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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner heard movements and a voice that was not his son's. He raised an eyebrow as he climbed the stairs and rounded the corner. He caught just the tail tip going into the bathroom and raised his eyebrow further. "You're caught," he told Adamair, giving him 'The Look'. "And we'll talk later. Get your friend out of the bathroom and make up that room for your Uncle." Tanner put his brother into his own room for the time being, pulling the covers up over his shoulders and kissing his forehead.
He stared at him like a deer caught in headlights. His eyes wide as he stared at the man. He sighed heavily. grumbling a few moments after. Opening the door, he motioned for the boy to get out before he turned to make his way into the guest room. He tidied up everything. new sheets. Fluffed pillows. The small mess gone. The normal stuff. When he was done, he slowly made his way out, looking to the black-haired boy that was behind him and he sighed lightly. Without a word, he led the way down the stairs to go let his parents know that hte room was ready.
Looking up when Adamair and his friend entered the kitchen. "Start talking." There wasn't any need for niceties. He wanted to know who the boy was, why he was in his house, and why neither he nor his husband knew that he was in their house. "Include just how long you've been lying to us, please."
Lying!? "I did not lie! I just ... did not ... tell." He grumbled a little, turning to look at his friend before turning once more to his parents. "His name's Eamon. His parents threw him out on his ass for reasons not mine to tell. I couldn't just abandon him and you and Mom were all busy and it's not like we use the room ... so I figured he could stay there until his parents cooled off or ... I moved out. Or ... hell froze over. Not sure which." he crossed his arms over his torso, gripping his form tightly as he looked to his parents.
"Lying by omission is still lying." Tanner stood and began to make a pot of tea for the new boy. "Well?" he prompted. "What do you have to say for yourself?" The blond didn't want or need the entire story of why he'd been kicked out of his home, but he wanted to know why he would hide rather than let himself be known. It wasn't as if he or Relic would be mad or kick him out of their home...
Eamon looked from his friend, going wide-eyed and just looking at the blond making tea. His wings flapped behind him a little and he smiled crookedly and a little fang came out to chew on the side of his lip. "um ... It's because it's better to not be associated with me." He stated, hands linked together behind his back as he kept his eyes to the male. "Bad things happen and ... I knew that if you two did not know, then you would not be in danger. I am sorry. I will get my things and leave."
"Nonsense." Tanner wouldn't hear of the boy leaving, he just wanted some information about him. "I think that you're going to sit down, explain that bit of information, and then you will move your things into Adamair's bedroom. He could use the company while Alexander is in Japan." The blond set out two cups of tea for the boys.
Adamair pouted. "Why? He's not Alex." he grumbled, but turned on his heel to go and move the bags into his room before his parents would tell him to do so.

He blinked a few times, looking at Adamair before he moved and sat at the table. His hands rested in his lap and he sighed softly. Eyes slipped closed and he shook his head a little bit more. "I am royalty ... just not in human terms, obviously." He stated, wings fluttering and ears perking up just to help show that. His eyes lifted to look over at the blond. "But not ... proper royalty. I'm the bastard of two royals who had affairs with each other. It is ... bad. Wars, blood, blah blah blah. Sooo because there is only one other boy that can take the throne on either side of my bloodline, I'm the target to kill to insure I cannot step up"
Nodding, Tanner took in the information. It didn't worry him, but it helped to know. "Well, you are to make yourself at home here. Relic can help you with any clothes as can Adamair." There wasn't too much else to say, especially when he saw Caden enter the kitchen rather groggily.

The older blond latched onto his brother-in-law and whimper. "Can I hurt him?"
Eamon's eyes shot wide with the new blond's words. "What?! I did nothing to you! My things are out of your room ... Why do you want to hurt me?!" Oh yes, his heart was racing horribly within his chest, not liking that thought at all. "I do not know you!"

Relic patted the other and shook his head before turning to the boy, smiling softly. "Not you."
Looking over, Caden was a bit confused. He hadn't realized there was someone else in the room. "Not you," he repeated, shaking his head and turning back to nuzzle into Relic's shoulder. "Can I?" he asked again, pathetically. He was hurting and wanted to take his revenge, if he was quite honest.

Tanner got up and tugged his brother away from his lover and sat him at the table. "Eat first. Then we can talk about who's going to hurt who."
Relic shook his head a little with a soft sigh. "You can hurt him. I don't care. He deserves it." He stated and then hopped up. Walking to the refrigerator, he pulled out his cheesecake, holding it out to Caden with a smile. "Want some?"
It had been a few weeks since Alex had gone to Japan. He had a week off now, though, and he was going to surprise everyone...especially Adamair. The purple haired teen moved through the courtyard of his home. His parents would wait and understand. It was late anyway and he just wanted to slip into bed with his lover and sleep.

Alexander moved through the house quietly and upstairs to Addy's room. He quietly opened the door and slid inside, quickly stripping down to nothing and sliding into the bed. When he reached his arms around Adamair's waist he...felt another body? The teen jumped up and quickly threw on the light, not caring a bit about modesty. "What the fuck!"
Adamair groaned when the light was suddenly flicked on, burying his face into the pillow and pulling the kitten closer to his form. He grumbled and cursed before looking over at the naked man. "Nn? oh.. Alex. Eamon. " He mumbled before it clicked. ALEX!? His eyes shot open and he literally shoved the little kitten off the bed, leaping over to his love. His arms wrapped around his form and he kissed him firmly on the lips before pulling back. "You're here! You're ... here!! Why? did you leave? Did you get kicked out!? Were they mean, sketchy?!" Oh yea, not even paying attention to the situation his love walked in on, just giddy that he was back. Why would he notice? He was with his friend. They both had clothes on, and Eamon was just glaring daggers at him.
Adamair was firmly pushed away. He was going to kiss him after cuddling with another man? He thought not! "I think you have more explaining to do than anyone!" he accused, hands on his hips, still unaware of his state of undress. "What the hell is going on! I leave for five weeks and you already have someone else sharing your bed?!"
"Eh?" He blinked a few times, looking over at Eamon and giving a loud "OH!" Crap. He turned back to Alexander, his ams loosely crossed over his torso and he shrugged once more. "That's Eamon. He was in the spare bedroom but now uncle Caden is in there so he was forced to share my room and since he's a little pansy, he won't sleep on the floor. Or couch." He shot him quite the glare, growling a little before once more turning back to his love. "You really think I'd be interested in some fucked-up cat?"

"HEY!" Eamon yelled, throwing a shoe at the other's head. "Respect me, you asshole! I'm royalty!"

"Not in this realm, bub."

The raven-haired male arched a brow, finally looking over the purple-haired man. "WHY are you naked?! What kind of a creeper are you that you sneak into a man's room ... NAKED!"
He still wasn't happy. Alexander pouted and looked down, shrugging. He pulled on his pants. "Fine. I won't ever get naked for you again." He gave in, though. Alex was tired and just wanted to cuddle up with his lover for the night. Wrapping his arms around the other male and nuzzled into his neck a little. "He can be a pansy all he wants-he's sleeping on the floor or the sofa because I'm not having a third party in bed with you."
Adamair smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he looked at his love. His arms easily snaked around his form and he nuzzled into him a little bit more "I suggest the couch ... unless he wants to be a pervert." He stated, shooting the boy a glare.

Eamon gave a simple "Ew!" before standing up. Taking a pillow and blanket from the bed, he stormed out, cursing under his breath as he did so. Screw that. he would just go back to the other room. He was sure that ... Caden guy would not mind. If he did? So what?! He wanted to sleep. He easily made his way to the other bedroom, sliding into the bed besid e the blond. Pillow under his head, form curled up, and hedozed off once more.
Caden shifted. He'd been sleeping lightly ever since Raphael left, and even the slight dip of the bed woke him. Opening his eyes, he saw the faint outline of cat ears and easily shoved the male out of the bed. "The house is huge, with many sofas and reclining chairs. I will not share my bed." There wasn't going to be any argument over that. He didn't want someone who wasn't Raphael in his bed!
Eamon hissed as he hit the floor. Shooting up from the ground to glare at the blond in the bed. "FINE! Then go use one." He retorted, shoving himself back into the bed and clinging to the covers this time. If he was being shoved off, he was taking the blankets with him and making a cocoon!
He growled. Caden easily tore the covers from the man and shoved him from the bed once more. "I think not!" he hissed, glaring down at him as he sat on the floor. "You will go find somewhere else to sleep or you will bother Adamair, but you will not be sleeping here!" So what if his covers now had a tear in them the size of a small person? It didn't matter.
"I CAN'T!" he yelled, shooting up from the floor once more. His hands on his hips and he growled as he glared at the blond. "His fucking boyfriend is back! They're going at it right now and I'm SORRY but I don't want to see the man I have a crush on being ravaged by some purple-haired FREAK!" He went wide-eyed, his hands clapping over his lips and he shook his head. "Ignore that. Thank you. I'll ... leave. Sorry..." he murmured, quickly gathering up the items he brought with him and rushing his beet-red face out of the room.
Were Caden in a better mood and mind frame, he'd perhaps tease the male about the confession. As it was, though, he really couldn't care less about who he liked or didn't like. "That freak is my nephew." Okay so...not really? Relic was his brother-in-law, which made Tomias his...half brother-in-law? Which made Alexander his half nephew? Whatever. They were family by marriage. "Watch your tongue, get blankets out of the closet and make a bed on the floor for god's sake!"
He shook his head a little bit more. "I'll ... I'm just leaving. Sorry again. Just ... I'm sorry.' he took in a deep breath, his normally tough exterior just slowly crumbling. Now that he said it. Now that the words were actually out of his mouth... it hurt. It hurt ... badly. He stopped at the door, suddenly not having any strength to even turn the knob. He shuddered softly before his form just slid to the ground. His knees to his chest, face into his lap. His tail curled around his ankles, ears pinned to his head, and his wings were wrapped around his shoulders. And why? Because he was crying. He just could not take it right now.
A few days passed. He couldn't help but pout. He was depressed, and it didn't matter what Tanner did or said he just couldn't feel better. Caden putted around the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. The blond knew that he hadn't been eating properly and if he started, maybe he would start to feel a little better... Maybe.
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