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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Brian had been sleeping nicely. He really had been. At least until he felt something against him. Before realizing who it was, he was a little miffed. he thought Sean was trying to sneak into his bed once more, but when he realized that it was not, he relaxed slightly. Tilting his head down, his sleepy self nuzzled into the top of Draco's head with a little yawn. "What's the matter, Draco?" he whispered, kissing the top of his head to hopefully help soothe whatever problems he was feeling.
Wrapping his arms around Brian's waist, he pulled himself impossibly closer to his lover. The blond shook his head a little bit and just pressed soft kisses into Brian's chest while still taking in deep breaths. He didn't really want to talk about his brother at that moment, simply to spite Lucius even though he knew that it wouldn't matter. "Can we just sleep?"
Brian nodded, kissing the other's lips softly. "Yes. But in the morning, tell me." he stated, kissing him once more and then pulling his lover tighter to his form. He closed his eyes, nose buried into the other's blond locks and he let out a little yawn before groggily falling back to sleep with the man in his arms. He really did love it when he was with him.
He didn't sleep very well, but Draco supposed that it was better than if he hadn't been next to Brian. His love had a strong and lovely calming effect on him, almost drug like. Draco loved it. The blond was groggy when he woke up, and it was early, too. The sun was just beginning to come over the horizon. With a little sigh, he scooted out of the bed to go and make some coffee. He knew he would need it, especially if Brian wanted to talk about why he was there.
Come morning, Brian let out a groggy little yawn. His arms and legs stretched out and he slowly relaxed once more into the bed. Grumbling a little, he turned to look at the bed beside him, seeing no one there and growing a little concerned. Standing up, the man made his way through the house, pajama pants barely holding onto his hips as he did so. Spotting the blond, he sighed. Walking up behind him, his arms slid around his form, kissing the side of his neck softly and pulling him close to his form. "Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" he whispered, kissing his neck once more and then lifting his head to be able to look at the other.
Smiling with the contact, Draco relaxed back into his boyfriend's arms and his head tilted to the side to open his neck a bit more. Really, he didn't want to talk about it, but he knew that that wasn't fair. Turning his head a bit more, Draco nuzzled into Brian's neck. "Just Lucius." That should be sufficient, right? He doubted it but still the blond could hope!! And he could change the subject. "Want some coffee?"
Lucius? Ah. He knew it had to be something bad. Kissing the other's lips softly, he reached past him to pour themselves quite large cups of coffee. He then took them and began to push the other toward the table. "Come. Sit. Tell me what happened now." he stated, moving and resting the mugs onto the table and letting the other sit down to spill the beans.
"It wasn't anything new..." So that meant that it didn't have to be rehashed, right? Probably not. The blond sat next to his lover and sipped his coffee after adding generous amounts of sugar and cream to it. Definitely his mother's son! "I don't even know. We fought. I left." Draco shrugged and sipped a bit more. "It's just...the same."
Brian sighed softly. His feet hooked with the legs of the other's chair, sliding him across the ground and closer to himself. He pressed a kiss to the other's lips before he settled back to look at him with concern to his features. "Obviously, it disturbed you enough to need me. That and you did not get enough sleep. I can tell." He stated, hand lifting to push aside the blond locks of his love, smiling gently. "What got to you so badly this time?"
"I don't know," he whispered, leaning in for another kiss. "I just... I feel like he doesn't care if I'm happy or not. He's just being selfish." The last part made him sad while the first hurt him. Draco thought that, of all people, his brother would want him to be happy. "I still feel like I'm being torn in two: my heart on one side, and my twin on the other..." Draco rested his head on Brian's shoulder and sighed a bit.
Brian looked down at the blond on his shoulder, sighing softly. His eyes slipped closed and he leaned down to kiss the top of his head once more. "I'm sorry, babe." he whispered, kissing his cheek lightly. "I love you. You know that I do. And you know that Lucius loves you too, but honestly? I think this is just something only he can get over himself. Nothing you or I or your parents can say will change how he feels. Your Mama gave him a lecture, didn't he? And your uncle too ... So, if he still cannot see that you are miserable because he is not letting you be happy, then what can we do other than wait? He loves you. You may just have to wait it out... I know, not what you want to hear. sorry."
He sighed, knowing that Brian was right. Both with that there was nothing they could do, and that it wasn't what he wanted to hear. Draco also feared that with his parents leaving for Avalon, his relationship with Lucius would suffer. "I don't want to lose him." The blond was terrified that his brother would finally just throw his hands up and leave him completely. That wasn't what he wanted at all, but it didn't seem like what he wanted mattered to Lucius.
Brian sighed softly, reaching forward to wrap his arms around the other's shoulders. He pulled him into his form and kissed his temple. "You won't. You can't." He whispered and kissed his cheek gently. He tugged him into his form a little bit more, his arms keeping around his form and he just did not want him to feel like he was going to be abandoned.

The moment of silence was easily and quickly interrupted by the sounds of doors slamming and quite the bit of yelling. Rune soon moved into the kitchen, his son's ear firmly in his hand and quite a few scrapes and bruises on the other's form out of his annoyance for this whole thing. The man threw his son at the couple at the table, arms crossed over his lower torso as he GLARED at the blond. "What do you have to say, Lucius?" He hissed out, growling at the other.

Lucius stumbled, catching himself before he collided with his head to the two's crotches. He stood up, a faint blush to his cheeks as he did so. He puffed out the bruised flesh a little and after a moment, sighed heavily. "Draco, I am sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm sorry for being selfish. i'm sorry for thinking that I was better than Brian, though i'm sure I'm bigger. And I'm sorry that I've been making you tear yourself into pieces over this.' He took in a deep breath and then finally lifted his eyes to the man, looking close to tears as he did so. "I don't want to lose you, Draco. I can't lose you. I ... am just scared that you being with him will tear us apart forever. I don't ... I can't lose you. I won't let him take you away from me." He fell to his knees, arms wrapping around his brother's form and he buried his face into his stomach. "i love you, Draco. I know you're happy with him. Happier with him than with me , but ... I don't want you to go."
Draco jumped with the loud noises, eyes wide at his Mama and Lucius, especially his brother when he landed in their laps and began babbling at their Mama's reque--demand. The blond listened, shaking his head with every word. He smacked his brother's head with the comment of being bigger. He wasn't going to answer that question.

When Lucius buried his head into his stomach, Draco bent nearly in half to bury his face in his twin's hair, pressing kisses to the back of his head. "You're not going to lose me unless you keep pushing, you idiot!" He was still torn. Draco was afraid that this conversation wouldn't change anything in Lucius' mind and he'd still be torn to bits over the whole thing. "I need you to be happy that I'm happy..."
Lucius took in a deep breath when he felt his brother double over to hold him. His eyes stayed closed for a little while more. He was right. He knew that he was. He was just being greedy. He slowly lifted his eyes to look up at his brother, a pathetic little gaze in his baby blues. "I ... know." He whispered, blushing a little bit and just burying his face deeper into his brother's stomach and chest. "I just ... don't like you not being with me. I know you're happy. I see it. I just ... can't get over that you're not with me. Not ... Not yet." he held onto Draco a little bit more, soon lifting his head to press a faint little kiss to his brother's lips. nothing more than a friendly gesture. "I love you Draco, I do ... and ... I'll get over myself. I don't like you mad at me. I don't like you with him, but seeing you miserable is worse than seeing you with Brian. So ... I will stop being such a brat."
He sighed a little and kissed his brother a little bit, trying to reassure him. "I know that you don't like me with him, but I am with him. But that doesn't mean that I don't still love you." Draco sighed and nuzzled Lucius' cheek a little bit. It felt good to have his brother close again, and not wanting to deck him. "Mama and Uncle Relic are still close and love each other, even though they're married to Papa and Uncle Tanner." So why couldn't they be with different people but still be close and love each other?
Lucius groaned and nodded a little bit more. "I know." he mumbled, pushing his form up from the ground and he crawled onto the other's lap. His arms wrapped around his shoulders and he buried his face into the other's neck. "but ... I'm lonely." he whispered, a faint pink tinted to his cheeks as he did so. He did not like that he felt so lonely without his brother home and with him.
Lonely? Draco shook his head and bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. "That's why I wanted you to get along with Sean, dummy." He loved his brother, but sometimes Lucius completely missed the point. "He's going through the same thing that you are. Even if you don't least you'll have a friend who understands."
Lucius pouted, shaking his head a little bit as he held the other a little bit more. "I ... It's not the same." He whispered, nipping the other's neck with a little sigh. His head lifted to look down at him with a bit of a pathetic gaze to his features. "It doesn't work the same." He stated with another little pout. He kissed the other's neck once more, nuzzling him a little bit more, just wanting to get close to him a little more.
Sighing, Draco pulled himself away just a little bit. If he didn't, then he knew that Lucius would keep going. "It's not going to be the same, Lucius. But it will help at least...right?" He didn't know what else to do. The blond felt badly for his twin-both of his brothers have their own significant others, leaving him on his own. But he was trying to help him...
He pouted. Damn. He pulled away and looked down at the mirror image of himself. He whimpered softly, pressing his forehead against his with another little pout. "I know." He murmured, nipping the blond's bottom lip. He glanced over at the man beside him and groaned a little more. He stood up from the man, brushing off his form and looked at him once more. "I'll ... leave you two. Sorry to interrupt. Draco, I promise I'll be okay. I just ... need some more time. I love you." he leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips and then stood once more, their Mama already gone. He sighed softly, looking back to him and clapping his hands together. "I'm going to go get some Ben and Jerry's and gorge on many pints of fudge brownie." He nodded and turned to once more head out of the house.
He kissed Lucius goodbye. He couldn't stay mad at him. Watching his brother leave, the blond sighed once he had and fell into Brian's side. "Why can't it be easy?" he whined softly. He knew why, but still Draco wanted Lucius to feel better. Just as much as Lucius hated to see him with Brian, Draco hated to see his twin so very unhappy.
"The course of true love, never did run smooth." He whispered, leaning into him and pressing a light kiss to his lips. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a deep breath to just help relax himself a little more. His arms wrapped around the other's shoulders, pulling him against his chest and kissing his neck. He kissed his neck once more and then pulled back to look down at him again. "Everything will work out. He said that he could get over it. So ... I think everything will be okay." He kissed his cheek once more and then pulled back, keeping him firmly against his form and nuzzling the top of his head a little bit more. "I love you."
The week went slowly for Calder. He enjoyed teaching, but he couldn't deny that he wanted to get the hell out of dodge. But that didn't mean that he wasn't going to tease his husband a little. His finals ended Friday morning, and he was caught up on grading by noon. Being sure that his office was completely cleaned up, the blond put the most worried look on his face that he could manage. "Rune!"
Rune had already everything nicely put up and away on the plane. Anything they wanted. Of course leaving some clothes etc in the house. THen there were the little things they needed, and just immediate things. Like food. Not that Avalon was not stocked up, but that was beside the point. He was raring to go, now all he needed was his love. When hearing his voice, he perked up instantly. Rushing to where his love was, he skidded to a stop in front ofh im, concern to his face instantly.' what happened?!"
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