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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"What a good pet," he commented in a too cheery voice. "And I didn't even have to train you very much." The blond took both the leash and the collar, picking up a simply black set to add, just in case. He added those to the basket he had picked up on the way into the store and began to browse around, looking at everything. While they would likely make other trips back here, he didn't want to start to scare the other male too much. Of course, he might have when he stopped in the lingerie section. "Size?"
Collars were one thing, lingerie was a completely different monster. He stopped dead in his tracks, just staring at all the lacy things and scantily made items. His jaw moved a little here and there before he turned to look at the man. What kind of parents did he have?! What kind of people would create someone like him!? He crossed his arms over his lower torso, holding his form tightly as he turned to look to the side. Damn. "Small." He mumbled, blushing horribly as he did so. Jerk.
For a minute, Kerr thought that he would refuse. And oh how he would have loved to punish him in public! But, alas, it wasn't meant to be yet. He hadn't pushed enough buttons, or the right ones. Well, it was a good thing that he never gave up! Nodding, he picked out an assortment of panties and bras. All lacey or see through or both, all were thongs or g-strings that left very little to the imagination, and even less so when the garments would be filled (over filled?) with a penis. He tossed his selections into the basket and continued on his way, watching for reactions out of the corner of his eye as he did so.
And oh the reactions the man got. Quite the many of disgust, a few of pure fear, but mostly: horror. He could not believe this was happening! Why thongs?! Panties were one thing, thongs and g-strings were something else. He had on some boy-short type things right now since boxers would be a little odd under a skirt, but thongs? THONGS!? He could already feel the discomfort. His right eye twitched slightly as he tightened his arms around his lower torso, cheeks puffed out just slightly as his green brows furrowed. Why was this happening to him?! All because he wanted to be in this school.
"Easy access, sweet pea," he explained without giving the male a second look. Kerr dropped a few more things into their basket: a simple cock ring, a few plugs in various sizes-something told him that they would need them, and a decent sized dildo. All necessities. He turned to look at Jayden, acting as if they were buying groceries rather than kinky sex toys. "Is there anything else that you would like?"
Jayden was going to vomit. That's it That is what the sensation was. Pure stomach gurgling protest to what was happening. The dildo seemed to be the straw to break his back. "You are NOT buying that!" He protested, pointing to the thing in the basket, his eyes staring up at the other with a bit of fear with protest. "That's just... No! No no no! NO!"
"And who are you to tell me how I spend my money?" he questioned, bemused. He loved to be entertained, and the fact that Jayden was so indignant about the whole thing made it that much better. "There," he added, tossing in a large one before replacing the original back onto the shelf. "Happy now? I'm not buying it." He smiled, quite obviously very pleased with himself. "It's your last chance to add your choices to the basket..." Kerr began to walk towards the register at the front of the store, setting the basket up on the counter when he reached it.
Shit. Jayden bit his lip when he saw the replacement, resisting the urge to just fall to his knees and try to turn into mush. He stared at the man when he left to go to the register. He quickly picked up some lube - strawberry flavored apparently - and tossed that into the basket as well. He sensed he would be needing it. A lot. He blushed deeply, arms crossed tightly over his lower torso and he kept his gaze to the side, not wanting to look at the man.
Ah so he was thinking! Well, the lube would be more for Jayden's benefit than his own, but Kerr would give him this one. Besides, the goal was to humiliate him, not physically hurt him. The items were paid for and the collar that the other had picked out for himself was put around his neck and the leash attached. Kerr gave a satisfied look to the accessory and then began to lead his pet out of the store and back to his truck. It was almost time for dinner at school and he didn't want to pass up the first opportunity to show his little pet off!
Jayden jumped when hands were suddenly near him, staring at the collar and going quite pale. His eyes looked pathetically up at the other, practically pleading for this to just stop. He knew it would not work, but he just could not be happy right now. He followed - not like he had a choice - and moved into the passenger's seat. He tugged at the collar, groaning a little bit. He rested his forehead against the window again, just wishing this was all some horrible nightmare.
The ride back was riddled with rush hour traffic. This was as good a time as any to talk about expectations. "You're to do what I say, when I say." Kerr didn't bother with the niceties of it all. "You're to do everything a good 'girlfriend' would do-and I do mean everything. If you refuse, you'll be punished. However, I'm willing to consider limits." That was being nice enough. Really, he didn't have to consider anything if they were both honest with themselves.
Jayden blushed horribly. His form sunk lower into the chair and he pulled his knees to his chest, trying to shove the skirt under his rump to not flash anything. His face buried into his thighs and he said a simple, "Thanks" to the mention of limits. At least he had some bit of courtesy. Not much, but it was better than nothing. Maybe he could at least have a say in the things the pervert wanted him to do.
"That means speak up, or I will assume you have none." He didn't want to be in the heat of the moment and then have to stop. What fun would that be? Besides, it would mean he was giving up control and that just wouldn't be allowed. He waited to hear what the other had to say, wondering what he would try to get away with.
Jayden sighed heavily, turning to look at the other, green eyes staying to the side of his face. "How about: No sex." He said simply, knowing that that would be shot down faster than a duck. He did not want to get intimate with this man. He had never been intimate with anyone why would he want some perverted freak to be the one who took that away? He sighed, turning to rest his chin on his knee. "I don't even like boys."
"Shoulda thought of that when you decided to dress like a chick, huh?" He didn't even dignify the request with an answer. They both knew what it would be. "I"m trying to be considerate. Don't take advantage of that, because I can make you hurt." He reached over and trailed his fingers over the back of the thigh closest to him. "Your last chance..." They were pulling into the school parking lot and once he got out of the truck, the discussion, as far as he was concerned, would be closed.
Jayden blinked a few times, shuddering at the feel of his fingers on his flesh. Decide?! He had never even had sex! how could he think of something that he would not want if he had never done anything? his mind was racing, trying to find something. He gasped, turning to look at the man "Pain. I ... I don't want pain. Okay? That... That's the main thing. Yes. Yes, that works, right?"
No pain? That... Well. There were many different kinds of pain, he supposed. But Kerr nodded a little before explaining. "I can't promise no pain. Sex, after all, is painful the first few times. And if you misbehave I'm not going to hesitate to redden your behind. Other than that? I think that can be arranged." He nodded again and then slipped out of the truck, taking the bag with him. He took a hold of Jayden's leash when he stepped from the truck as well. "Ready for dinner?"
Staring at the man, he listened to him, eyes wide as he did so. Oh, this was not going to be fun. At least he said he would try, right? that was better than a flat-out no. He slowly stepped from the car, staring at the leash that now was attached to the man. Why did he have to humiliate him? Couldn't he just get pleasure from knowing he was freaking out inside? He gave a small 'no' but began to walk toward the cafeteria nonetheless. not like he could get out of this even if he wanted to.
"You will eat," he mentioned as they moved through the halls towards the cafeteria. "You will eat and take care of yourself, or I will force you to do so." They joined his group of friends in the dining room, after a couple of whistles were given to their new table mate, of course. He didn't bother with introductions. They weren't sitting here so Jayden could make friends.
Jayden followed to the table, ignoring the whistles but turning a lovely red nonetheless. He got a simple salad, not really wanting to eat right now. His stomach was in knots about what was going to wind up happening when they were back at the dorm. He picked up a piece of lettuce, munching on it before doing the same to a cucumber, not looking up at anything other than his salad.
Dinner was uneventful. Kerr kept one hand on Jayden's knee. It was partially to keep control, though he really just wanted to make the other boy uncomfortable. He gave a little squeeze and then stood up after they were both finished eating (he had even sat around and waited for the other), taking the leash and beginning to lead the male back towards their dorm. "When we get back," he commented softly to keep anyone else from hearing, "I want whatever undergarments that you brought with you." He hadn't just spent a boatload of money on new ones for him to wear the old ones!
Any? Jayden looked up at the other, already far too used to the leash by now. He stared at him for a while, sighing heavily a moment later. His eyes traveled back to his feet, not really wanting to deal with anything right now. He just did not know what to do. The man controlled him. That was obvious. A few hours ago, everything was great! He took his criticism, he planned to do better next time, and no one knew he had a penis! Now ... Kerr was evil.
Walking into the room, Kerr removed the leash once the door was closed. He felt just a little bit bad, thought not enough to keep himself in control and gaining from the situation. just a tiny bit wouldn't hurt. "You're welcome to dress as a boy within the room. If you wear underwear, though, they must be the ones that I bought for you today. If you leave the room, you must be fully dressed-panties and bra and skirt included." He flopped onto his bed. "Bring me all of your underwear that you brought to school with you."
Turning to look at the male, he arched a brow. This man had ... strange fetishes. That was all he could think of right now. He shook his head, turning to his dresser. He pulled out the top drawer, walking over to the other's bed and just dumping it onto the mattress before he moved to return the drawer to the dresser. He then flopped onto the bed, right leg draped over his left and his green eyes keeping to his lap. Yep. He felt quite the bit of awkward right now.
With a wave of his hand, the clothes disappeared without a care in the world. So what if those were his only undergarments? Was that his problem? No. No it wasn't. He looked over to the other male. "It's not fetishes," he replied to the unspoken thoughts. "It's simply humiliation. I gain pleasure and power in your humiliation and I really couldn't give two shits about how to accomplish that."
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