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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking over while still scrubbing the mattress, Caden shushed the other male. "Relic and Tomias healed you up. Just sleep." He was still too shocked to go over what had happened since the other man had gotten into the house that night, and the blond just wanted to work off his nerves. Cleaning was the best way to do that. He scrubbed down the floor and threw the sheets away, flipping the mattress before getting another set to make it up with.
"Healed?" he whispered, remaining silent and he thought for a little while. He was better. That was a good thing. He just did not know what to do right now. He could not sleep. He should, but he could not. Slowly, he moved out of the chair and shook his head a little. "I ... I'm okay." He said simply, walking to were the man was and he looked at the bed. He tugged the sheets to his side and just stared at it for a while. "I ... am going to shower." thinking for a moment, he shook his head." Bath." He stopped a few steps from the door, his face paling even more. Before he could do anything, he wound up falling to the ground, losing his balance and all sorts of stuff.
Looking up, Caden nodded. He was about to go back to making the bed when he saw Eamon falling. He quickly jolted over to the male and caught him inches from the ground. The blond shook his head at the man. "Ass," he whispered under his breath, moving the bed and settling him down there for the night.
Relic was giddy! He knew they had not planned this. They had wanted to wait. They had, but oh, apparently the gods, the fates, the whatevers had different plans for them! He was sure that Tanner would be happy as well. It had been sixteen years since they last had Sebastian, and so it should be fine! They would just have to wait another eighteen years. But only having one should be better. It truly should be. He giggled gently, looking through the house to find where his lover went to.
Tanner was excited. He was excited that they would have a few years to themselves. They could travel without lugging around another person and another set of luggage and a baby bag and a crib and formula and diapers... The blond was currently engrossed in planning a romantic vacation for himself and Relic. Sure, Sebastian was still living with them, too young to get his own place but their son was old enough to take care of himself for a weekend.

"REEEELLLLIIIICCC!" The blond wanted to tell his husband where he'd just booked them!
The man perked up when he heard his name. He beamed, turning to his love and he bounded to him, giggling happily. "hello love" he said, once he connected with his front. His arms wrapped around his hips and he nuzzled into his chest, positively beaming as he did so. He hugged him, kissing along his neck, and just oh so happy right now.
He smiled and kissed the top of his husband's head. "I've booked a romantic vacation for us!" Tanner wasted no time in sharing his joy, sure that Relic would be happy, too. "To kind of...celebrate being able to be a 'couple' again." The blond smiled and looked at his lover. "We'll leave for New Zealand next Friday after classes. I thought maybe we could stop in Australia on the way home to see the boys."
Relic blinked a few times. Romantic getaway? Oh, that sounded so nice. and then ... meeting up with the twins. Oh, that sounded even better! He took in a deep breath, looking up at the blond and he kissed the side of his neck once more. "Um ... That's great!" He stated, truly feeling it. Shoot. How could he tell him now!? he was so excited and adorable about them being able to travel now without the kids or anything like that. He looked up at him, chewing his lip a little more, playing with the ring through his lip.
He didn't notice the hesitation in his husband's voice and smiled while kissing the man softly. "I'm glad we decided to wait a little while before having more children." It wasn't that Tanner didn't love their kids, or didn't want more. He simply wanted time with his lover lovers. "We can travel the world...ravage each other..." He smiled with the thought and nuzzled into his love's neck a little.
Crap. That did not make this any better! He sighed heavily and buried his face into his neck and his arms wrapped tightly around his form, pulling him against him a little more. "That sounds great! Really, really great." He said simply, nuzzling him a little more and smiling lightly. He pulled back, looking up at him and smiling to the man. Keeping it quiet would be okay for a little while. Just wait until he was completely sure that he was pregnant. Yes. Maybe it was just a fluke? Okay, it wasn't, but he could wait a ... little.
Excited, Tanner kissed his lover once again and then moved out of the room to begin to make arrangements with Tomias and Nikkos to keep an eye on Sebastian. They liked Jupiter, but neither he nor Relic wanted him to be spending the week at their house, defiling their son for the entire time. He'd ask Rune to keep an eye on Tomias, too. They couldn't be too careful when it came to their youngest.
before Relic even knew it, he and Tanner were on their way to the plane to go on their lovely little romantic getaway and Relic still had not told him. He was hiding his morning sickness well, so far. And actually, this time, it was not as bad as the other two. That was really a good thing. He chewed his bottom lip while they made the way off the plane. Finally in New Zealand and they were already on the way to where they would be staying.
Tanner was happy. They would be alone for the first time since they'd adopted the twins nearly eighteen years ago. The blond hugged his husband from behind as they walked, kissing along his neck and jaw. Tanner explained away the apparent slight weight gain of Relic's, telling himself that he was simply mistaken. And all thoughts flew from his head the minute the door to their room closed behind them because Relic was picked up and tossed onto the bed before being ravaged within an inch of his life.
Relic giggled at the kisses, enjoying his lower so much right now. Really, he was just so great. He easily melted into his lover's touches, not able to ever deny him. By the time his love was finished with him, he laid on his stomach, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath and get back to himself. His arms crossed under his lower torso and he buried his face into his arms, yawning softly with a little groan. Ugh. What was he going to do? This ... was so nice.
They had a wonderful week together. Neither left the room for very long the entire week, and Tanner felt more in love with his husband than he ever did. It was their last day in New Zealand and they were attempting to pack, though they couldn't quite pull themselves from the bed for long enough.
Relic shook his head, lightly pushing Tanner away from him. Damn. He groaned as he moved out of the bed, rubbing at his rear as he looked down at his lover. A bit of concern within his eyes. He shook his head and just went to go put some clothes on. Yes. He needed to get clothes. Clothing would be good -- something to separate their bare bodies from each other.
Once there was a barrier between their bodies, packing was a little easier. Besides, they were going to see their sons and grandchildren. That thought motivated the blond a bit. Leaving out outfits for the next day and other necessities, Tanner wrapped himself around Relic once more. "Wanna go shopping?" he asked, nuzzling into his neck.
Shopping? He did not want to go shopping. He should have packed some of his flowing shirts. His corsets were nice, but he was not liking that they were restraining. Luckily, he did bring some of his baggier shirts. He had one of those on now, and felt better. He shook his head. "No. Let's just ... go to see them. I miss my boys." he said, smiling and just not wanting to prove that he was gaining weight.
Relic...didn't want to shop? Tanner put a hand to his forehead, feeling for a fever. "Are you alright?" he asked, only half joking. The blond kissed his husband softly and nodded. "Okay." With another kiss, he gathered the bags to bring downstairs. "I'll go check us out." It wasn't unusual that Relic would want to see their children, and so Tanner didn't question it at all. "Come down when you're ready?"
Relic nipped at the other's hand on his forehead, smiling softly to his love and nodding once more. "Okay." He whispered softly, his arms tightening around his torso and he groaned once more. His hands rubbed at his stomach, just trying to think a bit about himself. How was he going to tell him? How could he?! He had so many nice plans and he just did not want to spoil them. Damnit! He groaned and he moved down once he was sure everything was packed up. He slipped his hand into his lover's hand, nuzzling into his arm absently.
They had a nice visit with Remus and Romulus and Pierce. Tanner had missed them greatly and the thought that he and Relic would be able to visit on a whim more often excited the blond. They were, after all, their first children. At least to him, they held a special place in his heart.

At the end of their vacation, Tanner could admit that he was ready to go home. He missed Sebastian and work. Still... Well he was giddy over the possibilities of no young children for a while.
The breaking point was horrible. Relic loved visiting the twins. he just could not stand knowing that his love was so excited about being able to just do whatever they wanted to when they wanted. It drove him nuts! he LOVED the ideas, but he just could not hold back anymore. "That's enough!" He yelled, turning to look at Tanner when they were just in front of their door. He dropped his suitcase on the ground and stared at the man. "I can't take it! It's too much. the trip. The romantic getaways. Being able to visit our babies on a whim! It ... It's just ... We won't be able to! We ... I'm pregnant!"
Looking up, Tanner's eyes were a bit wide. He couldn't understand what his husband was so upset about. They couldn't? Of course they could! That was the whole plan! It was the reason Tanner wanted to wait a little while before trying to have more children! Of course, the last sentence explained everything and the blond took in a sharp breath. Pregnant? But... They had promised... Planned... He couldn't say anything as he was in a state of shock.
Relic stared at the man and his brows furrowed as he did so. "And! Don't you even think that I planned this! I didn't. Yes, I wanted a child and I am still very happy with this but ... I did not mean to! It just happened. I found out ... a few weeks ago and was going to tell you but then you started to talk about the romantic get away and the twins and it just made me so happy that I couldn't tell you and ... I just don't know what to do."
"I..." Still in shock, the blond couldn't even manage to tell his lover that he didn't think that it was planned. Unsure of what else to do, Tanner reached out and pulled Relic to him. He held the other man around the waist and lifted his feet off the ground while kissing him deeply. Yes, he had been looking forward to the "single" life for them, but only an idiot wouldn't be excited when their husband told them that they were going to have a baby!
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