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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

It wasn't all that unusual for Relic to pop up with the suggestion of a walk through town. Tanner thought nothing of it, and enjoyed the quiet closeness with his husband. It was nice to stroll through the streets with Relic tucked securely into his side. The suggestion, however, threw Tanner for a loop. He stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk, ignoring the frustrated grumbles of those behind them and looked to his lover.

"You do, do you?"
The man nodded, smiling cheerfully up at his love. He kissed his lips softly and then settled back onto his side. "Yes." he confirmed, nuzzling into his shoulder a little bit. "maybe not now but ... my little baby will be out of the house before we know it, and off with the stupid doctor-god and ... I think we should. then we can take a break for a few centuries, or something."
Tanner thought it over. While yes, Sebastian would soon be out of the house, he really wasn't in too much of a rush to fill their home again just yet. Like his brothers-in-law, he wanted to take a few years to themselves and enjoy simply being married. "What if we waited?" he asked, kissing the top of Relic's head. "Not centuries, but five or ten years..."
Relic pouted, looking up at the man with a pathetic little look to his eyes. Wait? He chewed his bottom lip slightly, resting his head once more against his shoulder and he nodded a little "All right. Maybe. i'll agree for now, but if in a few years, I want another one, I'm bringing this u--" The man stopped abruptly, perking up and beaming from ear to ear. Was that -- IT WAS! His eyes sparkled with quite the bit of dark mischief as he did so. Turning to his love, he pressed a kiss to his lips." Few years, if I want one, I'll bring it up again. but ... Oh Give me a second!" he kissed him once more before rushing off to the random brunette that was just walking through the streets.

Staying behind the slightly-shorter male, Relic remained quiet before taking one large step to tap the man's shoulder. His hands laced behind his back and his eyes ever so innocently fluttered up at the man.

Turning to see who it was, the brunette went wide-eyed and literally yelled, jumping back quite a few feet. "Stay away! Just ... stay the fuck away!" He yelled, hands in front of him protectively.

Relic giggled happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "So you do remember me!"
Tanner looked at Relic when he stopped short, confused. The blond followed his husband's gaze, but that didn't help, either. He wasn't sure who it was that Relic was looking at, but when his lover rushed off, Tanner followed. He wasn't expecting the reaction of the other man, and he stepped in, an arm around Relic's waist. "Wanna...ya know...fill me in?" he asked, smiling softly at the other male and taking his love a step backwards.
Relic beamed, quite amused at the whole thing. He turned to look at his love, kissing his cheek softly and then turning to look back at the brunette. 'Him? He is an ex who cheated on me. Multiple times." He smirked, loving his little mischievous side right now.

The brunette glared at the man and twitched slightly. "Fucking freak" he hissed, hand rubbing at his lower back as he stared at the ravenette.

"Awww. You shouldn't cheat on me, and you'd still have your backbone." he stated, smiling all the more as he did so.
Looking between the two, Tanner only could shake his head. Despite not wanting to, he couldn't help but agree with Relic. Of course, the comment that came from the man didn't help sway his opinion. "I think that you should bite your tongue before speaking ill of my husband," the blond warned. Though, Relic wasn't off the hook. Tanner looked over to him.

"Is there...a particular reason you chose to torture him?" he asked. "It sounds as if you already got your revenge, and we were having a nice conversation where you were agreeing with me. I like when you agree with me."
Relic giggled happily, nuzzling his love happily and just beaming even more. "Hm? Oh. Because when you try to kill me, you never get off the hook." His lashes fluttered and he giggled all the more. Oh yes, that was very true. He nuzzled his love once more. "I'll make it up to you" he whispered, nipping the side of his neck softly and then turning to look at the man that was just glaring at him.
Kill him? Well that was a different story. Tanner pulled Relic into his side a bit more tightly. "Oh?" he asked, kissing the top of his husband's head. "I think I'd like to hear this story..." The blond gave a rather dirty look to the stranger, daring him to attempt to leave. After knowing what had happened, maybe he would want a piece of the man, too...
Relic looked over at his love, smiling gently to him. He shrugged his shoulders absently "Long story short?" He began, trying to think about just what to tell him. "he cheated on me. I found out and we got into an argument. He thought he could just drown his problems away and thought he had. Of course he did not know about Rune nor Daddy ... So that was fun as all hell. Who doesn't love to see me at every turn?" He giggled a little bit more and then nuzzled his shoulder "And when I did eventually confront him, he said things he should not have, I found out that it was not just one other person he fucked, and so I tried to rip his spine out of his body."
Listening, Tanner's dislike for the other male grew exponentially with each word. "Oh?" he asked, disappointed with the word 'tried'. For once, Tanner would have been happy to hear that his lover had succeeded in his revenge. Perhaps they could complete Relic's task... The blond glared at the stranger, managing to keep his growl under control. He couldn't help the little bite, though. "Pity it was only an attempt..."
Relic turned to his love, nuzzling him gently and smiling a little more. "Sweetie, he used to be taller than me." He winked and bumped his hip against his softly. His arms wrapped around his form and he took in a deep breath. "Eh. Let's go do something else. I don't care anymore."
Saying goodbye was not going to be easy. But he was leaving in twenty four hours. Alex slumped over to Addy's house, sad that they soon would be apart for a long time. He wandered through the house, searching for his boyfriend. When he found him, Alex nearly collapsed into him, burying his face into Addy's neck while holding the other male tightly to him. Why couldn't he have the best of both worlds: school in Japan and being close to Addy? Alexander pouted with the thought.
Adamair perked up when his love was suddenly holding onto him. He had not expected him to find him right now. His arms wrapped around his shoulders, kissing his lips softly. Without saying a word, he hoisted the other up and onto his shoulder, silently moving through the hall and into his little sewing room. Finally getting one separate from his mother's. Really, he loved his mom, but he did not want to be close when they were both wanting to get their products out.

Placing his love on his desk, he leaned up into him, kissing his lips passionately for a good while. He gave him one last peck before whispering a soft "stay" only to disappear behind the Japanese-styled separating wall [thing] for a few moments. When he came back out, he had on quite the skimpy maid's outfit. The outfit consisted of a barely-there skirt with ruffles, a simple black frilly and ruffling top that had spaghetti straps, and then a little hat atop his head. He smiled as he made his way over to his love, arms wrapping around his shoulders as his eyes kept up with his, smiling gently. "I figure you'll need an extra-sexy image of your lover to leave with." he whispered, kissing his lips gently once more. "To make sure everyone else looks hideous."
Alex very playfully beat his fists against his lover's back, protesting to being picked up and carried that way. Though, he didn't have any complaints about having the life kissed out of him that way... He wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and pulled him tight, not willing to let go for any reason. Though...he was a bit happy that he had let go when he saw Adamair's outfit...

Pulling his love forward again, Alex's hands slipped up under the skirt, groping the other man's ass tightly. "You could be in a burlap sack and they would all look hideous."
"Good boy." he whispered softly behind their lips, pressing into him a little bit more. He slid his arms around his form, pulling him tighter to his form while his lips began to kiss along his neck, groaning softly into the pale flesh of his little vampire. "I love you, Alex." He nipped at his neck playfully before continuing to kiss down the other's form, hands already beginning to pry the man's shirt from his body.
"Love you."

Alex's fangs slid out and he used them to nip at Addy's neck. They were shallow wounds, not nearly deep enough to feed off of, but enough to allow him to taste the blood and calm himself a little bit more.

By the time that they had exhausted each other, fabric samples were strewn everywhere, their clothes were...well he wasn't really sure where they were to be honest, and there were several more trickles of blood running down either side of Adamair's neck from identical shallow wounds like the first that had been inflicted. As his senses began to return to him, he looked up at the other. " I going to do?" he asked, licking at a droplet of blood to indicate what hew as talking about.
Adamair lay on his stomach, his arms crossed beneath his form while he looked over at his love, only to close his eyes when his tongue ran along his flesh. "Learn to regulate and keep some packets in your room." He suggested, eyes fluttering open to look at him once more. He leaned into him again to press a kiss to his blood-laced lips, pulling away to trail his thumb along his lips, pressing the digit to Alex's lips a moment later so he could get the excess. "You'll find something. Just ... don't skip. That's where you go wrong and crazy. And I don't want to ever get the phone call of: I lost control and fucked and sucked this guy."
He groaned. The packets were never as good! But he would never be able to live with himself if he did anything with anyone else. Not that he wanted to, anyway. It still worried Alex. He often got so wrapped up in life that he simply...forgot. That was a big plus to having his lover so close-it was easy to find someone to feed off of. At school...well not so much. "But it's so hard to remember..." he whined softly.
Adamair shook his head. his whining love was adorable, but unacceptable at this moment. He leaned into him once more, pressing a faint kiss to his lips. "You're going to have to. Set an alarm. Mark it on the calendar. tattoo it. I don't care what you do, just remember." he whispered, kissing him again and pulling back with a little nip to his bottom lip. 'Or else you'll have to deal with me."
He pouted. Alexander had been hoping to use his poor memory as an excuse to smuggle Adamair away with him. Obviously, that wasn't going to be happening. The teen nuzzled into his lover's chest, pressing little kisses here and there. Something so wonderful shouldn't feel so horrible! "Can I say with you tonight?"
A blond brow lifted in question, pulling back to look down at his love with interest. "You thought you weren't?" he asked simply, nipping the tip of the other's nose playfully. "Of course." he whispered, kissing the top of his head and then closing his eyes with a soft little sigh. "I do love you. I'll call you. Get a webcam. Make kinky outfits. Talk to you all the time. The normal things."
"Send me packets?" he asked, his eyes wide and hopeful. It wouldn't be the same but it would be closer than someone else's blood... Before Adamair answered, he leaned up and kissed him, pressing their bodies close together. They stayed like that for a while before the vampire pulled away and stood up, helping his boyfriend up, too. "I want to do something," he declared. "I only have today left to spend with you and I wanna do something."
Adamair arched a brow. Send him packets? He could ... do that. Little sketchy of course but that was okay. He would not mind. He could do that for him. He leaned into the other, kissing him gently and saying a soft "kay" before relaxing with him a little more. Once they were off the ground, he arched a brow. "We're not dying. You're just going away." He sighed, leaning forward to press another little kiss to his lips. "What do you want to do?" he asked, hands on the other's hips while he began to sway them from side to side, dancing to the song going through his mind.
Really, Alex had half expected Addy to tell him no. His heart danced a little with the answer and he smiled, kissing his lover softly. "Lets...go on a date!" he suggested, moving with the other male easily. "Dinner...a cream..." Some other things, too, but they would figure out what to do in between those things later on.
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