telling him some blond freak was crying to his father.

Relic perked up. "Blond?" He blinked a few times, kissing his son's cheek and soon making his way out of the room and over to where his love was. He tilted his head to the side, interest and concern both lacing his features. "Caden?"
Relic was lucky that he hadn't eaten in a few days. Caden was too weak to rush across the room like he wanted to and beat him, simply because he was an extension of Raphael in his mind. Instead, the blond buried his face into his brother's neck and clung to him more tightly. "He...he...le...left..." His words were broken in between sobs, and whispered. Saying them would make them really, truly true.
Relic blinked a few times, hearing his words and his heart broke just a bit. "What?!" He moved closer to the two, his eyes wide. "He left?! That ... That's unacceptable!" His brows furrowed and he bit his bottom lip, not happy right now at all. He slowly looked down at the blond, bending over to examine him a little more. "You need to eat." He stated, hands on his hips as he did so. "You should eat, then take a warm bath, and rest. When you wake up, you can tell us what happened. And I can send Rune to hunt him down and kill him if you want."
He knew that he had to eat, and while he was mad at Relic because of Raphael, he knew that his brother-in-law was right, and that there was no way he was going to get better if he didn't eat. And, really, he knew that he wasn't angry with Relic. The blond nodded-both to eating, and Rune hunting down his... He couldn't think about titles or he'd break down all over again. Caden nuzzled his brother's neck before biting into it and drinking.
Relic straightened, sighing softly as he did so. He shook his head and then took a step back. He would go make him something to eat-eat afterward. He knew the blood was a necessity, but he could eat proper food, and it would be nice to have something to drown his sorrows in! Or maybe that was just Relic. He adored eating when he was upset. His metabolism could handle it, so why not? Chocolate cheesecake it was!
It wasn't long after he'd nearly gorged himself that Caden fell asleep, leaning against Tanner.

Tanner sighed and settled his brother down on the sofa for the time being and moved to find his husband. The blond hugged the other man from behind and nuzzled his neck. "Rune doesn't get to kill him," he muttered with a little sigh, pecking his neck. "I get first dibs."
Relic groaned, sinking against his love a little more. "I don't get it!" he whispered, turning his head to the side to look at the man behind him. "Why would he do that?! Did he lose his mind? They seemed so happy ... Caden's a vampire for him..." He groaned once more, burying his face into the other's neck with a pout. "I get to burn the left overs."
Nodding in agreement, Tanner hugged the man tighter and sighed. "I don't care why," he answered truthfully. "He didn't tell Caden why and that isn't acceptable." The blond wouldn't expect anyone to stay in a relationship where they were unhappy, but to just disappear wasn't right. With a sigh, Tanner pulled away from his husband. "I'm going to move him up to the spare room. I doubt he'll be going back to Greece..."
Relic nodded, smiling softly as he did so. "Okay." He whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. He did not understand! that was what was driving him mad. What the hell was wrong with him!? He bit his bottom lip, shaking his head and turning back to the kitchen. Now, it was time to do some action. Everything that could possibly create anything sweet was taken from the cupboards and the man went to work.
"Addy!" Tanner called while moving back towards the living room. "Make up the spare room, please!" The blond sighed and leaned down to lift Caden up. He kissed his brother's cheek and began to carry him through the house and towards the room that would now be his.
Adamair went wide-eyed at the mention of the spare room. The spare room!? SHIT! He quickly ran past his father and charged up the stairs to quickly sort out everything. There was a lot of feet movement up in the room, followed by a few groans, one of an agitated Addy toward the end. "Just do it!" He hissed, grumbling a little bit more.

Quickly, the blond pushed a boy out of the bedroom, gasping when he saw his father." Shiiiiit" he hissed, trying to shove the short little boy into the bathroom. The closet... under the rug -- ANYTHING!
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