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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian squeaked when the sheets were removed, trying to get them back but failing horribly. Even worse, his pants were then pulled away and he pouted until he felt the man crawl on top of him. He rested his hands on the other's chest, pouting a little bit more when he nipped at him. "What about then?" He murmured, definitely not in the mood to even leave the bed.
"I wish to know what they were. Don't make me go and find out on my own..." It was an empty threat-Jupiter wouldn't use his powers for such trivial things. Especially when the alternative was lying the way they were. The god began to place passionate kisses to his lover's neck, suckling on the sensitive flesh here and there.
Sebastian whimpered the more the man kissed him. Oh how mean he was! He pouted and looked up at the other with a pathetic look to his eyes. "I could do my surprise if you'd stop this." He whispered, pucking up into him with another little groan, kissing his lips softly.
Smirking with the 'request', Jupiter decided that the surprise could wait. He was fully enjoying himself, and if the hard member poking into his thigh was any indication, so was Sebastian. The god latched his lips onto his soul mate's neck, sucking hard and long enough to make a pretty, bright mark on his gorgeous flesh. "Maybe later," he muttered, moving his lips down along his lover's chest.
A deep gasp pulled into his lungs, bucking into the other and moaning softly into the air with his words. Oh how the other drove him insane! His eyes fluttered to the back of his head and he moaned out once more. "Mm ... I do not mind." He whispered, tilting his head to the side with the other's lips against his neck.
They made love, several times over. It was hours later that Jupiter collapsed onto the bed next to Sebastian, panting and resting his head on the younger man's chest. "Love you" was whispered and he kissed his lover's chest a few more times before settling down, eyes closing. He could go for another nap now...
Sebastian groaned when the man was finally done with him. He stretched his arms above his head, sighing heavily as he turned to look at the male next to him, groaning with the kiss. Mm. Lovely. He turned his head, smiling lightly as he did so. "Now I don't want to go." He whispered, nuzzling into the man with a little yawn to his lips. "It wasn't anything big." He admitted with a nod, groaning once more.
"Thanks," he groaned, teasing a bit. Jupiter bit one of Sebastian's nipples for the comment before settling back down again. "Tell me what it was?" he asked, nuzzling a bit. "Then maybe we can do it later?" A nap sounded wonderful at the moment but he was still interested in the surprise that his lover had taken the time to set up for him.
He turned to bury his face into the side of the man's neck. Mm. He was so, so very lovely. He slid his hands up the other's chest and softly raked his nails along his chest as his own little punishment. "Picnic." He said softly, looking up at him and nuzzled into his chest a little bit more. Yea. That was all. Simple little picnic, far away, just the two of them.
Jayden could not believe this happened. It worked! It actually worked. There were only THREE positions, and he filled one! Oh how happy he was. He would be able to fulfill his musical career! The downside? He was in a skirt. Yes, there were only three positions for the girls that were allowed in this program, but he managed! It's an all boys' school. They did not accept him as a male. Too many boys, and he did not have enough talent. That was not his fault! he had been sick that day and had not performed at his best! Now? Now he had his second chance by posing as a woman. While yes, it was lying and taking away the opportunity for another girl to get in, but who cares?! He was better than any female anyway.

Moving through the halls, the green-haired 'girl' adjusted the back on his shoulder, grassy green eyes looking around to try and find the way to his room. Luckily, he would [or should] be alone. He paid extra, so he better be alone! He took in a deep breath, moving through the halls once more and he held his bag a little tighter. He realized he was feminine. He knew he was. He looked far too nice in the white dress he was in, but the gawking stares of the guys ... was killing him.
It was nice to be away from home again. This was the second year of the program and Kerr had been invited back before the end of the second trimester the year before. He was proud of himself, and let anyone he came into contact with know it. The blond, who was never seen without a set of headphones on his head, bobbed his way through the halls towards his dorm. He didn't care who he roomed with, though he thought that he should have a single room because of his prestige at the school, so long as they shut up and let him work.

He entered the room, paying no attention to the girl who was standing half in the door way. He simply brushed past her without a word and tossed his stuff on the bed closest to the window.
Grassy-green eyes went wide as he watched his roommate walk past him. Oooh no no no! This was not good. WHY did he have a male roommate?! Didn't they look at the "female" box he checked?! oh shoot! They probably just paid attention to his name. That was probably it. His name was masculine, but it could be both! he could have been a female, namewise. He took in a deep breath and then walked forward, dragging his suitcase behind him and just wordlessly moving to his bed. He pressed against the mattress before hoisting up his case to plop onto the bed. Yes. He would just let the other know he was a woman and needed his privacy. Yes. That was smart. He had to listen, right? No one would want to be that big of a pervert to walk in on their female roommate! Good. Okay. Phew. That should be good, right?!
Looking over at her, he shrugged to himself. Kerr was having the same thoughts as to why a male and female would be roomed together but it didn't much matter. You could choose if you wanted only a male roommate, or only a female, or you could bid for a private room. Kerr hadn't checked any of the selections as it didn't matter one way or the other to him. Besides, a female roommate would mean less distractions for him, anyway.

Kerr turned the volume of his iPod down and turned to his roommate. "Just stay out of my way and we won't have issues." With that said, the blond left the room to find an empty rehearsal room.
Hearing the other's voice, Jayden froze. His breath caught in his throat. Did he know!? Was he going to tell?! Did his skirt ride up?! When the words - and door closing - finally processed, the male was both relieved yet displeased. His roommate was a jerk. A great big one it seemed. 'stay out of my way' ... That was not nice at all. Grumbled, he shook his head and went back to going through his clothes and everything else. Placing the dresses on hangers and the skirts folded to go into the dresser. A few feminine pants - some with flowers or things of that sort along the sides - and put those away as well.

It was a while before he took his suitcase and shoved it into the closet - emptied finally! he sighed, falling back onto the bed and pressing his hands against his skirt, being sure it was down enough to not show off anything.
Kerr found an empty voice studio first and so that was what he went into. His family was a wealth of musical talents. His mother taught him to sing, his father taught him piano, and his oldest brother taught him the drums. He liked all three equally, though singing soothed his nerves the most. The drums, however, were always good to get out aggressions.

The blond spent nearly an hour in the sound booth, only coming out after his voice was nearly hoarse.
upon hearing the door open, the green-haired fae jumped up and out of his bed, a gasp to his lungs and his eyes a little wide as he watched the blond move into the room and relaxed a little. Brushing down the end of his skirt, he turned and disappeared into his closet for a moment. Soon, he came back out with a pair of pajama pants and a pink hoodie with butterflies that he fully planned to wear after taking a shower. Yes, everything he owned had something girly on it. While he was feminine looking, there were times where he looked more masculine. And he did not want someone to question!

Giving a small little bow to the other, he said a soft, "i'm going to shower" before disappearing into the bathroom. The click of the lock could be heard, the green haired boy checking the knob a bit before he set everything down and began to get a nice warm shower ready.
Shrugging, Kerr flopped himself onto the bed with a song book. He had a few songs to learn for the first week and he wanted to start off ahead if he could. But ten minutes later, he couldn't concentrate. Standing up, the blond began to pound on the door despite the water in the shower still going. "Hey! C'mon I gotta pee, buddy!"
FUCK! Jayden looked over at the door, eyes a little wide and he took in a deep breath. "One minute!" he called back, hoping the man could be patient enough for just that much. He quickly shut the water off, luckily he had washed, he had just been trying to relax a little bit. He rushed forward, getting his hoodie and pulling that on, followed by his pants sticking. He glanced down, groaning a little more. "shit" he whispered, dangling the towel over his lower waist to hide one of the reasons he had been taking a while.

Slowly, he unlocked the door, keeping behind it but opening it so that the other could go into the room. He would just stay where he was until the blond was inside, then run out to his closet. Yes. That would work.
He huffed with the wait but pushed past the door and began to relieve himself, not paying any attention to his roommate or the apparent gun shyness. Prude. Not that he cared. He wasn't interested in chicks anyway. He finished and then exited the bathroom, intent on finishing his studying for the majority of the night.
Jayden kept against the door, seeing the other not even CARE that he was there. He glanced to the other before shaking his head and scurrying off into the closet. Yep. This was quite horrible. He rested his form against the back of the door, groaning a bit. His roommate was nice to look at, but his personality had a lot to be worked on. He pulled his knees to his chest, burying his face into his lap and calming his body down just a bit. Silly him to think he would be able to get some piece and alone-time.
He returned to his bed. Kerr knew that his roommate should be studying but the school encouraged competition and one less person was more attention from the professors that he could gain and use for himself. The blond read and made notes, not paying attention to the fact that the other male was currently sitting in his closet. If he had been paying attention...well that would have been a different story.
After a few minutes, just enough to catch himself and get everything under control, he slowly exited the closet. Looking over at the man, he shook his head to himself. Silently, he walked over to his bed, sitting down to rummage until he found his own books. Pushing his form back, he rested the book in his lap, a pencil in one hand, highlighter in the other, and post-it notes at his side on the bed. He was nothing if not very serious about this. He would NOT be kicked out. He would keep to this. He was not going tranny for nothing!
Kerr spent the week with his nose buried in books, his fingers on keys, hands around sticks, or in a voice booth. He was nothing but serious about the musical program and would accept nothing but his own best. He felt like he was ahead of the game when the first class of the trimester started, and as always, the blond was confident in himself and his abilities. Now all he had to do was sit back and watch the teacher pummel the ones who weren't prepared.
While Kerr was off doing his own thing, Jayden had been doing his. Flute. That was his passion. He loved how whimsical it was and how gorgeous it sounded alone, and with accompaniment. He really was in love with the instrument. He could never get enough of it! Luckily for him, his roommate was never in the room, so he typically stayed there and practice -- thank yooou soundproof dorms! Even over the weekend, Jayden felt more confident in his abilities. He really studied and practiced until his lungs could no longer handle blowing into the stainless steel item.

The first day of class was exciting! the green-haired male wore a simple brown and red plaid skirt with a red sleeveless top that had a simple brown sweater over it. Hey, he had fashion sense! and sense enough to cover up for paranoid fears. He sat at his desk, his flute case delicately placed on the wooden object his legs were beneath, his knees together, hands on his lap, and he really was very excited to start the lessons.
The class period dragged on. It seemed that the school hadn't found the number of frauds that they had the year before and that greatly disappointed Kerr. He liked laughing at the newbies who thought they were all that. Of course, he paid attention when the teacher called on his roommate to play. Well this should be rather interesting, now shouldn't it? He turned around to watch the girl go down in flames, already biting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.
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