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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic gasped when he was pulled into his love's embrace, his eyes a little wide as he did so. He kissed him back, eyes closed and he groaned a little bit. Jerk. How dare he just melt him so easily. His arms wrapped around his form and he nuzzled into the crook of his neck. He kissed him softly with another little sigh. "I expect a delicious dinner tonight." he stated, arms wrapped around his shoulders and he hugged him tightly to his form, not wanting to let go yet.
"Calder is the chef," he teased, nipping along his jawline. "But if you shower and get dressed I'll take you out to anywhere you want to go." Smiling at his husband, Tanner kissed him a few more times before setting his feet back on the ground and gathering their bags.
He pouted. Arms crossed over his lower torso and he looked at the man in front of him. He kissed him again before they moved into the house. He nuzzled into his shoulder absently, pout still to his lips as he did so. "But ... that involves going out." He stated with a light little whine.
Despite the fact that Caden didn't really want to be around men in general, he couldn't bring himself to abandon Eamon. The blond helped him as much as he could, not wanting to see the male faint again. He moved about the kitchen while making lunch for the both of them: macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, and fruit for 'dessert'. Putting everything on a tray with two glasses of soda, he carried it upstairs and set it on the dresser.

Eamon looked a little hopeful when he saw blond hair, his expression dropping instantly when he saw the man. He was grateful, he really was, but he wanted Adamair to visit him. His friend stopped by a few times, but not a lot. He felt his heart crumble every time it was not the dress-wearing man entering the room "Yes. Thank you, Caden." He said softly, looking up at the man and he sunk against the bed a little bit more. "Caden ... Am I unattractive?" He asked, crimson eyes staying to the man and just waiting for his answer.
He was caught off guard. "W-what?" He shook his head a little to get his thoughts straight so that he could answer. "What are you talking about?" he asked, fixing a plate for Eamon and carrying it over to him and setting down for him. "What brought that question on?"
Great. He was not answering him. He was not happy with that. If he truly was, then there would be no other questions. It would be the initial shock, then just telling him, right? This is what you said to someone who was not good-looking. His crimson hues welled with tears faintly before he pushed them away. "Thank you." He said softly, taking the plate and then scooping up a bit of the macaroni. He swallowed it and nodded. "Very good, thank you." He curled up into himself a little more, eyes just directly at the plate while he tried to hold back the rapids that wished to fall.
Caden looked at the other male and raised an eyebrow. "Answer my questions before I start prodding at your wounds," he threatened. While waiting for his answer, Caden sat down with his own lunch and began to eat. "What brought the question on, and why are you crying?"
Crying? He lifted his hand, dabbing at the droplets and letting out a short laugh. "Because ... You just proved that I am not attractive. Adamair does not even think anything of me. No one in my realm would even look at me with anything but disgust. When I came here and met Adamair ... He was so sweet to me. I thought ... I thought that maybe, just maybe ... he would be the one for me. But he has that ... his ... whatever and ..." he shook his head, closing his eyes and just trying to disappear right now.
He sighed and set his own plate down. "I don't care what your people think of you. They're crazy. Addy is dating Alex. I know that you don't want to hear that, but he is. And I don't see them apart any time soon. Again: It is what it is. And if you don't have enough self esteem to brush it off, then you need to grow some. Because you're gorgeous."
Gorgeous? He remained silent for a short while, his cheeks turning a bright red and he just shoved another forkful of food into his mouth. His eyes could not look up at the other. He just could not. He never had a compliment like that before. He really had not. His history was complex. It just was horrible and no one wanted to be with him for fear of, well, dying. Slowly, his crimson eyes lifted to look at the man. "Thank you." He whispered, staring up at the other. "You know ... you can have your bed back." he murmured, going back to eating the delicious macaroni and cheese. He was off that topic now, onto another.
He shook his head to the offer. He wasn't the one recovering from a brutal beating. "After you're better, then I'll talk to Tanner about a folding bed or something for you." No matter how much he liked Eamon, he still wasn't willing to share his bed with him. It was just too soon. "And you're welcome."
Eamon pouted softly at his words. "Fine." he murmured, knowing he would not be able to fight it much. He sighed heavily and sunk against the bed a little bit more. He poked at the food, suddenly feeling a little full. He placed the plate onto the side table, arms crossed over his lower torso as he looked at the blond. "how are you feeling?"
They chatted and ate. Really, Caden was glad that Eamon's train of thought had shifted. He wasn't in the right frame of mind for an awkward conversation and feared saying something that could be taken the wrong way. The rest of the week went pretty much the same way, except without awkward questions, for which the blond was thankful for.
Once Eamon was up and able to bounce around, he stalked his pray. Finding Caden, he literally pounced on him. Leaping from where he was, the kitten pushed the other to the ground, straddling his hips as he did so. "i'm taking you out. You've been moping for too long. I've been held captive in this house for too long. And I feel fat. So, we're going for a walk or something somewhere. There's a cafe and a cute little park and if you're feeling adventurous, we'll hit the beach. Kay? Cool. Let's hit the road!" Yes, that was not a question, just merely a courtesy to ask him. Hopping up and off, he took the other's hands to help yank him to hiss feet.
Caden easily dislodged the kitty off of him, gently setting him to the side. "I appreciate it. Honest, I do. But that's not how I operate; how I heal. I'll be alright. And I haven't been moping. I've been taking care of you." The blond stuck his tongue out at the other male and moved into the living room to curl up with a book. He knew he would be okay but he needed his own time to heal in his own way.
Relic was plump. Okay, that was a lie. He was huge. His belly could be seen miles before the rest of him, or at least that was what it felt like. The man let out a little groan while he walked through the house, a nice sundress on his form and another groan passing his lips. "I'm hot." he whined, pushing aside the little kitten from the refrigerator to bury his face in the freezer, and the rest of his body in the fridge.

"HEY!" he protested, glaring at the pregnant man in his way.

With a glare, Relic growled out at the male. "Fuck off or i'll throw you out on the street! Go bother Mias or something. Jerk off. just go away and leave me and my freezer be." he mumbled, turning back to burying his whole being into the cool air. Damn. He was still boiling.
Coming in on the tail end of the conversation, Tanner only shook his head. With a pat to Eamon's head, the blond moved behind his husband and easily lifted him up. "Let the boy eat. Besides, I have a surprise for you." He kissed the tip of Relic's nose as he carried him up to their bedroom. When Tanner opened the door and set Relic down, he smiled. He had outfitted the room with three high-powered air conditioners, all set on high. The bed was made, but only his own half was covered in six layers of blankets, and Relic's sewing materials (some of them) were there, too.
Relic hissed at his love when he was being taken away from the cold, whining as he did so. Nooo! He wanted to stay. He whimpered a few times, legs kicking slightly as he did so. Damn him. Damn him right to hell! He grumbled a little before he was put in the room. He stopped and he arched a brow. This was their room? He looked around before smiling and turning to press a kiss to his lips. "You're so good to me." He stated, hugging the man before he patted his rump a little. "No go get me a tuna melt and mashed potatoes." he smiled, walking away to go head to his sewing things. Yay!
Tuna and mashed potatoes? Tanner raised an eyebrow at his husband, more for the lack of 'please' and 'thank you' than for his request of odd food pairings. "How ask me nicely before I take you over my knee?" he "suggested", eyeing Relic a bit. It really was unlike his husband. "Or, better yet, before I move all your materials back down stairs and turn the heat on in the rest of the house so you can't go get them." He stuck his tongue out.
eh? He pouted a little bit, turning to look at his husband and whining a little as he did so. His hand rubbed at his belly and he pouted a little bit more. "I'm sorry." he murmrued, walking over to the man, he leaned up to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Please go get me food before I eat my arm? Or possibly yours. Thank you." He leaned up again to kiss the other man's lips, smiling lightly as he did so. His arms lifted to wrap around his neck, giggling gently. "in a few." He added, kissing him once more, just enjoying the embrace right now.

Tanner held his husband close, rocking them from side to side gently, even though he felt like he wanted to run and get his winter coat from the attic. Kissing Relic, the blond stood there for as long as he could stand the cold without getting hypothermia before moving down to the kitchen to make his lover something for lunch.
Relic giggled happily, watching him leave and he made his way to sit on the bed. He sighed heavily, contently, just enjoying the cool air. It was SO nice. He smiled and bounced his feet for a bit before he stopped. Thinking for a while, he let out a little groan. Damnit! Standing up from the bed, with a little bit of trouble, the man made his way out of his little sanctuary and began to go to the kitchen. Stopping in the doorway, he stared at his little lover bouncing about getting his food. Awe! He loved it when he waited on him! Damn.

"My water broke."
Looking over his shoulder, Tanner raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you waddle yourself down to the kitchen to stand there?" he asked, shaking his head. There was no use in panicking. It wouldn't help either of them. "Upstairs. I'll call Jupiter." Tanner picked up the phone and dialed while cleaning up the food he'd made. It didn't take long for him to appear upstairs, bundled in three layers, with a glass of water for his lover.
He whimpered a little. "I wanted my food." he stated, a pout to his lips as he did so. Just because the baby was coming, did not mean he had to starve! Okay, it did. Eating before being ripped open was frowned upon. Grumbling a few times, especially when hearing Jupiter's name, he just made his way up the stairs with another little grumble. Damn. Now his son's little lover had to see him naked. Not that he minded. Hell, he was one sexy mofo naked! Still sketchy. But he IS a god, so he should not be so protestant, huh?
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